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Everything posted by biostem

  1. There's no need to be sorry - While I agree that a sentinel doesn't immediately spring to mind when I think of Stan Lee, you can definitely tap into your creative side and come up with a good reason why - maybe take energy blast and have them represent the sheer force of his Stan Lee's imagination, made manifest...
  2. Here here! That's kind of why I was leaning toward an illusion/radiation controller - the illusion part represents the heroes he can summon and the flash-whizbang aspect of being creative and involved with various media/fictions, while the radiation portion was a big inspiration behind several notable characters...
  3. I don't care for psychic blast - I don't know if it's the sound it makes or just the way the attacks are animated, but I just couldn't get into it. Sonic attacks are quite good, and the extra -res, plus some very good utility powers later on, make for a very effective set. Radiation blast can be very good as well, though I'm not a fan of the PBAoE in the set, (though as a sentinel, you'd be in a lot better state to take full advantage of it).
  4. I've only dabbled with the willpower armor set, if that's what you mean. It's an interesting mix of resistance and defense, but has some really nice utility powers in the set. What would you pick for the attack set? Super strength seems like an obvious choice... I don't recall if sentinels get access to willpower, but that could be another option.
  5. Masterminds are very easy to solo with. Just familiarize yourself with a few key binds/commands, and you're all set. Oh, and if you're going that route, definitely pick up assault & tactics from the leadership pool.
  6. I feel like he should be a defender or a mastermind, (it's too bad we don't have a "superhero" primary for MMs ^_^). Perhaps an illusion controller could work - just customize the colors for phantom army so they look suitably heroic. If going with the latter, "empathy" just feels like the correct secondary to take. Maybe radiation, since he was big on radioactive spiders & cosmic rays...
  7. Would you be willing to see the set ported over, only rage was dropped and replaced with something like build up instead?
  8. I just want to be able to toggle/select which powers I want my pets to use or not use - like it'd be great if I could uncheck the brawl attack on my bots or mercs...
  9. So there are several options to modify how some powers animate, which have them come from your right hand, (i.e. some breath attacks can be changed to emanate from there). Given that we have a cybernetic arm costume option that fully replaces that arm, I was thinking it'd be cool if we had some more organic options. I've been playing a dark/nature controller recently, and I thought that the flower/bud that covers/replaces your hand for corrosive enzymes would actually make a really cool permanent costume piece for your right hand. Heck, if colored just the right way, it could look like a megaman-esque buster cannon! Your thoughts? Thanks!
  10. I'm confused by the vagueness of your question. For instance, a level 6 claws scrapper, while only having access to a small number of attacks, will be able to attack much more frequently, since the claws attacks have very short cooldowns. At the same time, a titan weapon scrapper of the same level will have many more gaps in their attack chain - not just because of longer cooldowns, but also because they have to build up momentum before they can really get going, and they have very few attacks to choose from. This is one reason why many people talk about "leveling builds" vs how their character will function with all powers available to them...
  11. I wonder how hard it would be to implement an NPC that you give influence to, they "hold it", then if you interact with them with any character from the same @handle, they'd let you take said influence back... Alternatively, what if you interact with an NPC, you give them, say, 100K or 1 million inf at a time, and they apply an account-wide token equal to the amount of inf, then you could redeem said tokens at the same NPC, which would then use up those very same tokens...
  12. I played WoW a little when it first came out. Perhaps I'm still bitter about it, but it annoys me that because of WoW, we didn't get another full-fledged Warcraft RTS. It also irked me that you practically had to use add-ons to efficiently navigate to quests and such, (or maybe CoH's clear marking of quest locations just spoiled me). I also didn't like how many of my friends who play WoW almost view it as work...
  13. I feel that the game is already quite forgiving with regards to enhancement slotting. Giving us even more enhancement slots would, IMO, further reduce the weight of having to decide which powers to slot and when.
  14. So in looking at this page on AT inherents, am I correct in reading that stalkers actually have a better chance, (except vs EBs or AVs while solo), to land a crit than scrappers? Can anyone please shed some light on this. Thank you very much!
  15. That's just an old image I pulled off the Internet. The color window is the relevant part, and it should still be the same, though.
  16. But I bet those boots with the nifty little wings on them could house a minor enchantment, which allows her to run around a super-human speeds! You could also just slot up swift, hurdle, and perhaps combat jumping, to simulate a "natural" travel power. Maybe her home dimension has higher gravity, so here on earth's lower relative gravity, she could super jump.
  17. In the upper or lower right of the color window, there's a circle that's practically like the one in your pictures, (I'd say either rightmost column, 2nd from the top or last column, 1st or 2nd to last row)... For reference:
  18. biostem


    So I've been trying out many new builds when I noticed that there's an archery secondary for blasters. Has anyone tried this? It seems to be a modified version of trick arrow, with some fairly interesting buffs/toggles added. I'd love to hear what someone more experienced has to say. Thank you!
  19. I just want to thank you for posting this guide. I'm a semi-experienced returning player, and this method will not only allow me to quickly try out various builds, but also fund them. Thanks!
  20. Perhaps my playstyle is atypical, but I basically only use 3 binds/combinations of commands: 1. follow defensive 2. attack aggressive 3. goto passive I could see having follow passive included in the list, if you're traveling fairly long distance across a zone and don't want your pets to attack anything, but that's about it. I suppose a lot depends upon just how finely you want to control your pets and/or if you want to divide them up for some reason, but in normal play I just use the "attack aggressive" to sic them on one target at a time...
  21. Are you able to window key + D to drop to the desktop?
  22. Gotcha. I wonder if they could take the cape/tail part of the bolero and offer it as an attachment to a jacket or something, for male characters, then...
  23. Here are a few of mine: Over Reactor - Claws/Rad Scrapper Control Rod - Staff/Rad Scrapper PillarOfTheCommunity - Thugs/Pain Isotope Rope a Dope - Rad/Rad Brute Cooke D. Animals - Beast/Thermal Mastermind Sword 'n Board Broad - BS/SD Scrapper
  24. So I've kind of fallen in love with dominators lately, and have been trying out a bunch of different power combinations and builds. I'm also a big fan of pets. One combination I've been pondering is darkness control and earth assault. The former offers plenty of soft and hard controls, not to mention several tohit debuffs. The latter seems to have some great close-in powers and soft control in the form of knockdowns and knockups. With that in mind, can anyone tell how these two sets work together, and are pets summoned from "haunt" permanent? If not, how difficult is it to make them permanent? Thank you all so much!
  25. As the thread title suggests, would it be possible for male characters to gain access to the bolero jacket/sleeves, and for females to get the occult jacket/cape with collar? Also, a plain version of the occult cape, with just the quilting inside, would be awesome, (heck, maybe even make it available as just a regular cape)! Thank you for reading. :-)
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