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I don't know. Longbow's - I don't want to say always, but seeing them fight a purse snatching with a flamethrower's always seemed a bit much. (Granted, we have fire blasters, so it's an odd moral point to take.) I mean, in part I kind of like (and kind of don't) having Longbow have a squeaky clean image in Paragon, and showing them not *quite* as clean in the Isles - though, again, given what they're supposed to be, some of their "ugh, these people, there's no saving them" dialog has always felt off. It always *felt* like there was supposed to be a sort of ... moral stepping stone? ... from them to Wyvern, who *would* do whatever (including killing villains) - to where I'd used that as a part of one character's storyline. (Villain redeeming herself, fiance - or rather fiance-to-be - killed as "collateral damage" by Wyvern in front of her.) And of course it's a big enough (and isn't it UN-backed?) organization to have a whole range of opinions and viewpoints from "we can save them" to "not worth it," and we get to see that in the tip missions especially. That said, seeing some tip missions with longbow *trying* to get through to save or redeem "hardcore" villains (and maybe even starting to succeed) wouldn't be amiss, running alongside the "You don't understand, it's the only way" ones we have.
According to some of my friends, it's pronounced "Sonic the Edgehog."
I have *very* old binds that tend to just rebind the key combo as I swap forms... *shrug*
Are you looking at them for when you just start a new character? Because if you don't mail yourself INF to begin with you've already got the ... forgetting which option it is to filter in the lower right, and unless I'm remembering wrong, with 0 inf you'll only see the free stuff. (Just double checked - yeah, if you have "hide recipes missing ingredients" it won't show anything you don't have the INF for.) (Granted, that doesn't help later when you HAVE a good bit of INF.)
Make Red side newspaper missions optional
Greycat replied to gameboy1234's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Yeah. I'm fairly sure that, outside of Mercy, it was "New zone = new broker, who wanted you to do paper missions until you did a... rep mission? heist? ... then you got a new contact." And that was retrofitted into radio missions blueside (and were *really* bad in beta before they flipped the way the safeguard timer works around - redside, you built up time doing side missions 'til you felt like robbing the bank and had built up time, and ... I dont' recall the issue, probably that the bank would get robbed while you were doing a side mission, but it ended up nearly unworkable doing a direct copy-paste blueside 'til they had you rush the bank, THEN get extra time doing side missions after.) -
What you believe is irrelevant. You think it's something easy to change, volunteer to be part of the dev team and do it. Or download everything from Ourodev, set up your own private server (takes maybe an hour, depending on the speed of the system and how fast you get other stuff needed to do so) and poke around. See how easy something that wasn't done on live, during the secret server years, or done here or on any other private server is despite people asking about it *since* live. So, yes, Virginia, I and several others *are* telling you that, and perhaps the fact that *nobody has done that,* despite this not being an original request, should make you stop and think about why that might be.
No it isn't. You have 1000 slots. On each server. Leveling and making INF is dead simple. If you don't find the game entertaining, why do you think changing your powers *and then not having to do anything to level them but buy new IOs* would make a difference? "Oh, I shoot arrows now. But I've already done all the content." Right. Definitely makes this "needed." /em eyeroll
No, we can't. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/55467-saving-sg-base-files/
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The absolute easiest way to do this if you have an existing install is to go to the top of the launcher and hit "Screenshots." On a PC (and I want to say on a Mac, as well, but I"m going to use PC terminology,) this'll open up an Explorer window with your screenshots. Along the top you'll have your path - your breadcrumbs. Click the one just behind "Screenshots." in my case, "Homecoming." That should move you one folder back. You'll see a variety of folders, depending on what you've saved. Also good to know while backing things up. Costumes are saved here in one big dump, as are your power customization files you've saved, architect missions, demorecords and a few other things. The "Logs" file here is NOT chat logs, if you have those getting saved. Inside "Accounts" you'll find your account name (the login you use at the game login screen,) and under that will be things like your playerslots, playernotes, chat logs, any builds you've saved, and the fog-of-war you've cleared from city maps. I *want* to say binds will be saved here as well, but I've saved mine into a separate "binds" folder since live, so mine's as bit different in that case. Settings has a few things like chat settings and such, broken out by different servers (if you have live and beta, they'll be in two different folders, for instance.) So. Copying to a new machine or making a backup, copy Accounts, Architect, Costumes, Demos, Powercust and Settings from here. (If you have custom windows of various sorts, or a few other tweaks, they're usually a subfolder in Data, as I recall. Find the original mod or instructions on how to do whatever to get that.)
mmm. The two main issues I see with this (ignoring "ton of extra slot feasability" and "character and UI to do this") are upgrades and Beast MMs. Upgrades, because as I recall they're swapping models to visually indicate T1 and T2 upgrades, and I don't know how they'd want that handled (or if that'd be too much of a pain.) Which might limit any sort of customizing to swapping out between in-game NPC models (Current demons to COT demons, for instance.) Beast MMs because they'd be the most obvious "... but what about..." set. There's not much to switch, say, a Dire Wolf out for or many ways to customize it, and the various attacks/animations (including idle) are rather specific.
Mm. Yeah, actually, fair. I had to go look at the .cohdemo file contents again when you said that, since I remember hand-editing these things back on live to do group shots of characters. I'd forgotten entirely about that whole block of unreadable "stuff" at the beginning when you grab a record in a base (which doesn't exist on city maps,) just the item/description/location/action plain text sections I'd spent way too much time in. (Used to know way too much about hand editing various bits and spent way too much time doing it...)
Any way to disable full screen shaking effects?
Greycat replied to Jokaste's topic in Help & Support
They try, but the screen shakes and they get bumped over to "on." (Requested option: MORE screen shake. Walk down the road in Granite and it's just shaking continually.) -
For all your whining about other peoples incompetence, how everyone else does everything wrong, etc. you should perhaps work on your reading. There was an announcement that explained exactly why Victory was being added, what it was and the like. As far as you not being able to fill teams? I kind of doubt it's a shard problem.
Rebirth Has a Nice Thing - Maybe We Ought To Have It Too
Greycat replied to TWSLives's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Trimming for size, not to ignore the rest of the post. Ehh. I can maybe, kinda-sorta see what you're saying, but on the other hand, I have to ask if that clarification or acknowledgement is actually *needed.* Going back to my example, if I say the Ford Pinto was a bad car... do I have to say "but you know, they really hit it out of the park with the Mustang, and the Ranger was a really popular, workable pickup?" or "And Chevy has too?" Or have to clarify "And I currently drive a Toyota, and they've had both good and bad cars as well?" I don't think that's needed in 99.9% of everyday discourse, as they're things that are generally understood, and it really shouldn't be needed to be spelled out here, either. I'm not going to try to read intent or figure out relationships (or lack thereof) between posters and make assumptions of intent there either. I can see what you're saying, I don't think I agree with the intent, I see what Glacier was saying about "bad faith posting" and how it can be read that way, and my takeaway is... I need to watch how I word things to try to avoid it myself, since I've tripped up over that myself. And just so I'm vaguely on topic 🙂 I don't know how the other server's doing it. I know it's something requested here - heck, and on live - in the past. I hope if Homecoming goes and tackles it, it's in a way that actually lets pieces match (since underlying... I'm going to call it "texture" can make the same color look very different on some pieces and that's really annoying) and that exposes the RGB values, since that'd be useful in matching and reproducing the effects (and possibly bug reporting.) -
You'd probably want to add Wormhole to that - though I think that takes stun sets. I'd have to look. I'd make the two (three, technically, counting the Warshade variant) powers equivalent, just differing in where the enemy mobs end up.
Bases can't be imported, or there might be a process that would allow it but has some problems the team's not willing to accept in a released process. The SG base should, I'd think, be able to be stored just by doing something like a /demorecord to grab what pieces are where, after all (and no, that wouldn't grab what's stored in what, since those are basically databases linked to the item, not something that'd be saved in a demo.) Honestly, I wouldn't even want to worry necessarily about "unique to account." If these could be made to be imported? I'd love to see it done so people who can't (or no longer have time to) base-build can have, say, a selection of pre-made basic or simple bases to pick from. (Say, someone puts up a wiki page or something with screenshots and downloadable files of "Basic apartment 1," "Club 2," "Two-story house #5" or some such and those could be imported in.) It would open up quite a bit. (Flip side of that is I'm sure there'd be complaints about "stolen" bases, too, which might be part of why we don't have it as well.)
Rebirth Has a Nice Thing - Maybe We Ought To Have It Too
Greycat replied to TWSLives's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I've got to be honest, this sounds more like your interpretation of the comment, not what they said. For instance, one of the servers has mastermind customization... which uses some hack (in the meaning of "workaround," not "bad," though it's not one I'd want to see) that uses player's costume slots. *To me,* that's janky and not a real, acceptable fix, but something that should be looked at perhaps as a beta at most to see what could or couldn't be used from the experience gained to give a better solution. That does *not* mean that that same server's ... I don't know, big glowy techy wings piece, if they had it, is also janky, or that absolutely everything that and other servers do is absolute crap 100% of the time. I don't see that implied at all, much less said outright. I *do* read Glacier's post as being "Other servers are more accepting of pieces that seem more like hacky workarounds than the team and players here would be accepting of." THAT's where the "replies posted in bad faith" are coming from. It's not black and white, if one thing is bad, EVERYTHING the other servers do is crap, but the statement is being replied to in that way. Or to put it another way, it's like they said "Ford's Pinto wasn't a very good car" and are being replied to as if they said "Ford has never built a good car, everything they have ever built is crap, they can't even pick a good radio." The two statements are vastly different. -
I'm well aware of that. Vorpal itself not having a definition at that point, as he made up that word as well as many of the others in that poem. He could have meant "made out of liquorice and so a perfectly appropriate item for a snack." D&D leaned heavily into that being "extra slashing damage, high chance for decapitation."
Like most of the origins, kind of a personal call. Everyone's got their own "I know it when I see it" point. Your own Batman example's perfect, since he could still do the majority of what he does if he were running around in black PJs and a ski mask. He's got mental and physical training to do what he does. Eh. It's why we have kind of an "origins wheel" (and DOs) instead of hard categories. There's often a lot of overlap. (Just remember, "Natural" does not just mean "Natural Human." A fish can naturally breathe underwater, where a human can't, for instance.)
Kind of doubt it's having anything noticeable, personally.
But there are no swords involved with Vorpal. You take it, you sort of teleport-spin out and kick stuff in a cone. So smashing's fully appropriate. I don't know how much support there'd be for a lethal judgement, but a sword (or dagger) dance, especially if there's an option to use your current weapon, would be kind of cool. (Editing to add: yes, I know the meaning D&D has basically assigned to it. Other dictionaries just pick "lethal" as a definition, if they define it at all. If you want to argue it should be renamed to something else because it's not cutting things... I'm not picky either way, I just enjoy my teleport-spinny-kickingness.) Other than that... a psy judgement would be welcome. Toxic... Honestly, I want to see an entire toxic update. I have a toxic armor set I'd love to see, as well.
I don't think we have pipers. This'll have to do for marching to war.
Server forums and how to ask for a name to be released...
Greycat replied to Story Archer's topic in General Discussion
... this so hot on the heels of having the *name release* policy go live... because names were being "hoarded." Are you *sure* the name is "unused?" No, "I don't see them on" does not mean it's unused. Life, time zones and /hide are all things. Regardless. In game - /getglobalname whateverthenameis. Message them. /t @globalname, "hey, are you using this name?" Ask nicely. You will either get a reply or not. Not getting a reply does not mean the account is inactive. Some people won't respond to random tells, or will have tells showing up in another window they may not check for whatever reason. Can always try again, but don't pester too much. -
So, I'm reading this (and the "how is this overpowered?") question, and all I can think is that farmers already do this with keybinds in a way, at least with some of the guides I've seen, auto-combining insps to reds of various sizes and autoconsuming them. Thus trying to keep at or near a damage cap, depending on how fast they kill. Now do that with fast capping of defense, resists, acc, healing as fast as that drops, capping end as fast as drops let you... While it wouldn't make a huge difference at base/low settings - insps don't drop *that* fast (though still fast enough) at +0x1 - farmers wouldn't do it if it weren't efficient. And an option to autoconsume like this wouldn't even come with the "cost" of having to set up keybinds (or the way I've seen those binds work, having the insp. consume take precedence over an attack, so you might have to hit a button two or three times.) And you'd remove the need to pretty much ever pay attention to your INSP tray and change from your attack rotation to ... hitting any other button, pretty much. Having this going off at higher settings or on a team, you'd quickly end up capped to everything but recharge and range. (No, it wouldn't touch regen or recovery, but would that matter with auto-consuming blues and greens?) And people already build for recharge "on top of" other things - they'd be able to refocus builds *on that* to make even more things perma, have attacks (which are now at essentially perma-dmg-cap) going off even more frequently, keeping those insps (getting auto consumed) dropping even faster... ... and you have to ask "how would this be overpowered?"