I'd have to look at the XP tables, but I'm sure a Level 1 getting a +4 AV defeat would suffice to reach Level 3. Otherwise it's going to take multiple events (already at 99% full bar, AV defeat, mission complete, task force complete, double xp, Day Job XP bonus) something like that.
Yeah this is a thing @CR Americas Angel
Grab pet, move to other pet spawn, log out, log back in, click pet, move to third spawn, log out, log back in, click pet and assuming all pet spawns were available you'll have three pet heavies.
I saw this and I was like, holy cow he's still alive? Wasn't he canonically born in the 19th century?
Did he get resurrected? Is that a plot point? Where is Mutt? Where is his wife Mary? Where are the aliens and crystal skull? Ah I'm already thinking too much! It's a popcorn flick, I'll watch it and enjoy the classic score!
I'm getting them from my first post, which you quoted, where I imagined what the power set could look like. Masterminds have henchmen, henchmen buffs, and the three individual attacks. I took the original concept and thought there would be duplicating powers involved, which seems pretty fair considering the topic. So instead of henchmen of a particular theme being summoned, it's your character - and if you've ever read or watched any kind of entertainment product with a character who has the power to duplicate themselves, there is almost always a scene where they do so in great quantity and the crowd of duplicates become a mob (similar to Gang War).
No, because in the Gang War example, that's 8 MMs x n (where n equals the number of pet spawns from the power(.
If body duplicates was the powerset, there would be (at a minimum) 8 MMs x n x 9 (other powers in the set that each MM could use).
Similar to Gang War, I could see attacks in a powerset like that. Only concern is what happens when 8 MMs team up, or even a league of them all with the same powerset?
Well said! I don't see resurrection powers hyped up too much in build discussions, but that could be another option for players. I look at it this way - debt means absolutely nothing. It disappears now by not playing the game (Issue 1 me would be jealous as ever). I like the idea of proactive defeat mechanics making their way in to powersets. Rise of the Phoenix (now Phoenix Rising) is a perfect example of making a power that isn't used by players and turning it in to a proactive "I-think-I-might-be-defeated" power to use if things get crazy.
You know what - I felt the EXACT same way when I was playing Psionic Melee for Scrappers. Eventually I had some time to fiddle around with the Insight mechanics of the set and it became second nature to me to use it to my advantage. So, not the same type of combo mechanic persay, but it added a tertiary effect to the set to make it stand out in fights. I enjoyed the relative effort I put in to learning about it then paying off by having a higher probability to inflict more damage on the most damaging attacks when I play the set.
Yeah, the immortal badge post in the badge thread has a lot of details, but that's from over 3 years worth of methods, some of which have been patched or no longer work.