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This is just a "fun" server now


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9 minutes ago, Erratic1 said:

I got this far and pretty much stopped. I seriously hope you reported this message and encourage you to do so if not. 


I disagree, vehemently in cases, with other posters here, but the above is not disagreement, it is personal attack and harassment.

I see Harassment as continued and repetitive (When not sexual harassment, etc), and he was engaging with me in a back and forth. Doesn't excuse me being so harsh, so not my proudest moment.

He is leaving out much by not giving full context or explaining that there's more from him before I sent that.

Edited by Shadeknight
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alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
casts earthquake, activates dispersion bubble

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40 minutes ago, Neiska said:

Starting to think that perhaps I was a bit premature in my earlier post when I had highlighted that people started to disagree, but then agreed to disagree. Because I am starting to wonder which is worse, the forums or the discord.

Things tend to get personal and can seem out of hand when people have strongly differing opinions.


One thing I sometimes remind people about when grudges and acrimony start to become an issue, is there may be something like 20-30,000 players, of which maybe 1-2,000 are logged on at any one time, out of which maybe a few hundred total are active on the forums. Out of which typically, a person expressing strong issues is having problems with maybe a dozen or less individuals.


When you're talking about "the people you have problems with", you're not talking about "the community".


You're talking about less than 1/1000th of "the community", 99.8% of whom don't even know you're arguing. Watching 10 people argue vociferously can be quite stressful if you're focusing on that. Stick them in a crowd of 20,000 people and they disappear into the background noise.


It takes two to tango... if you're one of them, there's a good chance that's on you.


(Note: all references to 'you', 'them' and 'people' are purely generic and refer to no one specifically.)

Edited by DoctorHugh
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2 hours ago, Captain Fabulous said:

You can still play this way. There is nothing stopping you from doing those missions and holding off using those features until you do. Same with taking travel powers prior to 14, etc.



You've taken that entirely out of context.  It was used as an example to illustrate a point, not the point itself.

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5 hours ago, Erratic1 said:


I got this far and pretty much stopped. I seriously hope you reported this message and encourage you to do so if not. 


I disagree, vehemently in cases, with other posters here, but the above is not disagreement, it is personal attack and harassment.

If you see Shadeknight's reply to you - in fairness, I did send him quite a bit. 

I left his name off, not to call him out, or report him. Merely to show why I felt like I was walking on egg shells. 
When something I say that's meant to be fairly innocuous is so poorly received by so many, common sense says I should look in the mirror. And I did. I never intended for my initial comment to hurt anyone's feelings, only to illustrate the way things seemed to me. 

And reporting people is appropriate in certain circumstances. I didn't feel this was one of those circumstances. 

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3 minutes ago, Ukase said:

IWhen something I say that's meant to be fairly innocuous is so poorly received by so many, common sense says I should look in the mirror. 

I tried this.... no reflection.  So.....it must be the idiots who cannot get the F-ing point I was making.

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8 hours ago, Ukase said:

This is easier to say than to type, but I'll do my best and I can clarify tonight during the crawl. 

A few months back, in what I would call a fairly heated debate about some of the proposed changes in page 5, I basically said
"Y'all are like a gal who, just as soon as she finds a man she loves, she wants to take him in for alterations".

As someone who saw that and didn't recognize the source, it's a dated reference and like a lot of sexist crap, shouldn't be repeated.  You can still enjoy old stuff, but realize it's not relevant to current times.   I've been called out for using an old saying that shouldn't be used.  What you do is acknowledge it and try to do better.


I will say the DM you got was over the line.

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9 hours ago, Ukase said:

And then I got the privilege of hearing from the mighty exalted Veracor! 
And in that, he shared that he "always had a low opinion of me" and I'm not welcome in any content led by him. So, screw him and others like him. 


Posting a sexist comment and then tripling down on it, confirming bad intent, after numerous negative responses telling why you were wrong was what made me chime in, and that tripling down is what I had quoted specifically.  My personal player opinion of your longstanding negativity on these forums had little to do with it -- I do not tolerate willful bigotry, harassment, or griefing in Everlasting TFs.  That is where I draw the line.


In response to my post you sent me a private message in response (because apparently you didn't want others in the thread to see it) admitting to me that you think it's funny to piss other people off, that you don't care about what others think, and then reiterated that you do not accept anyone's explanation of why you were wrong in the thread.  I didn't care to respond to this message but it did make me feel better confirming 100% that I had not made a mistake.  After receiving no reply from me, you then sent me another angry message telling me to go ask Sundew (as if I hadn't already), and "if you value her opinion at all."  Yes, I very much do value the opinions of women as equally as I do with men, that's why I said what I said and stand by what I said.


The weird thing though, is that the one post I made in that thread was the only response I gave.  I never responded to you further in the thread, in PMs, or anywhere else, mostly because others had already said what I would have said.  Apparently I've been living rent-free in your head for ignoring your flamebait and whatever other negative comments you've said about me since.  And today you sent me this private message, completely unsolicited:




To which I merely clicked Report and went back to running my Hamidon raid (which had overfilled 20 minutes early once again).


Take the advice of the others here and get some help.  You are not happy.

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@Veracor - Veracor, Bio/TW Tanker on Everlasting.  Retired raid leader.

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2 hours ago, Bionic_Flea said:

Ukase isn't a bad guy, but he is quite the old curmudgeon.


I know a fair number of people who're, by and large, decent folk, but who have their little triggers. Maybe it's being called on insensitivity. Maybe it's a knee-jerk response to any "woke" issue they can see (on either side of the response-spectrum). Maybe it's being rude or harsh to others. (I've got friends who call harsh responses "friend abuse" and almost criminal, and others who call it "tough love" and sincerely mean it.)


What I do note is that it does little for "the community" for people to look for reasons in unrelated threads to drag ancient dirty laundry out so everyone else can sniff it.


You do yourselves a disservice when you give the impression that snarling and backbiting is your primary concern - especially when the body of your posts show you typically do much better than that. I've read and enjoyed other posts from all the arguers here present... but these ones aren't on the list.


I hate to quote myself (actually I don't, I'm wonderfully quotable), but:


16 hours ago, DoctorHugh said:

It takes two to tango... if you're one of them, there's a good chance that's on you.


Publicly vent your anger/mislike if you must, just keep in mind you're not doing yourself any favors in the process.

Edited by DoctorHugh
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17 hours ago, Captain Fabulous said:

haves (those willing to spend time manipulating the market to amass obscene amounts of in-game wealth) and those that simply wanted to play and had no interest in being an in-game day trader

The issue is this isn’t true at all anymore, in HC.


I didn’t get to play for 6 months, came back. In two weeks with NO market manipulation got 2bil. Takes 2 wks(of 1hr-4 at most gameplay), no market needed.


The idea of haves and have nots is objectively not a thing in CoH. Simply play the game and do TFs and you’ll be a have. 

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Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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On 1/16/2023 at 7:45 PM, dtj714 said:

I lost all interest in this project after the last major patch (I27, pg 5). The continued power creep was just too, too much. But my replacement project is down atm, so I figured I would come post a comment I wanted to make back then, but didn't bother to.


IMHO, Homecoming has departed so far from its genesis (the live game), that it's just a "fun" server, and no longer any valid facsimile of the original. You might as well let people create insta-50s with 100 million inf. That's only a few steps removed from its current state.


But obviously, for those who continue to play, that's fine. Or at least acceptable. I know there are other more "purist" or "vanilla" projects out there, but unfortunately none of them has nearly the population as Homecoming. And when it comes to private servers, population is king.


Anywho, just my .02 inf. Curious to know what others think. If there was a "vanilla" CoH private server with Homecoming's population, would you rather play that, or this?

I play games to have fun.

For me, CoH Homecoming is fun.

When the game ceases to be fun, I will find other things to do with my spare time.


I have nothing against other CoH servers, I've tried a few of them, I just prefer HC.

Is it perfect? No.

Perfection is a rare thing, occasionally achievable, but often ephemeral.


Having lost the game entirely for 7 years makes me appreciate all the more what we have here at the moment.

I will continue to enjoy playing CoH here on HC until either it's gone, I'm gone, or I just find better things to do.

Someone else's opinions are not integral to my calculus, with respect to time of course.

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Those times you saw no footprints, I had Fly toggled on.

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3 hours ago, Seed22 said:

The idea of haves and have nots is objectively not a thing in CoH. Simply play the game and do TFs and you’ll be a have. 

We have the 'Haves and the "You have how much!!!?"'


I think people struggle with their first character if they don't get a boost, but once they have one 50, it gets way easier.  And that's building tricked out characters.  If you're teaming, you normally don't need a super build.

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4 hours ago, Seed22 said:

The idea of haves and have nots is objectively not a thing in CoH. Simply play the game and do TFs and you’ll be a have. 

Assuming that "doings TFs" is how I want to play the game.

And being on the edge of being a have not, I'll note that it's always the haves who insist the divide doesn't exist...  Or that if "others" would just shut up and play in a very specific way, they wouldn't be the "others".

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Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

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Yeah, shit seem to have gotten heated.  I offer the wisdom of a very grumpy old vampire.  Do Not Let It Get To You.  Get cut off in traffic?  Let it go.  Someone screams in your face.  Let it go.  Someone cheats you on a deal?  let it go.  There is a line....Some fool runs at you with the intent and ability to do harm.....(heres a hint...no words necessary; then clean up real good.  And let it go.)

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23 minutes ago, Songseven said:

so i won't know the full conversation that took place between you two, but from what i did see, i dunno what world you live in, that makes you think that's an appropriate reaction.

Why are you defending a guy who sends two people, who did not interact with him at all since October, the following style of PMs:

Not to mention screenshotting a PM and posting it publicly PLUS dragging someone's name out when they've moved on.

It's a far more appropriate reaction than my original PM where I called him Extremely Divorced.


alright buddy, it's time to shit yourself
casts earthquake, activates dispersion bubble

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5 hours ago, Seed22 said:

The issue is this isn’t true at all anymore, in HC.

I was specifically referring to the live game circa issue 9 when inventions and the in-game economy were released.

5 hours ago, Seed22 said:


I didn’t get to play for 6 months, came back. In two weeks with NO market manipulation got 2bil. Takes 2 wks(of 1hr-4 at most gameplay), no market needed.


The idea of haves and have nots is objectively not a thing in CoH. Simply play the game and do TFs and you’ll be a have. 

Sorry, I have to call BS on this. There is no way you're making 2 bil in 2 weeks of just running TFs and not using the market. There are a lot more things to do in the game besides TFs. I have over 100 alts of varying levels that I rotate thru. I play a LOT. And I'd be lucky if I have 300 mil between all of them combined. TBH, running the same TFs over and over and over again gets old and stale real quick.

What you meant to say is "if you play in this one specific way, earn tons of merits that you then convert to enhancers and sell on the market, then you too can be in-game rich. See, it's just that simple". But what if I don't want to play that way? Then what? While the divide is a lot smaller than it was on live, there is still a divide. You cannot earn the kind of INF you need to fully trick out your characters by just running radio or contact missions. There are very specific things you must do, and it always involves buying and/or selling on the market.

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5 hours ago, Seed22 said:


I didn’t get to play for 6 months, came back. In two weeks with NO market manipulation got 2bil. Takes 2 wks(of 1hr-4 at most gameplay), no market needed.


The idea of haves and have nots is objectively not a thing in CoH. Simply play the game and do TFs and you’ll be a have. 

While it is absolutely true it is easy to make cash in CoH….  I too call BS on your earnings.  At most you say you gamed 4 hrs for 14 days.  It seems like you are saying less, but lets roll with that.  That is 56 hours gaming.  In which you made 2billion. That is 35 million per hour.  With no using the market?   So just inf grind and selling common recipes?   

Someone double check my math. My little phone calc balked at 2 billion lol.  But i swear i am calculating this right.  

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