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Super Reflexes minimum resistance levels


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At the least, you want to build such that you have 90% res to S/L a bit before you die, if not other types.

The last few times I’ve played with my SR tank build, I had at least >40% S/L and >30% F/C/E/N.


Unfortunately my SR tank is my only toon where I haven’t broken free of relying on the Fighting pool (well, Tough).

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Posted (edited)

Acceptable is highly subjective upon the driver. Nobody is going to know what your resists are while you're tanking an SR.


I prefer to hit around 60% SL and whatever on the rest by bonuses.


A better way to ensure survival is to have a pocket heal solution rather than rely on scaling resists to save you.


The odds of repeated hits chunking your life away are (by design) pretty low. That's not your main threat.


Your main threat is damage that is autohit or untyped. You're not getting through Rommy Mires with 90% Neg resist at 5% hp that whole fight. Marauder's super fist attack is still going to drop you to 10% HP every time. You want a way to quickly recoup that lost HP back up above 50%, rather than rely on your scaling resists to carry you until external heals arrive.


How you do that is up to you, there are lots of clever options, but super greens are always available no matter your power picks.

Edited by twozerofoxtrot
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11 minutes ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

Acceptable is highly subjective upon the driver. Nobody is going to know what your resists are while you're tanking an SR.


I prefer to hit around 60% SL and whatever on the rest by bonuses.


A better way to ensure survival is to have a pocket heal solution rather than rely on scaling resists to save you.


The odds of repeated hits chunking your life away are (by design) pretty low. That's not your main threat.


Your main threat is damage that is autohit or untyped. You're not getting through Rommy Mires with 90% Neg resist at 5% hp that whole fight. Marauder's super fist attack is still going to drop you to 10% HP every time. You want a way to quickly recoup that lost HP back up above 50%, rather than rely on your scaling resists to carry you until external heals arrive.


How you do that is up to you, there are lots of clever options, but super greens are always available no matter your power picks.



Dont forget higher level council archons and their damage rez's either, especially if more than one rez at the same time when more than one are in a group.

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I want to echo what @twozerofoxtrot wrote. I think having a "self heal" is probably more important for SR than chasing blanket resistances, at least for most content. The resistances picked up from set bonuses/uniques should be enough for a lot of the game. Yes, I have Tough, but it was picked at level 47, The most problematic attack type for my SR Tanker so far as been Nemesis' Toxic. Probably not a surprise, but it feels worse on my SR than on any other Tanker.


I haven't tried tanking the hardest suff yet with my minimally-Incarnate SR Tanker, but when things are going pear-shaped, I have a high-recharge Unleashed Potential available. It doesn't help against auto-hits, but the extra Regeneration ends up balancing with the Scaling Resistances, and the +Defense definitely helps for when it is DDR that is causing me grief.

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2 hours ago, tidge said:

Unleashed Potential

This is my new favorite power! A lot of tanks just need a boost to get out of a tough spot and stabilize, rather than permanent immortal resists. Unleash does so much and asks so little. The prereqs are even pretty universally decent.

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22 hours ago, tidge said:

The most problematic attack type for my SR Tanker so far as been Nemesis' Toxic. Probably not a surprise, but it feels worse on my SR than on any other Tanker.

Nemesis Gas is typed Area and Toxic so your AoE defense should counter it, however, the SR scaling resists don't include toxic or psi. There are also psi attacks that have no positional vector that will bypass your defense entirely. Working some toxic and psi resist into your build isn't a bad idea. 

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Posted (edited)

I should probably not opine on this, as I don't have  SR tank (But hey- when have I ever refrained from giving someone bad advice?😝)  I do,  however, run a lvl 50 (T4 incarnate) Savage/SR Brute.  I've used this character to solo the entire Maria Jenkins+Tina McIntyre arcs at +4/8 (the baddies are set to elite boss, not archvillain, though) and only died twice throughout all of those missions.


My Defenses and Resists look like this:


Defense: Ranged (57%), Melee (67%), AoE (55%)

Resists: S/L (49%), F/C (32%), NRG/NEG (20%), PSI/TOX (11%)


EDIT:  Also, to weigh in on the comments above about self-heals vs resists, I do run the Rebirth Partial Core Invocation, so with SR characters I sit firmly in the "Heal" camp.  this is really just because I feel there is a limit to what you can do with resistances on a SR toon, and you're going to get more mileage out of squeezing more heals in for those instances when something gets through your defenses.

Edited by Triumphant
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Just checked the stats on my SR/Staff tank. I've got 43% S/L, 35% F/C/E/N and 32% T/P resists before scaling resists or the ATO. In addition to Rebirth Radial, I've also got Melee Core, which adds another 16-25% resistance. 

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Mine is 60 sl, 20 fc, 30 en, 14 tp. I pop some oranges on pylons in apex. Bout rest of time health never moves so doesn’t really matter. Regular 54 itf all is fine even nictus stuff. 4 star just need to do mechanics which you should do anyway. My defense is crazy too high for most stuff though. It’s 74/84/80 r/m/a Not counting barrier. 

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  • 2 months later

Sable’s got about 40% S/L, 29% F/C, and 16% all others.  I got this by chasing other stuff primarily, and then burned the slots to get S/L up higher.


Note that I’ve got cascade survival tools (three in Elude, but I’ve never used it): Absorb from the ATO and Preventive procs, and Rebirth +Regen option.


I also rock three +Heal procs in auto powers, which are significant in patching up  the few hits I take.


With IOs and my huge burst heal with lingering regen from Rebirth, I have yet to find something I can’t tank.


Can you die?  Sure, if the stars align.  But given the amount of support buffs on teams, remember my stats are base.  They are much much higher on pretty much any team or League.


This is the reason I leaned Sable into offense and global recharge.  He’s already nigh invincible on even a basic PUG team.  Might’s well lean into moar damage and increase his solo ability.


Ran Number 6 at +4x8 last night just fine, but I got bored of the Hami AV fight and redid it as Elite Bosses to not waste hours of my time soloing them all.

Edited by SableShrike
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I ran the numbers a few years back based on effective health (essentially your current health percentage divided by the resists you have at that level). You want to have 30% Resist before any scaling kicks in and optimally 40% Resists. At 40%+ Resists, you're actually tougher at low health (at least in terms of absorbing single large hits) than you are at 100% health.


Since Super Reflexes is almost entirely Defense powers, I find a good starting point is to put 2-slot LotG (universal recharge and pure Defense) into all of the Auto defense powers and then 4-slot Shield Wall into all of the toggle defense powers. The latter is useful because E/N Resist is hard to raise compared to S/L/F/C and 4-slot Shield Wall is one of the better options for doing so.


With that in mind, if you want a 'tanking' Super Reflexes character, you might be better served with a Brute rather than a Tanker. Tankers have higher health, the ATO proc for resists and slightly better numbers on Toughness. However, both AT have functionally equivalent defenses - more than enough for any normal content, insufficient for dealing with fringe cases - and set bonuses/scaling bonuses (which are most of your defenses) are the same. The Brute +regen/-end cost proc is also arguably more useful than the Tanker procs since Super Reflexes has no end management or regen.

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  • 2 weeks later
On 6/8/2024 at 8:03 PM, Thraxen said:

Mine is 60 sl, 20 fc, 30 en, 14 tp. I pop some oranges on pylons in apex. Bout rest of time health never moves so doesn’t really matter. Regular 54 itf all is fine even nictus stuff. 4 star just need to do mechanics which you should do anyway. My defense is crazy too high for most stuff though. It’s 74/84/80 r/m/a Not counting barrier. 

do you happen to have a build for this? never used a SR tanker before, wanted to get a look at one

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1 hour ago, R jobbus said:

do you happen to have a build for this? never used a SR tanker before, wanted to get a look at one


The defenses are super overkill for most things.  He is one of two of my tanks I run hardmode stuff on.  He is tough as hell.  "Jedi" themed toon so some stuff could be switched around of course.



Master Thrax - Tanker (Super Reflexes - Katana) Final in game.mbd


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4 hours ago, Thraxen said:


The defenses are super overkill for most things.  He is one of two of my tanks I run hardmode stuff on.  He is tough as hell.  "Jedi" themed toon so some stuff could be switched around of course.



Master Thrax - Tanker (Super Reflexes - Katana) Final in game.mbd 43.75 kB · 0 downloads


Thanks so much i'll give this a try in the beta server later!

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