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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. A perspective correction? Hmmmmmm is it though. The facts are there is a lot of reading to it and it takes time to read it. Yes, we can opt to stop and read it all. Absolutely. Is this good game design? I don't know....my preference is to make content a bit more streamlined to most of the players (speed,casual or slow paced) can take it all in. Telling those who are on fast paced teams: "Too bad, so sad", isn't the best route IMO. Anyway, great work on the SF but just not for me.
  2. I think you can make a pretty durable Sent. Maybe an off-tank. I have a good FIRE/BIO Sent and my ELEC/ENERGY Sent is softcapped to all Def.
  3. Well, you get this type of reward in an SF Operative Renault. I thought getting the coral pet was fun (Coral Amulet temp power). Again, these types of things - nothing game breaking but a little, new add that isn't too labor intensive.
  4. I also feel keeping it straight forward and streamline is the best policy for games. The ITF is great and they got a lot of things right with it. Even if you don't read all of the text, you have an idea what is going on. It doesn't feel that way for the Aeon SF. Aeon SF is neat but you lose some immersion when running it on a team - you don't have time to read everything and not sure WTF is going on. It's too bad cuz it's obvious a lot of work went into it. Hopefully the design improves for future content.
  5. I wasn't meaning to infer anything like unlocking ATs at 50 and so on. I mean nice little changes that aren't game breaking - like pets, cosmetic pets and so on.
  6. Hard no to the OP. I think the game is already making things way too easy and convenient. Why even move your toon? Have everything clickable so you can get right there...put trainers in the AE...
  7. You're getting a ton of mileage out of your last 2 brain cells, eh 🙂 Good for you, Jack! I find my Sents are quite durable and I get them into the mix all the time. So, my opinion is quite different from gook's. I also play Sents quite often. Gook, how often do you play them and did you kit them out etc?
  8. I think it would be cool to add some more rewards to the game like new pets that you get for completing a TF/SF. Maybe a new toon or character created by Devs or players. That would be fun!
  9. Ok so I am not a big badge guy but it seemed like maybe this would help motivate people to team and do TFs/SFs etc. The Taskmaster badge (or whatever name) - earn this badge for being the leader for 100 task forces. The Strike Command badge (or whatever) - lead 100 SFs. Lead a Trial etc. Some more incentive for people to make teams and run them.
  10. Interesting take. I completely disagree with it but that's just me. If I am investing time in a game (which can be significant for some) then I want to know as much info as possible and then make an informed decision. In general, I want to know as much as I can about the subject if I am spending time on it. No, I am not a min/max type. I understand how to build a toon but I don't always want to make a high end build cuz that means grinding for resources to fund my super build. I just think players should be provided the info and then they can choose how they want to play. I've made super builds and then I've also just gone with the flow and not worried a lot about the build. Also, it's not about min/maxing all the time. Changing up the builds can change the play experience. One AT and powerset can be made very differently - one build can have more recharge, another can have more damage or another version can better on DEF/RES and so on.... Maybe it's because I am not huge into games but this always struck me as very odd.
  11. I get this. Totes. What I was thinking is picking up some random power. Some of the powersets have some very skippable powers. So adding some fun pick would be nice as opposed to taking a t9 power that is not useful. Maybe that would be an option. Instead of your t9, you can reach into a pool power instead. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...
  12. So, off on a tangent here, about a hero builder. I never game much and CoX is one of my go to games. I played on Live. What really befuddled me was that the original Devs never gave you a builder (or did they?). Didn't players make MIDS and players explain softcapping D and RES and so on. I am sure the game company must've put this info out somewhere but I obtained the relevant info from players. It seems very odd to me that a game is put out and they don't include a hero builder etc. I also just learned about procs (same system in Live?) and how they can up damage. Well, maybe it was last year. Anyway, it seems odd that, unless you dig on forums or hear from players, you won't really know about these things (and many other things). This isn't meant to be a gripe but more of a discussion.
  13. I put this into a build if there's room. I will usually prioritize set bonuses over something like this. Sure, it has a decent chance of firing in a couple of main attack types but then the -res duration is approximately 10 seconds. So, an attack or two may hit with the -res is in effect. Timing, it's everything. Do I want to always make efforts to time attacks etc? Probably not. Sometimes it'll be a big help but, to me, considering the duration, chance to proc and amount of attacks you can land in that duration...well...it's not a huge deal. Off on a tangent, I usually always take build up or similar powers in builds but now I sometimes question if I need the power (for the same reasons as noted above). Probably because I've CoX'ed a lot during the pandemic and I want to change things up.
  14. Yeah, I prefer Sents to blasters. I team so the damage difference isn't glaring. What is glaring is the survivability. Sents have it. Blasters do too but it's not the same and it gives you a chance to be a bit more free and try different play styles. Also, making a durable blaster can be very expensive in regard to IOs for the toon. This is my main issue with blasters. I don't mind the AT but to make a good one, its an INF sink.
  15. I echo the hard pass on this as well. However, maybe we should have the option of not being limited on the number of power pools we can apply to a toon. Right now we get 4 + epic option. Why not leave it open? I haven't crunched numbers but would it make for OP toons? The power pools aren't over the top powerful but it might be fun to take a variety of pools and make some wild toons.
  16. I never liked the tank AT but the pandemic has caused me to be home...a lot! So, I took a run at the tanks and I wanted to make one that was the be-all. For me, it was the INV/ENERGY tank. He is quite effective and can hit fairly well for a tank. He was the first toon I used in the Aeon SF (and only run I've had so far) and he did well. The only toon on the team that didn't die so I was happy. I've also used him to tank in Hami raids and he did fine. I always team so the low damage isn't a huge issue. I am actually liking tanks now and I have two at 50.
  17. This! I was decided to do some street sweeping with my DEF and this is exactly what I did. I went into Talos and attacked small mobs a level or two higher than me. It went great other than having to watch my END (not too many IOs on him right now and dark just has that knack of killing your END!).
  18. This is my understanding. I never crunched the numbers but ballparked the time you could use build up via this proc. So, essentially, one attack. It doesn't seem worth it to me at all unless you have the spare slot etc. I have slotted this power a few times and don't really notice it firing but maybe that's just me. Also, I tend to team mostly and don't look at the numbers too closely. Bottom line, it doesn't seem too impactful to me as you really have to time it out and make sure your attack chain is set up for it (I have treated it like: I'll slot it cuz I have an extra slot and just hope it fires and I can get my next attack off on time).
  19. I was hoping Sents would have this power but I guess that'll happen SOON! So, I made a rock/rock blaster and a dark/rock DEFENDER. I think Dark works well with seismic as allows you to tar pit, hold and freeze enemies and then hammer them with the seismic AoE attacks and so on. I am sure there are other great combos and I am also curious to hear about them.
  20. The game is being handled like a paid Dev team is at the helm. The product has regular updates, fixes and QoL improvements. Honestly, it's quite impressive for a free game. I'm not liking all of the material being added but that's my opinion - I'm still impressed with how professional the Dev team is and how well this is running.
  21. Ran this with a PUG on regular difficulty. I was not team lead so it is difficult to read all of the material. I really dislike this and mentioned this before on the last Page feedback. In CoX, less is more. The actual missions were decent but I was a bit lost as to our purpose at times. I really think it's a solid SF but it's too long. You could have made two different SFs. I'm happy it was done for Red side and there isn't a blue side equivalent. It lends to the uniqueness of the SF and the variety of the game. A decent effort. I don't think I'll be playing it too much due to time but hope to run through at least once more. Also, the merit rewards don't seem nearly high enough but maybe the SF will be easier down the road with some experience.
  22. I don't ever remember asking to or messaging the Devs about badges and relying on the others for them. Ever. This is an MMO. I come here to team. I expect some badges to rely on teamwork and teaming. I'm glad they do. I rarely ever solo. I am glad we will have the option to up the difficulty and maybe strategize as a team. I really was growing tired of just auto-crushing the opponent. I have a blaster that can solo so much content if I wanted to - not challenging. The challenge is where a lot of the fun is and incarnate powers kinda removed that. Now we have a choice on how to proceed. Nicely done, Devs!
  23. I am kicking the tires on Elec/Energy. Is Regen better than Energy?
  24. Personally, I'd like to see something fresh, new and original-ish. So, I am kinda OK if they didn't proliferate. Maybe a new pool power. A new power. New maps for new missions....
  25. Which is the defensive set that is better on Sents than other ATs? Is it SR or was it Regen...? Or something else?
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