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3 hours ago, BazookaTwo said:

Yep that was me, and I stand by it. I'm also one of the people who frequently opens up farms to anyone, never turns anyone away looking for teams, and generally has a great global list full of great players that I enjoy sharing the game with. 

The problem isn't me, it's you.


No, the problem is definitely you.

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5 hours ago, BazookaTwo said:

Today you broadcasted LFG for Adamastor, and I asked you why no tells, and you told me to go read a bloody forum post. Ignored happily. 


So they don't have to team with you ever and you don't have to team with someone who dared not stop everything they were doing to explain themselves to you, a total stranger, just because you demanded it.


Sounds like everybody wins to me.

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18 minutes ago, ZemX said:


So they don't have to team with you ever and you don't have to team with someone who dared not stop everything they were doing to explain themselves to you, a total stranger, just because you demanded it.


Sounds like everybody wins to me.


If someone is curious as to what drives someone's behavior outside of the norm expected in this game and asks your take on it wouldn't it seem prudent to have your reasons and tell them that in the same amount of time it takes you to type for them to go read Nitche's books on human behavior?  


One snarky reply deserves another.  

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On 8/10/2021 at 1:57 PM, Mezmera said:


When you used to organize the Underground itrial your rule was not to run ahead of your tank when it was the bomb part.  You had noticed my stalker running ahead to kill the bombs while everyone else lagged behind with the prior groups.  I was doing so because I knew I could spare any mistakes of anyone unfamiliar of the itrial tripping ahead of your tank and activating one of those and not killing it in time, but I didn't engage that last hallway because I knew I'd need more hands. 


You followed behind, watched me kill the bombs with 5s to spare and decided to not kick me, in doing so you kept friendly with someone that could get everyone you knew easy badges on the TPN which are quite difficult to get.  


I think this topic all boils down to patience, you never know what kind of person you'll meet, it is just a video game after all.  

Well, truth be told, you'd already done me a solid with MoTPN. When I know a player is competent, knows what they're doing, I can develop all kinds of patience. Especially in the context of MoUnderground. Even non-Master runs of this can take a while. Going for bombs...that adds more than a few minutes unless most know what they're doing. Heck, even then, it's the longest iTrial by far. 

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1 hour ago, Mezmera said:


If someone is curious as to what drives someone's behavior outside of the norm expected in this game and asks your take on it wouldn't it seem prudent to have your reasons and tell them that in the same amount of time it takes you to type for them to go read Nitche's books on human behavior?  


One snarky reply deserves another.  


I'm afraid I can't agree with you here:


1) Typing this... 


search the forums for "NO TELLS PLEASE" please.

... actually takes very little time- much less time than explaining their specific reasons, which the forum post on the topic actually does in comprehensive manner.


2) Trying to manage replies while setting up a team can be stressful enough without having to explain your reason for why you're using certain parameters for setting the team up in the first place.  The OP chose NO TELLS PLEASE (They said, please, by the way- I'd just like to point out) b/c it makes the process of setting up and leading the team smoother and/or less stressful for them.  Having to explain the reasons why this works better for them does not make the process less difficult or stressful for them.  In fact, it does the exact opposite.


3) If players looking for invites are really offended by the specifics of how team leaders handle their invites, fine- then they should feel free to do the team leading themselves and just form the teams via accepting PM's the way that they think everyone else should.  But maybe they don't like to lead teams?  Fine.  Or maybe they didn't have time to lead a team on this particular occasion?  Also fine.  But in both circumstances, maybe they  should just follow the protocol of the person doing that for them, instead of bitching about their methods. 


Regardless, certainly a FUCK YOU, was not in order here.

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1 hour ago, Triumphant said:

1) Typing this... 


search the forums for "NO TELLS PLEASE" please.

... actually takes very little time- much less time than explaining their specific reasons, which the forum post on the topic actually does in comprehensive manner.


2) Trying to manage replies while setting up a team can be stressful enough without having to explain your reason for why you're using certain parameters for setting the team up in the first place.  The OP chose NO TELLS PLEASE (They said, please, by the way- I'd just like to point out) b/c it makes the process of setting up and leading the team smoother and/or less stressful for them.  Having to explain the reasons why this works better for them does not make the process less difficult or stressful for them.  In fact, it does the exact opposite.


3) If players looking for invites are really offended by the specifics of how team leaders handle their invites, fine- then they should feel free to do the team leading themselves and just form the teams via accepting PM's the way that they think everyone else should.  But maybe they don't like to lead teams?  Fine.  Or maybe they didn't have time to lead a team on this particular occasion?  Also fine.  But in both circumstances, maybe they  should just follow the protocol of the person doing that for them, instead of bitching about their methods. 


Regardless, certainly a FUCK YOU, was not in order here.


Option 1: "search the forums for "NO TELLS PLEASE" please."


Option 2: "It's easier to invite in zone"  


Seems to me it's faster to explain your reasoning in option 2 than telling someone to go off and search for enlightenment.  


Then bringing that drama to the very forum post to boast about whatever they think is cool to boast about smacks of D-baggery.   You want to give a flippant attitude you get a flippant attitude, seems fair.  

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1 hour ago, Triumphant said:


I'm afraid I can't agree with you here:


1) Typing this... 

... actually takes very little time- much less time than explaining their specific reasons, which the forum post on the topic actually does in comprehensive manner.


2) Trying to manage replies while setting up a team can be stressful enough without having to explain your reason for why you're using certain parameters for setting the team up in the first place.  The OP chose NO TELLS PLEASE (They said, please, by the way- I'd just like to point out) b/c it makes the process of setting up and leading the team smoother and/or less stressful for them.  Having to explain the reasons why this works better for them does not make the process less difficult or stressful for them.  In fact, it does the exact opposite.


3) If players looking for invites are really offended by the specifics of how team leaders handle their invites, fine- then they should feel free to do the team leading themselves and just form the teams via accepting PM's the way that they think everyone else should.  But maybe they don't like to lead teams?  Fine.  Or maybe they didn't have time to lead a team on this particular occasion?  Also fine.  But in both circumstances, maybe they  should just follow the protocol of the person doing that for them, instead of bitching about their methods. 


Regardless, certainly a FUCK YOU, was not in order here.


1 - I dont have a problem with NO TELLS PLEASE.  Thats the leaders rules, they should be followed

2 - He should never have replied to him, or replied with "MY OPTION" or something to that effect.  To type "READ THE FORUMS" is a jerk move

3 - Dont think he was offended, was curious.  The bitching actually didnt start until the leader came on here and proved himself to be a jerk


I do agree that the F-U was not warranted though.

Shoulda just put that person on ignore, and went on with their day. 

Just like the person forming should have ignored the question, or given a civil answer.  

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Option 1: "search the forums for "NO TELLS PLEASE" please."


Option 2: "It's easier to invite in zone"  


Seems to me it's faster to explain your reasoning in option 2 than telling someone to go off and search for enlightenment.  



No, because then that leads to "No, it isn't."  Or, "Huh, why?"  Or, "Would you care to explain that?"  Etc.


The team leader doesn't have time for that, doesn't want to make time for that, and shouldn't be expected to make time for that.  If one wants to discuss it at length, that's what the forums are for.



Then bringing that drama to the very forum post to boast about whatever they think is cool to boast about smacks of D-baggery. 


I don't understand what the person is boasting about.  They're venting about other players getting their panties in a twist because they don't want to follow directions and ask for an invite by broadcast.  I don't think that's douchebaggery.  Even you construe it as such, I don't see how you can feel it is more douchebaggy than the profanity laden abuse that the OP received from those seeking the invites.


Anyway, @Nightwatch here's two recommendations to handle the problem in the future:


1) Copy/paste this from your first post in this topic and put it into a macro:  




There’s a variety of reasons for this, including:

  • much easier to organise people across teams in league when you only need to look at broadcasts
  • ensures rest of league is not waiting on peeps who don’t know how to get to a zone
  • avoids problem whereby you can't move people around in a league because someone is out of zone 
  • avoids situations where one of my lower level alts is lowering the invitee’s level while they’re travelling to the zone
  • avoids the 'You cannot invite an enemy' bullshit


  • 2)  If this fails to satisfy, or they continue to pester you, or they unleash a stream of profanity on you like you've received in the past, then simply put them on ignore and move on.




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2 hours ago, Triumphant said:

No, because then that leads to "No, it isn't."  Or, "Huh, why?"  Or, "Would you care to explain that?"  Etc.


The team leader doesn't have time for that, doesn't want to make time for that, and shouldn't be expected to make time for that.  If one wants to discuss it at length, that's what the forums are for.


You're not understanding this logic so instead of connecting the dots for you I'll take your advice and divert no further time to explain things.    


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You guys really wanted to fight about this so much you started a fight in the game and came to the forum to finish it. Not an example of either of you being your best self. You both sound like good team mates to me.  If you worked as hard at understanding as you did at showing off for the big ego battle, you'd both be having more fun and feel better.

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3 hours ago, TombTyrant said:

You guys really wanted to fight about this so much you started a fight in the game and came to the forum to finish it. Not an example of either of you being your best self. You both sound like good team mates to me.  If you worked as hard at understanding as you did at showing off for the big ego battle, you'd both be having more fun and feel better.


Doubt it.  We haven't managed it here so I wouldn't count on anyone doing it in game.  People who have a problem with "no tells" should just not join those teams then.  Nobody owes them an explanation and, like I said, nobody COULD convince them.  Not the ones who are so offended by it that they feel it's okay to get abusive in game with the team leaders.  


Best just to ignore them.  Not put them on ignore, just don't engage. Put them on ignore if they start harassing you about it.  That's my conclusion anyway after this whole failed thread.

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11 hours ago, Mezmera said:

Option 2: "It's easier to invite in zone"  


Seems to me it's faster to explain your reasoning in option 2 than telling someone to go off and search for enlightenment.  


I get what you are saying here, but you need to understand that after you say option 2, the conversation is almost never over. That's not a satisfactory response for someone who feels entitled to have it thoroughly explained to them in a manner with which they can agree. Your response here would probably elicit a response from the player of "Why? You just took all that time to type that and you could have just invited me instead." And on it goes while you are trying to form a league. Worse, even if you have decided to stop responding to the tells, they keep going. "What? Couldn't face you were wrong!?!?" Then it moves from tells to the LFG channel - "He won't invite me because I won't follow his silly rules!" Then come the nasty emails.


So, now I am back to the point that if I have said "NO TELLS" and I still get tells, I just don't respond at all. And if they get nasty I gignore them, at least for a few months.


Maybe, just maybe, if you tell someone to go search the forums (or provide a shortened URL) they get the info and never, ever do that again, becoming a better community member in the process. Maybe that's a better way to handle it than what I do. I can certainly appreciate someone trying to help someone else.

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Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

Farming Incarnate Salvage - 1 salvage roll every 15 minutes!  ||  Why NO TELLS to join your little MSR thing?

Using DEMORECORD To Find Who Is Sabotaging Lambda Badge Runs  ||  https://www.twitch.tv/oklahomancoh

Excelsior Bases: The Sooner State (OK-8602), Atlas Records (ROCK-29730), Generic Heroes (G-16581), Sooner Nation (SOONER-8490)

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2 hours ago, Oklahoman said:


I get what you are saying here, but you need to understand that after you say option 2, the conversation is almost never over. That's not a satisfactory response for someone who feels entitled to have it thoroughly explained to them in a manner with which they can agree. Your response here would probably elicit a response from the player of "Why? You just took all that time to type that and you could have just invited me instead." And on it goes while you are trying to form a league. Worse, even if you have decided to stop responding to the tells, they keep going. "What? Couldn't face you were wrong!?!?" Then it moves from tells to the LFG channel - "He won't invite me because I won't follow his silly rules!" Then come the nasty emails.


So, now I am back to the point that if I have said "NO TELLS" and I still get tells, I just don't respond at all. And if they get nasty I gignore them, at least for a few months.


Maybe, just maybe, if you tell someone to go search the forums (or provide a shortened URL) they get the info and never, ever do that again, becoming a better community member in the process. Maybe that's a better way to handle it than what I do. I can certainly appreciate someone trying to help someone else.


If I ever do form anything anymore and someone dares question my authority good on them!  If I'm forming an Apex/Tin Mage and I don't invite someone after they tell me but I respond with "RWZ" I will always get a follow up "Here".  I mean I could explain to them that I'm a villain and have dirty heroes on my team so they all have to be in zone for me to invite people.  If they're still curious and we have the team situated I have no problem indulging them with game knowledge.  

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19 hours ago, Mezmera said:

If someone is curious as to what drives someone's behavior outside of the norm expected in this game and asks your take on it wouldn't it seem prudent to have your reasons and tell them that in the same amount of time it takes you to type for them to go read Nitche's books on human behavior?  


One snarky reply deserves another.  


I do love snark, but in this case the answer to your snarky question is... "no".  It is, in no possible universe, a prudent thing to try to explain something in game that you already know is a four (or maybe five by now) page flame war WHILE you are trying to form a GM league.   


Honestly, the best thing to do is pretend you didn't hear them and if they continue pestering you over it, put them on ignore.  Best for everyone really.   

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13 minutes ago, ZemX said:


I do love snark, but in this case the answer to your snarky question is... "no".  It is, in no possible universe, a prudent thing to try to explain something in game that you already know is a four (or maybe five by now) page flame war WHILE you are trying to form a GM league.   


Honestly, the best thing to do is pretend you didn't hear them and if they continue pestering you over it, put them on ignore.  Best for everyone really.   


Yes it is in no way good manners to help someone in that very moment understand your niche stance on "No Tells" in the game.  Such a helpful community eh?  


I'm all for having your own rules understandable to you and if you feel the selfish need to not help others understand where you're coming from when asked do you.  But don't come whining on the boards to point out how petty you are being.  

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1 hour ago, Mezmera said:

Yes it is in no way good manners to help someone in that very moment understand your niche stance on "No Tells" in the game.  Such a helpful community eh? 


It is, in no possible universe, a prudent thing to try to explain something in game that you already know is a four (or maybe five by now) page flame war WHILE you are trying to form a GM league.

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1 hour ago, ZemX said:


It is, in no possible universe, a prudent thing to try to explain something in game that you already know is a four (or maybe five by now) page flame war WHILE you are trying to form a GM league.


Well wouldn't it be prudent to explain your niche reasoning right then and there as opposed to going and starting a forum topic to try and convince others your ways are right?  You have a captive audience that very moment. 


Sure you don't have to explain yourself that's your right, just ignore the tell.  If you cannot ignore a question about a very procedural thing most everyone is accustomed to doing in the game and then respond with your snark, cool that's your entitlement, and it's the person's entitlement to respond in kind.  


Alas I feel this is just circling so I won't be responding to your responses as that's my right.  

Edited by Mezmera
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So, does anyone care to hear about my pet peeve for folks who recruit and then you send them a tell - as asked - and they never invite, and then moments later - 2-3 minutes, think they are good with saying in LFG "Sorry all, too many tells to reply - we're full". 

I mean, they could have simply hit backspace and said "full" or "Full, sorry" or "Hey, I'm gonna keep you on the line for a bit, cuz I'm not sure if this one scrapper is going to make it. So, I'll just keep spamming for more folks, k, thx." 

If you ask for a tell and get a tell, respond to that tell. Simple. Sheesh. 

Oh, wait...that's not what this post is about. Darn it. 

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36 minutes ago, Ukase said:

So, does anyone care to hear about my pet peeve for folks who recruit and then you send them a tell - as asked - and they never invite, and then moments later - 2-3 minutes, think they are good with saying in LFG "Sorry all, too many tells to reply - we're full". 

I mean, they could have simply hit backspace and said "full" or "Full, sorry" or "Hey, I'm gonna keep you on the line for a bit, cuz I'm not sure if this one scrapper is going to make it. So, I'll just keep spamming for more folks, k, thx." 

If you ask for a tell and get a tell, respond to that tell. Simple. Sheesh. 

Oh, wait...that's not what this post is about. Darn it. 

I hate when this happens. Especially when I've sent a tell that I'm interested and then they're still spamming LFG looking for more people. -_-

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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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I would like to take a moment and just say life is rather short, too short to sweat the small things. Particularly when they are a small inconvenience or irritant. Not everyone will agree on what is just an inconvenience or irritant, or what is genuinely a problem. People are free to host teams as they see fit, no rules against that. That said, I see tells as a tool, one that most people are used to. And the "no tells please" does fall a bit out of the normal. I hasten to add that's not good, and its not bad, its just different. And there's nothing wrong with doing things differently.


At the end of the day we all want to log in and have fun in our own way. Some people team, some people solo. Some people run story missions, some people badge hunt. Some people go GM and AV hunting, and some like to spend hours base building or playing the auction markets. Others spend hours in the costume editor. Some just hang out and roleplay. And all of this is fine too.


I just think that some things simply aren't worth getting bent out of shape for. It takes more than words from a random stranger on the internet to spoil my day, but that's just me. Others may not see it that way. And that's fine as well. But we all have to meet in the middle somewhere in order to play together. And I think there is a good compromise to be had in any sort of activity, so long as someone isn't "my way or the highway/you are wrong." Even when having disagreements, I try to take a cool head by remembering there are people here that know more than I do, and that we have different priorities. And there is nothing wrong with saying "I just like it better this way" either.


I also have to give a hat tip to @Snarky who is still a "stinky fartfaced doodoo head" because I admire his outlook. I wouldn't call it carefree, or antagonistic. More of a "Meh. That's not worth getting bent out of shape for." Which I would call easygoing.


I do want to add that in the end, they are words made of pixels from a complete and totally random stranger on the internet, whom is very likely to have zero influence and control in your life outside of the game, whose words can only bother you if either you let them, or you care about their opinion. 


As far as the OP's thing, well, they are free to lead as they like. So long as they understand that the no tells thing might catch some by surprise, and in this day and age of the internet some people are bound to go "what the heck" and could be rude about it. 


Best wishes to everyone. Even you Snarky. 😋

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18 hours ago, TombTyrant said:

You guys really wanted to fight about this so much you started a fight in the game and came to the forum to finish it. Not an example of either of you being your best self. You both sound like good team mates to me.  If you worked as hard at understanding as you did at showing off for the big ego battle, you'd both be having more fun and feel better.

I'm not the one running a thread about this topic so I have somewhere to complain every time I have a bad interaction... that would be the OP. I feel a bit dumb for taking the bait, I guess. 

Having loads of fun, just not with the OP.

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Seems like a critical leadership fail to me.  If everyone in the game is used to sending tells to get invited, and you decide you don't want that, okay.  Fine. Carry on.


But why come here and gripe that your unusual persnickety rules aren't being followed? You chose to forge your own path upon unbeaten territory, but you are horrified that people don't follow you with machetes raised?  Shrug.


You have every right to demand whatever you want for your team.  I've actually seen LFGs for specific ATs, powersets, and levels . . . for freaking Posi.  I laugh, I move on.  I would see your LFG, laugh, and move on. 


Laughing and moving on is a good thing, healthy.  I highly recommend it.  To you.

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3 hours ago, Ukase said:

So, does anyone care to hear about my pet peeve for folks who recruit and then you send them a tell - as asked - and they never invite, and then moments later - 2-3 minutes, think they are good with saying in LFG "Sorry all, too many tells to reply - we're full". 

I mean, they could have simply hit backspace and said "full" or "Full, sorry" or "Hey, I'm gonna keep you on the line for a bit, cuz I'm not sure if this one scrapper is going to make it. So, I'll just keep spamming for more folks, k, thx." 

If you ask for a tell and get a tell, respond to that tell. Simple. Sheesh. 

Oh, wait...that's not what this post is about. Darn it. 

This is one of my pet peeves, too.  If you ask for tells, you need to be prepared to answer them all. (Probably what the OP is trying to avoid with his weird you can only get invited if you ask via Broadcast.)  I am a "PST" LFGer,,and I always respond to every tell, it's not hard, I have a tab set up for just tells.  Once the team is full, I put in LFG and then respond to whatever stragglers didn't see the LFG.


It's just good manners to respond to people, even if it's bad news.  Typically, though, there are so many responses that I tell one or more of the people that there is enough interest for another team to run the whatever tf. That gets the burden off me because not only is my team full and announced as such on LFG but another team for that same TF is forming.  It's really not hard to be nice.

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I think I've told this story before, but it's worth repeating since the topic is strange (to the typical player) team request requirements.  I was happily soloing my beasts/nature MM and someone was looking to fill a team on an infrequently-run TF I still needed at the time on my badger.  So I sent a quick tell that I am switching to join the tf.  We do this ALL the time and always have since live.  I get back a tell that there are no "reservations" for this special person's team and that my saying I'm switching doesn't matter because first-come-first-serve blah blah.  Seriously crazy town.  After that reply, you couldn't have paid me to join that person's team.  Or any team he ever formed ever again (yes, he got the dreaded Tahliah one-star, but no ignore).


If you want to have and enforce weird rules that long-time players will laugh at, go for it.  Your team, your rules. But don't come whining about how people think your ridiculous and awful rules are ridiculous and awful.  You blazed a path, own it. 

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On 8/4/2021 at 8:39 AM, Blackbird71 said:

People are lazy and don't read.  You'll be lucky if they see your invitation and get as far as "lfm 2GMs BABBAGE + GOLIATH WARWALKER."  Most probably only see "lfm" and stop there.


As for the few who do read the whole thing, many lack the comprehension skills to process the whole message.  And then a percentage of them are egotistical enough to believe that the rules don't apply to them (as evidenced by the tell you quoted).


This is probably why I mostly solo.

Your mostly soloing can't possibly have anything to to with the fact that you feel superior to everyone else, right? If everyone is stupid, can't read or understand basic directions, and is too egotistical to see their own shortcomings that you can spot form miles away, well, you're better off on your own. 


I agree!  You are the exact sort of person who should solo. 

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