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Task Forces for Soloing

Marine X

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Well, I successfully Soloed the Weekly Strike Target for last week on Sunday, Numina: Soul of the Woodsman. Took a little Help from my last Shivan Decimator to take down Jurassik. ( Back to Bloody Bay I suppose). This weeks Target is the Lady Grey Task Force. Has anyone ever Soloed this? Looks like Horsemen and the ending might be Problematic. Have not had any luck finding people on during my available hours on Reunion to do something as involved as TFs. Are there any TFs that are especially easy to Solo? Have done The Steel Signature Arc with Positron and found it to be pretty manageable.

" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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I know we gets posts about people soloing ITF semi-regularly, but I'm not sure about LGTF.


This'll sound crazy, but Dr. Quaterfield is very soloable. No AVs at all. The hunt missions in the Shadow Shard were the worst for me, given the size of the spawns and the way the eyeballs just say "Nope" to defense. It's tedious as it gets, but it's not hard. The nice thing about soloing it is that you don't have to do the whole thing in one sitting. It took me 4 or 5 hours all told on my scrapper.

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47 minutes ago, DR_Mechano said:

the Faathim the kind taskforce can also be solo'd with ease since it has no AVs in it, only an elite boss squad at the end. I think the out of the Shadowshard TFs only the one ends in an AV fight.

I think you're thinking of Dr. Q - Faathim not only has an AV but he's a storm summoner. That said it's the only half fun shard tf.

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4 hours ago, Beul said:

You can't solo Lady Grey with the Hamidon fight. Most others are perfectly solable. 

You can, it just requires a build that can handle all three types of mitos, and really it's mainly the green ones that are the problem (ie, you need a hold power). @nihilii has done it, for example. The last fight might also be problematic depending on your damage type, since Honoree has high resistances and Unstoppable. The Horsemen are actually not too hard to deal with; they're just EBs.


Most AVs are soloable if you don't mind using /ah to load up on inspirations first, and possibly throw Envenomed Daggers. You could really go all-out with Shivans, Warburg nukes, signature summons, etc if necessary, but for most AVs they aren't. My Scrapper soloed Dr. Vahzilok and Clamor this way at about level 25.

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15 minutes ago, Hopeling said:

You can, it just requires a build that can handle all three types of mitos, and really it's mainly the green ones that are the problem (ie, you need a hold power). @nihilii has done it, for example. The last fight might also be problematic depending on your damage type, since Honoree has high resistances and Unstoppable. The Horsemen are actually not too hard to deal with; they're just EBs.


Most AVs are soloable if you don't mind using /ah to load up on inspirations first, and possibly throw Envenomed Daggers. You could really go all-out with Shivans, Warburg nukes, signature summons, etc if necessary, but for most AVs they aren't. My Scrapper soloed Dr. Vahzilok and Clamor this way at about level 25.

Hmmmmm, this is interesting. I wonder if an Ice/Fire Blaster could do this. This may be my next project.

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2 hours ago, DR_Mechano said:

Ah yes, sorry was thinking of the Justine Augustine Taskforce that has you help Faathim. That's the one that ends in an elite boss CoT squad.

I totally forgot about the Augustine TF. Think I'll wait until it's WST to take another field trip to the Shadow Shard.

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Posi1 is easy to solo, and super fast (25 mins or less). A great way to get a Notice of teh Well quickly when its the Weekly.

Penny is also easy. In fact a LOT easier, without the huge ambushes set for a full team. Synapse is also doable. And faster solo. In fact, most of the TFC ones are pretty basic. redside..well..you usually get more inventive 'end' battles than just a hitpoint sponge. Like the insanely massive ambushes in Ice Mistral, the crazy kb and psi damage in Temple of the Waters.

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There are quite a few that *can* be soloed and have been, but just probably aren't recommended. I was bored last night and decided to try soloing sutter on my 39 tw/bio, knowing full well I can't stand sutter. I pulled it off but it took forever and was just a miserable experience. I'd imagine lady grey would be a slog even if you had the holds for hami. 

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7 hours ago, Yoru-hime said:

I totally forgot about the Augustine TF. Think I'll wait until it's WST to take another field trip to the Shadow Shard.

Week starting October 28th for that one.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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Most SFs and Trials are soloable. I've done all but the biggies, MoLRSF and ITF and Apex are on the agenda.


The shadow shard ones are 90% travel O_o and not that fun at all. I liked Faathim though, that one is pretty good.

Katie Hannon was interesting, last 2 of the 10 battles got rather difficult but fun.

Eden trial with the crystal monster and the giant doors have to bust through was interesting too, I started this on a whim, just to see what it was about because nobody runs it.


Some you can't even consider tfs, posi 1 and 2 for example, and Yin can be done faster solo than with a group heh.


A nice introductory SF to solo is Mortimar Kal on Villain side.

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4 minutes ago, Chirikiti said:



A nice introductory SF to solo is Mortimar Kal on Villain side.

What're you doing it on? I've thought about trying to solo it since it's one of my favorites but I was convinced I don't really have anything that could both solo it and keep the flames away from posi properly. That can be an adventure even with a team.

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12 minutes ago, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

What're you doing it on? I've thought about trying to solo it since it's one of my favorites but I was convinced I don't really have anything that could both solo it and keep the flames away from posi properly. That can be an adventure even with a team.

I soloed it with my Beam/Elec sentinel in the mid-40s. I couldn't do it without using stupid tricks with temp powers, though.


When you're solo, only one Cleansing Flame spawns, and you have 12 seconds to kill it before it heals him; just pull him to the spawn point and kill it where it appears. For a character with strong single-target damage, that isn't a huge issue, although doing it for several minutes without messing up gets difficult. Also, Positron himself isn't toothless, with huge -def from his attacks and some Radiation Emission debuffs. There are multiple other AV fights to handle too, including the triple AV fight against the Midnighters, which is rather hairy solo.


So... yeah, soloable, but I would not call it an easy introduction to soloing SFs.

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51 minutes ago, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

What're you doing it on? I've thought about trying to solo it since it's one of my favorites but I was convinced I don't really have anything that could both solo it and keep the flames away from posi properly. That can be an adventure even with a team.

Dominator...hmmmm I just don't remember ( a couple months ago and the first I ever tried on live) as being overly difficult. Could be AT dependent though, which is something I admit I tend to overlook. Do Ice Mistral then for an intro. *The ambushes at the end are nowhere near as intense or fun heh.


Yeah now that I'm thinking about it I may walk back my Mortimar statement. I don't remember for sure, but thinking about what I would do concerning the 3 AVs at the end would be to sleep 2 and fight 1 at a time.

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I've soloed Lord Recluse Strike Force on my Mind/Fire/Fire dom. I haven't bothered soloing most others, as I know I could do it, but it would take a while (ITF, for example--Rommy takes forever killing those darn Nictus). LGTF wouldn't be too tough, except for Hammi, I'd just need to bring a stock of Earth insps to keep myself alive while I burn it down. For the final fight, just confuse Hro'Dtohz to murder Honoree, than waste Hrody at your leisure.

Only one I haven't been able to find a strat for is Recluse at the end of Miss Liberty. I tried using the Flier to kill the towers without aggroing Recluse, but it can't take out the healers fast enough. Not really sure what to do, there.

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Yeah morty's a mixed bag of pain - melee would have trouble with posi and monty et. al. would rough up the squishies. 


Mantis is a pretty easy solo, just a bit of a slog to kill enough defenses at the end to spawn Duray. Mistral's easy but I wouldn't recommend melee fighting the AV without high defense - his heal is annoying enough even when it just gets through from streak breaker. Really though the best intro to soloing TFs is Penny - when it was tf of the week I soloed it on my mid 20s sonic/beam fendur.

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I want to see someone solo Kahn. 

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I still need the 2nd Debt badge so there is a silver lining even if I lose, lol.

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" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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1 hour ago, Marine X said:

I still need the 2nd Debt badge so there is a silver lining even if I lose, lol.

the 100k? turn off your shields and go to the abyss (submarine in south Grandville). pick a fight with some GMs. Hospital is super close if you need to repeat. That should blow you past the 100k and the 200k you need for High Pain tolerance in a couple rounds.

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Posi 1 and 2 can be solo'd easily. 
Synapse is still long, but also easily solo'd. 
Penny Yin TF is super simple to solo.
In fact, all the TFC task forces are simple to solo. In many cases, even easier to solo than doing it with a team. 


Numina takes me about 40 minutes, solo. Posi 1,2, Yin about 20-25 minutes each. Synapse, with the kill alls (and my characters also needing gear smasher and running the first two missions at 0/8) still takes me about 2 hours. Manticore and Citadel are about an hour. 

When I say solo, I mean nobody else is on my team - but I do use envenomed dagger against the avs, as well as a lot of large reds and purples. 
And, the character that solos them is usually a brute or a scrapper, or my ill/rad controller. I also feel free to use a vanguard heavy if I have one. Or even a Werewolf or Katie Hannon temp power. Shivan's too.  

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8 hours ago, Hopeling said:

I did with a scrapper. Took a lot of inspirations, and the stun made it sketchy, but on ×1 and with enough DPS it didn't take long enough for things to fall apart.

Man, I feel like a failure. I used my signature summon, war wolf, backup radio, vanguard hvas, and lore pet.  I was on my bio/ss tanker. I would think I should be able to break through with all that compared to a scrapper on inspirations alone.

Edited by Onlyasandwich
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