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Everything posted by skoryy

  1. WM/EA because nothing beats strong & pretty.
  2. Flipping was how I tricked out my characters back in live. It's not as easy as it sounds, I might still have the spreadsheets around here somewhere.
  3. Except if there was a nerf, prices would be going up across the board and that's not happening. Common is still at <500 and rares are still at 500k.
  4. I try to count how many stories I send them upwards with Crushing Uppercut. Do KB enhancements work vertical as well as horizontal?
  5. Rad/StJ. Combat Readiness -> Ground Zero with the Achilles Heel proc -> Spinning Strike turned out far far better than I initially has thought. Even more now with the tank buffs. Rad Armor is just so good.
  6. I think I remember that, yeah. And looking back on it, yikes.
  7. The pop numbers have been trending up since New Year's, but don't let that get in the way of hijacking this into a doom thread. Back on topic, no Kin/Fire scraps? Huh.
  8. So are mine: 20 DP/Fire blasters, 44 Staff/DA brutes, 33 Ill/Sonic controllers, 57 Elec/Elec stalkers, and 24 Rad/StJ tankers. And the squishies faceplant pretty often too, gotta finish up their builds someday... Thanks, @Cipher!
  9. Tyrant as Statestwo: Not really buying it. Tyrant realizing his guiding philosophy led to apocalypse, thinking maybe States had better ideas, and slowly growing into becoming the Atoner while still being himself: That I would like to buy.
  10. Manti as a nihilist bad guy, yeah, no. Paragon needs stately Justin Manor. Also bringing Manti back from the brink would make for a good optimistic story when everything else is going to heck.
  11. Things I'd like to see before even thinking about bringing States back: Paragon City dealing with a post-States present. There's a hint of it in Kallisti Wharf, it's be neat to expand on it. Lord Recluse dealing with a post-States present. The opportunity's there now, but is it the same without RIIICHHHAAAARRRR- er- Marcus? How Manticore deals with, well, everything. We're gonna have to bring Justin back from a very dark place. Synapse and Positron buddy cop adventures. Jim Temblor and Fusionette buddy cop adventures. Lady Grey forming her own Suicide Squad with Tyrant.
  12. Closed in less than three hours? Fantastic!
  13. I was going to put on a serious hat about how villains and vigilantes are problematic by nature, but... Shock Therapy is a support set. so its also consensual.
  14. Hey, did everyone know that redside missions are your character working in service of a fascist organization trying to rule the world?
  15. We already have a villain in-game named Shock Treatment. We also have Pain Domination which is literally abuse as a powerset. Ninjas, Tsoo, and the Family all trading on cultural stereotypes. Dual Pistols and Assault Rifles are NRA approved. I mean if y'all really want to have Discourse(tm) about problematic stuff, we can have that discussion.
  16. Is there a Temecula zone I don't know about?
  17. Solo 4/8 what, though? Any decent build can plow through Council or a fire farm, sure. My staff/DA can do Malta, but I have to be careful. CoT I'm tepid to try. Arachnos? Carnies? Heck, just look up forum for someone wanting Nemmies nerfed. And even if you can solo, you can do them all faster with teammates.
  18. Honestly, I wouldn't mind a change for Carnies so I'm not going up to get a drink everytime an illusionist goes ethereal.
  19. Some men just want to watch the forums burn.
  20. Yeah, but if it's not OP, we're still in dramaville where tanks won't want the changes proliferated and scraps are upset they're not getting the good SS. The plan for a Rage rework is for the dev team to finish the resist rebalance first, and I inagine the set's not coming over until both are done.
  21. Yup. You either nerf Rage with the resulting tanker/brute drama. Or you don't proliferate and get this thread.
  22. Positron isn't taking on the entirety of Arachnos up to and including Recluse himself. There's a reason the Freedom Phalanx is guarding the portal while your task force is crossing over to wreck Neuron and Bobcat's day. By level 50 blueside you're now The Guy. By level 50 redside you're still Rocksteady and Bebop. That's a problem.
  23. 24.3 million once you factor in AH costs, but otherwise you're spot on.
  24. At some point y'all will have to understand that, until substantial work is done to redo redside, the Rogue Isles just won't be that popular. See also Praetoria.
  25. I've been through a pair of pretty fast Citadels. It goes easier if the party's beefy enough to split up on their own.
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