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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. Full Auto is a T9 Blaster Nuke. I think that's a bit much club compared to say, https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Blaze_Mastery, or https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Darkness_Mastery. Minimally, it would have to be scaled down to an appropriate power level. I'm thinking simpler to swap it out for M30 Grenade. Also when Scrappers/Stalkers/Brutes/Tanks get a summon in patron powers, it's not a boss-level summon. Commando (T3 mercs pet) seems a bit over the top to me. The devs will do as they see fit, but I think you're asking for ... probably too much power here.
  2. Once you've seen a team with 6+ stacks of leadership toggles, it gets real hard not to take them on every character. Although mass-stacking of Manuevers, Assault, and Tactics *does* require people to stay more or less close to each other vs running every which way.
  3. It really is a damn shame that First Ward is so often deserted. The arcs are very well done and the enemies much more interesting than Even More Freakshow and Even More Sky Raiders for the level range.
  4. Fiery Aura for Sentinels has the same thing on Cauterizing Blaze, just FYI.
  5. to be fair, the undertaking is still probably a large undertaking to write a number of branching arcs that have allow you to flesh out where your characters lines are (if in fact, your character has any). Technically, I agree I don't think it's a massive lift. the game already has the ability to present you with choices and alter the mission based on the outcome. And, they have have missions that give a more subtle choices with no giant midscreen popup.... such as the Imperial City Power mission where you can choose to capture Ricochet even though it means leaving Zane, Arie, and Warrant to die, or the option to leave the mission, letting Ricochet, and then get the next mission to save your powers division buddies. I'd love more of that. It's just in terms of writing up good arcs, narrating it all, deciding where the character can choose to branch left vs right and why.... that's time consuming. So I could defintely understand how producing those arcs would have to come in drips and drops rather than a sudden shazam, here's 40 new arcs! Or they might decide time is better spent giving AE the tools to make such branching arcs and farming out the storyline generation to us.
  6. I feel like there should be a /Regen character named ThankYouSirMayIHaveAnother
  7. I keep forgetting the rating system exists. Can other people see your rating / comment? Or are they effectively ONLY notes that you yourself can see? (ie, I don't feel bad about not rating someone well if only I could see it anyway, but if I'm failing to give props to good team leaders, it's like failing give good ratings to a restaraunt I like) Nevermind, I see my question was already answered by @Riverdusk. "Star ratings are global and are actually saved locally to your computer"
  8. Well... there's that. I don't remember who said it, but something like "The only thing worse than having to get up and go to work.... is not having to get up and go to work." I'm fortunate enough that I can work from home. My hours are wierd as hell, but, I have a job, and that takes me off of the "People with a right to complain" list.
  9. You're missing a poll choice for "Good God Man! Where do you find that kind of time!??" So I'm gonna vote "No" because I don't think anybody should be turning a game they enjoy into a slog of things that they feel obligated to do.
  10. It probably is, but I admit, my Plant / Psi Permadom can easily keep two Spirit Tree's up at once, and that provides a TON of +Regen for a class that's normally low on self-heals. Esp since her Spirit Tree is six slotted with Preventative Medicine. Biiiig boost to the regen, and +8.75% recharge, and some nice resists on the side. I wouldn't want to lose that abiilty to double stack it for harder fights. Heck, I've been on Villain teams where my Dom IS the Healer, the Tree's are only maintence heals but that plus her lockdown makes it good enough to roll. Now, on my Dom, the recharge is good enough I don't worry about whether the trees follow me around. But for a Trapfender or other build at lower levels? I've been hesistant to place it "wrong" and it ended up becoming "Too Cool To Use" except for the last final fight of the mission.
  11. I want a series of 8 or 9 doors. Maxwell Smart style.
  12. Honestly I'd like to have a few Rogue story arcs where yea, you're a mercenary, but you have the OPTION to go with it heedless of who is harmed, and you have the OPTION to say "No, that's a line even I won't cross" and have options to work to foil your employer's schemes (and if you should happen to loot his bank account while you do it, well, that would be a happy coincidence....)
  13. I'm not gonna say thank god not all heroes are like that. I am gonna say thank god each player can create a hero of whatever type they want. You want to be a noble hero like Cap or Supes who never falters, and always stays true to their ideals no matter how dark and gritty the world they find themselves in. You do you. It may mean you never get a Patron Pool, but hey, only about half my VILLAINS even use a Patron Pool. I'm often happier with the Ancillary Pools. And Concept > All Else, anyway. You want to make a Doctor Doom or other no-bones-about-Bad-Dude character, who always stays Villain and never chooses Rogue? You do you. Some of my villains are out for total world domination. Some because they just want it. Some because they feel they alone can guide humanity to it's proper destiny. One of my villains looking to outdo Thanos, and are on quest to cull the worlds human population. She'd like to drop human total population to just around 1 million hunter-gatherers, everyone else dead. And she considers that merciful, to give humanity a second chance to live in proper balance with nature. (proper balance as she sees it, of course) You want to make a scoundrel who has no problem being a con-man, no problem with robbing banks, but will draw the line and refuse to do anything that would harm kids or hospitals, and even has contacts and friends and family and entire neighborhoods that they hold dear and don't want to see harmed? You can do that. You want to make a character who is Sick and Tired of the legal red tape and due process and thinks its high time good guys took off the gloves and started going at Mafia Bosses and Drug Cartels in the only language they understand? You can do that too.
  14. Having Triage Beacon follow you, (aka, Triage Drone) might be better. Then you could still create a second one while the first is still active, if you have enough Recharge. Although that might have it's own issues, if you WANT to place it as a specific location and have it stay there, even if you personally backed away from it.
  15. Absolutely. I've seen some "your jaw will hit the floor" creations for SG bases, that I'm sure people are just super proud of and want to share. I mean, if I had even 1/8th of the skill of Bob Ross or some other painters, Damn Straight I'd be putting my work up somewhere where people could ooo and aaah at it. Answers will no doubt vary. in principle, I don't object to additional community tools. Batman may have his Batcave, but he may allow select other people to visit it from time to time. He's probably never going to have a full on Block Party with the GPS coordinates on an invite posted all around Gotham City though. Similarly, some people will be selective who they want to come visit their SG (just SG members) and others will actually WANT something closer to a block party. that said, these days I'm very reluctant to join permanent guilds or associations iwth other players. I personally am content to just use the community of Help Chat, and General Chat, and my Friends list. I would probably accept a Coalition invite if one is ever sent to me, but whether or not I would eventually withdraw from the Coalition would depend on how the rest of the Coalition acted. If it was just another chat channel to socialize in, or "hey if anyone has a free moment, could you do XYZ?", I'd be fine with that. If someone tried to start beating the Raid Drums and kept telling people to come join their iTrial or Hami Raid, I'd exit the coalition and never look back.
  16. True. Teleknesis with Repel-To-KD would be.... honestly game-breakingly-good. It probably cannot be permitted to exist.
  17. It will do something, just not what you want. Example: Hurricane is both Repel and KnockBACK, as well as mad screaming crazy levels of To-Hi Debuff the Sudden Accel IO will change it to Repel and KnockDOWN, .... but Repel effect stays. Ki Push is X seconds of Repel and Mag 4 Hold, and when those X seconds are up, THEN a KnockBACK effect is applied to target. A final "fling" at the end of the Repel. the Sudden Accel IO will affect that final fling, and turn just that portion of it to KnockDOWN. But the repel will remain. Again, I *like* the Repel on Ki Push, and I wouldn't want to change it.... but I do that it can be annoying to other players.
  18. I would not oppose such an IO being created. I would love it for Hurricane, to turn it's Repel into Knockdown. I would never EVER use it for Ki Push though, I love having them float away and then I can gun them down or Burst of Speed / Jaunt next to them to if I want to keep using Martial Combat kicks.
  19. I could not disagree more with this statement. The PRIMARY focus of a blaster is Damage, sure. But if you're doing Dark Blast, yes, you are darn well providing mitigation to the team, and it's a poor blaster who is unaware of this fact.
  20. I think the harder part would be flags that need three or more colors. CoH typically only does two-color costume pieces. also, most costume pieces can be re-recolored. if it's a costume piece like any other, then don't be offended if the Red, White, and Blue suddenly ends up being Pink, Cream, and Aqua for someone's chest emblem. Because sight unseen, SOMEONE will do it. Sure as the sun will rise in the east. Personally I wouldn't have a problem with that, but statistically speaking, there will be X many who flip at the sight of it.
  21. You definitely START that mission as a Lackey. I mean, you're literally being hired byArachnos to run an errand for them. However it ends much much better, as they realize their "hired help" has an agenda of their own.
  22. Ah, Thaddius.... the positive / negative fight? that was fun. I more enjoyed the fight before the fight though. Dealing with teh two smaller things that would peroidcally fling the tanks to the other platform. I was one of tanks, and my tanking buddy and I had a macro setup to /wave at the other and chat "High Five!" as we went zipping past each other in the air.
  23. Everyone with Katanas and Dual Blades and Battle Axes seems to think its "De-Feet All".
  24. At least for me, it has nothing to do with whether current players are fickle or not, nothing to do with whether they read the mission text or not. I know me. I get very much sucked into thinking if I join some group, I should be focused on what's best for that group, and trying to help out people that group, even to the detriment of my own personal enjoyment. This was a good attitude to have during the heydays of EQ-Progression-Raiding or WoW-Progression-Raiding. You needed to have hordes of people all logging on at the same time, all team focused, all trying to properly coordinate some pretty tricky mechanics (less so for EQ, much more so for WoW), and some bosses might take the better part of 4 weeks at 3 nights a week, 5 hours a night, just to finally get to the point of defeating that boss ONCE. Once you got over that hump the first time most people were good at remembering it and doing it right next time, but oh god, guildleaders there had to be MASTERS of Herding Cats, and tamping down egos and dramaqueens. I still get nostalgic about it. A lot. But I can never allow myself to sign up for anything remotely like that, ever again. It's my own personal line drawn in my own sand to say "Nope, served my time. From here on out, no more guilds. No more obligations. No more pre-booked anything. I load up whatever game I feel like, only when I feel like it, only for a as long as I feel like it." Other than CoH, I really only do single-player games now. Very occasionally some co-op stuff with my brother if he wants a Steam Achievement for something.
  25. Limitations: you cannot have an Ancillary Power Pool AND a Patron Pool on the same character at the same time. You can respec back and forth, but you cannot choose both at once. (This may be why you're not seeing an option for Electrical Mastery) Widows and Soldiers can never choose Ancillary Power Pools, ONLY Patron Pools. Peacebringers and Warshades don't get either one. Many may chafe at these limits, but that is the way it's coded. Patron Pools: are the same pools.... Mu Mastery, Soul Mastery, Leviathan Mastery, Mace Mastery. Exactly which powers you get varies by Archtype. these all require a story arc to unlock (Begins at Arbiter Rein in Grandville). but once you do any one of arcs, that means that character can choose from any Patron Pool during any respc. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Patron_Power_Pools Ancillary Pools: Not every archtype is going to have "Electrical Mastery" as an option. So does depend on your AT. They become available at lvl 35 (unless you're a widow/soldier/peacebringer/warshade, or already chose a Patron Pool) https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Ancillary_Power_Pools
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