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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Thanks! (Yes, for those wondering, I now have an email with 1b inf waiting in it.)
  2. ... heh. Borrow an idea from some other games. P2W vendor "pet" that sells your salvage on demand. "Sell: [x] All common salvage at [100] inf."
  3. @Therra Arcson (I'm not proud, I have alts to feed!)
  4. "Ignorantly low." That's a way to make friends and influence people. And no, I wouldn't be "red in the face with anger." This is a game. I treat it as such. I also try not to post ridiculous hypotheticals like "everyone will sell purples for 1 inf." Look through the market now. Things not in demand have a low selling price in their history. Things that *are* in demand have a high selling price. Why? Because someone else decides "No, I want to get this much at a minimum." Or another buyer decides "No, I really want that piece" and bids more. It's how the market works. Speaking of how the market works - from ParagonWiki (copied from the market "trainer") - If multiple players are selling an item for different amounts, the person with the lowest list price will sell first as long as a bid is higher than their list price. Thus, if a lot of people are listing an item for 100 inf, someone who lists the same item for 10,000 inf may never sell it even if people are paying 100,000 inf for it. Likewise, it's possible for someone who lists an item for 100 inf to sell it for 100,000 inf while someone else who lists the item for 10,000 inf only sells it for 10,000 inf. So, y'know, another reason to list low. By the way, I haven't "earned my fortune." I don't bother playing the market, for the most part. So your assumption there... well, you know what they say about assumptions.
  5. Can you tell with those robes? (Some of the models *are* a bit more petit - and several of the ... er... non voluntary volunteers you can save are women, so....)
  6. I never meta alt I didn't like?
  7. No. If you want to list it at that? Go crazy. If I want to dump stuff on the market for 1 inf? I should be allowed to. (I tend to do 6 inf, myself.) Why *shouldn't* someone be allowed to buy at "a steal?" Or sell for whatever they want?
  8. You'll note it's not arguing against. Just stating that it's your INF you're throwing away. (Though, honestly, if I wanted to dump salvage easily, I'd prefer the "Autolist *rarity* salvage at *price*" as an option.Or a slash command I could throw into a macro.)
  9. *shrug* It's your INF you're throwing away by wanting this. I'd prefer you get an option to auto-sell them, listed at 1 inf, and all the proceeds go to me.
  10. Oh, if I didn't mention it... I disagree with removing that 5% - with very few exceptions. Why am I missing fires with extinguishers in Steel Canyon? Why am I missing boxes? I don't *think* we tend to miss objects in Mayhem missions. Those.. should really probably be just hittable.
  11. ... or on a MSR in the bowl phase. Maybe Hami. Other than that...
  12. Felt like this bit needed to be responded to. The Incarnate System we see now, and related content, is incomplete. There was meant to be a second tier of powers (and XP, etc.) of which the only one we have is Hybrid (which, to me, works as an "Alpha 2.0.") We are missing Genesis, Mind, Vitae and Omega - even as far as descriptions. We also do not (I'm going to add in an editorial "fortunately" here) have the whole Battalion storyline, mobs, etc. So calling it bad design... I don't know. Calling it incomplete and potentially suffering from that? Yes. As far as the "remove level shifts?" Instead of deciding what everyone likes or doesn't or what benefits or doesn't benefit everyone, how about just a command. /removelevelshift. Or an option on the menu. That way you can play however you want without affecting everyone else. *shrug* Throw some badges in on top of it. Heck, add one for completing tinpex without alpha slotted.
  13. *nitpick* at 20 you can get invisibility for the cost of running a patrol in Siren's, and refresh it up to 5x. Not permanent, granted, but it's been "enough" for a number of characters. Also don't forget mobs that can penetrate stealth (including Hide,) either with Tactics or just inherently (Rikti drones.)
  14. A reward for getting to 50 and getting alpha slotted that far. Which, frankly, for all my gripes about the rest of the incarnate system, I'm fine with.
  15. Yes, it did. Well back on live. Which is why they're orange now.
  16. Yep. Statesman was available (only choice) in the COH ... I don't recall if they called it a collectors edtion or not. (Also awarded prestige power slide and cape.) Most of that stuff, including the cards, looks like it's from the COV CE (which I ended up with several of - one on release, for something like $75, and then several at Big Lots for $3 or $5 or something. picked them up for friends who didn't have the in game goodies, still had spares.) Oh yeah. And you can grab PDFs of the comics, too. (How many people got their characters in the cameo on page 26 of this one? 🙂 (Piracat says hi!))
  17. I see a trend. 🙂 Know who doesn't find it overpowered? People who *don't* have softcapped defenses. It already ramps down. It's not like it's giving everyone that buff for 5 minutes straight at max power. So for the OP? No thanks.
  18. I'm the other way 'round. Love Kheldians. SOAs/Widows... eh.
  19. Hmm. Stuff that stays installed and replayed - Command and Conquer 3. Single player is borked thanks to being "balanced" for multiplayer, but I find a skirmish vs multiple AIs relaxing. Recent replay - Dragon Age: Origins. Earthsiege:Cyberstorm. Turn based strategy from way back (and when I bought it, it was unique in having two CDs - one for you, one for a friend, both the same, so you could play over a LAN.) WIngs of Prey - simple "simulator," but it's distracting. And then there's my Atari 2600 (though now it's the retron - works better with a modern TV, though seeing Combat in widescreen is odd.)
  20. Depends on which SSA. I think Warburg was the PITA one? But the first one (Skyway, hero side) - doesn't matter what you run it on, really. Level 10-ish and above, I'm running that puppy once a week or so for 20 easy merits for 10-15 minutes of time. About all I need are two small purples (to avoid the rock-throwing igneous in the second mission while I click three glowies.) Almost no fighting required either. Mmm. Merits.
  21. Yes there is. Which I don't have to worry about on the majority of my characters because I don't have hasten. 🙂 And don't want to have to go through... what did I say, 75? costumes to turn that off on multiple slots.
  22. Sonic Dispersion (and the FF equiuvalent) are toggles. Technically, then, PBAOE (and hope the person running it doesn't get slept, killed or run out of END. Also requires you to stay close.) Faraday cage is a *location* PBAOE. The others have already been touched on.
  23. I was going to point that 3 power cost out (again) but it looks like you beat me to the punch. 🙂
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