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2 hours ago, Cutter said:

Figured I would take a stab at this for you. FWIW, I hate the horribly limited selection of bows - I wanted Tech Knight to match the quiver, but it's so comically large I just couldn't. Also really wanted to give her the Vanguard belt, but I didn't like the clipping in action pose.

Nice!  I was playing with the Cybertech jacket and baggy pants options myself, but for some reason I never thought to go with patterns or bright colors.  That electric sheen on the jacket and top definitely works!


And, yeah, the bow selection is painful.  If either of the compound bows had options for colors (besides the laser sight), that's where I'd be.  Digging the flare on the bow you used, but I might play with the colors a bit - dark for the silver part, maybe, and either keep the gold or go with another metallic color.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, TheOtherTed said:

Nice!  I was playing with the Cybertech jacket and baggy pants options myself, but for some reason I never thought to go with patterns or bright colors.  That electric sheen on the jacket and top definitely works!


And, yeah, the bow selection is painful.  If either of the compound bows had options for colors (besides the laser sight), that's where I'd be.  Digging the flare on the bow you used, but I might play with the colors a bit - dark for the silver part, maybe, and either keep the gold or go with another metallic color.

Thanks, and I'm glad you like this as a starting point. Always happy to inspire someone else's creativity! Completely agree with you on the compound bow.



So many alts, so little time...

Posted (edited)
On 7/11/2020 at 7:29 PM, TheOtherTed said:

Back again with another request.  This time, she's a French jewel thief who fled to Paragon City to avoid trouble with the Unione Corse.  Her cover is an Art History student, but she can't stay away from the action, so she uses her skills to go a-heroing.  Or a-villaining, either works.


Archery will be in there somewhere, but still debating if I want Trick Arrow, Tactical Arrow, Devices, or something else vaguely "Radio Shack tech."  She'll be picking up the Combat Jumping and Acrobat powers as well, and possibly Stealth, all for RP reasons really.  I'm thinking "techno street chic," but I haven't been able to translate those words into an actual costume.  Any ideas would be welcome.

I thought that a "French jewel thief" turned art student would be very stylish.  With that in mind, here's my attempt:




to the point 1.png


to the point 4.png

to the point.costume

Edited by biostem
  • Like 3
  • Confused 1
19 hours ago, biostem said:

I thought that a "French jewel thief" turned art student would be very stylish.  With that in mind, here's my attempt:

I like it, but not for this character 🙃  She's a little too "tomboy" for the outfit (at least in my brain).  However, the jacket does give some competition to Cutter's...


And what's with you people and the berets and cigarettes?  You trying to start an international incident?

  • Haha 2
Posted (edited)

Ok, not happy with it yet, but getting there - definitely better than before.  Anyway, here's where I'm at.  Not sure about the red/blue theme, and I feel like I need a third color in there, but for some reason I'm really clumsy with more than 2.  Any color theory mojo would be appreciated.  Also, if this gets anyone's brain wheels turning in a different direction, I'd love to see it...





...also, still cringing about the lack of bow options, and about the fact that there is just one quiver in the game...

Edited by TheOtherTed
Posted (edited)
On 7/14/2020 at 4:20 PM, TheOtherTed said:

I like it, but not for this character 🙃  She's a little too "tomboy" for the outfit (at least in my brain).  However, the jacket does give some competition to Cutter's...

I gotcha.  Here's a tweaked version:   [EDIT:  D'oh!  I totally misread that as you saying the costume I posted was too tomboy for her...  -_-]




to the point a.png

to the point b.png

to the point 2.costume

Edited by biostem
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Okay, I admit that this one had me stumped!  Fortunately, after seeing other people's ideas, I think I might have something decent.
Since she's a jewel thief, I did her costume in jewel tones and gold (and black for sneakiness).  I ended up with a blue/white/red color scheme from top to bottom, which fits the "French" thing.  This color scheme wasn't intentional, but it seemed right and I thought it looked good.  I tried to give her some tech-y aspects with the cybertech chest and jacket, the elemental order pants, and the praetoria police headpiece.  The compound bow works okay with this ensemble, I think (as others have said: not much choice for bows).  I wanted to go with the Exquisite hairstyle, but it clipped too badly with the visor so I went with Triptych instead.  I hope you like it!




Edited by Shocktacular

Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55, or via a truck in Nova Praetoria.


17 hours ago, TheOtherTed said:

Ok, not happy with it yet, but getting there - definitely better than before.  Anyway, here's where I'm at.  Not sure about the red/blue theme, and I feel like I need a third color in there, but for some reason I'm really clumsy with more than 2.  Any color theory mojo would be appreciated.  Also, if this gets anyone's brain wheels turning in a different direction, I'd love to see it...


...also, still cringing about the lack of bow options, and about the fact that there is just one quiver in the game...

Quick and dirty edit for colour (no changes to any of your elements):



  • Like 1



So many alts, so little time...

On 7/14/2020 at 7:05 PM, biostem said:

[EDIT:  D'oh!  I totally misread that as you saying the costume I posted was too tomboy for her...  -_-]

Heh, no worries!  Though I'm still trying to figure out how to use that first robe/skirt combo with those colors.  Someday it'll hit me.


As for the color scheme, I realized what was really bothering me was the contrast between the vivid reds and blues.  Made some adjustments, toned some things down, and, well, here's the result:




As a bonus, with the new coloring on the pants, the compound bow actually looks pretty decent, even without coloring.


Shocktacular, I do like your design, but I've already overused the visor and that particular cyberpunk chest (I think I have half a dozen characters who use one or the other).  In addition, I was already kind of hooked on the motorcycle leather pants and vines combo.  Abused the heck out of it on live, but only just re-discovered it while making this character.


Thanks to all for jogging my brain cells - they needed the exercise!

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

I'm glad you found something that you like!

Also, now can use the costume I made... 🙂
(Look out, I think there's another alt coming 😝)

Edited by Shocktacular
  • Haha 1

Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55, or via a truck in Nova Praetoria.


Posted (edited)

Here's my post apoc themed Rad/Fire Brute.


Pandemick(actually spelling not avail, and my name isn't Mick either)






Edited by Xavier51

Did you mean to post in Best Costume Designs and post here by mistake?  Or did you want help designing a costume for him?

Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55, or via a truck in Nova Praetoria.


  • 3 weeks later

Character name is "Complex Numbers." (A complex number is a number that can be expressed in the form a + bi.)


Ill/Traps controller. Character is the real part of the number and his phantoms are the imaginary part. Therefore, he is a complex number.


Stuck on a costume that embodies what a complex number "looks" like. What would the personification of a (real) number look like?

23 hours ago, TeddyBearFtw said:

What would the personification of a (real) number look like?

To me, at least, a real number would look very geometric, probably using equilateral shapes (if possible) with distinct lines and borders whereas an imaginary number would have more curves and colors and blending together / fades.

Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55, or via a truck in Nova Praetoria.


  • 2 weeks later
Posted (edited)

Okay, I've got a bit of a project! I've got a 50 character (Novae ZOOTsRk.png) and I want to put a bit more time into her outfits and have various stages to those outfits.


A bit of backstory... She's a cosmonaut from a different world/dimension/future on a deep space science vessel who took part in witnessing the celestial event in some part to do with a nova and star (unrefined details right now). The event impacted the ship, infused her with abilities and threw her through space/time, finding herself in Paragon. A fire/fire blaster (colored blues/whites to look more energy) and similar to Captain Marvel in chaos, uncontrolled power when fully released. She wears a combination of mostly white with light blue and some black.


Reference images I've been using.

First image that inspired the character.  Window_Back_view_Brown_haired_534510_1024x1024.jpg  3a9106566952e84fcb597e6c6225fd90.jpg  arena-of-heroes-by.jpg  9cde7a3a0e652d994d0287a4208b265d.jpg  thumb-1920-924329.jpg  b918936c516fb8cf602712482772a12d.jpg  spacesuits-for-future-space-travel-.jpeg  b962a2a8ad70ba5489837534ee2a4ac6.jpg  Aisling_Duval_portrait.jpg  f3bb69370003dcb11012dbbf61188af2.jpg



Outfits I'm looking at creating using these.

  1. Casual future/cyber civilian (colony/world) outfit. Political and Science looking
  2. Another casual / coat future civilian outfit.
  3. Casual space vessel outfit.
  4. Space outfit with some protections.
  5. Outer space outfit (helmet)
  6. Outer space outfit with protection. (helmet)
  7. Heavy space outfit (helmet)
  8. 'Celestial' unchained power (no helmet)


Edited by Xoza

- Xoza Shadow (@Xoza)

Ordo Imperialis / Xoza.net

Everlasting / Excelsior

Arconu1MqVyK.png | Yuri'ko9E28NED.png | Xoza8lnHKLt.png | Nebulum3f2lHyL.png | NovaeZOOTsRk.png | Nebulae9sfLlss.png | ChellnFRzS1G.png | Rayn7KPkl2C.png | MendalarafBfruXW.png | TesliaHPucq9J.png | CybernetBlbsQUx.png | Teras Kasih1GKuZo.png | ArcstalkerXdnlqXI.png | Bull RushNG0EFBL.png

My Costume Archive | My Characters & CreationsMy Binds/Macros | My Club

Posted (edited)
On 8/18/2020 at 5:37 AM, Xoza said:

Okay, I've got a bit of a project! I've got a 50 character (Novae ZOOTsRk.png) and I want to put a bit more time into her outfits and have various stages to those outfits.

Here is my attempt.  I added a little red for contrast, but by all means, feel free to change it however you like.  Cheers!





albedo fiera 1.png

albedo fiera 6.png

albedo fiera 9.png

albedo fiera.costume

Edited by biostem
  • Like 3
  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, biostem said:

Here is my attempt.  I added a little red for contrast, but by all means, feel free to change it however you like.  Cheers!

Thanks @biostem!

I have spent a few hours yesterday working on two of the 8, mostly the colony/civilian outfits. Will share them later.

- Xoza Shadow (@Xoza)

Ordo Imperialis / Xoza.net

Everlasting / Excelsior

Arconu1MqVyK.png | Yuri'ko9E28NED.png | Xoza8lnHKLt.png | Nebulum3f2lHyL.png | NovaeZOOTsRk.png | Nebulae9sfLlss.png | ChellnFRzS1G.png | Rayn7KPkl2C.png | MendalarafBfruXW.png | TesliaHPucq9J.png | CybernetBlbsQUx.png | Teras Kasih1GKuZo.png | ArcstalkerXdnlqXI.png | Bull RushNG0EFBL.png

My Costume Archive | My Characters & CreationsMy Binds/Macros | My Club

  • 2 weeks later

Could use some input with this guy...


He is the weakest, street level member of my 5-man superteam, inspired by the likes of Daredevil, Black Widow, etc. I usually combine two different costume sets on all of my toons which normally works great but this one just isn't clicking. I don't know how to add more personality without the whole thing being too much. Any suggestions are highly appreciated!



Posted (edited)

When I think of "street level" heroes, I think of more basic outfits - but then I'm a fan of more basic outfits anyway.


So I threw a Cybertech Long jacket and some random tucked-in pants on your guy, and went darkity-dark with the colors.  If your guy's a punchy type, I'll tell you that I love the Cybertech Long jacket on my Martial Arts / Ninjutsu scrapper.  It responds well to your movements, and serves as a nice alternative to the standard capes.  It also looks more "street."  Trenchcoats should work just as well (or just as poorly, depending on your POV), and also let you manage the inside color of the butt cape much easier.


Also, I tend to advance the costumes of my heroes and villains to more showy, less "plain clothes" looks as they level up.  I'd consider what I'm posting below to be an "entry level" costume, not something I'd stick with throughout the character's entire career.


I also hate boots.  All of them.  Just felt I needed to say that.





Edited by TheOtherTed
Posted (edited)


Was wondering if a Cainhurst Knight From Bloodborne or something resembling them would be possible in game. I don't really have the finesse required to pull it of.


If it's not really feasible. then the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst is probably simpler and easier to do, so them would be great.


Cainhurst Knight


Bloody Crow of Cainhurst




Edited by poemander
Posted (edited)
On 9/8/2020 at 8:50 PM, poemander said:

Was wondering if a Cainhurst Knight From Bloodborne or something resembling them would be possible in game.

This was a tough nut to crack.  There just weren't the specific pieces needed.  Regardless, here's my attempt:







cain-hurst 1.costume

Edited by biostem
On 8/18/2020 at 3:37 AM, Xoza said:

Okay, I've got a bit of a project! I've got a 50 character (Novae ZOOTsRk.png) and I want to put a bit more time into her outfits and have various stages to those outfits.


A bit of backstory... She's a cosmonaut from a different world/dimension/future on a deep space science vessel who took part in witnessing the celestial event in some part to do with a nova and star (unrefined details right now). The event impacted the ship, infused her with abilities and threw her through space/time, finding herself in Paragon. A fire/fire blaster (colored blues/whites to look more energy) and similar to Captain Marvel in chaos, uncontrolled power when fully released. She wears a combination of mostly white with light blue and some black.


Outfits I'm looking at creating using these.

  1. Casual future/cyber civilian (colony/world) outfit. Political and Science looking
  2. Another casual / coat future civilian outfit.
  3. Casual space vessel outfit.
  4. Space outfit with some protections.
  5. Outer space outfit (helmet)
  6. Outer space outfit with protection. (helmet)
  7. Heavy space outfit (helmet)
  8. 'Celestial' unchained power (no helmet)



  • Like 1

- Xoza Shadow (@Xoza)

Ordo Imperialis / Xoza.net

Everlasting / Excelsior

Arconu1MqVyK.png | Yuri'ko9E28NED.png | Xoza8lnHKLt.png | Nebulum3f2lHyL.png | NovaeZOOTsRk.png | Nebulae9sfLlss.png | ChellnFRzS1G.png | Rayn7KPkl2C.png | MendalarafBfruXW.png | TesliaHPucq9J.png | CybernetBlbsQUx.png | Teras Kasih1GKuZo.png | ArcstalkerXdnlqXI.png | Bull RushNG0EFBL.png

My Costume Archive | My Characters & CreationsMy Binds/Macros | My Club


'Results' would be a great character name..

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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