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Feedback Post: What Blaster Power would you like to see next?


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most powers where made by @Tyrannical

shared vision on power below

Arcane Blast


 - Mystic Ball: A light damage/quick recharge blast power that deals energy damage. Uses the 'Translocation' animation with the 'Corruption' projectile FX.


 - Arcane Lighting: A moderate damage blast power that deals energy damage. Uses the lightning bolt FX & 'Arcane Bolt' animation and FX.


 - Mystic Force: A simple Cone Energy High Damage blast. Uses the Telekinetic Blast animation, with the FX and added FX effect. 


 - Enchant: A power much like 'Ammo Swap', giving the 'Spirit Enchantment' (Dark), 'Demonic Enchantment' (Fire) and 'Eldritch Enchantment' (Psionic) powers. Like ammo swap, these powers add a secondary damage effect. Uses the 'Translocation' animation again with a hand rune FX like the costume aura.


 - Arcane Font: A Target AoE power that deals energy DoT. Uses a sped-up version of the 'Summon Demon' animation but without (without the lava/stone) FX . when placed it will use the deadly apocalypse spell circle just slightly smaller


 - Mystic Seal: A ranged DoT hold power with moderate energy damage. Uses the 'Enflame' animation, but traps them with the 'Translocate' FX.


 - Reality Distortion: A short range blast that does High damage. Uses the 'Irradiate’ animation and FX.


 - Arcane Lancent: A blast with the Thunderous Blast fx with the overcharge blast FX, superior AoE energy damage.


  - Mystic Maelstorm: A PBAoE power with deals extreme energy. Uses the 'Gale animation and FX, but with the nova' FX as the explosion.




Pain Blast


 - Psionic Shock: A power from The Awakened, works as a simple moderate damage attack with -end effects similar to electric powers.

 - Psionic Lightning: A power from The Awakened, serves as a simple high damage attack with a chance to stun.

 - Psionic Pulse: A power from The Awakened, good PBAoE attack that has the potential to knock foes back.


 - Aim: Your standard aim power.


 - Psionic Wounds: A power from The Awakened, a high DoT effect that improves DPS output.


 - Psionic Torment: A power from The Awakened, this special debuff power that also deals a high amount of damage.


 - Mental Breakdown: A power from The Awakened, a solid damage power that also has the added bonus of healing the user.


 - Psionic Fury: A power from The Awakened, acts as a strong ranged AoE with some more debuff.


 - Psionic Flow: A power from The Awakened, a great candidate for a T9 blast power, dealing extreme damage and debuffing all foes in the area.





Force Blast


 - Force Bolts: A standard PPD power, adjusted to work as a quick DoT blast power.

 - Force Blast: A less common PPD power, which works as a heavier blast attack with knockback.

 - Force Wave: A power unique to PPD Sergeants, works nicely as a cone attack with knockdown potential.

 - Force Netting: Another less common PPD power, though with a little extra damage, this could work nice as a ranged slow debuff attack.

 - Aim: Standard Aim power for Blasters.

 - Impact Bomb: Unique to Investigators, this is perfect for a ranged AoE with knockdown and chance to disorient.

 - Force Cage: A few PPD have this power, fitting into the ranged sleep power seen in some blast sets.

 - Force Burst: A Suppressor-only ranged attack with knockback, adjusted to have higher damage and short range.

 - Unstoppable Force: A completely new power. This Superior damage PBAoE attack uses a smaller version of the Barrier incarnate power FX, creating an expanding bubble of force that knocks down foes.








Ray Guns

 - Snap Shots: A unique power belonging to Resistance Officers, dealing light energy DoT to a single target. No stun chance. (default tinting is laser red instead of plasma blue)


 - Laser Blast: One of the powers unique to Robots, firing a burst that deals moderate energy DoT and has a high chance to stun. Uses the 'Uzi Burst' animation belonging to Thugs' Enforcers


 - Fusillade: Another unique power belonging to Resistance Officers, dealing moderate energy damage in a cone with low stun chance. (default tinting is laser red instead of plasma blue)


 - Aim: Standard Aim power


 - Overcharged Shots: A Resistance Officer power that charges up a shot that delivers an AoE blast of moderate energy damage and has a good chance of stunning. (default tinting is laser red instead of plasma blue)


 - Aimed Shot: The final Resistance Officer power, dealing high energy damage to a single target at short range, and will guarantee a stun. (default tinting is laser red instead of plasma blue)


 - Heavy Laser Burst: Another power unique to Robots (specifically the Battle Drone version), firing a heavier burst that deals superior energy DoT with high chance of stunning. Uses the 'Uzi Heavy Burst' animation belonging to Thugs' Enforcers


 - Laser Volley: This power is similar to the 'Heavy Laser Burst' power of Protector Bots (same name, slightly different power). Fires from both pistols in a narrow cone to deal extreme energy DoT with high chance of stunning. Uses the 'Dual Uzis' animation belonging to Thugs' Enforcers.


 - Full Auto Laser: Another power unique to Robots, retooled to work as a powerful T9 ability that delivers superior energy DoT in a cone with a high chance of stunning. Uses the 'Uzi Cone Blast' animation belonging to Thugs' Enforcers.




Light Blast


 - Light Bolt: Same FX as Gleaming Bolt, this power does light Energy/Psi damage and reduces enemy Accuracy


 - Radiant Beam: Same FX as Glinting Eye (projected from hands), this power does moderate Energy/Psi damage and reduces enemy Accuracy


 - Photon Ray: Same FX as Proton Scatter, this power deals moderate Energy/Psi damage in a cone and reduces enemy Accuracy


 - Bright Aurora: Same FX as Pulsar, this power does moderate Energy/Psi damage in PBAoE and reduces enemy Accuracy. May also hold foes (similar FX to Flash)


 - Aim: Standard aim power, using the same FX as the PB eye glow


 - Luminous Blast: Same FX as Luminous Detonation, this power does moderate Energy/Psi damage in an AoE and reduces enemy Accuracy


 - Gleaming Lance: Same FX as Gleaming Blast, this power does superior Energy/Psi damage and reduces enemy Accuracy. May also hold foes


 - Shining Wisps: Same FX as Photon Seekers, acting much the same


 - Incandescence: Same FX as Dawn Strike, this power does extreme Energy/Psi damage in PBAoE and reduces enemy Accuracy. May also hold foes




Void Blast

 - Void Bolt: Same FX as Shadow Bolt, this power does light Smashing/Negative damage and reduces enemy Defense


 - Stygian Beam: Same FX as Ebon Eye (projected from hands), this power does moderate Smashing/Negative damage and reduces enemy Defense


 - Nebulous Burst: Same FX as Gravitic Emanation, this power does moderate Smashing/Negative damage in a cone and reduces enemy Defense


 - Gravimetric Wave: Same FX as Stygian Circle, this power does moderate Smashing/Negative damage in PBAoE and reduces enemy Defense. May also immobilize targets


 - Aim: Standard aim power, using the same FX as the WS eye glow


 - Quantum Blast: Same FX as Dark Detonation, this power does moderate Smashing/Negative damage in an AoE and reduces enemy Defense


 - Umbral Ray: Same FX as Shadow Blast, this power does superior Smashing/Negative damage and reduces enemy Defense


 - Collapsing Void:  Same FX as Unchain Essence, this power does high Smashing/Negative Damage in an AoE and reduces enemy Defense. May also Immobilize targets.


 - Dark Nebula: Same FX as Quasar, this power does extreme Smashing/Negative damage in PBAoE and reduces enemy Defense. May also immobilize targets











Edited by KingCeddd03
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A re-vamp (pun intended) of Dark Dark Blast do it looks like it actually works in a game. Any game. Cause this version is a car with three wheels and an emergency spare. Then one of the remaining tires has loose lugs, the suspension is shot and it appears there is something in the trunk that should have went to compost a few months ago

Edited by Snarky
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4 hours ago, Snarky said:

A re-vamp (pun intended) of Dark Dark Blast do it looks like it actually works in a game. Any game. Cause this version is a car with three wheels and an emergency spare. Then one of the remaining tires has loose lugs, the suspension is shot and it appears there is something in the trunk that should have went to compost a few months ago


This isn't making a lot of sense. The existing Dark Blast set looks fine, and you give no actual hint what you're asking for. I'm all in favor of new alternate effects for many sets, but you didn't actually ask for anything coherent.

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Dark Dark knows what it's done...


Seriously though.  Taking as a pairing it is a grab bag of crap that has zero synergy.  As stated above, Touch of the Beyond is one of the worst sustains in Blasters.  Soul Drain is the worst build up in Blasters.  Taken together the mix of PBAoE, cones, and variation in ranges makes it lopsided to try to find where you are supposed to run combat from.  You have a damage aura.  But you need to keep moving to line up cones.  the ranges on your ST are all different, and different from your cones. Dark Pit is useless in the modern game, and a damned expensive useless thing at that.  Half this crap isnt even worth taking to mule stuff on a build.   The entire thing is a shit show.  If you take it for anything besides a Dark concept toon you will be miserable.  On a Dark concept toon you will be happy with the concept and feel like you have sandpaper underwear and nails in your shoes each combat.  It is an uncomfortable mess.

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3 hours ago, Indystruck said:

Dark Blast needs Touch of the Beyond as the sustain to go away.

Touch of the Beyond is in Darkness Manipulation (blaster secondary). The Dark Blast primary is largely OK, although at this point we have 3 different versions of it. I think sentinels may have the best version.

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I'd like some alternate animations for Seismic Blast where you actually shoot and throw rocks, but I imagine that might be harder to implement or they would have done it in the first place.


Shurikens ala Martial Assault would be awesome.


I'd also love Time Blast, although I suspect with Time having so many sets already it might be overkill. But I love the Time effects personally.


According to the big post-sunset Dev AMA, they had Sniper Blast in the works. I'd really like a single shot rifle type set like that, maybe with trick shots for AoE or some kind of aiming mechanic. Assault Rifle being a hodgepodge of different attacks (flamethrower, shotgun, etc) doesn't fit the "cool marksman" in my head. Might be tricky to fill out 9 attacks for it though.


Of those listed, Ray Guns actually gets my vote. I'm a sucker for pew pew.

Edited by Veloice
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5 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

I'd appreciate it if you could cite/credit me if you're going to repost my suggestions, this isnt the first time you've done this.

you are credited this is a poll for powers that were suggested by others to see who wants the powers to be made for live chill

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To be fair, a feedback post would be about something that already exists for people to provide feedback on. As presented, the OP is a suggestion poll. It is a query for what the forums think should be or would like to see be the next blast power set added to the game.


Edit: If it is feedback on the original material suggested? Then should either contain a reference to the source material or be in the source material's original thread.

Edited by Rudra
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For me, probably either Ray Guns or Light Blast.


I like laser guns, and would definitely be cool with having something that’s to Dual Pistols as Beam Rifle is to Assault Rifle.


At the same time, a light-themed set would be great for anyone who wants to play a divine-powered character.

Edited by Cybersbe
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I agree with the thrown weapons suggestions, with one slight possible modifier:  If it would be easier for the dev team, IMO you could reskin Archery to have throwing knife animations, and Trick/Tactical Arrow to have throwing (speciality) grenade animations. 


Also, I keep saying I want shoulder cannon options for Beam/Assault Rifle....

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