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Everything posted by Primantis

  1. Then there's "Drive-By Buffing". Several people on live used to get quite toxic about that. Not sure how it's seen now, but there isn't nearly as much discussion about it as there was on the live forums. Where I swear there was a new "Don't give me your buffs unless I'm on your team!" topic on a weekly basis. To each their own, I love me some buffage tho!
  2. Interesting idea! But I am pretty sure this would cause the foorls to disappear :C
  3. Only xXBudweiserXx would make a mistake like that. I'm not Budweiser. @iBud was my global on Live, you and I have teamed together on Champion. Too bad you didn’t make that mistake with me, or I would have given that influence back. ;D That's one bonus of when Auction House systems in games let you know who bought your item, or who you bought from. At times like this sometimes the other player will give a refund (full or partial). It can't be expected, but its usually worth a shot. of course you'd have to eat the sellers' fee, this aint Paypal.
  4. I am going to say, in general, the online gaming community is getting more and more toxic. This is especially true of "Free to play" games. Games with no monetary commitment. Back in the early 2000's Diablo II was considered a very toxic player base. But that's child's play compared to the shit that goes on in games like League of Legends or Fortnite.. That being said, the CoH community still comes off as quite mature. You will always have your jerkasses but they do seem more timid and fewer in number in this game. As mentioned above, the only time I've ever even seen players argue was during an ITF. The leader wanted to to do it the 'long way' but the "muscle" (IE some Incarnated out Brutes) wanted to do a Speed ITF.. Much to the leaders dismay it ended up being a Speed ITF. And probably one of the most uncomfortable TF's I've ever been on xD. The groups at odds were inches away from down right MPKing each other at times LOL. But that was a very isolated experience!
  5. Bleh, no thank you. Being able to do just about any content on a fresh toon is one thing I love about CoH. Sure there are Level restrictions for TFs, but for the most part you can roll up a new toon and join your buddies in any level range. Content locks are such a pain in MMOs. They prevent you from teaming up with your pals. Sometimes it's so bad that it's a pain to even team up if you *started together* at the same time. This is especially true with MMOs using "Phasing" so you cant even see each other unless you're on the same quest line.. Sure it might by less narrative-driven this way, but I much prefer the old school approach of "Toss everyone in, let them team without worrying that they are synced to the same part of the story"
  6. Almost all of the "superhero mania" in mainstream culture is really just driven by the MCU stuff. If that falters, expect superheroes to largely disappear. It's not like superheroes movies didn't exist until Iron Man. They did, quite a bit, and remained niche. What's not niche is MCU, but don't expect it to bleed over to superheroes as a genre. The DCEU has done rather well for itself after finding its stride at last and banishing away the influence of Snyder, and both Marvel and DC's television efforts have proven to be highly successful. Meanwhile swords and sorcery fantasy's last big attempt at the box office was the Hobbit Trilogy and the Warcraft movie; the former of which made money but sucked, the latter of which was only saved from box office failure by China. My hero academia is also the current new hotness in Shonen Anime with a highly active and deeply involved fandom, and One Punch man was also a significant phenomenom in Anime circles; meanwhile most western fantasy influenced animes just come and go with little long term noteworthiness. The idea that it's just Marvel or that Fantasy is a more popular aesthetic outside of nerd spaces simply doesn't bear with reality. Tabletop and Video Gaming (and non-visual literature) are Gygaxian Fantasy's primary redoubts and always have been. But games traditionally move far fewer units than film (they make more money because unit prices are higher and because of microtransactions, but far more people watch a movie that grossed a billion than played a game that grossed a similar amount). More people watched Aquaman than have ever played world of warcraft and Dungeons and Dragons and Warhammer: Age of Sigmar; the two big tabletop fantasy games (for role playing and wargaming respectively) likely count playerbases in the hundreds of thousands to single digit millions at absolute best. And even in video gaming: swords and sorcery faux-medieval european fantasy is...kind of middling in popularity at most? The current hottest games are by and large set in either modern (or faux-modern/fantastical modern) settings or have a vague sci-fi or outright space fantasy aesthetic. Aesthetics that allow for guns are like; the big thing in gaming and have been for years. I would also argue that a lot of Japanese media is very super heroish in nature. Without being a blatant "Super Hero" anime/manga etc. Let's look at the Magical Girl genre. Usually known for super powered girls fighting either other super powered girls or cosmic terrors. They seldom want others to know they are magical girls so they dress up and try to conceal their identities. Have to put up with daily life at school etc and deal with other social complexities while they save the world. Sounds like a lot of super hero stories to me. Then you got things like Super Sentai/Power Rangers, Kamen Rider etc. Even Godzilla himself is more super hero than generic fantasy. Even smash hits like Dragon Ball. While it started out a bit more fantasyesque, its full blown 'super hero antics' now. I guess it really begs the question "What qualifies as a super hero story"
  7. Yes, but its free to activate. So it's like paying your Endurance cost after the fact instead of upfront. Mids has it listed as -15 END. I'm not sure if its percentage or a flat number. Hopefully someone else can chime in!
  8. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Wedding_Band A farmable temp power. however the "Echo" version (obtained via Ouroboros) doesn't have the full 2 hour duration like the one received in the wild. I do recall them nerfing the time on the Echo Band but I don't recall how harshly. 5 Minutes seems a bit short though..
  9. IIRC the "Rule of 5" uses *names* when tallying the bonuses up. Since the LotG:+R bonus has its own unique name ("Luck of the Gambler: Recharge Bonus" IIRC). It will not count towards other IO bonuses that have +7.5% recharge. You can find these names listed under your IO Bonus list in your player profile's 'Powers' tab. So if you have two IO bonus with the same numerical boost, but different bonus names they have their own category under "Rule of 5" and thus you can technically have 5 of each. However I am not aware of many instances where this actually happens. LotG:+R is certainly one of the rare occasions this will occur.
  10. A bit off topic. But I was browsing through this again and man.. That bolded line really tugged at my heart strings. I am glad to have the game back, but it is still something else to think about where it'd be today if it was never shuttered.
  11. Holy cow, my whole life has been.. a lie! I need to lie down..
  12. Why that sneaky little..
  13. This is pretty much what I am assuming. If they crunch Vanilla down to 1-30 for example, you'd level to 1-30 in roughly the same amount of time has it used to take to level 1-60, or w/e vanilla caps out at now. Getting to 1-60 (if 60 is the new cap) would take as long as 1 - 120
  14. The good news is things are pretty accelerated on this server. It only took me a week or two to get my Main back up to speed; and this was near launch. Should be even easier now with a functional and well stocked AH
  15. I believe its a display error and the AH is fetching data that is old. If you keep clicking it to refresh the price you'll notice it will change around. I notice this a lot on some of the more commonly traded recipes like LotG. Sometimes it will come up with a list of 15-20millions (what they used to go for near launch), then you click it a few time and it 'resets' to its modern day price. It's always been a little buggy, even on the first week or two of launch. It would constantly display "No Data" then you click it a few times and it would pop up with a list of recent sales. I think it's either a hitch with the private server; or the way they bunch together all the recipes/IO so they can level-sync to the buyer causes some overload bug to happen.
  16. ^ And now there's talk of "Level Squishing". Lowering the level cap back down to 60 or 65 and squishing all content etc into the appropriate level ranges. I guess even blizzard feels having levels 120 or higher is getting bloated For example : Vanilla content will be 1-30, Outlands will be 30-35, so on and so forth. (I just made these up, I have no idea what the zone level ranges are gonna be) What a glorious mess this is gonna be xD
  17. There's a difference between AI "avoiding the bad" and running a triathlon...
  18. I do think giving tanks some sort of 'force multiplier' would be a step in the right direction. This also has the added benefit of not really changing their playstyle much. Improving Bruising is a good start. Also/or maybe something in the same thematic vain as Defender's vigilance. Tanker's Aegis: "Having a Tanker on their team eases the minds of your allies. Allowing them to focus more on their offenses. Increases Damage and Accuracy". Stackable with diminishing returns. Force Multipliers also make sense in class theme. Tankers are there to protec the team. So the team can do their thing. Thus allowing them to do it better. Brutes are there to do moar damage by drawing aggro for more Fury. Protecting the team in the process.
  19. The only way I can see this working is if they came up with a grappling/web slinging animation and tied it to a Super Jump or Fly clone. Mechanically not much else would change, but at least your character looks like they are swinging due to the animation poses. Might end up looking silly though, idk.
  20. And you wonder why the aggro cap was implemented? XD As others have mentioned, it was changed around the same time City of Villains launched, this is easily proven by browsing patch notes. It is not something HC did.
  21. Ah yes. Similar to the tactic of asking a question over global, then having a friend answer it incorrectly. A sure fire way to get tons of people correcting your friend with the right answer. Whereas they might not have even bothered to respond otherwise.
  22. Me thinks people are mixing Catalysts up with Boosters. I have literally never seen a Booster drop either. So if they do, they are abysmally rare. Magnitudes more rare than Purple Recipes.
  23. It's worth noting that they can scale back hardware depending on the actual player base, lowering the costs. So long as the same overall percentage of players donate we should be okay.
  24. The problem being that anyone forming a DFB is still going to use the standard LFG channel, even if they are also in the global. Simply because they will reach a wider audience that way, since not everyone is going to be in the global channel. Many new comers might not even realize global channels exist. So it wont likely have much effect on minimizing DFB spam in the LFG channel. For example: Timmy joins DFB Channel. Timmy wants to form a DFB team. Timmy spams in DFB channel Timmy also spams in normal LFG channel. -Status Quo remains the same .
  25. Might I suggest a super group or chat channel for like-minded players. That way everyone can easily play together without having to beg level 50 teams to unslot their judgements. I wouldn't mind dipping in once in awhile myself. Because once mobs are fried "instantly" adding more team mates doesn't add much to killing speed. Just more people to race against to try and trigger your nuke first or lingering back and feeling useless. That point isn't all that hard to reach either, with incarnate powers and decked out builds. When such a point is reached its best for the team to split up if possible, if you want to maximize clear times.
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