Obduran Posted April 29, 2019 Posted April 29, 2019 On 4/28/2019 at 5:07 PM, mysterybounty said: Was talking to others about a-hole moves we did when people made us angry and thought it would be funny to share experiences you did or had done to you that were douche moves but funny. I had quite a few (I was a teenager after all) but one that comes to mind is on Champion the leader of my ex supergroup who kicked me out put together a Hamidon raid, there were atleast 50+ people gathered and me and my cousin sat in on the raid in disguise. When they got about halfway through the fight We pulled Giant Monsters into the healers, then called out this other guy who was a total douche to me and EVERYONE in chat started yelling at him and he was like "WHAT I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!" Everyone died and it was personally hilarious but to all of them....haha. Anyone else? Playing WOW on Cataclysm on launch day in Vashj'ir. Every person in the world trying to level through there at the same time (prior to spawn rate adjustments made later in the day) and I'm frustrated. So I "accidentally" post my side of a conversation with my guild about how due to a launch day bug people are getting the rare drop sea turtles mounts like crazy from pools in Sholozar basin. The zone emptied out pretty quick, I finished my questing and moved on, got some tells from people that did not fall for it saying variations of "dude..that's f'ed up" and "oh man, I wish I had thought of that". And...quite alot of hate tells in the hours after from people that went and fished all day. Had a couple thank me for helping me get their turtle as well.
alan92rttt Posted April 29, 2019 Posted April 29, 2019 Back in the early days you did not get a prompt to accept teleport from a team member. As a low level (lvl10 maybe pre travel power which iirc was 14 at the time.) I wandered in to Steel Canyon.(I was not asking for PL) Got a blind team request and accepted. I was immediately ported to the ceiling and dropped into the middle of the map. I did not die on impact but was killed quickly by the mob I fell into. It took about 8 tries to get from the hospital back to the tram so I could get out of Steel.
mysterybounty Posted April 29, 2019 Author Posted April 29, 2019 Wow there are alot of really funny stories haha glad everyone is sharing! Got another one to share, one time a lowbie made me mad (cant remember why) but he was in Hollows doing the Hunt Outcast and Hunt Trolls missions, so i followed him and was destroyong the mobs before he could kill them, he got so angry he was cussing me out and said he was reporting me and i responded "For killing mobs?" And he got more mad then logged off xD
Misguidance Posted April 29, 2019 Posted April 29, 2019 On 4/29/2019 at 1:52 AM, EmperorSteele said: Another thing I liked doing was activating Repel and dive-bombing Masterminds, sending their henchmen flying everywhere. I called it "Bowling for Minions!" Ok, this is my favourite from the thread so far. Pink Champagne (Emp/Rad) Guide of Misguidance (Dark/Regen)
mysterybounty Posted April 29, 2019 Author Posted April 29, 2019 My brother shared one, he told me he used to invite fillers for villain farming, all the fillers were in mercy island and low lvl, they assumed they were being farmed and would say thanks and start heading to Recluses Victory, he would run through the mission to set mobs then kick them all without saying a word! I Eveen i thought that was a douche move xD
Huron Posted April 29, 2019 Posted April 29, 2019 The biggest douche move, by far, was people who stole SG's (and more importantly all the items in storage), this didn't happen to me, but it occurred often enough. Groups of people lost months of effort in a blnk of an eye. All for some sweet sweet, loot! Personally, I ran with a group of people, some of who were badgers, some who weren't. Us non-badgers got particular delight in getting the difficult "Master of...." badges and setting them immediately as our title badge. Then we would parade around in high traffic areas like RWZ, Hami raids, Pocket D to show them off to all the other badgers on the server. "Oh this? Well, here, if you like that one you'll love this one!"
_NOPE_ Posted April 29, 2019 Posted April 29, 2019 The worst I experienced was people camping spawns in VERY specific small areas, when they have missions where they could defeat enemies in ANY area. Very irritating. I'm out.
USCI Posted April 29, 2019 Posted April 29, 2019 Can't quite remember the person's character name, but there was a "fellow" badge hunter on the Freedom server that (at least to me) was respected by the other badge hunters. However, I teamed up with them on a couple of task forces and on EVERY SINGLE ONE they would go AFK the second they hit the map. Mission would complete and they would instantly zone out and go to the next one, then camp as soon as we all got into the door. I'm pretty sure it wasn't another player on the team that was dual-boxing as no combination stood out to me and it was also that one character that did it. I started to call them out in the middle of a Quarterfield and they appeared to "join in" on the fights; however, it was extremely ranged or they even stood out of range watching the melee, then following us to the next group. I think after the fifth time they were on a task force that I joined, I sent the team leader a /tell and told them why I quit and that I won't team with that person anymore. More than half the time, they came back and said, "don't worry, we just booted them...still want to join?"
bossceader Posted April 29, 2019 Posted April 29, 2019 was running a doc q's, the longest most annoying tf in the game. Had a member log off and rejoin in the last mission. That person then bragged about it during in a chat channel i was also in. Total asshat move
Razor Cure Posted May 1, 2019 Posted May 1, 2019 I think I was generally a nice enough player, and I had a huge global list of people who liked (i assume) to team with me. If I joined another team, I was usually fairly silent, unless someone wanted to do a silly task..like +4 Malta with 4 lackeys on the team. Then I would flat out make my thoughts know, and often left if the team wanted to try said task. If I formed the team, which I mostly did, I had a very low patience for idiots and slackers, and kicked a lot of people. This also occurred of Incarnate trials, particularly LAM, when people would just refused to help, or AFK dance in the cutscenes. My biggest, and most enjoyed moment, was concerning the good old TV farm. I played on Freedom, and there was quite a bit of farming going on in GV. One day, I was on one of my fav toons, a Fire/Kin corr. My search description said..'Fire/Kin corr, NO farms.' Which I thought was pretty obvious. And then, that day, i got a blind invite (another serious pet hate) which I accepted just to tell the leader to go jump. Then I saw it was the TV farm, and got an idea. After joining the team, not one word was said, by the leader, the slackers being farmed, nothing. So I think I was totally justified in making the assumption it was NOT a farm. I zoned in, and buzzed over to the Don, rescued him, then killed the Nemesis Clone. Mission Complete.
Redmountain Posted May 1, 2019 Posted May 1, 2019 There was a time or two in Perez Park or the Hollows that I TP'd a couple of snot nosed toxic players into a group of +5s and smiled as I watched them die, then left the team. I used to run humanitarian patrols with my 50 through the newb zones and some people were just jerks about wanting to be rez'd after they forgot their inspirations. Sometimes I'd rez them and tp them back into a group of enemies that just killed them and laugh quite a bit about it.
jkwak Posted May 3, 2019 Posted May 3, 2019 On 4/28/2019 at 10:56 PM, ScarySai said: I'd hover to the top of Galaxy City and randomly invite people, teleporting them just above the largest high level mobs I could find pretty much all day for my first week of playing. I was ten, give me a break. >_> that sh*t happend to me on Zukunft back to the Zukunft @Jkwak
Rumors Posted May 4, 2019 Posted May 4, 2019 Oh, there was always the "lets the jerks die" when playing a support character. "Oh, whoops, I misclicked my target and healed the healthy guy." It was especially bad on my Rad/Sonic Defender, where I'd often be tempted to let that guy die just so I could use Vengeance > Fallout > Mutation on them. I mean, nukes and massive buffs were tempting, okay? In PvP as noobs, my brother and I managed to maneuver our Blasters part way into the villain base and we started to snipe people who were shopping or AFK. We were DOed noobs though, so it didn't last very long, however. We also, at one point, saw a villain enter a mission, so we camped the door to ambush them. When they came out and had their 30 second timer, we started saying things like "You came to the wrong neighborhood!" They turned around, went back into the mission, and we didn't see them again. In Warburg, there was once or twice I took my PvP Defender and used stealth powers above the console. People would check for Stalkers on the console platform, be satisfied, and start to use it. Cue me jumping in and dumping everything on them out of nowhere and stealing their nukes. There were a few times on Masterminds, I'd fly up or get on top of buildings, follow a player around, and command my pets to attack their mobs while staying out of sight. Most of the time they wouldn't figure out where I was. One guy did though and he simply flew up to me and slapped me a few times. And on my Grav Controller, I'm confident I Wormholed groups to my team when they were being insistent on slowly pulling one or two minions at a time and I knew they, or at least I, could handle the full spawn.
Myrmidon Posted May 4, 2019 Posted May 4, 2019 This was during the time that we were waiting for base raids to kick in. We had a PvP VG on Champion that loved to hunt the badgers and they would get on the forums to troll, so one day I decided to grade their forum insults. After a few days of this, their leader found me in-game and spewed the usual PvP drivel. When he “challenged” me to meet in the arena, I explained to him that I didn’t bother with that, however, I did make him this one promise. When base raids when live, my SG was going to go into his house, take his toys, put his SG’s name above them and give tours. After that, I never saw their trolling idiocy on Champion forums again. Ah, good times. Playing CoX is it’s own reward
TrexelCat Posted May 4, 2019 Posted May 4, 2019 I think the biggest 'douche' move that was done to me was: I was a low level Empathy Defender, just starting out in The Hollows with a new character. A duo of higher leveled people appeared and offered to help me with missions to which I accepted. Did a couple of missions with them where I focused primarily on healing them while they did most of the fighting. After a bit they offered to power me a couple of levels so we changed rolls and I sidekicked to them. They hit me with the Kinetic movement stuff so that we could go out to the higher level area to kick some butt. Once out there we stood around and talked a little, about what I don't remember. But later I found out that they were just trying to stall for time for the Kinetic movement buff to wear off. As soon as it did they dropped team and took off, leaving me in the middle of an area with exceptionally higher level mobs and no travel powers to avoid them. This however backfired on them a little as I was no simple newbie, nor was this my first character. So a bit of time later(I want to say, an hour?) I come sprinting back to the Atlas Park gate(totally spaced the Skyway City entrance which probably would have been closer, but I wanted them to see me run up because I knew they were still there), still alive. Didn't even use a single inspiration. Never heard a word from the douche Kinetic that instigated it. Probably a little embarrassed that his plan didn't work. His partner in crime however sent me about five team invites after I showed back up, and after declining all of them sent me a tell apologizing for their friend, he had been doing that all day and I was the first one that they felt bad for. Later became friends with them, and even roleplayed with them a few times. Unbeknownst to me, someone else had watched my journey through The Hollows after being left to die, and was so impressed with my ability to navigate extremely hostile to my level areas that shortly after I became a Taxibot. And even after the powers revamp where you could get a viable travel power at level 4, I would still show up and offer to help wayward travelers who just didn't want to run/fly/teleport all the way back, or those who were so committed to their character design refused to take a travel power because it wasn't part of their roleplay. Besides, who doesn't like a little time saver of having someone waiting at your mission entrance for you while you hit Atlas Park(I think this was still before they had a level trainer in The Hollows) to level up for the next leg of the mission. I think the biggest 'douche' move that I did to another was: I honestly wasn't a mean player. I made great use of the ignore function in the game if someone was to actually annoy me. I even left one super group because one of the higher up people was the one being annoying, only to be invited in again after the person was dealt with(removed). Literally the biggest douche move I ever did was intentionally letting a team mate die in the middle of a mission. Wasn't even an important mission, just one of those side fillers. Just kinda pissed me off so, no heals for you. After about three or so deaths, I continued to not heal them but they stopped dying. So, learning experience? They stopped trying to face tank as a blaster, so win/win I suppose.
webdeath Posted May 4, 2019 Posted May 4, 2019 I don't know if I'd consider what I was doing Douche.. How ever with my Merc/Traps Master mind. Named Web Death :) I would frequently (Prior to F2P) enter into RV on the Villain side, to find the entrance being camped by the Heroes. So.. with my Trusty TP Foe.. I'd let the Drone farming begin! And the SALT would flow in chat. People complaining about being TPFoed into the drones. Which would make me laugh because my response was always "Well then let us come out of our base and this wouldn't be a problem. Duh!" Then in the reverse of this, was when the Villains would be sieging the hero base, I'd use TP Foe to pull people out of the base and into traps of Trip Mines similar to the story told earlier of the 8 man MM team doing the same thing. And the funniest thing.. was the Chain TPs.. Before they put in a CD resist, Where you'd TP one guy, then a team mate would TP that same guy to a different location. So that you could have one person sitting close to the Base, then the other at the trap point and start pulling heroes 1 by 1 into said traps. :D Ah the Glory days. :D
Derek Icelord Posted May 4, 2019 Posted May 4, 2019 On a Statesman TF we had a Blaster who didn't slot for any endurance reduction on his powers (his excuse was "I'm a farmer"). I was playing the Empathy Defender and he bitched to no end about how I didn't keep perma Adrenaline Boost on him. He outright stated that was my sole purpose on the team. He also died a lot. Got to the point where I just stopped reviving him, and during the final fight I specifically positioned myself so my Leadership buffs weren't affecting him. Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket? Check out the Unofficial Homecoming Wiki! Contributions welcome!
MrAxe Posted May 4, 2019 Posted May 4, 2019 I was in Perez Park and no one had travel powers. Had this person being incredibly hostile for a while. My solution? I kept an eye on the map and just as he reached the zone exit I Recall Friended him back to the mission door, inside the tree maze so he had to find his way out again.
Xionian Posted June 12, 2019 Posted June 12, 2019 There was that time that the SG my cousin and I ran merged with a bigger SG called StrykeForce on champion server. But then shortly after merging my cousin went out of state due to a death in the family and he was removed from the SG and replaced by someone else with zero discussion with me or anyone in our division. Which isn't what were sold when we decided to join, were lead to believe that we would be in control of everything in the division but we just had to rep SF. When I questioned the leader, Lord Stryker, he tried to tell me that my cousin(he didn't know we were related though) was attempting to steal members from SF back to our SG and the death in the family was some kind of ruse to cover it up...Besides that being batshit crazy paranoia, it didn't even make sense, like he expected that we were going to brainwash or kidnap people I guess. I tried to explain that, no, it was an actual death in his family and he and I were related so I knew it wasn't a lie or anything. That was met with a kind of, "don't be so naive, stick with me kid!" type of response and then was dismissed like I was bothering him. So realizing just how nuts this guys was and confused as to how so many people would follow this delusional lying asshole... I kicked all the members we had brought to StrykeForce and explained to them in an email the series of events that took place and told them they can rejoin SF knowing what kind of assholes they are or rejoin our SG or do whatever they want, but I wasn't going help SF expand without them actually doing the work. The next day I received a lot of angry tells from the leaders of SF. They used to keep a "Blacklist" of globals on their front page of the guild site. I made the list. ;D
PaxArcana Posted June 12, 2019 Posted June 12, 2019 Shortly after CoV launched, when Villains were finally reaching minimum level to get into the first PvP crossover zone, the players there from Blueside were basically wall-to-wall level 50's (exemplar'd down) sporting all HOs on every power. Even with those HOs functioning at just under 74% of normal efficacy, they were basically unstoppable by level 15-20 Villains SKed up to the zone's level of 25. And they outnumbered the villains 3:2, on top of that. And, Masterminds couldn't contribute for squat, because a bug made MM pets deal only 1hp of damage per attack against a player in PvP. The heroes had pushed right up to the limit of the Arbiter Drone's aggro/attack range. They were so close, they were literally sniping villains as they rez'd in the hospital. No-one could leave the zone, they'd get sniped and demolished on their way to the helicopter. Villains were being literally forced to log off for the entire night because they just couldn't leave. ... I went in with my robotics/FF mastermind. Whose travel power was Teleport ... and I had "Teleport Enemy". I stood next to an Arbiter, and *YOINK* pulled a hero to me. Arbiter hums, ZAP, no more hero. Teleport Enemy recharges, *YOINK*, hum, ZAP no more hero. Teleport Enemy recharges, *YOINK*, hum, ZAP no more hero. Teleport Enemy recharges, *YOINK*, hum, ZAP no more hero. Teleport Enemy recharges, *YOINK*, hum, ZAP no more hero. ... Keep in mind, at that point, being defeated by an Arbiter GAVE FULL DEBT. And these were Level 40, 45, and 50 heroes, so that's a LOT of debt. I Arbiter'd some of them three, five, seven times. Sometimes, in a row. And I was never in LOS long enough to be sniped - I could duck out from behind cover, TAB a target, then duck back ... *YOINK*, hum, ZAP, lather, rinse, repeat. DEAR MOTHER OF GOD the howls, the hate, the piles and piles of "Griefing" complaints sent to the GMs (not that any GM ever said half a syllable to me about it). I kept telling them, "just move back, down the beach. I want you far enough away you can't prevent villains from leaving the zone if they want to. If you're out of range of Teleport Enemy, we're out of range of your snipe attacks." It took over an hour. MILLIONS of debt slathered liberally over so. many. "heroes". But eventually, by god, I out-assholed the lot of them .... AND THEY MOVED BACK. ... Then I got bored, and left. No clue if they STAYED back from the gates. But while I was there, by the Seventy-Thre Lesser Hells, they stayed back. :D :D :D Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom & Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets: Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite: Altoholism
PaxArcana Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 On 4/28/2019 at 9:16 PM, Prototelis said: I would hang out in out of the way corners in PVP zones with an 8 man mastermind team. We would just teleport enemy players in, lock them, then turbo gank them. ... and quite possibly melt their PC in the process. EIGHT Masterminds, with all their pets out .... dear gods ... :D :D :D Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom & Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets: Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite: Altoholism
EggKookoo Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 Nothing in CoH but one thing I did in WoW (which I'm sure isn't terribly uncommon). I was in Tanaris leveling away on a PvP server. Out of nowhere a Horde rogue stunlocks and kills me. Basically my level, it was a fair kill, and normally I'd just grit my teeth and move on. But I had been on the receiving end of a seemingly unending chain of ganks that day. So I logged out, logged back in with my lv70, or whatever the max was, ported over to Tanaris, found the rogue, and killed him. He logged off but not before /shaking his head at me. I continued leveling in peace. Not the world's douchiest move but not really fair play.
Saikochoro Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 I think the time I got raged at the most was a “pvp” situation. Pretty sure it was sirens call. I was on my energy melee stalker. I saw a lonely hero standing there and decided to attack. Killed him in 2 hits. He goes to hospital and comes back. I kill him again once he gets back. Hospital and come back. Drops caltrops. I teleport in and am in the air long enough for assassins strike to go off and again kill in 2 hits. As he goes to the hospital I port over to hero side hospital and see him come out of hospital. I then port in and quickly kill him again before being killed by the drones. By that point he is very angry (rightly so). He says in chat that I better not kill him again. He is back standing around near the middle watching a duel. I drop in and kill him again. At which point he yells and vows to never power level me again. It is only then that I realize it was one of my friends friends who had agreed to let me in on a power level farm the night before. Of course it’s a dbag thing to do to anyone, but was extra douchy to do it to someone who did you a favor. My friend yelled at me over it too as it reflected poorly on him. I was justly chastised. I am happy to announce that I haven’t done anything like that in recent years.
Zumberge Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 Douchey? When doing missions in the Shadow Shard and having fly as a travel power, Recall Friending people and having the destination point be empty air over oblivion. Douchiness done to me? Eh, something probably happened but I can't remember and anything that did happen isn't worth remembering, let alone getting indignant about. Less about being a dick and more about the comedy fun times, though. Like visiting a weekly story-telling/RP shindig on Virtue with a few of the SG mates to tell a story. About two of the SG mates. In character. When the character I was playing was named Rabid Yaoi Fangirl. I'm fairly certain that wouldn't fly nowadays and there's no end of people who would lecture me on it as such, which is a shame, because I'm pretty sure I could do even better nowadays. As a Scrapper main I eat a steady diet of crayons and glue to keep my wits sharp and my reflexes honed.
0th Power Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 I've had the "flying lessons" done to me. The douchiest thing I have done is advertise in broadcast that "Kong" the giant rikti monkey was up in PI. I would form a team of gullible people and then say he despawned when they got there. Not very many people fell for it though... I am Pro-Human I invented Combat Teleport I invented K'ong (More proof here too) Battle Rifle
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