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Everything posted by skoryy

  1. And you've provided zero data that it is. Okay, then, letting the thread die again.
  2. Heck, all my completed 50s now help fund out the new 50s that come along. My latest tank was kitted out in an hour thanks to donations from all the other alts, and my new stalker just got a set of winter ATOs from everyone else's reward merits.
  3. No, your personal experience is one that isn't shared by most everyone else given that the prices have in fact dropped significantly. The more casual players don't have to pick up a second career in farming to keep up with AH prices anymore.
  4. NECROTHREAD EX MORTIS! Also, what pain. The AH has been deflating like a two week old party balloon.
  5. Here's some shots from today's Monster Mash. Even Mender Brax was getting into the music!
  6. Holy necrothread, Batman! Update: Lots of necrothreads this morning. Alright, who picked up the book and said the words wrong?
  7. I can take my WP/MA tank into a fire farm and clear the map without breaking a sweat, or at least breaking fewer sweats than your typical fire armor brute build. I've actually done it and my guildie with the farm build noticed. But I know I'm not clearing that map faster than the brute.
  8. I'm leaning more towards the actual question should be "Do Brute damage buff powers need a buff?"
  9. I did some testing in Peregrine Island, and I found the issue. The good news: The damage bonus does take effect! The not so good news: The 2.5 second delay on the damage bonus doesn't start on activation, it starts on the hit itself. This results in a delay between the end of Arcanatime and the bonus kicking in. If you have your next power queued up right after Eagle's Claw, the bonus won't affect it! Edit: If you're going EC->SK->CAK->SK, you still get that bonus on the CAK and second SK. So its more a matter of timing than losing the bonus. Now that I've seen it in action, I vaguely remember something about this being an issue back in live?
  10. I was going to go on a longer post, but then I noted that OP is throwing a ton of concern and vitriol for an account that was created on Friday.
  11. Thank you for giving us such a vivid example of why there is such a thing as 'lolpvp'.
  12. Might be on to something here. I'm not at high enough level to do pylon testing, but:
  13. Its a Penny Yin, not a LRSF. I hopped in to get a quick few levels beating up Freaks on my new tank, not to worry about team comp or 'git gud'.
  14. I was on a Penny Yin run at +2 the other day and I couldn't finish that TF soon enough. A total chore complete with a party wipe to Clamor.
  15. I wouldn't know. The game was such a slog even at lower levels that I never made it to endgame before going back to Guild Wars 2. Hence my comparison to running early or mid-level TFs at +2. You're just adding hit points and reducing DPS, its not a challenge it just makes the content longer.
  16. Increasing the difficulty is where I'd go back to playing Guild Wars 2, so no, its not 'exciting and interesting' for everyone. The consensus has been that increasing the difficulty should be optional. There's even a forum poll saying as much. You already have the option to run regular TFs at +2. If few are running them there, then maybe you should ask yourself why few want to. I mean, I'm sorry that Wildstar didn't pan out, but we're not here for y'all to make HC its spiritual successor.
  17. Yup. Farming is great. Everyone having to farm to keep up, not nearly as much.
  18. The fixed-price items that cost, what, 10 mil at most? Really? Really? And y'all have the temerity to call everyone else facetious. Good gravy.
  19. Again, the prices in the AH on pretty much everything have been going down since the patch. Its now more enjoyable today versus a couple months ago for others.
  20. Funny thing is my own tastes have been going in the other direction. I started here with brutes and tanks, now I'm starting to get into controllers. 😄
  21. I took Starwave off the shelf for a costume contest, then immediately joined our super group, then got into RP, then developed into both my RP and crime bustin' main. All since the quarantine started. Odd how these things work, but it worked!
  22. This thread again? I got all four purple sets I needed to finish up my perma-PA build in around a month of casual playing. Prices on the AH have dropped since the patch. Farm, TF, MSR, PI, what have you. Just play the game and you'll get the goods.
  23. Controllers and those that want to be controllers. Or was that tankers. Blasters? MFin' warshades?
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