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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. I am kicking the tires on Elec/Energy. Is Regen better than Energy?
  2. Personally, I'd like to see something fresh, new and original-ish. So, I am kinda OK if they didn't proliferate. Maybe a new pool power. A new power. New maps for new missions....
  3. Which is the defensive set that is better on Sents than other ATs? Is it SR or was it Regen...? Or something else?
  4. Thanks for all of your hard work, HC Team! Thanks to all of you, I can once again play the beautiful game! 🙂
  5. I'm at work so I can't look at the numbers here but I did put together and Elec/Energy build that seemed to be quite potent. Is Bio a better option than Energy? I saw some posts noting Energy is a very good secondary to Sents. Also some comments that SR and Regen are good on Sents? I'm not sure how to go with Elec primary. What is SentinelNation seeing today ?!
  6. I haven't messed around on Beta but the elec power for Sents is sounding good! What would one use as a secondary on an elec Sent? I don't use elec too much in general and it sounds like it might be time when p. 3 drops! Enlighten me, fellow Sentinels! :)
  7. I'd also like to take a look at these. I definitely want to get and ELEC/? Sent going and have a Psi/Inv sitting around waiting to get rolling (you only have so much time!). Do any of the beta testers have a suggestion for a secondary for ELEC? I guess I'll also have to wait for MIDS before I can tackle a build.
  8. I am looking forward to checking out the elec blast set. I haven't jumped on Beta and don't want to really since it will take away from my regular game time 🙂 I have no idea why Sents are bashed so much. They're one of my favourites and I guess they're the tankmage. I always team so their meh damage isn't a huge issue. They can be very durable and do OK damage. I just hit 50 with a RAD/ELEC Sent and absolutely love it. I have a number of Sents and this is one of the faves. I also quite like my FIRE/BIO and WATER/RAD Sents. They really seem to be a versatile toon. I still do get the odd comment about what a trash AT it is when I join the odd PUG but I could care less. Do they need some improving? Sure. Maybe they add a mechanic to the AT where the odd attack can do double damage (like the newer version or Arcane Bolt) from time to time. There are lots of options. Hopefully the Devs start a thread to ask for suggestions. It's the players that play these toons that can provide some of the best feedback and ideas.
  9. Yes. I know. However, when you play in teams or bigger groups, my original concern still stands (in my humble opinion). It really is annoying when your target is toast during your activation time. The new wrinkle to Arcane Bolt is awesome. Loved it. But, the activation time...ugh.
  10. I would also LOVE to see the cast time for arcane bolt, and some other powers like in the Force power pool, reduced. Drop the damage a bit if you must but it is extremely annoying when you trigger the attack and the target is dead before your power hits because your team has already eliminated the target. This happens all the time and I have stopped taking these pools and may respec out of them on other toons.
  11. This seems like a lot of great stuff. Big thanks to the HC team for this. However, I will say that I'd prefer some of the other changes that myself, and others, keep asking for. Things like using AE to allow players to add simple missions to the actual game and become canon as well as systems like the Champions Online Nemesis system, sidekick pool and so on. Anyway, I'm happy to see new content and this stuff does look good. It just seems kinda...the same...if that makes sense. This isn't meant to be a complaint as I'm happy to see new stuff but maybe the game isn't going in a the direction I was hoping for. Again, many thanks to the HC team for this and all that you do!
  12. Thanks for this. I'm a bit disappointed that we'll have to try and read a ton of material when that isn't usually feasible in 8 toon teams and/or speed teams and/or those who want to move along quickly.
  13. Hey all, I've been reading all the feedback but yet have to give this a go. I am already concerned about the length of the SF...hopefully it doesn't take hours to complete (after we've gotten the hang of it). That would instantly put it in the do not play often category. I am also hoping the dialogue isn't extensive. Lots of the teaming is PUGs and if we're firing through the material, the written parts can't be read by most of the team. I appreciate everyone here who has run it and I assume they took time to read everything - was there a lot to read? I also feel long missions, overall time length, running around and too much written text really ruined those arcs that were added by Piecemeal et al (again, this is my opinion and some of my friends who also played through with me). I am HOPING this SF does not have any of those issues. Finally, much thanks to the HC crew for doing this and keeping our City going!
  14. I am more than happy to accept 100 billion from you. That will take away a good chunk of worry and stress from your plate. You're welcome.
  15. OP - I like this and then some noted having customization would be ideal. Agree! I've made several similar suggestions over the last couple years. I think having a Mercenaries power pool where you get a crew of low grade minions would be cool. They couldn't be too powerful or game breaking but it really would add to the fun of customizing your toon. Also, you don't want them better than the Mastermind power otherwise you risk making the MM AT obsolete. I also suggested making a Sidekick pool. You get one sidekick (customize the sidekick's look) and the type of sidekick (tank, blaster, healer etc) and then allow for some IOs. Again, you don't want to make them super powerful or game breaking. I think it'd be a fun option. I don't remember where I posted my ideas and I don't want to dig through looking for them. But, yes, I'd like to see this stuff!
  16. There is a correlation between poverty and criminality. Sure. I will also add the poor are also easy targets and vulnerable in many ways. Money and wealth sure gets people out of a lot of trouble and criminal prosecution. Look at the last U.S. president. I have no doubt many of the rich and powerful got there by hook and by crook. Anyway, I digress. The poor may have more convictions but I am quite certain the rich commit more crimes than noted in stats simply because they get away with it.
  17. But I thought you'd already done this research and fact finding...?
  18. I would be interested in hearing about the in-depth research you've conducted. I'm being serious. On my behalf, I will say I have done degrees in psychology and criminology and worked in the criminal justice field for 25 years. So, please, enlighten me.
  19. I find the MCU has been decent. Most movies are OK and entertaining...but they're nothing special, memorable or iconic. Disposable fun. Not much else. They hit gold with casting in regards to Captain America, Thor and Iron Man. They held it all together. Some of the movies were really good but most were ok and some stunk (Thor 2 and some others...can I get my $ back?!). Marvel has a huge catalogue of characters and movies. I am giddy for Eternals. I am hoping they do a good job on Fantastic Four and the X-Men (before the MCU, these franchises were right at the top in regards to popularity especially in the 90's and 80's). I enjoyed Shang-Chi. I thought Black Widow was lame and Venom 2 was pretty crappy (yes, not MCU proper). So, as of right now, the recent MCU stuff has been meh but I am excited for some of the future.
  20. Or you could actually analyze any provided source and not read the header only. It's not difficult. Sure, tons of crime is done due to greed but not all. Tons of scenarios out there. Anyone with any credibility would say it's a fairly complex issue.
  21. These sound very cool! Wouldn't it be nice if could add them to the regular game which entice even more to play them ;)
  22. Absolutely not true. My profession is in this field and you are wrong. You couldn't be more wrong if your name was Mr. Wrong and you were the mayor of Wrongville.
  23. Totally agree but the quality control piece/play through/review could be done by additional volunteers added to the Dev team. These volunteers would not need to be coders etc but could be dedicated to playing the AE submissions, reviewing story etc and making sure it's all clear and proper. Once it is reviewed then it could be added by the Devs who are tech savvy and so on. I'd suggest an AE review team of maybe half-dozen. Then allow for a thread where 10 submissions can be made per month (then the thread is locked for that month). AE story Devs can play and review, chat with the authors for fixes then look at adding the mission. If the submission has more than minor issues then it is rejected and the player can re-submit at a later date. Anyway, just some ideas for adding more content. This also empowers the players and creates another big area of interest.
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