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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. What does 'mez' stand for? Is it an acronym? I know it includes holds, sleeps, and stuns. Edit: Wiki instead - https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Mez
  2. It may be absurd for the reasons you've articulated, but it's the stance of the folks running the game. I'm okay with it either way, same as you - but I also know if that's how the HC Team wants it, that's how it's gonna be.
  3. If I had to guess without any data or evidence to support my opinion, I would argue that Damage is the best mitigation right now. I'd say resistance is second, followed by defense, absorb, then regen.
  4. Hmm... little bit of a slippery slope here. OP not trying to talk numbers. Most of the OP feedback is based on qualitative... well let's be honest its anecdotal evidence at best. I would prefer in game numbers be the basis for an argument to buff a set if I'm being honest. I did appreciate the TL:DR at the end, props for that. Edit: OP not other posters, oops!
  5. I can't tell the difference now that the rep is gone from the mobile view. I used to read posts on my phone, but now I don't have the ability to see the reputation of others. Of course, that's fine. Mobile view tends to have fewer features anyways.
  6. Seems the answer to my question above was no. 'License to Chill' was the name selected for this year's Winter Event login badge.
  7. Canonically, Pocket D (short for pocket dimension) and possibly Echo Plaza are outside of the Primal universe - they exist in their own pocket dimensions created by DJ Zero, a Tom Bombadil-type character, similar to Null the Gull. Edit: To answer your question, yes they can travel to Pocket D via the Studio 55 portal. They can also travel to Echo Plaza, along with the Winter Forest zone, the Talos Island Tiki Event zone, and the Harvest Atlas Park zone.
  8. Eden trial run gonna need an asterisk after page 3 hits the live shards. Defeating the rock and mold walls will be required objectives.
  9. @Faultline, is the chosen badge name going to be one of these recommended in the thread or were they just an effort to help you with a creative badge name?
  10. Agreed with the T2, T4, and T5 breakdown as well.
  11. Sounds like you're not a fan of change. This is one of the newer arcs created by the Homecoming team that doesn't cookie cut the same generic mission style and map layout. They are truly unique to the game and I would recommend reading through the story arc clues and in game dialog to not just appreciate the work that was put in to it, but also get a better understanding of the objectives for each mission and the purpose.
  12. Both IO set bonus suggestions are clearly appealing to the feedback that some posters have provided in this thread. While I don't think that more set benefit boosting is needed based on my previous testing, I would be happy to test these changes should they make it in to the next build.
  13. Tell your friends to submit a support ticket and it will be dealt with by the GMs.
  14. Granite is not a waste of a T9. Your feedback is clearly just your opinion and not based on play testing. The transfer of resists and defs to Stone Skin from Granite literally makes no difference to Tankers because it's an auto pick, and it is an easy decision for Brutes and now Scrappers to take over Rock Armor. The ability to toggle a power indefinitely that prevents a player from dying except in extreme circumstances absolutely needs downsides to balance out its usage. The fact that there are IOs and set bonuses in this game means a player can definitely slot Granite Armor however they prefer. Whether as a set mule that can slot resist and def IOs or as a power that can literally survive 99% of content in this game without dying.
  15. What does being Level 1 have to do with the cost of Amplifiers? Are people assuming that because a player is Level 1, they have no influence or are unable to acquire influence?
  16. Because they were being tested on the second build of Page 3, Issue 27 on the beta shard. Remember, these temporary powers are subject to change as they were introduced, that is why testing and feedback is important. So this may occur by rolling back the changes in the next build based on the feedback from the community.
  17. It was the balancing of risk versus reward that was being targeted. That being said, I am confident the HC team has observed the feedback from the folks who tested or at least opined this change.
  18. @cotesan, Trauma Train leads some fun weekly (Sat/Sun) events here on Indom, you should check out the threads for those here on the Indom sub forum for all the shenanigans.
  19. The more I've thought about this, the more potential I see for player build flexibility - which I think in the long run is exactly what the HC Team has been doing. There are plenty of sources in the game that require a balanced level of difficulty for the reward of these special IOs. Your suggestion about a global proc boost for untyped has a cap, which is needed to prevent game breaking outcomes. And the suggestion takes advantage of a somewhat niche reward in the game and brings it in line with balancing the benefits of IO set bonuses and procs. Overall, I'd love to test out this idea.
  20. Infridgate at Level 1 (easily the best Level 1 power for both its proccability, debuff, and recharge) and Benumb at Level 18 or 28 depending on AT (for its amazing usage against EBs, AVs, and GMs, 30 seconds of -500% regen or -865% regen if enemy is a player, -62.5% dmg for 30 seconds, and -75% special (heal, debuffs, etc.) for 30 seconds).
  21. Blizzard, Ice Storm, and Sleet do not cause movement speed suppression either! Great powers (though terrible for procs...)
  22. Three defense and three resistance SOs at 53 slotted in to Granite Armor.
  23. This is correct The Beast Within - Defeat 50 transformed 5th Column lycanthrope soldiers
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