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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. QFT. I do not use the slash command, will not use the slash command. I don't like it being there, but as long as it is, it's unrealistic of me to expect others to refuse to use it. But I personally still refuse. And if teams want to kick me for "taking too long", okay, you do that. If speed matters THAT much to a team, I'm probably not having fun on that team anyway.
  2. Since the reboot, I have only ever found Teleport Foe useful when soloing on a lower-damage character.
  3. I've never understood why Rage is considered to suck. My Inv/SS tanker is only lvl 32, and it's got upwards of 90% uptime for him. Not too shabby for a constant +80% damage power. And it's got a 10 second window where I should conserve my power and not attack. 10 seconds is over pretty quick.
  4. Whatever they add, I'd like it to be balanced. It should have a distinct flavor and feel, but please no more "Bigger Better Faster" syndrome.
  5. Keep in mind your END is drained everytime it hits a target. And I do not think that drain can be reduced. So you may be able to dive into a pile and chain-knockdown them .... for a short bit... but I'd expect to be completely end drained before long.
  6. Generally I quit out of groups that are chock full of incarnates after one mission, UNLESS, I am also a fully tricked out incarnate. The power rush can be fun when I feel like I have a snowballs chance in hell of meaningfully contributing. If i'm literally being carried and entire mob packs are obliterated before I could do anything, and the rare times I can act, I have a giant chance to miss.... no. Some may enjoy it. I do not. I immediately disable XP, because I do not want to be powerleveled under any circumstances, and I'll leave the team after. If I'm invited by a friend, I MAY silently suffer through it for 2-4 missions with XP firmly disabled before I make up an excuse and log off. Honestly, I find lvl 44 and below content (where Incarnates are disabled) to be VASTLY more challenging and entertaining. Being overpowered and stomping Council at +4x8 is not a challenge. It may be fun, but it's NOT a challenge. Going against Rularuu +4x8, or Night Ward +3x8, now we're getting into challenge territory.
  7. Aw. I was hoping for a Task Force where Lusca, or maybe Caleb, is the contact.
  8. I'd like it if it took these kinds of IO sets. I don't see it as "top 10 priorities" but I'd defitely put it in the "It would be nice if" bucket. My AR/MC blaster doesn't feel super weak... I mean, lvl 21, she's soloing First Ward arcs at +1/x3 with bosses.... but it does feel a bit "hey!" anytime I get a power that not only doesn't take sets, but literally can't be slotted AT ALL. I suppose on the flip side though, that's one less power ot take slots, so more slots to allocate for other powers.
  9. Maybe. The problem is when do you take the powers, and how many slots can you devote to them. Perhaps if you had a primary and secondary with a few skippable powers at the right levels. But my Mind/Kin controllers was pretty much up to his Epic Pool before he had much wiggle room to consider taking extra powers, and the epic pools hit pretty hard and hit from range.
  10. My Beast/Empathy mastermind is on track to take the entire pool. Boxing/Kick/Crosspunch to melee with her pets. Endurance cost for these attacks is FAR more reasonable than the MM direct attacks, and being in melee ensures my melee pets are always in range of Supremacy and Pet Aura IOs, and always in range of Healing Aura for maintenence heals. Between bodyguard mode, set bonues, AND tough, she's actually got quite a bit of Smashing Lethal resistance. I haven't decided to take Weave yet, but really... I mean I have everything else.... and it's not like more defense sucks....
  11. I tried to. For a long time. But they've said that for a long, LONG, time while nothing has happened. At a certain point, what you DO, or DON'T DO, speaks so loudly, that I can no longer hear words that claim otherwise. Now, It's their game of course, and they have full rights to do anything they want with it, and they are by no means bound to take action sooner because of anything I say. But frankly, on the removal of enterbasefrompasscode? I'll believe it when I see it. And not before.
  12. Rather than invent a(nother) entire powerset around "beams", it seems like they'd get far more bang-for-the-buck by creating more beam-like animations for the existing powersets. Then if you want Cryo-Beams, you use Ice Blast iwth an alternate Beam animation, etc.
  13. I mean, you're in PvP zones on the PvP server. I would fully expect to be ganked on those conditions. I would say your options are a) transfer to another server where the PvP zones are near-abandoned, then transfer back after you have your badges. b) beat the war drums and find like-minded folk or at least useful distractions of people to flood the PvP zone all at once. This will scare off the folks looking for easy kill farms. And if they beat their war drums, you have a modest chance to go and get your badges while everyone else slugs it out.
  14. I wonder how other cities handle crime that don't have a flotilla of superheroes. What's left of Bangor, Maine? What's left of Columbus, Ohio? Or Galvaston, Texas?
  15. At least redside, I have noticed which Broker I am assigned depends on how I enter the zone the very first time. It seems to pick the broker closest to that entrance. If I enter Cap South for the FIRST time I enter the zone, I get Desdemona the Glint. If I enter Cap North for the FIRST time I enter the zone, I get Boris the Russian. Every time. I suspect there's something similar for all zones. Whether you enter by Tram or by Base Porter or by Street connection, etc.
  16. @Greycat re: Holy Light. Point Conceded. And I guess as long as the powers could be recolored, I could do a "Darkling Glow" where I felt it more fitting.
  17. This is not a thing that can or should be controlled. Mind you, I disagree, vehemently, with the notions that "regen is crap" or "energy melee is not worth taking" or "force fields are useless". But clamping down on people spouting off opinions, even opinions i consider to be flat wrong in chat? Not without a darn good reason. Having strong negative opinions about a powerset in no way constitutes any kind of infringement on terms and conditions of Homecoming EULA / Chat Rules, etc, even if I really really wish people would moderate / qualify their opinions more. At the end of the day, people give bad advice on all MANNER of subjects across the world every day. Just like every other arena, the listener is going to have to decide when to take it as face value, when to put it to the test, and when they just disregard someone who's being Loud Opinionated Guy On The Internet.
  18. If we're going to blast the earth, we should really get an Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator, first.
  19. First, you use all screaming caps to tell the offender "YOU ARE BAD AND SHOULD FEEL BAD!!!!" several times in Help AND General and brow-beat them into submission! 😄 OK, Kidding aside. Yea. Often, I let it go, especially if I have the slightest shadow of a doubt on the issue. I don't use Discord, so when I am talking with other players, it's in text. Maybe someday I should use Discord / learn more about how it works, but.... eh, haven't gotten around to it yet. For the Inspirations example, I'd go parlimentarian and type something like "Point of Clarification: any 3 inspirations of the same size AND same color can be combined". And if i'm feeling really technical I'd add the bit about "Except for Dual Inspriations and Team Inspirations, which cannot be combined either".
  20. I doubt anything would be a direct port. For one thing, the HC Devs have done quite a bit of work to get things to run in 64 bit, and to try to untangle all of NCSoft's wonderful Spaghetti Code, down to at least, Ziti Code. (is that a phrase? if not, I'm declaring it one) So there would still be a moderate effort to take whatever is there, unpack it to it's components, translate it over in the re-factored code environment, and then box it up, and then still playtest it out, and ensure that they were happy with the animations. I'd hope this happens for at least Wind Control, but I'd keep any expectations very low and just say whatever we get, whenever we get it, is a gift. I don't need the shiniest new toy now-darnit-now. I'm content to wait for something that meshes with the rest of the game and works well on the HC platform. Holy Light, I admit, I'm looking askance at that, just by the name. Because I'm picturing a flotilla of Villanous Holy Light Corruptors or Masterminds, and thinking to myself that Light can't be all that Holy if I can use it to go on a Mayhem Mission with, or if I can use that "Holy" Light to enforce the will of Praetor Tilman and Sinclair and Emperor Cole as a Power Loyalilst. At the very least I'd probably want such a powerset to be renamed to something a touch more neutral. Holy light objection retracted.
  21. I'd believe it. I usually find myself disabling XP to make sure I can clear a couple story arcs in each level range on the way up, as well as do enough radio/paper missions for the Safeguard/Mayhem in each level range. yea, I know, I *could* do them later, but I like experiencing my character at different stages of power as they develop.
  22. I've never done this. I've come close, but never 100%. My Mind/Kin controller is 9/9 for his primary and 7/9 for his secondary. My Claws/SR is mirror image, 7/9 for the primary, 9/9 for the secondary. Heck, even my Plant/Psi Dominator skipped a few powers in both trees. 9/9 for BOTH? Never. Some of this is no doubt a leftover from character building on retail, needing to plan on Fitness and a Travel Power. And I do like adding in Leadership toggles where they fit. And then I get quirky and do wierd things like take the Prescence Pool on my Dark/Dark corruptor to get the self-rez option, becuase his backstory involves him being cursed and can literally never die and stay dead.
  23. You're not wrong but I agree with @NNDeepdish. The people who already skip low level content to power level via DFB or AE would continue to do so. Then they'd come back via Ouroborous as a decked-out lvl 50 exemplared down and one shot everything. I see only two ways to convince people to do lower level story arcs at content level. if friends start a group and invite them along, OR, if you put in some kind of desired reward, like a badge, that CANNOT BE OBTAINED LATER, if you're already outleveled it. Make no mistake, that second one is a Horribly Bad Idea. The entire point of Ouroborus is you shoudl be able to do any content in any order, and I still rank that as the ABSOLUTE BEST change that was ever made to the base game. I rank Ouro above the Invention system and above the Incarnate system. And for that matter, adding rewards that require you do to it at content level, wouldn't even be convincing people to do it. At best you would be COERCING the badge-hunters, forcing them into a corral they DON'T want to be in. And what about characters who are already 50? Too bad for you? Really the only viable option is the first one. If you see people blowing past content and you think they're missing out on something fun? Start a team. Invite them. Make it a fun experiance. I do not see any solution requiring developer action as a viable solution to this.
  24. Glad to see this. I'm levelling up an AR/MC blaster, currently lvl 22 in the First Ward. I've been going back and forth between Buckshot and M-30 grenade. So far still have Buckshot for the KD vs KB. Someday I might swap that out, but for now, good to see every single Assault Rifle power I have selected is in your build.
  25. This is why monkey wrenches are the best War Mace option
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