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Returning Player: What's a fun combo?


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Hey folks, finally trying homecoming out after a RL friend kept bugging me to play since I played when the game firstly launched in America and just a few months before shut down so discovering all these new things is pretty awesome.

Any way I digress, when I was playing on the America servers when this game firstly came out I was a Fire/Fire Blaster, then when it hit EU I became a Fire/Rad controller as I heard it was one of the most fun combos and in truth, it really was quite fun, using Accelerated Metabolism on Fire Imps was a joy to watch.


Now I'm really curious... What do you think is a fun combo? I'm currently enjoying my Illusion/Storm Controller that I use to team up with my RL buddy but I'm curious to know since with all these recent unlocks what do you think is a "fun combo?" Forget about what does the most damage, or the most useful what do you most have fun with? Despite the odds. 😃

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To further try new powersets, Plant/time or Dark/dark.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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I am really in to my illusion/radiation/fire controller right now. After incarnates and avout half IO'd, it does a lot of damage and solos easily.


Plant/nature is also exceptional. Mine isn't big on damage (in part because I didn't know what I eas doing when I made her), but just feels like a solid, all-around team character.


Thematically, I also enjoy my ice/storm character. Falling down is just silly and I like the idea that she'd be feared because fighting her ends up being embarassing.

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12 minutes ago, swordchucks said:

I am really in to my illusion/radiation/fire controller right now. After incarnates and avout half IO'd, it does a lot of damage and solos easily.


Plant/nature is also exceptional. Mine isn't big on damage (in part because I didn't know what I eas doing when I made her), but just feels like a solid, all-around team character.


Thematically, I also enjoy my ice/storm character. Falling down is just silly and I like the idea that she'd be feared because fighting her ends up being embarassing.

I was thinking on making an Ice/Storm Controller actually, I just love the way everything sounds the crackling of the ice the gust of wind, it's music to my ears. 😄

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I enjoy my Elec/Kin, Fire/Dark, and Gravity/Time Trollers.


Elec/Kin has very low damage, but extremely powerful control and support.


Fire/Dark is powerful all around, but a late bloomer. It deals a lot of damage and has rock solid control.


Gravity/Time is a great solo and team character. It has surprisingly high damage potential, and the weaker control in Gravity is supplemented by Time’s nice combination of control and support. 

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I like fancy animations. So my favourites are Dual Pistols and Staff (with Energy Blast as a far third... because Knockback) for primaries.

Secondaries, anything that will keep me alive long enough to enjoy the animations is good to go. I especially like Willpower and, surprisingly, Dark Armour on Sentinels. Trying out Super Reflexes at the moment, seems promising. I tried Ninjitsu and Ninja Training, which work very well with the Ninja Run from P2W lady, but found myself faceplanting too much. I guess I am partial to flying (and Hover gives a slottable defence). 

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I played on live from the beginning up until 2007. Mostly support toons...controllers and defenders. 


I came back and started a bunch of replicas of my old toons as well as some new popular flavors. Played several up until late 30's and mid 40's and stopped. I just didn't feel very controllery. Even the latest Grav/Time craze wasn't as fun for me. I tried Ill/Cold and Ill/Rad...felt more like a MM than a controller. Deleted several of these attempts. Even my old Ice/Storm didn't tickle my fancy this time around.


I like to lock mobs down and debuff them. Nothing like wading into a mob of 54s and just stand there doing my thing without getting hit and the team at full health and end. And the toon that made this happen and made me happy enough to keep playing him whenever I have the chance is my Dark/Dark troller. I just love playing it so much. When I join teams without Herders I volunteer to take the alpha...which I do in complete safety. The lockdown combined with the -tohit makes it a completely safe situation. I feel controllery again.


In a bid to try an offshoot I now have a 50 Fire/Dark as well. Much more damage but not quite the same level of safety involved. Also super fun though. 


But in my opinion give Dark/Dark a try. There are tons of different choices but for me Dark/Dark brought the fun back again.

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A bunch of toons. Global DocRanger

All on Excelsior. 

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Illusion / Dark / Primal. Nearly 50 and already well slotted up for recharge so not too far off perma-PA and the defense softcap. Lots of -ToHit and debuffs, nice team buffs and oodles of pets. Not a 'hard lockdown' controller but lots of fun. If theres a Kin on the team too you basically make each other gods. Pretty click intensive.


Plant / Storm / Ice. 40ish currently. Mostly still standard IOed but very satisfying and decent damage. Confuse everything, lock them into place and dump chaos on top of them.


For both of these dealing with target locations is easy creating macros using powexec_location is a godsend. /macro FR "powexec_location target Freezing Rain"


Great for PAs, Dark Servant, Tar Patch and Spectral Terror on my Ill/Dark and Creepers, Freezing Rain and Tornado on my plant / stormie.


For both Ive those on my main bar (with the actually powers above each in bar 2 so I can watch recharges) and it lets me pick a mob and drop hell on them easily. 


Think once I ding them up I'll look at a Dark/Time as it should be an excellent combo. 



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I have an Ice/Storm controller, and compared to other /Storm combo's it feels weak on both control and damage.   If you don't mind waiting till your 40's to solo, I would recommend Earth/Storm.  For something that solo's easily earlier, Plant/Storm and Illusion/Storm are both powerful by level 20.  Storm is my favorite secondary for controller, though it does require a lot of practice.  A poorly played storm character can slow a party down, or even cause wipes.  You have to be careful of when and where you place your tornado and lightning storms.  With Illusion,  a knock back to knock down IO in tornado will be almost required.

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I'll plug Plant/Time.  Was my main character on Live, capable of so much with what you have.  /Time is pretty much all-around buff and debuff set, nearly everything you could want from a Buff powerset, and Plant is a fairly offensive focused Control set (it was originally a Dominator set) with a great cone confusion, strong group controls, and the vines, good god I love the vines.  Together you get a ton of solid control and debuff, while also being a strong team support with your excellent AoE heals, Temporal Selection for your whoever needs it and Farsight/Chrono Shift being two amazing team buffs that are just as useful solo.  Back on Live I had rolled this specifically to stack Spirit Tree with Temporal Selection for the Hamidon tank; extremely potent +Regen potential between the two, especially with enough recharge to dump 3 trees at once, though I think the current Hamidon strats don't really need this kind of help anymore.


Currently attempting an Electric/Storm.  Just getting started with it but I think once I get the Force Feedbacks and KB>KDs in there will be some shenanigans.  The combination of abilities makes this combo look like it prefers to stay with the melees, that way your Conductive Aura, Steamy Mist, and possibly Hurricane (if the Repel isn't an issue) all help out and take effect.  Endurance Drain and Knockdowns are looking like they're going to be super strong here.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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Personally, I find storm to be the most entertaining buff/debuff set. I recommend it on any AT that can access it. Great visuals and a huge variety of employable tactics for different scenarios. It gets stronger with each level and seemingly has no limit.


Primaries I like plant and gravity. Plant because is is visually impressive and numerically it is very strong. Grav because it feels the most powerful. Lift and propel have a lot of weight and wormhole can reshape the battlefield unlike anything  else. 

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plant/dark is just so much fun to use.  You get so much control, decent damage tons of de-buffs and dark secondary is amazing on a controller. Leveling isnt feeling like a strain and task forces were a bunch of fun, people were relying on me to go in with the tank to pretty much render mobs useless under our awesome controller powers


You get a mass heal, mass rez, debuff - res/slow area power, a locked aoe -dmg/-to hit, a team defense buff, a team regen/recovery buff, a mass confuse, aoe immobilize, a decent dmg pet


with powerboost in ancillary, fade can give you +28% def which is just silly. 


Its a very team oriented build but I like playing on teams.





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