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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. Yup. Totally get it and agree. I was just wondering about WS because this thread said 'do it all' - a WS is definitely limited and I would not put it in this category. I struggle to think of which of my ATs could be effective in all scenarios. It might be a brute. Maybe my Stone/Rad or TW/Bio brute? Hmmmmmm. I also think my INV/EnergyM tank would work in any and all game play.
  2. Fair points. I tend to agree but I've played a lot of combos and ATs. So, I am trying combos I haven't really played a lot - trying them out, if you will. I think Ninj is a versatile set and agree maybe it would be better with build-up and crits. I tend to team a lot so it isn't as important if I can max out damage on every attack. I think the only scrapper I have that made it to 50 was my elec/shield toon. Lots of fun but I tend to prefer brutes and maybe even tanks as they are more HP and can be sturdier. Anyway, something to do and I am not playing much these days so maybe this will inspire me 🙂
  3. I appreciate the input. The build I made is solid. I will continue on with the toon and get some IOs going. I hear nothing but positives about claws and mostly positives about ninj. If anyone has a build, please post 🙂
  4. I made a pretty decent WS. I am at a loss when the mobs get melted away and you have an AV or GM to deal with. I don't see the WS being as effective then and there are no bodies around to leech from. Maybe I'm missing something?
  5. So I have started this combo and scrappers are not my thing. Is this a good combo? I don't see many talks about it or builds. I put together a quick build which is softcapped positionally. Let's chat! 🙂
  6. Incarnates have definitely ruined a lot of the 50 content. I know the Live Devs were planning on more trials etc but this never made sense as all of the pre-incarnate level 50 content turned into a cake walk. HC is doing a great job and it feels like it's being run by a professional team. Unfortunately there's no way they can add enough content etc to satisfy the need for end game content. They did come up with a decent idea by adding the hard mode scale - this should make things a bit more interesting. I will say it is human nature to stick with what's familiar and a certainty. I think the regular speed runs will dominate the LFG and the odd hard mode tf will form. I think HC came up with a good idea to put some challenge back in the game. Now it's on the players and, as I said, a lot won't go this route because it will be hard. Personally, I don't play much these days. My 50s aren't used too often. I have made solid builds and I often like taking my melee toons into Cimerora and clearing the wall - just like back in the good old days! Honestly, I kinda wish incarnates were never introduced into the game but it's too late for that now. So, PLAY ON, PLAYAS!
  7. I saw that post and I'm curious what it's all about. Does anyone know what exactly is going on with that? I will guess they are bringing back a revamped Galaxy zone. I really hope I'm wrong. I am hoping this is actually the AE idea myself and others have been going on about for 2 years. Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Oh FFS. I have never seen any war is issue amongst players. I am sure it's there but it doesn't really seem significant. Seriously, do you not have anything to do? This is as about fruitful as the other thread where some yahoo suggested a player is greedy if they don't take leadership powers. How low can we go?!
  9. Hey all, cool build ideas. I saw a guy running around with and Elec/Therm. How do you all think that would play? I guess it would be a sapper big time. Any other merits to it?
  10. Do procs work in the pet? Like the build-up from Soulbound or the resistance IO? And so on...
  11. How are you guys slotting Reverberant? For set bonuses, I plan to do 2 Basilisks and 3 Nightmare. For Confounding Chant I am going 3 Artillery, 1 Overpowering Presence (energy font) and 2 Absolute Amazements. Thoughts?
  12. Which one is the stun power?
  13. I think it's rather insulting to call someone selfish if they don't take leadership. Seriously. Having said that, I take maneuvers on almost every build and tactics on many (Gaus procs nicely on a team of 8). I also take maneuvers to help softcap. I understand when people say I don't want to take it due to END concerns. Leadership pool costs too much END and can create a ton of issues for that toon if they have constant END issues (I have a couple of toons like this). There are also some tight builds out there and that toon that doesn't have leadership could have a variety of other powers that are team friendly. Just because you don't take leadership DOES NOT make you selfish.
  14. Very interesting stuff! I kinda want to get into it soon. Thanks for the info!
  15. What types of toons do the best on these? I want to try one but time and CoH fatigue haven't gotten me there yet. However, I am curious and would like to give it a go. Also, can anyone comment on what is new with the ITF? The giant mech? What else? Are these new pieces in all versions of the ITF? the 4 star only? Thanks!
  16. @Psyonico, thanks for posting the build. I am playing around with it and have it softcapped to most defences now. I will continue to tinker. I am not familiar with Symphony powers so I will have to see how it goes. Just from messing around with MIDS, I notice a lot of the powers do not have much damage. Is this powerset tough to play due to lack of damage? Or is there something that causes a lot of damage or playstyle or...?
  17. No, they do not. You'll see - despite the big trade. I do think they have better players now and can make a run at the Cup. Best team in Canada? Debatable. The Leaves might be better, Coilers dispatched the Flamers in the playoffs with relative ease...hmmmmmm...Canucks are better this year... It'll be fun to see how they fare. Remember, it's not 1989 despite still playing in the house that Loob built.
  18. Insane. I've been to Cgy a number of times but never knew about this. I'm not a gamer really and most of my friends are absolutely not gamers but it floors me this place exists in Cgy. Is it actually the biggest shop on the continent???
  19. This is a fair point. However, for me, it's more about the game play and visuals vs. story. I'd rather see more time spent on unique looking enemies and maybe new maps vs. writing out dialogue and the such. I know it takes more time to do visuals.
  20. No worries. I will also add I never did understand why that arc involved so much running around. I rarely see any interest in running that arc. I am quite sure the Live devs had a lot of run arounds incorporated in missions, TFs etc because it was a subscription based model. They needed players to play for long periods so there were a lot of unnecessary time sinks involved in earlier content. I get that. I don't understand why it is needed now when the game has a lot of content.
  21. If you read my previous line, it sorta indicates I am also referring to the newer freak arc. Apologies if this wasn't clear. Anyone that as run the Aeon SF is aware it's not a zone hopper.
  22. I think this would be nice. I am not sure why it was made so long but it's more than obvious players prefer a bit shorter TFs. You see more KM Yin, ITF than the longer drawn out TF/SF. Also, Devs need to stop putting in so much text - it's impossible to read it all (and I don't think you can read it all if you're not team lead?). I haven't run the ASF much. I find it too long and I have no idea what's going on. It's just too much. I know a lot of players have gone and read the material elsewhere or teams have slowed right down to get all the info. That hasn't happened on any of the teams I ran and most teams aren't going to wait around anymore. I have similar concerns over that recent Freaks arc as well that the HC team put out there (which also includes some zone hopping?!). It seems the HC team kinda ignored the lessons learned by the previous Devs: players didn't enjoy long, drawn out TFs and running around zones. Anyway, I think I did the KM ASF once and it was ok...I guess...it did allow me time to read some of the text etc. Overall, I appreciate the effort and work done by the Devs. However, this isn't for me and I haven't run it much for these reasons.
  23. I made a toon with this combo as well but have been wondering about slotting strategies for it. I'm sure it's not too unique or different but would be into seeing some builds etc.
  24. Interesting take. Most of it I don't agree with as my VG was huge into PvP on Virtue. I was never a big fan but the rest of the fellas loved it so I heard all about it. I don't want an Atlantis zone. I don't want any new zones. There are too many zones. The one thing I'd like to see is my AE idea implemented into the game so we can have a steady flow of missions added to the game on a regular basis. The Devs can't do it all and this would be awesome. Oh, and yes, I do not want a moonbase, zone or whatever the hell some players keep going on about.
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