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Prisoner Boss badge...?


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So a couple days ago, I noticed in my badge "to do list" (or rather, the "closest to completion list"), that there was an entry for "defeat 100 prisoner bosses" (in ADDITION to the defeat 500 prisoners") So I started off, made a little progress, decided to finish it later.


Today I got on a small team to farm these badges, but I couldn't find a listing for the prisoner bosses anywhere. Was this badge removed, or is my memory playing tricks on me? Or least likely of all, did I get this badge and not realize it?

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The badge for Prisoner bosses is a gladiator, Mob Specialist.

Playing on Excelsior. Champion forever.

50s: Placta • elec/elec blaster // Rye Lily IV • mind/psi dominator // PLACT-A • bots/ff mastermind // Danielle Connelly • elec/elec dominator // Acme Coin Rink • ice/cold controller // Yin Blazer • psi/wp scrapper // Chalky Webs • db/sr stalker // Ultra Lance • kin/en scrapper // Eye Shell Coda • elec/elec tanker // Mind Wanna Fly • psy/emp corruptor

Others: Virtual Lines • peacebringer • 43 // Favours Green • plant/nat controller • 39 // Clear Corn Ion • elec/storm controller • 34 // Hum a Crypt • claws/regen scrapper • 29 // By Her Ant • psy/ment blaster • 24 // Clean a Hall Arch • shield/sword tanker • 19 // Paler Vow • ninjas/ta mastermind • 10 // more...

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Oh! Yeah, now that you say that, I remember it popping up and not knowing why. I didn't put 2 and 2 together because I only had like 10 points on it (last I checked) and it popped after only a few minutes of team farming, and thought that there was no way we got 90 bosses that fast!


Thanks for the info!

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  • 2 years later

It's tricky because they don't have set standard names, they're fairly unique names related to their power. So using a targeting bind is ineffective. Normally they have an aura though, or a unique costume. If your graphics are turned up enough, you can spot those things while traveling around. 

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I just completed this badge. It's not a good grind. At all. I did it solo and it easily took me a few hours of circling the Zig. I think the final time was three hours spread a crossed three nights? 


First off: The Powered Bosses? They don't count. So don't bother with them. I did thirty minutes of hunting them straight and then realized they didn't count. I have no idea WHY they wouldn't count but they don't. 


Second off: Don't look for just bosses. Lieutenants also work. The badge description lies. 


Third off: Do the Breakout Zone Event. You can get about 3-4 named LTs and Bosses from it. So always complete it all the way through and while it reloads (5 minute time), swoop around and look for more LTs and Bosses. 


Fourth off: Run around hitting Tab. Minions are just named Prisoners. However, anything that is named (But not super powered) is a LT or Boss. Kill those. 


Fifth off: The badge description also lies again! It's not 100 bosses. It's 200. I was so angry when I realized this. 

Edited by BBBadger
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1 hour ago, BBBadger said:

First off: The Powered Bosses? They don't count. So don't bother with them. I did thirty minutes of hunting them straight and then realized they didn't count. I have no idea WHY they wouldn't count but they don't. 


Second off: Don't look for just bosses. Lieutenants also work. The badge description lies. 


Third off: Do the Breakout Zone Event. You can get about 3-4 named LTs and Bosses from it. So always complete it all the way through and while it reloads (5 minute time), swoop around and look for more LTs and Bosses. 


Fourth off: Run around hitting Tab. Minions are just named Prisoners. However, anything that is named (But not super powered) is a LT or Boss. Kill those. 


Fifth off: The badge description also lies again! It's not 100 bosses. It's 200. I was so angry when I realized this. 

Thank you! This was very useful.

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This badge is a speed bump to be sure


It takes 200 of them to complete, not 100 like the description says. 


Do the prisoner event for some minor progress but the super powered bosses do not count (go figure)


Just circle around the Zig over and over again, any prisoner with an actual name be the Lieutenant or Boss ranked counts.


To be honest this badge I think should updated to award along with the defeat badge for 500 prisoners. 

25 alts with all the badges!

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On 10/16/2021 at 5:24 AM, Voltor said:

This badge is a speed bump to be sure


It takes 200 of them to complete, not 100 like the description says. 


Do the prisoner event for some minor progress but the super powered bosses do not count (go figure)


Just circle around the Zig over and over again, any prisoner with an actual name be the Lieutenant or Boss ranked counts.


To be honest this badge I think should updated to award along with the defeat badge for 500 prisoners. 

Hi all. I would like to add to this.

It does indeed take 200 boss Prisoners and they do have to be boss, cause I can't get the Lt. Versions to count. (Still Verifying)

The prisoner event will only count if there is enough people in zone to do it, but the named (Bosses are always named, these also spawn as Lt's. Go figure) bosses however, will get you there fast enough. Again, as stated in the above post. Arch or Superpowered Bosses won't count for this. (Confirmed.)


Lastly, while I would love to throw my hate into the ring to make this badge conditional of the Warden badge (500 Prisoners), I can't because it wouldn't be fair to those who have gone before. Ultimately it's just my two cents.

Note: Screenshot Below

2021-10-20 15_39_58-Brickstown.png

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On 10/20/2021 at 5:41 PM, dnomad333 said:

It does indeed take 200 boss Prisoners and they do have to be boss, cause I can't get the Lt. Versions to count. (Still Verifying)


As of a week ago, LT counted just as well as Bosses. If they are named, they counted towards the count for me - thank god. Else it would have been an impossible badge to get. 

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  • 1 month later

Finally, got this one done. Here is the strategy I was using. I hope it helps folks.


  • As of Issue 27, Page 3, some fixes might have been before
    • The badge requirement was lowered from 200 to 100.
    • Named lieutenants do not appear to count anymore.
    • Named bosses, pretty there are only the super powered ones do count correctly now.
    • The Prisoner Breakout Event gives you only 3 bosses
    • The hunting loop. No guarantee, but you get at least 2-3 bosses plus 3 for the Prisoner event each loop.
      • -209.9 118.4 -561.6 Heli pad
      • Prisoner Event
      • -1547.7 1.0 2374.0 Covered crate storage area
      • -2732.0 17.3 2654.9 South side above/below area
      • -3699.9 -0.4 1278.6 East side underground entrance, next to phone. Check the whole underground area.
      • -3780.9 -64.0 -465.6 Warehouse area, north of the Dark Water underground. Stop when you see Council.
      • -1484.9 83.0 -415.2 Check the power towers until heading west under you reach the heli pad
      • There are probably more, but this is what I found.
    • I find that doing this during the Winter Event is nice, because you can collect presents as you go.
Edited by KaizenSoze
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  • 1 year later
On 12/1/2021 at 8:24 AM, KaizenSoze said:

Finally, got this one done. Here is the strategy I was using. I hope it helps folks.


  • As of Issue 27, Page 3, some fixes might have been before
    • The badge requirement was lowered from 200 to 100.
    • Named lieutenants do not appear to count anymore.
    • Named bosses, pretty there are only the super powered ones do count correctly now.
    • The Prisoner Breakout Event gives you only 3 bosses
    • The hunting loop. No guarantee, but you get at least 2-3 bosses plus 3 for the Prisoner event each loop.
      • -209.9 118.4 -561.6 Heli pad
      • Prisoner Event
      • -1547.7 1.0 2374.0 Covered crate storage area
      • -2732.0 17.3 2654.9 South side above/below area
      • -3699.9 -0.4 1278.6 East side underground entrance, next to phone. Check the whole underground area.
      • -3780.9 -64.0 -465.6 Warehouse area, north of the Dark Water underground. Stop when you see Council.
      • -1484.9 83.0 -415.2 Check the power towers until heading west under you reach the heli pad
      • There are probably more, but this is what I found.
    • I find that doing this during the Winter Event is nice, because you can collect presents as you go.

Thanks for this. Very helpful. Using this I found a few more on the way. Marks are as close to boss as possible.

Beginning south of SGBase Portal and following the same counterclockwise pattern.

Remember to include Zig Event when convenient.

I replaced the "South side above/below area" mark with the two marks where I found them, one directly below the other. I did search entire area as was suggested.

[-209.9 118.4 -561.6]
[-2431.3 530.9 1152.7]
[-1547.7 1.0 2374.0]
[-2940.4 -0.8 2591.4]
[-2981.2 -42.0 2593.2]
[-3699.9 -0.4 1278.6]
[-3759.8 -48.0 503.4]
[-3780.9 -64.0 -465.6]
[-3519.2 -63.7 -984.7]
[-3268.7 -64.0 -1491.1]
[-2367.6 -15.3 -1157.2]
[-1974.8 -96.0 -475.5]
[-1484.9 83.0 -415.2]


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  • 10 months later

Thanks for info. This badge is a pure nightmare.
The event pop slowly and you can only get 3 ot those bosses, and around the map its so rare to see one of them. I ve killed hundreds of peons and lieut but none count. 
Thanks for the tagged zones you shared, it helps but even whith that its a looooong farming time to reach to 100. 
Good luck !

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The coordinates provided by Kaizensoze and ThothMerkaba are probably the fastest way to collect them

While looking, be aware that only the special named NPCs count. You can usually spot them by the glowing fire/energy aura on their heads, and they have quirky names like "Electric Eddie", "Sizzling sid", or similar, if I recall correctly. Here's an old map from the "where to hunt" thread that shows some of the spawn points with approximate coordinates. They are not all at ground level. A couple are up on an electric tower, under a partially destroyed building, on a rooftop, etc, but you will probably semi-memorize the spots after doing a few loops around the map.


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So, i felt it was time for an updated map(s) of this.... so I took all the coordinates provided into account and added in a few spots I found on my own as well.  


One of the coordinates provided was just the entrance to a tunnel - since that is already visible on the vidiot map, i left it off as no boss spawns there.  


BLUE Dots = up / above / over

GREEN Dots are Ground level, even though it may lower than other s( i.e, not under a road)

RED Dots = Underground


I made an in-game map with the locations on it so you can see what badges/plaques/other things are nearby.  But I also have a clean map that is less confusing to look at.  🙂  


If you find any more locations, let me know and I'll add them in.






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  • 7 months later

Update as of 8/1/2024

Known boss locations are below.  Lieutenants no longer count, and the badge count is 100, not 200.  Super powered bosses in event now count, so event is worth 3.

14 total bosses IF all spawn points respawn.  Slim chance of that and if you kill fairly quickly, the event will be every other circuit.


Helipad           /thumbtack  -209.9 118.4 -561.6  

Event              /thumbtack -1112.0 0.0 1154.0   

Top of zig       /thumbtack  -2431.3 530.9 1152.7  
Storage area under roof     /thumbtack  -1547.7 1.0 2374.0    
Stack of pallets         /thumbtack  -2940.4 -0.8 2591.4   (boss occasionally spawns approximately 20' directly below this location, next level down)
Entrance to lower area (not a boss, just a convenient marker so you don't miss it)   /thumbtack  -3699.9 -0.4 1278.6  
Lower area along pipe                                      /thumbtack  -3759.8 -48.0 503.4  
Exit from lower area on left by factory ramp   /thumbtack  -3780.9 -64.0 -465.6  
Below bridge       /thumbtack  -3519.2 -63.7 -984.7  
Below bridge       /thumbtack  -3268.7 -64.0 -1491.1
Factory roof between stacks           /thumbtack  -2367.6 -15.3 -1157.2
Industrial area below pipes             /thumbtack  -1974.8 -96.0 -475.5      There's a nearby mob of 5 which spawns when the boss doesn't - clearing seems to improve boss spawn chance.
Powerline tower platform               /thumbtack  -1481.4 69.1 -391.2  

Edited by Jane Reaction
Additional info and correction.
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