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looking for a game similiar to city of heroes city of villians (disbility i was good at this game suck at others)

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so i was very very good at this game prolly one the top players back in the day when game was still running however i totaly suck at most games due to a disbilitty i just dont tend to grasp games very well but this was one game i was good at so i am wondering


 is there anyone out there who has loged many hours on coh cov=city of heroes who is also pretyy good at this game that has played a variety of otherr games and could tell me ....


what modern game does city of heroes closly resemble like wich games have the clost mechanics gameplay to city of heroes


this question is very important to me as it be nice to play a game wqith moderbn graphics that im actually good at for a change so all the support and feedback oldd be greatly appreciated, not reasre what makes nnew games so different than this game but anyways. whats the closest comparison thats moderrn with good high end graphics and preferably a mmo

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Why not play this one? Sure, the graphics are a bit dated, but there really aren't any others with similar combat mechanics.

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Star Wars The Old Republic, Lord of the Rings Online, World of Warcraft, and Rift all share the same 9 zillion powers, slow game play, tab targeting style game mechanics of City of Heroes.


So does Champions Online, if you want to play another Superhero MMO that's also by Cryptic.

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Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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Not an MMO but I can recommend Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Great RPG, very long game, good combat as well as naval combat. Have a choice between three different skill trees, hunter, warrior and assassin, so multiple playthroughs are an option (on my 5th at the moment). If you do everything there is to do, each playthrough is 300 hours+ as the map is huge.


It doesn't have the character creation that COH has (don't think many if any do) but the character you do play is fantastic (was emmy nominated), and you can have dozens of costume options and multiple weapon options. Also graphically it is beautiful, just watching the sun rise over the ocean is a joy. 😍

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You could try DCUO, though at 11 years old it is closer in time to CoH than modern. But the graphics are spiffy and it has probably the best implementation of Super Speed I've seen to date.


It is, however, its own game with its own way of character development, community, mechanics, etc. And frankly, the free play option is manageable only once you have a feel for how to carefully manage your inventory (you may want to pay for a few months until you learn this).

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I like WoW solo.  The questing is very comfortable. Anything with a team is bad for me.  Also the WoW classic is horribly unbalanced in certain ways so unless you lived it you have no idea that certain things are just no way even though it seems reasonable 

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Compared to an FPS, or an action combat MMO, the game play of City of Heroes, and the other games that I've mentioned, can be described as slow.


You fire off a power, wait for it to animate, queue another power while the first one's animating, unable to move during most of that time. Slow.


Or are you going to try to tell me that CoH's gameplay is as fast and as reflex driven as say Terra's or GW2's? Or as anything in the FPS genre?

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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i want somthing worth using high end graphics hardware. i tried wow but it looks so dqated graphics wise. not sure what the deal is with wow maybe late game the graphics get better? idk but i didnt care for the graphics coh has excellent gameplay but again what good is a 3080 on a old game. i got the hardware but never find a good enough game im actually good at and enjoy and at best am average or sub average and i was alswome at coh not sure why but anyways

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Probably the best graphics you'll find with the old-fashioned game play that you want will be either Rift (a WoW clone with better graphics), Star Wars the Old Republic (ditto), or Elder Scrolls Online (which I somehow forgot to mention earlier).


Also, Champions Online actually has pretty good graphics if you tweek the options a bit.


None of those have great graphics, but the graphics is better than CoH.

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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i'll have to check out rift maybe i played eso was just average and dont see how the gameplay was evenn remotly close yeah they have great graphics though

couldnt get any better than average or slightly below for some reason

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There’s a rumor that a Star Wars: The Old Republic 2 MMOG is in the works, but it’s only a rumor, will take at least a few years if true, and will very likely have action combat like every other MMOG released in the past eight years.

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37 minutes ago, VolcanicAsh said:

i want somthing worth using high end graphics hardware. i tried wow but it looks so dqated graphics wise. not sure what the deal is with wow maybe late game the graphics get better? idk but i didnt care for the graphics coh has excellent gameplay but again what good is a 3080 on a old game. i got the hardware but never find a good enough game im actually good at and enjoy and at best am average or sub average and i was alswome at coh not sure why but anyways

No one is interested in making this type of MMORPG now.  No one with cash.  You are not going to find it.


This reminds me of someone who wants the experience of travelling through the wild wild west.  But they want to do it in a six wheel drive 30 ft camper with plumbing and a home entertainment system.  I can relate.  i hate sleeping outdoors.  But the wild west only exists out there.  they are not making any more of it and recapturing it is really just recapturing a thing that seems like a thing that someone thought was the wild west.  It is gone my friend.

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what kind of game would you guys Classify city of heroes as, i know its a mmo, but would it be action or brawler i know its not a shooter or a rpg i dont think so woul;;d that make it an action brawler or is there another cataghory im not thinking of


also with wow, the trial has shit graphicw is there better graphics in the later expansionns can i skip the crappy graphiocal scenes and jump into the good stuff?

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Im not sure about the current state of development of City of Titans but it was started in response to City of heroes being shut down.  I havent checked in awhile but i think it hasnt had an official release yet.  I assume City of Titans is meant to have a similar feel and it would be very new once its released but they were very far behind schedule when i last checked a few months ago.

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1 hour ago, VolcanicAsh said:

i tried wow but it looks so dqated graphics wise. not sure what the deal is with wow maybe late game the graphics get better?

WoW's graphics are the same all the way through.  With that said, I much prefer the look of "classic" WoW to the most recent version of the graphics - much less resolution, sure, but IMHO (underlined and italicized for reasons), the new graphics look sillier, more cartoonish, and somehow "dead" compared to the older.


As others have shown, it will be tough to find CoH style gameplay with more modern graphics.  "Age of Conan" looks nice, but isn't exactly new.  "DCUO" and "SWTOR" have been mentioned already.  Graphically speaking, you could do worse, but neither requires a new-ish card.  Plus, DCUO controls feel a bit janky to me.  Aside from that, all I can think of are survival style games like "Ark: Survival" and "Conan Exiles."  Big, expansive, graphically intense worlds with gameplay mostly involving gathering, crafting, and skilling up - but "survival" really means "open PvP."  As in, people-beat-you-up-and-take-your-stuff PvP.  On the upside, though, there may not be many people left in those games by now.


If you're not averse to turn-based storytelling games, "Baldur's Gate 3" is in early access, and it looks really nice (again, IMHO, with underlining and italics and such).  So nice, in fact, that after a couple of updates, I couldn't play it on my 6-year-old video card anymore...  Oh, well.

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3 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

Compared to an FPS, or an action combat MMO, the game play of City of Heroes, and the other games that I've mentioned, can be described as slow.


You fire off a power, wait for it to animate, queue another power while the first one's animating, unable to move during most of that time. Slow.


Or are you going to try to tell me that CoH's gameplay is as fast and as reflex driven as say Terra's or GW2's? Or as anything in the FPS genre?

you must be playing over a slow connection. My attacks fire instantly, unless they're something the game purposely slows down like Total Focus or Knockout Blow, which have longer animations. 
When I say "instantly", they're not truly instant, but I mash the button, the attack fires. I don't see a circle around the power unless it hasn't recharged yet. It's quite fast on my end. Maybe my brain is slower, lol. 


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No. I have a high-speed cable ISP.


Look, all of the attacks have animation times. I [TAB] to a target and hit the attack button, 2.37 seconds later the attack goes off. The animation for the next attack then starts because I already hit the button and it's queued. 1.2 seconds later that attack fires off. The animation for the next attack starts and 1.86 seconds later that attack happens.


In an FPS I can literally perform a mag dump and kill multiple targets in the same time that it takes me to fire off 2 or 3 powers in City of Heroes. Or SWTOR, or WoW, or ESO, or LOTRO, or Rift.


In GW2 I can attack, dodge roll, give myself Aegis and then attack again all in the time it would take me to perform 2 attacks in City of Heroes.


Geez, people. Is slow -in comparison- really that difficult a concept to grasp?

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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5 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

Geez, people. Is slow -in comparison- really that difficult a concept to grasp?

No. But, strangely, the older I get, the more I skim over things and don't actually read. My mistake. 


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10 hours ago, VolcanicAsh said:

what modern game does city of heroes closly resemble like wich games have the clost mechanics gameplay to city of heroes

This is going to sound weird, but give Warhammer 40K; Mechanicus a try.  The point of view is different, and it is blatantly turn-based, but you have a somewhat related upgrade/progression system and you have a lot of flexibility in how you build your squad.  You could also give Champions Online a try - it's a little newer than CoH, and is F2P.  Without knowing the specific features you're looking for, it's harder to recommend more games.  Best of luck to you!

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