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Everything posted by lemming

  1. I'm pretty casual on my playing, but I've enjoyed the update to tanks & brutes. My brute builds up fury faster and my tank seems to be able to do more damage. Honestly when I choose between Tank, Brute, and Scrapper it's more dependent on what I feel the character should be. Looking at my numbers of Alts, Three Scrappers, Five Tanks, Six Brutes, and a Stalker. My main is a Scrapper. (Out of 38 chars Sentinels & Blasters also get six variations for more interesting combos really) I play my brutes & scrappers interchangeably. Tanks are different in that you are trying to draw agro off others, though I find them easy to solo most content.
  2. No plants in the base. Freaking DE infiltrators. I have a spreadsheet just to track Dayjob progress. (Which might need a bit of expansion to include maxing out the temp powers thereof...) The spreadsheet is probably the only reason I haven't sorted my alts since the way the spreadsheet is setup makes sorting a pain... We might need to go to a DB... Crossing Steel Canyon, I almost always play the floor is lava. (Mostly with SuperJump, but ninja run works) Enhancements are slotted in order of Acc/Dam/other for attacks, Toggles get End Red/other
  3. Doubtful. At least not before I try to explain why their knockback was annoying and they reacted poorly. I didn't bring it up, so no action either way this time. The TF was going alright, so it was just annoying. I would note them if I think about it. There was another teamup where we had a tank that wasn't being played very nicely. He kept throwing taunt while next to a blaster. After I got killed again from an alpha he brought over while I was mid-snipe, I asked him to stop taunting before combat right next to the squishies. He responded with a "DONT TELL ME HOW TO PLAY" style rant. That guy qualified for an ignore though I didn't think of it at the time.
  4. As someone who does a lot of AOE melee, I get really annoyed at some knockback. I was on a couple TFs, one, someone kept using gale and hurricane to break apart groups just as I was getting them together. Highly annoying. The other TF, someone was using gale and hurricane to put them in corners to make it easy for AOEs. Nicely done.
  5. Annoying spammers or people trying to act edgy get on my ignore if they do it enough. I really should add notes on some people. There are some people that have particular styles of running teams I'd prefer to avoid, or at least a note saying "Oh yea, they don't deal well with X" so that I don't do X or avoid the team in that case.
  6. The only time I see them jumping up on stuff is when someone grabs their agro while flying. Though maybe they'll run if caught in an AOE DOT?
  7. Disclaimer: Haven't looked at the code, so I expect that this is more complicated than a simple fix, hence why the devs went with the current. Turning off XP should get an influence boost equal to the amount of XP without any boost based on outside factors. (2xp from the P2W, various day jobs, patrol, etc) Only item to possibly factor in would be debt reduction.
  8. I notice that when an EA is on team and they buff people, everyone starts looking around for a sec thinking they've been attacked.
  9. I like this change. I would play around with the costs a bit to make it a bit more attainable. (Maybe bring the prices down to maybe +10% of sale cost, but that might work adjusted down as well?) I'm at the point where I have one character building generic IOs for all my other characters as they level up with the end plan to kit them out with sets once they hit 50. (Sometimes with a +End Proc on the heavy end users) I do like the aspects of the game that are more work to be made easier, but with sets and such, people can put in work and have something to show for it.
  10. I just hit 50 with my elec/elec corruptor last night. a) Teamed with a single melee character worked really well. Supported the fire tanker and we tended to tear thru the opposition. b) When on an ITF with three others, Romulus respawning did not stun us. I think a couple Faraday cages could do the same. c) Less useful on teams that scatter, but that's probably similar for most support. d) Some AVs got drained of all their end, some not so much. The -regen seemed to help a lot. Amp plus the G-sentinel helped a lot with that. Sometimes it helped slow their attacks. Overall, I enjoyed the character and will continue to develop them. I do need to figure out a better slotting, and do a respec, but for now will play as is.
  11. I haven't played as much with Amp, so haven't been able to figure out well it works. I was with a tank on my elec/elec corrupter and we did note that once I buffed him up, we tore thru opposition. The final Praetor Marchland mission where you fight Calvin Scott was fairly easy. Usually in the first fight, several of NPCs get taken out during the fight. This time, they barely got scratched. (Though, the buffs that get tossed if you do it before the fight starts, will chain to the villains...) I feel it's a great set to support a melee team with that stays fairly tight.
  12. My poor laptop had to take a break. Seeing if it will do alright at light power for awhile. I may have to go see if I can build a system from some spare parts I have.
  13. I had that happen on an old Dell running 64-bit on Windows 7. I don't tend to lock my screen while running CoX, so that only happened once.
  14. I like something like this. Perhaps a different reward schedule where easier XP for alts, or maybe even granting the badges/accolades that take some grinding for the other characters.
  15. I just got the Shrouded Badge doing "Locate the source of the disturbance - Free Mercenary" from trilogy which takes place on that city map
  16. Last time I checked, it doesn't seem to be there yet. I have no idea, but it would be in the beta patch notes I assume when it happens.
  17. Most of my chars get PL'd up to level 22 or 32 depending on what I'm doing and then get some IOs at that point. Then it's pretty much doing TFs or just screwing around doing missions or whatever event is live. Though come to think of it, I need to get the "needed" accolades on most of my characters. I think where I've gone CDO the most is with day jobs where I have a spreadsheet showing progress for all my alts. I'll probably add the important progress on the accolades and incarnate powers, but I think at that point, I may need to make a more DB based solution. 😛
  18. Heh. My Dual Blade/WP scrapper has the Taunt proc that can cause Psionic damage. One of my favorite chars to play too.
  19. I'd like to see Regen worked on a bit. I think going back to the way IH was before the "nerf" would be a mistake, but an overhaul of the set would be nice and that would include IH being a toggle. I'd probably make MoG a shorter life power, but make it less of an emergency power and the way to avoid the Alpha.
  20. Not too many have changed completely, though my fire/fire blaster is now a fire/time blaster. i think I swapped some melee chars around. (tank/brute/scrapper) Some I started off as a Praetorian version of the Paragon character. A lot of my characters are based on Champions characters from the 80s & 90s, so for some I just didn't make a new one because the name was already taken. 😉
  21. It would be nice to be able to save a copy of a supergroup base on the Beta server and reload after resets. (Honestly I would love to see it on Live, but can see a couple issues to work out first there)
  22. Currently Incarnate Powers and stuff bought with Merits aren't free since they wanted to make sure the free stuff didn't go live when it got released. I anticipate after the next beta reset, we'll have access to that again. (Make that after we get the release on live, not next beta reset. 😉 )
  23. Make sure you restart the client after setting up the folders. As a side note, with the merit vendors not being free currently, the way around it is to buy a bunch of Super Packs via the Auction House.
  24. I didn't do any deep delving into the Tank & Brute changes, but didn't notice much of a change to the tanks I copied over, but enjoyed the Brute's fury building up and sticking around more without having to have Brawl on auto.
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