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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. I would love this. I would be horrfied to have to be the one to code it. But it would be nice, IF possible, to have a file on each players client that says "play animation A if someone (not necessarily you) uses power B" there was a whole thread about people unhappy with the Jolting effect on friendlies for Electrical Affinity. If players could control how it renders on thier own screen, that issue is moot. earth control. I like the giant big blocks of rock, and I would not willingly use a minimal effects option for them. It makes Medusa Girl feel like she's really encasing them in stone. But I do hear many voices asking for a minimal fx option. If other people can make thier screen show a minimal view while I get current look, everyone's happy. for hierarchy, I think we're looking at if an animation / look is chosen on the PC where it to be rendered, then play that animation. else, play the animation chosen by the user of the power with thier own color customization (as it does now) else, play default animation (if the user of the power is an NPC, or other source that has no customization) I'm not sure how horrifying that would be in terms of what information needs to be sent to each player's PC when tons of powers are being spammed all at once (ex: a Hami raid), but I'm kind of assuming the majority of that must already be sent to each players PC, so it can render the appropriate colors, etc?
  2. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Incadescent Strike and Total Focus may be my two favorite animations in the game. Now, effectiveness wise, I get it. The wind up is very long, and if someone finishes off the target first, you just wasted a big whammy on nothing. But I just smile each time I see them, thinking "oh ya baby, this one's gonna HURT!"
  3. Would likely need a full keyboard anyway, just to monitor LFG chat, send someone a tell to either ask them to join you, or ask to join them.
  4. Least Favorite: Ablative Carapace in Bio Armor. I have literally never created a Bio Armor character because of this one single animation. Yes, there is a Minimal Fx option for Bio armor as a whole. No, it does not change this animation in anyway. I have had that confirmed by several people. Yes, the animation is very short lived. But it's ugly enough, to my eyes, that it's enough to disqualify the entire powerset from consideration when I make a character. I would be fine with a "no fx" option for this power, or an alternate animation that... looks a lot less like,,,, well there's no nice way to say this.... like the character is horking up a ball of snot to surround themselves with. also on a "it would be nice if", I'd like "Kick" in the fighting pool to have a martial-arts looking option. Don't care if Thunder Kick or Storm Kick or something totally new. totally fine with damage remaining 100% unchanged. But the White-Belt Front-Kick is... um... feels like my character should have learned something a touch more sophisticated along the way.
  5. I've never tried a Mind/ dominator, in part because my blueside main hero is a Mind/Kin controller, and well... feels a bit duplicative until I do more alts and try out more powersets. It's on the menu of things to come back to, but maybe not until I get to 40-50 characters (at 32 characters now). I am pretty optimistic that it'll be quite the treat once I DO get around to making a Mind/ dom though. I've seen it talked up in several threads, and by several friends.
  6. Plant / Psi is *Very* nice in terms of soloing, and levelling, and teaming, and survivability. Seeds of Confusion is just amazing. and almost does it all, all right there. The low cooldown combined with the "free hits AND we help you kill each other" in the cone confuse is just insane. And sure it can cost you a few minor XP around the edges. But you'll kill so much more iwth it, so much faster, you're still coming out ahead by leaps and bounds. And to the main point of the thread, anything you confuse is no longer attacking you. on the Plant side of things Seeds of Confuse, (as described) solid permanent pet (Fly Trap) that backs you up and applies it's own lesser controls in Immob's. excellent Temporary Pet (Carrion Creepers) that a) looks amazing, b) provides quite a bit of extra damage and control (in knockdowns and immobs), and c) can split what enemies spend their time attacking. ( = less attacks on you = more survival) Tree of Life. Admittedly, not everyone will take this and I fully expect several posters to say that I am bad and should feel bad for taking it. but one things Dom's lack is self-heals. Tree of Life gives you a nice solid stationary AE regen boost, not unlike Triage Beacon in Traps. Slotted well, the Regen boost is *quite* large. I have it Six Slotted (yes yes, I know) with Preventative Medicine, which gets me some smashing/lethal resist, the absorb proc, and +8.75% recharge. and I can easily keep TWO trees up if I wish it. And redside, which I play, there's never any guarantee that any teammate will have any means to do any group-heals effect. MM's have always been happy if I toss down a Tree to help keep their pets going as I was levelling. on the Psi side of things Drain Psyche. In addition to the very tasty -regen debuff, you can Seeds of Confusion, hop right into the middle of a group, Drain Psyche and the Psychic Shockwave. With ~ 4-5 stacks of Drain Psyche, your health bar fills up VERY quickly. With Drain Psyche AND Tree of Life going, you're practicallly running Instant Healing. Psychic Shockwave. in addition to being a nice PBAE to tag all your confused targets (to make sure you get exp for all of them, it's one of your many many ways to apply -Recharge debuffs to a foe. And on top of that, comes iwth a very strong stun that is amplified by Domination. It's not guaranteed to stun every target, true. But it keeps a lot of things from hurting you as you mow them down, and Roots will keep them from wondering much. And heck, your Fly Trap will generally root them FOR you if you're feeling especially lazy. TK Thrust. I know. I know. I went there. KnockBACK. I'm a baddy. But early in, before your build matures, this is a great soft control for "I'm not dealing with you yet" as you send someone far. And it saved me a few times in low-level soloing, by sending some adds off the edge of a building / over a catwalk / down into some caves. It's also smashing damage which is nice for those pesky psi-resistant robots. Later on, as your build does mature, it's easy enough to either respec out of OR plop in a KB-to-KD IO, whichever you prefer.
  7. There is an AE in Pocket D which can be accessed from Studio 55 (Bobcat's place) without offically going Blue or Red. It'd be nice if there was actually one inside Studio 55 itself (that is, without even having to go into Pocket D), but it's an option you can do now. Additional costume unlocks in Praetoria would be nice. I don't know that I'd need them... 6-7 costumes still covers a LOT of variety.... but it would definitely be nice, and shouldn't be a huge lift, esp if the mission is "Go Beat Up 20 Syndicate" (as a decent preatoerian stand-in for beating up the Tsoo, or the Family...).
  8. Agreed entirely. Scirocco's plan cannot be allowed to proceed... but the player should have the OPTION to betray him successfully, or the OPTION to try to back him and fail at their combined bid. The ultimate outcome may have to be railroad plot. But you should have choice along the way. Any tabletop Dungeons and Dragons DM worth their salt could find a way to accomodate some player agency even within certain constrained bounds of their game world where they don't plan to let the player past certain boundaries. You still let the player TRY, you just don't necessarily let the player SUCCEED. I mean, admittedly, the one character I've done Scirocco's arc on was more of a Doctor Doom-ish character, and had no intention of allowing Scirocco to succeed, since that would have forced him to give up his own plans of world domination, and even his own desire for world domination. But other players may have an undercover longbow agent (as they briefly touch redsdie for a patron arc), or they may just have a character who's been borderline between rogue and blueside and wondering whether or not there's really a better way to live, and would want to try to help Scirocco. Maybe they have to get squashed like a bug as Arachnos brings the hammer DOWN. But they shoudl be allowed to try if that' their thing.
  9. I think Hamidon raids have the option for Empyrean Merits as a drop too. And they're usually pretty fast.
  10. This x1000. I've gotten in the habit of keeping pen and paper nearby so when someone chats about a new story centered arc they created asking for feedback, I can WRITE DOWN the number, because I may not be able to FIND their mission arc later amidst all the farms and "I just wanted a badge so I created a mission" missions. I acknowledge that what is a farm vs what is a story may be somewhat subjective, and it is probably possible to create a farm that also has significant story elements. So it's probably best to leave the choice to the mission creator with a YN prompt as suggested.
  11. I've had her die on me several times. She's better at dying than Fusionette. Maybe they changed her in the last few months though. Most of my characters are past that arc.
  12. Branching Victory Conditions.... maybe including a Preatorian Style "Moral Choice"? But at least something like where you can choose to let Ricochet go in order to save Zane, Aria, Riptide, and Warrant, and be able to remember what choice the player made, and construct dialogue around the selected choice for the rest of the story arc. Or like how in new Dark Astoria, you can attempt to save both Sigil AND Kadabra Kill, but at some degree of risk, and you get a dialogue box with that choice before the fight (if any) commences. I imagine this is not a small lift. But giving the player some degree of agency during the mission rather than a scripted railroad plot would be nice.
  13. When I say Whoa........ .... I mean whoa.
  14. My Spines/Regen stalker is suprisingly durable, and I have zero hesitation at soaking the alpha strike for teams if no one else seems inclined to tank. One nice thing about Regen is incoming damage type matters far less than it does to some other secondaries. It's all damage. You heal it back up. Between Resiliance, Tough, and varied set bonuses, I have about 55% Smashing/Lethal resist, and that's only at lvl 38. It's going to get better. He may well hit hardcap vs smashing/lethal, which REALLY shifts the curve on how well your regeneration keep you going. most other damage types he's at about 30% damage resist 27% melee defense, 29% ranged defense. Throw Spines, from Hide as a Forced Crit, is a wonderful opener if I want to soak the alpha as my team coming roaring right in a couple steps behind me. Ripper or Spine Burst is also good for AE if you're dealing iwth a giant pack of trash mobs, but still has a good single target rotation for when I just want to end bosses fast. Torrent with a KB-to-KD makes for a nice To-Hit debuff on a group, effectively improving my defense and the rest of the teams. thematically I also just love sets with a self-rez. No, I'm sorry, even if you beat me you didn't beat me. This guy literally cannot BE killed for good. Just keep stabbin', Just keep stabbin', just keep stabbin'
  15. Some of the Aura's, or some epic armor toggles, may help with this. Mind Over Body largely hides this from view on my Plant/Psi dom. (though, I do have the pink circles of Mind Over Body itself to deal with...) Maybe a Tendrils body aura, colorized blue-black or purple?
  16. I've never tried Earth Assault because stylistically I'm not a fan of the Mallets (or any other summoned "weapons") (though I'm sure, for Earth, the mallets hit like a freight train....). But I do have a Plant/Psi dom who spends 100% of her time in melee and she actually surpassed my old mains (both of them) as most fun character to play. Just something about moving from spawn to spawn, holding them all hopeless and helpless yourself and wrecking face among them.
  17. See THIS is why I tried to get Captain Obvious and Captain Oblivious for names. Sadly, both were long gone.
  18. I always do the tutorial for every character. No character of mine is permitted to leave the tutorial without at least a 900 character backstory (and often is like 1021). My fliers always log out park on top of buildings or tall statues. They then start their day by jumping off the building and going into free fall, activating Fly only when they're close to impact. (yes, I have mistimed this a few times....) I almost always travel to Wentworths / Black Market in person. Only exception is when I'm already at the crafting table and just 1-2 ingredients short. Blueside, I'll often "rescue" a few stray citizens being accosted by Hellions or Vahz or Outcasts or Family or Tsoo as I'm zipping along from mission to mission. Only when soloing, and only a few citizens per trip, because after all, there are an infinite number of them and you can never *really* make a dent in it.
  19. Well the Badges for spending X time Held / Confused / Slept kinda already open the door for "Under-Achievements" as a thing. 🙂 For the specific issue you're talking about though... depends. If you ding me for going to IP South instead of IP North, I'm fine with what. If you ding me for actually travelling the city and not using the base teleport macro, I'll activate Grumpy Man mode and snarl at the darn kids these days that should get off my lawn and appreciate travelling the city like back in my day when we had to use the Green Line or the Orange Line for monorails, and it wasn't all just one line, and we LIKED it that way, you durn Whippersnappers!
  20. Stalker secondary sets are armor / defenses. Are you envisioning "Poison Armor"? Because if so, Rad Armor seems closest there. If you're thinking anythign like the Defender / Controller's "Poison" current debuffing powerset, I would say not for stalkers as such. There have been multiple threads requesting a Support/Melee or Melee/Support combinations though. But that would really be a new Archtype.
  21. New meaning to "the clothes make the man" if you have Swanky Vahz Abominations stitched together with blazers, dress pants, wingtips, and top hats Even more bonus points if they start trying to sing "Putting on the Ritz" 🙂
  22. Two minutes will let you cover a lot of ground. But you'd still need to pay attention to the Granter and stick kinda near them if you wanted to cross the Shadow Shard, or all of Nerva. if it's an instacast like Inertial Reduction, it would be no big deal for them to rebuff you. Now, I could see wanting some kind of option for extra heads up that it's about to wear off, etc so your group doesn't plummet to their doom while you say "ooops". A tiny blinky icon could be easy to miss. But I do like the "pattern it after IR idea". It would definitely make it several thousand times more useful for MM's.
  23. I'm not sure I can picture a new Paragon City Street Gang "The Tailors" suddenly become more trouble than Malta. But maybe we best not take that chance.
  24. Converters In a Nutshell: can be bought for merits at a rate of 3 converters per merit. can only buy 3 for 1 merit, or 30 for 10 merits. no higher quantities available. though you can just click "Buy" more times. if you have piles of influence, often worth buying converters from influence instead of merits. Your milage may vary. Converters only work on Enhancements, NOT on Recipes. Craft, THEN convert. There are several types of Conversions. NOTE: If you are converting a levelled (Non-Attuned) IO, the result will be an IO of the same level. This means if you're converting a level 15 IO, it can never ever ever ever become a Luck of the Gambler, because LotG has a minimum level of 25. Know the high / low ranges of your sets. If you have no patience to DO the converting and selling of converted results, you can always post the Converters for sale directly. Someone will always buy them. Conversion Types: IN SET CONVERSIONS: what it says. the thing you convert will become a different IO in the same set. Costs 3 Converters per In Set Conversion, the most expensive mode. But if you get a Luck of the Gambler Endurance/Recharge, you can use this mode until you get the shiny +7.5% Global Recharge that you really want. Same with Steadfast Protection Resistance/Endurance to shazam it into the Res/+3% Defense piece. OUT-OF-SET CONVERSIONS: also what it says. the thing you convert will become an IO from a completely different set. Exact cost here can vary. Once you choose the "Out of Set Conversions" radio button, there is a dropdown next to it that gives the sub-type of conversion. Some methods you can choose, some are locked in. OUT-OF-SET (BY RARITY): The result will be an IO of any set of the same rarity. Rares stay Rares, Uncommons stay Uncommons. But HIbernation (Uncommon Sleep) could become Steadfast Protection (Uncommon Resistance), and Ghost Widow's Embrace (Rare Hold) could become Kinetic Combat (Rare Melee). These cost 1 converter per roll. OUT-OF-SET (BY TYPE): the result will be an IO of the same TYPE, but not necessarily the same rarity. Defense will stay Defense, but Serendipity (End/Res) could become Reactive Defenses Scaling Damage Resistance. Immobilize will remain Immobilize but Enfeebled Operations (uncommon) could become Trap of the Hunter (rare). This costs 2 converters per roll. to the best of my knowledge it is impossible to turn a yellow or an orange into a purple by this conversion type. to the best of my knowledge it is impossible to turn a non-pvp into a pvp by this conversion type. to the best of my knowledge it is impossible to turn a non-ATO into an ATO by this type. to the best of my knowledge it is impossible to turn a non-Winter-O into a Winter-O by this type. PVP: can convert any PvP IO into another PvP IO. MUST start with a PvP IO. But Gladiator's Net could become Panacea, or Javelin Volley could become Gladiator's Armor, etc. ATO: can convert any ATO into another ATO. MUST start with an ATO. Call of the Mastermind could become Critical Strikes. Will of the Dominator could become Kheldian's Grace. Winter: can convert atny Winter-O inst another Winter-O. MUST start with a Winter-O. But Avalanche could become Entomb, etc. Purple: can convert a Purple to a Purple. I believe only "classic" purples count for this. Not "Superior" versions of ATO's, etc. But Fortunata Hypnosis can become Ragnarok or Hecatomb, etc. Most commonly, I buy lots of uncommon recipes, craft them, convert by Type into rare, then convert by rarity to valuable rares, then post the rares for sale. I spend a fair amount of up-front influence for this... I have to get the recipes, get the salvage, pay the crafting cost, buy the converters, etc.... but I typically earn far more than I spend when all is said and done. Just keep in mind it's not instant money. You may post your converted results and maybe they'll sell instantly, or maybe they'll take 4 days to sell. Depends how much you price to move and how much you say "there's not many for sale, SOMEONE will pay large for this...". I find this works best if you bounce around on lots of alts. If I post things for sale on my scrapper, but then spend the next three days on different alts, it's fire-and-forget sales and I just collect the proceeds next time I log the character that posted them.
  25. I sometimes wonder if I'm the only person who actually enjoys travelling around Paragon and the Rogue isles, and gets slightly "awww... but you're missing it!" when I see people just bamph around with base teleporters and mission teleporters and the like.
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