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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. Right now, you can also use Halos with ANY type of head. Standard head? Sure. Hats? Sure Mideval Helmets? Sure. If it's a Detail slot, they may have to code it for each sub-type of headgear. I think make it it's own slot is better, but of course, I do not know the code in question.
  2. I don't know. I very much enjoyed Hardcore Mode in Diablo 2 and Diablo 3, and could not take the "regular" version of either game seriously once I got used to it. I mean, sure. It sucked to stare at the "You Have Died. Your Deeds of Valor Shall Be Long Remembered..." screen for a lvl 84 Paladin in D2, knowing that no matter why you died, even if it was not your fault, just an internet glitch or even a power outage or even a bug in the game, too bad, that was it, that characters is forever dead, no saving throw. But I would never have played D2 or D3 anywhere near as extensively as I did without it. and other Survival type games, like Subnautica, or DIshonored, I very much enjoy with a One-Life-Only mode. But the game needs to be designed around such a mode for it to be viable, I think. Counter-Example. I could never ever play Fallout 4 or similar games with 1 life only. Because the game is freakishly unfair to that concept, there are ambushes where a foe has incredibly good sight and cover and a Fat Man Nuke Launcher. Or rooms with mines galore that are very well hidden. The designers fully INTENDED for you to die multiple times as you play that game. I could only really do a one-life-only playthrough by completely forsaking all character immersion and repeatedly drawing upon knowledge of me-the-player as opposed to what my character "should" know. And that would eliminate the point of even playing that kind of game for me. I think you'd have to re-engineer a LOT of city of heroes to make it viable as a one-life-only game. Now, would I be willing to try it out? Join a premade with one single character with other like minded folks and see how we do? Maybe. It would be very slow levelling and very cautious play compared to any other play anywhere else in the game, and I don't know how much people would really enjoy it.
  3. I'm quite happy with the power as it currently exists. Auto resists to the two most common damage types in the game. If you build up your defenses from sets, then defense plus resists together becomes quite strong. I would not be opposed to a mutually exclusive alternative power being created, or a new tree. But I would not want the existing power taken away from my characters who have it and are happy with it.
  4. Hover got faster when I wasn't looking. I mean, it's slower than Fly, sure, but I picked it up on a praetorian Grav / FF controller and he'll cross Imperial City with it pretty close to the amount of time it would take him to just run across the zone. I probably missed an update or two late game in Live.
  5. I'm not convinced it would be all that traumatic if they DID make it unique. I mean, there would be many angry posts. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Some ragequits. But while it might make true perma HASTEN much more difficult without team buffs (note: pretty sure perma-Hasten would be still be very achieveable if you do include team buffs....), It would still be very doable to have perma-Domination without it (though, yes, there would be X seconds of cooldown on Hasten and you'd need to keep an eye on it). I'm not really expecting any such changes to happen, of course. But I don't think the world would end.
  6. If animations are outright removed, that might be true. If options are put in place so each player can control what is rendered on THIER screen, without impacting what renders for anyone else, I see no harm in it. That would also be of benefit to anyone with a lower end graphics card whose game struggles in highly populated areas (MSR, Hami, etc)
  7. I keep telling my brother he needs to make a space battleship when he plays Kerbal Space Program.
  8. I .... clearly do not use your definitions lol. I very much enjoy the combat in CoH. No it's not super duper tactical. There's not tremendous amounts of consequence to using the "right' or "wrong" power at any given moment. But it's stompy arcady fun. And after a long day at work, it makes me smile.
  9. Nice! If that was a WoW Heroic Dungeon, there would have been a flurry of people calling each other "Fail" back and forth and blaming it on each other before ragequitting lol.
  10. I think the intent is, whether or not your character is young or old.... my Mind/Kin uses "Older Face 1" or "Older Face 3", I can't remember which is which... but he's definitely "Gramps" style hero.... Twinshot herself. believes that she's been everywhere, she's seen it all, and whatever you've seen must pale in comparison to her experiences. This doens't make her RIGHT. She can be entirely mistaken and unable to see it. Like, my Mind/Kin, in my own personal headcanon, is a Gandalf like figure who has acted as a hidden hand guiding and teaching humanity for several thousand years. So he just kind of smiled a bemused smile at Twinshot and let her think what she would think, not feeling any need to correct or instruct her. He knew the truth of matter and that was enough whether or not she was aware.
  11. Londo: "I have no choice!" Lady Morella: "There is always choice. We say that there is no choice only to comfort ourselves with a decision we have already made."
  12. I guess my first reaction is "shield defense without a shield? isn't that Super Reflexes and just not being hit?" But, fair point with Diana using the bracers. "Deflection / Blocking" as opposed to just not even being there when the enemy strikes. I dunno though. If I want Broadsword attacks with an invisible Broadsword, are you gonna get behind that too? Not just an energy blade, but a blade that ISNT THERE?
  13. Yellow Salvage has definitely gone up. Once upon a time, a bid of 1,250 would buy yellow salvage within minutes if not instantly. Last night, I bid 25,009 on many pieces of yellow salvage and 3 hours later, not a single one was purchased. (I haven't had a chance to log in a check if any purchased overnight, I'm skimming the forums while waiting on code translations while working from hime.)\ That said, both things are well below the seeded cost, so we're still talking player-to-player transactions. Could be some farmers decided too many people were lowballing the hell out of yellow salvage and they just delete it to make room for more rare salvage. Could be just a big spike in people playing converter roulette and now lots more are trying to buy the exact same supply that's been coming in most nights, so we get into bidding wars with each other.
  14. Snare translates to me because of many many years spent in EverQuest. But yea. It should be slow. Stun / Disorient has a similar issue.
  15. I would not be opposed to this. I guess I was more reacting to the original post on a level of "how many OTHER animations that have been in the game since 2004 will be questioned?". And I can't lie, I'm still somewhat reacting to it on that level, still kneejerk wanting to look at it as a user issue vs a developer issue. But power customization options are always to the good. So letting people choose alternate animations, sure. And I know I've seen requested many times the ability to have graphics of OTHER players powers be suppressed as an option. Not limiting what anyone else sees, just limiting what your PC chooses to render vs not on your screen. I'd prefer that kind of approach to this, to be honest. It would still meet the same goal of the OP not having to see it.
  16. I'm still having some trouble grokking that this is a big deal, but i mean.... come on... even I know it's impractical to be 100% in motion 100% of the time you're logged in.
  17. Well, consider every week, a LOT of people will be running the weekly, one group after another after another. So if it's level-locked by Strike Force, that is pretty much going to resutl in a chain of invasions for those zones, not unlike the Lady Gray TF / Rikti Invasions. (side note: Lady Gray should not count, it's co-op, not strictly villainous, and includes it's own invasions already). But if it's Silver Mantis Week, you can bet which zone(s) would be particularly hammered that week. That wouldn't be griefing per se by a group of players actively selecting a particular zone, but, how different would it really be from the viewpoint of a disinterested Blue Player. If anything I think letting players choose opens up the possibilty they might spread it out across different zones.
  18. Still. Okay. I can see that I might prefer an animation which didn't look like I'm jolting my allies with electricity to leave them writhing in pain. I mean, *most* of the time, I like my allies. Mostly. 😉 However. Electrical Blast powers still do this to enemies. And to YOU, when used against you by a Lead Shocker, or other foe. Does this cause concern? Fire Blast lights your enemies ON FIRE. And light YOU on fire when Circle Demons attack. Does this cause concern? Broad Sword, Katana, Ninja Blade, Battle Axe, and the like show the target (friend or foe) assaulted with giant weapons in animations that should be fatal. Does this cause concern? Earth Control leaves people encased in stone unable to twitch in any manner. Does this cause any concern? Mind Control violates the targets very thoughts, causing them to betray and harm their allies unwillingly. Does this cause concern? I just think.... especially given that the jolting animation of the target of an electrical blast has been in the game since day 1 of Live, it's not that big of a deal. Perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps I simply cannot make the mental leap why the same animantion is fine if it comes at you via a Stunner Chief, or a Malta Operative tazing you, but the very same jolting animation is not fine if it comes at you from an ally buffing you. But I can't.
  19. I admit DFB has zero appeal to me, so I'm probably part of the problem there, an Excelsior redside player who would rather do low level arcs to level than DFB. But a general mission team, I'm there.
  20. you mean weren't immediately hit by feellings of worry and concern to make sure that Blue Spectrum would be okay? /sarc seriously if I could just SHUT UP the voice acting in galaxy city tutorial it would be 80% less annoying.
  21. Well, I'd be fine with Strike Force Leader's name being announced. I mean, as a side benefit, that might be more people step up to the plate and lead a TF, too. At least give them that little nudge that, it's okay, it's just a Virgil Tarikoss Strike Force, it's really not that bad to lead.... 🙂
  22. I admit, I would love to see a Hellion invasion of Founders Falls. If the Hellions could you know, actually win, and not die in 2.5 milliseconds. A Crey invasion could be interesting, too. Crey is one of those groups you just love to hate. Allllllmost as good as 5th Column in that regard.
  23. I'm continually perplexed by how many people don't enjoy redside at all. But in the end, I don't really *need* to understand it. Not their cup of tea, okay. Nothing I can really do to change that. Bribing people to play redside is either not going to work (not big enough bribe) or will be resented / percieved as unfair (too big a bribe). I will say the many things that I enjoy about redside, and why I think people should give it more of a try than maybe they have in the past. Far more interesting architecture. less glass-and-steel, more twisty-turney neighborhoods, tunnels where you might not expect them, etc. Different and equally amusing billboards around town. NO "Filler" missions. That's right folks. Everything's a story arc. No "the Security Chief in Perez Park asked for you by name". or random "kill 50 carnies in peregrine island" yes, it starts out City of Lackeys, but it doesn't STAY that way. As you level, the tone of the missions changes more and your character is treated with much more respect in the dialogue. Mayhem missions. ZOMG so much fun. Really lets you /flex and feel your villain come into their own. You are just Big Mean Stompy and all shall fall before you. Tip missions. Much better villain / rogue flavoring. but people are gonna try it, or they won't. I don't think it merits developer action. This isn't something where loot drops are at stake or the whole game is designed around an equal number of red vs blue. And heck, what about GOLDSIDE?
  24. Am I the only one who read this thread title and immediately thought "aaaaaaaaaaaah, Mr. Morden!"
  25. If you mean a primary tree where virtually every attack is ranged damage, I have to say hard no. Otherwise, reconcile it with the Sentinel. If you're even better at doing ranged damage from even further away AND have the stalker secondary powesets to use? No.
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