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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. I mean, it's disappointing, but I think they very much collectively learned the lesson of Never Ever Ever say "Damn the Torpedoes, the nation wants to see the launch", EVER again.
  2. To be fair, when I read your first remark I was a bit surprised, because I read it as a kind of flippant "You completed it, no? So what's your problem?". To be clear that's NOT a direct quote. But it is how I READ your post. I refrained from commenting on it because I wasn't sure, but that WAS my first impression of that post. One thing I have painfully learned over the last 20 years. Text, especially to someone you haven't known for a long time, is extremely easy to mis interpret. Questions in particular, if not phrased well, can easily be read as a challenge. So rather than say Better to say something like: "Did it prevent the TF from being completed? I'm not trying to be dismissive, I'm just genuinely curious. I've never had him not be there." Now. Would I actually have said that myself? Maybe not. I hope I would have phrased it that way. But If I was busy, tabbing between windows, or keeping on eye on the stove, or on laundry, maybe I woulda typed something quick and posted it myself. It happens.
  3. Panacea can be worth it on a Stalker just for the +END alone, since we *grumble grumble* don't get Quick Recovery, same for Numina's. But yea, I'm looking at my own screenshot above, and looking at the Regenerative Tissue unique I have in Health and saying.... "you know, I should probably take out that IO, and move that slot somewhere else...."
  4. I would add a clarifier to this point. You may or may not agree with me, but it's my take on it. If I buy a Red Fortune +Defense for 2,000,000, and then turn right around and post that SAME THING for 4,000,000. yes, that's inflationary and arguably parasitic. I mean, the same thing happens all the darn time in the real world... middlemen are everywhere. But in the real world there's typically some contribution in terms of storage / warehousing / maintenance of supply lines, something, to justify that middleman's slice of the pie. Maybe not all the time, but usually. But the above example of buying and reposting the same darn things to the same market.... is basically Day Trading. Whether or not I should, I hold a distinctlly un-charitable opinion of that. But, contrast that with buy a Dampened Spirits To-Hit Debuff/Recharge recipe, craft it, convert the result until you get a LoTG Def/+7.5% global recharge. I do not consider that inflationary or parasitic in any way. You have consumed and destroyed some raw materials to produce a more valued commodity that people are willing to pay more for. Not unlike buying the raw materials and then selling pizza.
  5. That would take some considering. Lack of +Recharge in the powers themselves makes it more difficult to stack magnitudes on a boss. You'd still have +Hold duration, of course, but Hold and Recharge comes at it from both directions. OTOH, I get "Here's your cake. Have it, or Eat it. Pick one." If this was the price, well, it might be worth paying. And the answer might even be different at different stages of play, and depending on your secondary. On my Mind/Kin, I can still get a lot of +Recharge from Siphon Speed, to have some confidence I'm still spitting out the Holds fast enough. But a Mind/Emp might evaluate it differently, and a Fire/Poison might decide between the Imps and the Poison debuffs they're not lacking for any damage and would prefer raw lockdown. And that's cool too. Nice to have there not be any clear "Best" slotting that's always true across the board.
  6. Only 40% of my characters touch the Fighting pool at all. Tough/Weave are not even close to required. You may choose to take them on all your characters, but that is your choice, and some choices come at a cost. Also, having Hasten autofire is a thing that I would not want uuntil / unless I was ready for it. Like, "Increase # of Autocast powers to 2"? I could probably support that. Have Hasten always be autocast? No. Just burns my low level characters out of END before they're ready or wastes it if I don't have enough Recharge to perma it.
  7. I'd actually be LESS likely to slot these sets on a Dominator. You have your entire secondary tree to melt face with. The primary is to hold your enemies down while your secondary does unspeakable things do them. Really, it's on a Controller, where very often your Primary *IS* your damaging tree, that I could see these being used.
  8. If such sets were added I would *definitely* look at them on my Mind/Kin. Currently I have both Dominate and Mass Domination slotted with Lockdown for the extra +2 Hold and the extra Ranged Defense. But below level 38, he was a shall we say, a Crock Pot / Slow Cooker. single target Rotation of Dominate/Mezmerize/Levitate, and only levitate had Dmg enhancements in it. occasional use of damage-slotted Terrify after that became available. Now, I certainly *could* have slotted Mezmerize for +Damage, even if I'd wanted to keep Dominate kept as pure control / extended hold duration for sake of stacking magnitudes on tougher bosses. But levelling him, I was firmly "my job is to CONTROL, damage can come as a side effect", and got used to Confuse mobs being a healthy chunk of my damage when soloing. After level 38 of course, I got Fulcrum Shift. And my damage issues kind of went away. But if he wansn't /Kin, I likely would have had to make different choices along the way.
  9. I am virtually certain of this as well. Which is why i have minor dread at every "Make it a Toggle!" post, and why I try to make clear I consider it's strength more important than it being constant-on.
  10. Intersesting to experiment wtih as an OPTIONAL setting. Not something I'd want to see enabled full-time. I mean, I've SEEN these blasters, they don't care WHO's next to the targets, a big cluster is GOING to get nuked....
  11. The most irksome enddrainers on melee for me aren't the sappers. they die fast, and often miss, or otherwise get Controlled pretty quick. The most annoying ones for me as the Freak Super Stunners. Because I'm pretty sure that End-Drain-On-Ressurect they do is 100% auto-hit. It's nailed my /SR scrapper pretty much every time, until I learned to just back the heck up before finishing them off. And not just a little, because it has a decent range when it activates. Carnie packs aren't that that big a deal because either there arent' usuallly so many of them dying at once, OR, their drain may require a to-hit roll that my /SR just dodges. I'd still rather have the odd Can-Opener in the game though, that I have to be alert for and handle a bit difference instead of facerolling everything.
  12. I must be in the minority who actually prefers Instant Healing to actually be +Regen rather than +Absorb. Some of it is just concept... I want to see the green heal almost as fast as damage is taken. I don't want my character still hurt but with an absorbtion shield. That's not Regen to me. That's ForceField Armor. Some of it may be that I play a Stalker, not a brute. While he's capable of it, typically my stalker is not expected to soak alphas for a team, one after the other after the other. A brute would be. But the thing with Regen as a schtick is if your regen is good enough, you are an immortal god. You can go for days. Nothing stops you, you just laugh at the things that surround you, and you just punchy-punchy-punchy (or stabby-stabby-stabby, etc), and incoming damage doesn't matter.... as long as it's below a certain threshold. Once you cross that threshold, then Regen is in serious trouble. And you can slot for +Defense and +Resist to adjust exactly where that threshold is. But I think they haven't put it on tankers yet, because they're really not sure how to keep the threshold high enough for a tank to do their expected job, without being truly totally immortal. Now, has that ship already sailed? Yes, and no. Willpower gets ludicrous amounts of +Regen if surrounded, and is available to tanks. So a case can be made, just turn IH back into a toggle, and let tanks roll. But Willpower will lose a bunch of that regen if their team blows up the surrounding cloud of minions and leaves them facing just the AV/EB. /Regen has no such dependance on the number of foes surrounding you. I will say, if push came to shove, me personally, I'd like IH to become a toggle.... so long as it retains 100% of it's current regen strength, and remains enhanceable exactly as it is now. If the price of it becoming a toggle were to be slash it's strength by 30%, or to make it unenhanceable, then no thank you, I'd rather keep it as a click, and I'll use it strategically where needed.
  13. Interesting. Did not know that. I guess it explains why it's seemed a popular thing to slot for.
  14. I prefer to slot for Resistance on /Regen. I won't AVOID +Defense bonuses, and if I can get them by allocating 1-2 more slots, I will. But I primarily slot resistance. Reason: /Regen will have zero DDR. I don't like putting all my eggs into one basket on defense only to experience Cascade Defense Failure when a couple gunners start pinging me down. Resistance feels like a more reliable wall that I can trust even when I take a few hits. I don't use Mids. I know I know, all the cool kids do, I should get it, but I haven't. I prefer to just wing my builds. My /Regen is a lvl 38 stalker. He's not a brute. But he's quite capable of leaping ahead and soaking the alphas for teams when he's needed to. Because he's only lvl 38, not 50, his slotting is not yet done. He'll be getting more bonuses as he goes. My slotting: Currently he's at 53% smashing / lethal resist 32% fire/cold resist 24% energy/negative resist 20% toxic/psi resist 17% ranged defense 22% melee defense Your milage may vary, but I'm pretty happy with the result. And the numbers should go up as he gets the rest of his slots.
  15. Unless the set bonus was overwhelmingly powerful, 2 sappers would still detoggle you. and if you're in a group soaking the alpha, it's entirely probable you're being pinged by multiple Sappers.
  16. I guess I sort of look at like... you could always.... get wild and crazy and.... team? with someone who can provide protection from this? A Stormy's O2 Boost? A FF Bubbler? (force fields include End Drain resist as well as defense) Bring along an Empath for Recovery Aura? Bring along an Elec Affin character? Melee could in fact.... back off.... when the Freaks/Carnies are low on health, and let ranged finish them off? I'm definitely with @Monos King on this point: The classic means of overcoming things your powers are weak against, is a friend who's strong against them. Now it's true, some forms of Debuff Resist (Slow Resistance) exist in IO form. One can argue if Slow Resistance is really just Status Protection vs a Debuff. It kind of skirts the gray area between them, but it exists. But there's Zero versions of Defense Debuff Resist on an IO. And I wouldn't want there to be any. There's Zero versions of To-Hit Debuff Resistance on an IO. And I wouldn't want there to be any. There's Zero versions of Recharge Debuff Resistance on an IO. And I wouldn't want there to be any. I put Endurance Drain into this same category, and I feel adding Endurance Drain is the slippery slope leading to DDR being added to IO's. Do I have veto power here? Of course not. You remain free to keep promoting your propose change, and I remain free to saying characters should have a few "Can Openers" that they're vulnerable against. Ultimately the devs will decide what they think is best.
  17. I claim all my Team Inspirations on my Masterminds. I will use them if the team needs a boost, but primarily I use them to boost my Ninjas/Thugs/Puppies.
  18. I would like to see Giant Monsters chasing down and attacking citizens who stroll past. Lusca should reach out with tentacles and grab one for dinner, etc. I mean, give me a reason to consider them Monsters. As it is, Lusca harasses citizens less than a Hellion purse snatcher, or a Family Mook.
  19. If they do it again and again to the same person, I'm largely forced to agree. If it's a one-of event, I just assume the person was autorun / AFK and had to deal with kids or phone or a pot of water boilling over and they just happened to slam into me while AFK.
  20. Absolutely. I've had a great deal of fun playing my AR/Martial Kombat Blaster. No Aim, No Build up. Many would refuse the combo right there. But it works for me. She's only lvl 20. Has a fair number of attuned IO's but is by no means fully kitted out. No meaningful defense numbers of any kind. But, so far has been quite enjoyable to solo. Sniper Shot will do about half-health damage to boss AND knock it on it's butt, then either Burst of Speed or Jaunt to teleport next to it, Storm Kick as it stands up (generally knocks it right back down again) then Ki Push to hold / repel it for a few seconds, and Slug, Burst, are often enough to finish it off. If I have a big pile of minions to deal with then, then burst and duck around a corner. as they get close Burst of Speed, Dragon Tail, Burst of Speed, Jaunt away, turn and Flamethrower them down. Very fun run-and-gun feel to the character. Not the strategic archer / tac arrow style, but more of a charge Guns-A-Blazin' and don't stop till you're the only one standing. Should be even more fun now that I just picked up Reaction Time.
  21. Twinshot and Flamebeaux still do it to me every time I do some of the Shining Stars missions. They try to "follow me" right onto the exact pixel I'm standing on and they just won't STOP. Seriously, enough! (Though yes, as omg really I find it when it's NPC's and bad AI, it would be... disturbing... for actual human players to do that to me.)
  22. Of the common areas? SteelCanyon, RoyalOverlook. Fav overall? Boomtown, the Cannonade. such a shame that cannonade is this tucked away part of Boomtown that people hardly EVER visit. I hope they recycle that track for somewhere else.
  23. I'm not sure this would make my list of "top 500 things to change". But it has annoyed me from time to time.
  24. I've never created a second build on ANY character yet. Although I keep *realllly* thinking about it for my Mind/Kin every time he goes for a "No Enhancements" badge in Ouroborous, because he doesnt' have Tactics. No enhancements plus no tactics = City of Whiffs
  25. Seriously. Back in 2011, or so, I rmember a SINGLE purple recipe going for literally billions of influence. Or at least Hundred-Millions. I might have miscounted 1 zero. It's far far far easier to gear up as a casual player on Homecoming. Night and Day.
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