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Everything posted by EmperorSteele

  1. That was mine! They put out a thread a while ago asking for badge name ideas, and I'm glad they (and you!) liked it!
  2. Hey, so with the new badges coming out, do i have to add them manually, or will the changes made to the master copy port over to my copy of the document?
  3. Big THANKS! to everyone involved! ToT is my favorite CoH minigame =D
  4. Kinda? I mean, before the edit, what I mostly got out of it was "Converters converters converters, everything sucks except CON-VER-TERS!... oh and these other things as a caveat but CONVERTERSSSS!!!" I'm totally exaggerating for effect, but it was easy to gloss over something that you previously only seemed to mention as an aside. I guess I took issue with this guide because, as I said, my own research showed converters usually having the worst merit-to-inf ratio. However, I didn't take into account volume and speed of sale. You might be able to sell a few Boosters (5 merits) at 1.5 million for 300,00 inf per merit, but it's gonna be a lot harder to move those in bulk at that price range, as most of the bids are low-balls. So that's something for folks to take into consideration.
  5. Are you sure you're not just trying to floor the price of Converters? Because whenever I look, every OTHER type of salvage is a better inf per merit return, but people are always focused on converters for some reason...
  6. Kewl, glad to hear all this! ESPECIALLY the "new badges" part! =D
  7. More specifically, it's a hero side arc, level 35+ i believe?
  8. It is, but they're in the level 50 brackets (one hero, one villain) for some silly reason.
  9. Is there a way to complain to their vendor (Shopify) so they don't get paid? Or is that the kind of website that would be complicit in this sort of thing? Also, Ritikesh: Maybe they're just saying that to sound tough. I'm pretty sure they'd give the benefit of the doubt to a forum user with posts and karma and multiple low level alts and all that. There is probably a VERY clear distinction between how RMT/RWT guys operate, and how, well, actual players operate. Even those who don't use the forums or have a lot of alts. That said... if these people reach the point where they're hacking accounts, then there does need to be an appeal process.
  10. Are you using the base editor menu? It's in the drop-down list that you access for shortcuts and stuff now.
  11. So, I've been trying to AFK farm "damage taken" and "time held" badges by letting a bunch of Malta goons beat on me while a pocket emp heals me up. However, after about an hour or so, the game crashes. I didn't have this problem when doing this with Council, nor did I have any problems being afk for damage dealt badges. I noticed that the Malta leave a lot of bullet casings all over the place, and the crash log does seem to indicate a PhysX problem... Faulting application name: cityofheroes.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5d77a257 Faulting module name: PhysXCore64.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4e8417df Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x000000000028013e Faulting process id: 0x304 Faulting application start time: 0x01d56e8d3801bf71 Faulting application path: D:\NCSoft\City of Heroes\hc-bin64\cityofheroes.exe Faulting module path: D:\NCSoft\City of Heroes\hc-bin64\PhysXCore64.dll Report Id: a35e88f7-da94-11e9-8843-448a5bd00453 Funny thing, even though I have 2 instances of CoH running, it usually only crashes one of them. (And yes, I'm aware of the multiboxing policy, however, we don't have anywhere near 1500 players on during the day or late overnight, which is when I've been trying to do this). That's all I got for now.
  12. I want to see more destroyed/under construction pieces!
  13. Excactly what I was hoping to hear. Thanks, Capocollo!
  14. Well, my thinking was two-fold: First, I didn't think a discussion between Badgers and PvPers on the issue would have turned into anything productive. More importantly, a GM answering the question on the forum would have clarified the policy for everyone, instead of someone saying "I heard from a guy who said he PM'd a GM...". It would be part of their publicly-stated policy, instead of people relying on heresy.
  15. Elemento: It's the Kalisti Wharf TF (basically the only content there). GO to the Wentworth's icon on the map and speak to the lady in the gold blazer. I recommend doing it ASAP, because not only is it the WST (so you get double merits), BUT, the first time you complete it on a character, you're guaranteed a purple recipe drop!
  16. I still have a small ways to go, but, I hit another milestone!
  17. So, in the code of conduct, it says this: Do not abuse or harass others This includes players, Homecoming staff, and players or staff from other communities If someone wants you to leave them alone, you must leave them alone So, if I'm getting wrecked in a PvP zone when I'm just trying to get badges, and I ask the other player(s) to stop, and they do not, does that count against this policy? I mean, I wouldn't think so, as the PvP zones are for, well, PvP. But, I just figured I'd ask! Also, while I'm sure everyone has an opinion on this topic, I'd really rather hear the words from a GM, thanks 😃
  18. Taking all the medicine powers on a Kin is a little wasteful. Not COMPLETELY, but a little. You're going to have a lot of redundancy, and may find yourself not using your medicine powers too much. Also, the standard "Healing isn't important in CoH" rant applies. You're not going to get that experimental power, because as Uun said, it's not actually in the game. You could swap that with Hasten. If you want to enhance your holds, the best way will be to put Chance for Hold procs in your powers (Lockdown in Domination and Total Domination, and Decimation in Mesmerize, Levitate and Dominate). These don't make the holds last longer, but they DO make holds more potent, meaning you'll be one or 2-shotting bosses and holding them with ease. You're going to find it VERY hard to get max damage AND duration into your powers. For instance, in Mesmerize, you can put the Call of the Sandman set in there, which will increase your Sleep Duration on all your powers, your HP, Max Endurance and Recharge bonus... but you won't be able to enhance for damage. Or you can go with a damage set which will give you global damage and recovery buffs, but then you're saddled with the default mez time. You can split it up, though. With 2 Call of Sandman (Range/Sleep and Acc Sleep/Rech) and 4 Decimation (Acc/Dam, Dam/End, Acc/Dam/Rech, Chance to Hold), you end up with +5% sleep duration, +12% regen, +2.25% HP, and +3% Damage, while the power's stats (with lvl 50 IOs) are such: Acc: 68.9% Dam: 73.78% End Discount: 26.5% Range 15.94% Recharge: 43.4% Sleep: 47.7% Note that these don't include the global bonuses you gain from the sets. So while that's not BAD, one could certainly do better. You're not going to find mez duration in damage sets, and you'll find damage bonuses sparingly in Mez sets. I didn't work out a whole build, but basically I don't think you'll get everything you want out of it. If you're a Controller with a lot of healing, maybe don't worry about the +HP bonuses (If you get them, great, but don't pursue that bonus in lieu of other things), because you should be keeping yourself alive with controls, buffs, debuffs, and a team of meatshields. Hope this was helpful!
  19. "Beginning of the end" for a game that lasted 21 more issues, 2 expansions and 5 years, and was only shut down out of the blue for reasons which are still unknown by they public at large... but yeah, the Unstop nerf caused that. Sure.
  20. The lack of Bruising is the only thing I'm really not liking on paper (er, computer screen?). I mean, yeah, the tank can do more damage now, but Bruising means my whole TEAM can do more damage! I feel like this is in response to all the data mining the HC team has done, only to find out that Brutes are the most popular AT, with Spines/Fire Broots being more popular than many entire ATs by themselves! Clearly, this is an aberration, and they feel the need to take some corrective action. I'd probably feel the same way. And I appreciate the restraint they're showing by not just nerfing Broots into Oblivion. But... I don't know if buffing the heck out of Tanks is the way to go. I'd probably just give most Tank Secondaries an extra AoE to solidify their role as battlefield controllers. Foes hit = foes taunted (and possibly stunned or debuffed). Let the player think "Do I want to do more damage to a single foe, or to more foes?" when making a character, instead of just selecting the best of all worlds.
  21. It's been said here and on Reddit, but... Basically, a guarantee that what we have here won't go away. My main is at over 1330 badges, I don't wanna have to start all over again!
  22. I tried that.. Sapper managed to kill me in 5 minutes. So much for the AFK method =(
  23. Whenever I try to move an item in my base, it sometimes jumps away from its current position. I'm not sure what it's trying to do, but it IS annoying. Also, sometimes I have items that are over-lapping. I click the item that I want. I go to move it, but then a different item gets selected and starts moving! This too, is annoying. With all the base love we've been getting, I hope that these two annoyances can be dealt with, unless it's working as intended for some reason?
  24. Well, I know that you can go to Echo: Dark Astoria via Ouro and summon him for the express purpose of beating him up and getting a badge. I don't know anything about it happening in Sharkhead. Anyway, you go to Echo: DA, and head to the NW corner of the map. You should see a summoning alter-looking thing, and you'll get a zone event prompt to "Summon Adamastor". Beat up a bunch of dudes in the area, and Adam will wake up, rightly pissed. if there IS a Sharkhead equivalent, I imagine it'd work much the same.
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