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highest damaging corr?


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6 hours ago, Psyonico said:


You can always use the magic or tech origin powers to light OSA, and since you can swap out origin powers at START, you can be whatever origin fits your theme and still have a power to light it.


Yes, not even a real consideration imo.  My illusion/TA controller has never had an issue (and I definitely don't depend on my phantasm being smart enough to light it when I want).  I just set up a macro that targets the slick and throws my starting origin power at it.  Works great.

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Fire/Kin is it. 


People already covered the important part so I'll throw out tidbits for consideration since Snarky hasn't played much Kin.


  • Transfusion. Yes, a heal but you can hit yourself with it in melee. And you're going to be in melee range anyhow so might as well. Also it has a -50% Regen debuff. That stacks. You can usually keep 3-4 stacks up if you're aggressive about it, letting you chop away at AV regen while you keep yourself healed and burn them down. I know it's not a lot but little things add up.
  • Siphon Power. Often overlooked but if you want to close that 65% bonus damage cap Uun mentioned, this helps. Or skip it. Lot's of people do.
  • Siphon Speed. This is the anti-Speed Boost. The selfish Speed Boost. Keeping this up at max stacks along with Hasten is insane. I literally use this in my Kinetic characters' attack chains it's that good. 
  • Increase Density and Inertial Reduction. Good for 1 slot mules like Gladiator's Armor or BotZ.
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