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Run, Jump, or Fly?

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Jump for Combat Jumping , which uses less End than Hover, but Fly because it's the most awesome.  Run works, but doesn't if there's much vertical variation to where you're running, plus I've never gotten stuck by a building when flying ha ha.  


Thinking to try out Teleport anew...


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3 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

Run works, but doesn't if there's much vertical variation to where you're running


I know you don't mean it literally doesn't work but I'd worry new players reading this would think there's a serious problem of getting stuck somewhere with just run for travel.  There isn't.  Temp jetpacks are available at any P2W vendor for cheap and you could use them to hop up and over anything that gets in your way running if you don't want to find the long way around.


You don't want to cross an entire zone with temp fly or do a lot of aerial combat with it, but if it's just an annoying wall in your way or something, punch the jetpack for a few seconds and then get back to superspeeding.

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19 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

And oh, yeah...  Dropping into the center of a group of mobs and hitting a PBAOE is kinda awesome and very superheroic.

Perfect Post, 100% correct. No Notes.

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I've been reviewing more of my characters.  No superspeed at this point out of now 94.    And a few that don't have any travel powers and just get around with mostly sprint & athletic, but everyone has Mission TP, Team, and SG which is 90% good enough.  Almost everyone gets the temp travel stuff anyway.


And my kinetics chars don't need to get anything extra.  (Only ones that get a superspeed anyway...)

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Because travel powers that don't sap mobs on the way by are just toggles.  🙂

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AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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Personally, I love the new 'variants' - Arcane Flight from the Sorcery-pool, and Speed of Sound from the Experimentation-pool, in particular, since they basically give you Flight+TP and SS+TP with a single pick. My original main - from back before these were added - was a Broadsword/Dark Armor Scrapper running Teleport+Hover, to deal with the whole 'dropping out of the sky' issue, as well as to compensate for the lack of knockback-resistance in the Dark Armor tree. So picking Arcane Flight with my new 'alternate universe' counterpart to him just made sense...


Really, though, I've enjoyed Experimentation-Speed of Sound on an alt even more. Superspeed was always great fun, but had that one annoying issue that you lacked verticality, and could be seriously delayed by walls and buildings. Almost forcing you to take Flight or Super Jump as well - or at least Hover - since you could otherwise wind up getting completely stuck in some of the more vertical zones. So, getting Super Speed with a side-order of teleportation for getting over such obstacles... well, that's just perfect!

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I love to fly, all of my toons take fly.  I do occasionally have a second travel power just for variety.  My current experiment is using speed of sound as a running travel power, short range teleport, and long range teleport using keybinds.  So far it is working well.


While I do have a keybind for long distance teleport, it doesn't work because of cooldown.  I don't like jetpacks, but I do need something that let's me go up.

Edited by Lusiphur Malache
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Unless I need hover for LotG slot, I usually take Mystic Flight and set it to minimal effect. That way I can fly when not in a hurry and Teleport when I am. It's like teleport without the tele-plummet!

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TINKERERS and LEOTARDED personal supergroups on Reunion; open bases! codes TB-9014 and LT-1051

TinkerBell (MAIN) super reflexes / martial arts tanker & badge hunter; Sarabraxus, energy / energy blaster; Sarathustra, fire / therm corruptor

Scotch Bonnie / Caroline Reaper, fire/ss brutes & fire farmers; Granny Fix It / Green Granny / Great Granny, empathy/psi defenders; plus a few others.

@Xarah formerly on Champion, Triumph, Victory, now @chuckv2 / @chuckv3 / @chuckv4 on Reunion

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On 1/12/2024 at 2:46 AM, American Decoy said:

Give me Pony travel power, and I might take ss with it.


Have you tried turning into a https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Panther_Travel_Power or a https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Coyote_Travel_Power?


Not a pony, but an animal travel power anyway ... without having to use a costume slot to switch up. (The leaping animation is way better in one of the two animal transforms than in beast run ... the leaping animation for beast run looks like a cat thrown a a screen door to me.)


I don't think we are going to get ponies or motorcycles either ....


I think we would be more likely to get flying trash cans ....




... that work like the rocket boards, flying carpets, or void skiff, but I'm not holding my breath on that one either...

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9 hours ago, chuckv3 said:

 It's like teleport without the tele-plummet!

With increased hangtime, the tele-plummet has been nerfed.   (Unless you have something on auto like hasten that always seems to recharge as I'm crossing a zone)

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My go to is run due to the fact that I'm in the pool anyway since I always get hasten. Also I think it's the most fun. You're just going super fast and have to jump over stuff and dodge stuff. Fly/jump may be more efficient despite the lower speeds due to the large amount of verticality in the game but it doesn't seem as fun to travel that way for me. Tp I've never really liked since it seems clunky to use, especially short distance, but I love LOVE using combat TP with a macro with my melee characters if I can fit it in the build. You can indulge fully in your chunni fantasies, where you can *Teleports Behind You* Nothing Personal, Kid meme in game. Yes I had this on my katana/nin scrapper. Don't judge me. 

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