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Everything posted by ZorkNemesis

  1. The trick is to loudly shout "Enhance!" while enlarging. At least that's how it works on television.
  2. Each form has a stacking buff. At level 3, Eye of the Storm and Sky Splitter will do bonus damage and have a secondary effect but will consume your stacks. Body: Stacking damage bonus. EotS and SS will deal extra Smashing damage. EotS will reduce targets resistance. SS buffs your own resistance to all damage. You will probably use this form the most, unless you have endurance issues. Mind: Stacking recharge bonus. Bonus Psi damage for EotS and SS. EotS inflicts slow and recharge debuff. SS will increase your ToHit. Soul: Stacking endurance discount. Bonus Energy damage for EotS and SS. EotS reduces defense. SS increases your Regen and Recovery. Note that you cannot enhance any of thr extra effects. Also note that because Stalkers get Build Up instead of Staff Mastery, all of their attacks have Form of Body effects at all times.
  3. Ran across this one in Atlas Park near Ms. Liberty. Community Relations Officer: I would like to remind people to refrain from drinking from the fountains. The water in those fountains contains a lot of chlorine and you could die.
  4. Not sure if typo, oversight, or whatever. Raditation Armor's Fallout Shelter gives a smidgen of resistance to Fire, Energy and Negative damage however the power description and tooltip make zero mention of this fact. Seems to be a consistent oversight on all ATs that can use it. It does mention the Psi and Toxic resists, which are stronger than the F/E/N resists.
  5. While it was a couple years ago that I did it, my second level 50 on Homecoming was a Ninja Blade/Super Reflexes Stalker. The positional defenses of SR made him untouchable and with a recharge focused build helped by Quick Reflexes he's able to dish out continuous strikes. Flashing Steel is also nice to have since it lets you keep some AoE and it's up every two seconds or so. Once I had the speed build in place it was a lot of fun just slicing my way through everything, though having to reapply Practiced Brawler every so often does break up the chain at times.
  6. One of my psychic types is basically a succubus. I figure succubi tend to be the types that can manipulate the thoughts and emotions of their targets since they subsist on lust and all that jazz. Hell, CoT succubi are capable of using psychic attacks themselves. She follows the magic bill: demonic skin and features, revealing magical outfit, horns, glowing eyes, all that. Probably not the idea you want but it's one I roll with. I admit I don't actually have a lot of psychic characters myself, the only other one I have is basically a sea monster. But thinking about other psychics, I agree with the whole street clothes look as many psychics are often unassuming and generally don't have anything showing off that power unless it's the aforementioned swollen brain type. Following your idea, an alternate costume that would look sort of like an astral projection might be worth considering.
  7. Just pinging you for this reason. My in-game handle is only slightly different as there's a space in it. I have my global handle in my signature.
  8. Employed by the PPD, he's a hero who has a personal mission to enforce the most heinous of crimes imaginable: parking violations. For he is the Parking Man. (Gravity/Traps Controller)
  9. You have to click on certain people just walking around the city. Any random person walking around who's name begins with an M will tell you how long you've been in-game with your current character. Citizens who begin with an N will tell you how many times you've logged in on that character as well.
  10. The best option. It's basicall an extra half-tornado to add to the three you already have, and the four clouds you've already setup.
  11. There's definetly a void skiff in the first picture and it's not color changed. The effect could also be the cloud/thunderhead path aura. Or both Power Slide and thunderhead, probably both.
  12. Level 30 update for the AR/Dark. Better than I expected it to be but it's flaws are still pronounced. Trying to stay back I skipped a fair number of /Dark's powers; Death Shroud, Shadow Maul and Dark Consumption, though I still took Smite as it's an excellent Brawl substitute with it's really high DPA and it tends to hit harder than my gunshots. I still have to get in close for Soul Drain though, but Stealth and Combat Jumping help greatly with getting in, and presumably Dark Pit at 35 will also be a big help setting up. Soul Drain is also slotted with the Overwhelming Force proc and the Fury of the Gladiator proc, so it knocks down most of the group while knocking resistances down. Additionally as a first for any character I've played I also took Misdirection, giving me an AoE Placate to get out of danger once I use Soul Drain while also further debuffing resistance. All these add up, and with an extra Annihilation proc on Flamethrower for good measure, many things are literally melting after I use Soul Drain on a group. I'll probably keep going with this one for a little while, plenty of AoE damage to go around but I wish the animations were better.
  13. How much of a geometry error this may be is up for debate, but still worth pointing out. Zone/Mission: GR_MORALITYMISSION_ROGUE_01 (Steal the Dimensional Raygun!; Frostfire's Failed Gambit tip) Position: [76.2 10.1 136.4] There's a winch above the boat you come in on that's subject to physics, but the thing has a bad habit of going completely bonkers when anything happens to it. Even approaching it too fast without even touching it makes it start spazzing like crazy. If I had to guess it's rooted inside the geometry already and is probably rapidly colliding with the point where it's attached to the rig. https://imgur.com/a/X9Sttch
  14. The accuracy is in the power description if you right click it. All Broadsword attacks have a base accuracy modifier of 1.05, which is standard for many melee "weapon" sets. The accuracy boost isn't enough to make a major difference, so don't skip slotting for accuracy. Similar for the Defense debuff, you can also check those by right clicking, but all BS attacks except Parry will reduce defense by 7.5% for a few seconds. These also aren't enough to skip slotting accuracy either.
  15. Seeing as how the Mapserver went ahead and trivialized the original challenge, i've backburnered Solar for a bit and went ahead with my second option which was an AR/Dark Blaster. Here we have Shadowpoint, a mercenary assassin with a bit of a skull and bones motif. He'll kill anyone for the right price. So far at level 18, progress is as smooth as villainy allows these days. A little sluggish feeling, though that's mostly due to AR, but Soul Drain adds a lot of damage in big groups, and picking up Stealth and Combat Jumping helps greatly with setting it up. Plenty of skippable powers in both AR and Dark though, probably going to dip into a lot of pool abilities.
  16. There's a badge for running all 16 of the Patron story arcs in Grandville, a monumentous task that involves handing Recluse his ass four times, Dr. Aeon at least four times, and each Patron and their lieutenants once, along with Numina, Seraphina, a Black Scorpion wannabe, and some no-name hero. At that point I feel as though you should be granted access to a special summon on a 12 hour cooldown to demonstrate that you've asserted total dominance over Arachnos and their flunkies, one that calls Recluse and his Patrons all at once to fight your battles for you.
  17. Sure they were designed with a Tank toggle, but Peacebringers and Warshades are both quite tanky even without it. Both ATs have a higher resist cap than everyone but Tanks and Brutes (Khelds cap at 85%) and have means to get there easily; Peacebringers can keep Light Form active while Warshades can spike their resistances with Eclipse. They also have good tools for self-sustaining; Peacebringers get a self-heal (two if you count Dwarf's heal), Max HP boost, and Conserve Power while Warshades can drain health/end from a pile of corpses, as well as more end from Eclipse. The only trouble these two have are mez protection, though you can toggle into Dwarf when you're already mezzed allowing you to still act.
  18. Sure enough, CoD shows that it's missing the Fire damage from Fiery Embrace. Only on Tanker too, as the Brute and Scrapper versions have it. Very likely an oversight, though it could've possibly been intentional at first as it might have originally interfered with the sleep component (can't say for certain).
  19. Just the one today. Sister Sinful - Demons/Pain Mastermind Your pretty standard demon worshipping/binding cultist type. Kinda started as an evil nun, still kind of one but with more fire and sadism.
  20. You'll get directed to Imperial City around 8, but I think the cutoff for Nova is 10? Not completely sure. Imperial cuts off at 15 or 16 and forces you into Neutropolis until 20. 20 is when you're encouraged to go to Primal Earth though you're allowed to stay for First Ward and Night Ward. First Ward will cut off at 30, including side contacts, if you're not done, Night Ward stops at 40 but generally wraps around 32-33 if you do everything without EXP Boosts. Night Ward can start around 26, but the second main contact, Ward, will not speak to you until 30. The side contacts, Trilogy and Fireball, do not have cutoffs, but Sir Lionel and Atherton Cromwell will stop around 40. If you run out of missions from Trilogy and Fireball, that's it. No more Praetorian missions. If you don't want to go through the Rift, any further leveling will have to be done by joining others or going to Pocket D and running AE content as there aren't any enemies in Praetorian zones past 40 either.
  21. Female > Head > Standard > Detail 1 > Headband + Scales Female > Head > Full Masks > Detail 2 > Headband + Scales Female > Head > Hoods > Detail 1 > Headband + Scales If the Cranium slider Depth is set to max, a small spot above the right eye clips into the Headband detail. Adjusting the Cranium height can reduce the size of the clipping, but not remove it entirely. Cranium width has no effect on this.
  22. Should be no surprise that thanks to the Mapserver deciding it's had enough of our collective guff, the road to 30 was a quick one. I rode the bonuses out and quickly zoomed past 30 which isn't really my normal plan of action. Still I took some time to collect myself at 38 and build out a modest set, then ran a few extra missions to see what some of the higher end was like. So my opinions on Electric/Fire Defender: As a team player this feels like it would be great. Plenty of healing, the excellent resist bubble, a modest damage/accuracy boost all around and no real slouch in the damage department either. Very active playstyle though, can't just fire and forget powers. My specific issue here though is that i'm not usually a team player, being both someone who keeps to themselves and someone who plays on Indomitable in the dead of night. As a solo player, this build isn't so hot, so to speak. While i'm certainly enjoying fire's fast and high damage, the two sets paired together have very minimal damage mitigation capacity. I can chain myself a decent heal and absorb but I have no real way to prevent too much incoming damage. No secondary effect on fire along with Electric having extremely limited debuffs means it's kill or be killed and that's not always the easiest on a Defender through raw damage. I'm still doing fine in +0x3 where I am but it's a DPS race for most fights and having to chain heals/absorbs off my sentinel is a lot of wasted time where that's concerned (I need to look up some macros for this). Still I think i'm having more fun than the Fire/Kin Corrupter last time. Better theme and Electric is a little easier to handle versus Kinetics. I'm willing to bet if I teamed a bit more often i'd be loving the combo more, but i'm afraid this one's comes up a little short. I'll probably keep going with it for now though, we're already another 130m inf in debt to it. Also some tweaks to the outfit. Wings and rocket boots!
  23. The last major update they made Arachnos a gender-equality supporting work force. Other than Fortuna Mistresses, all human Arachnos have a small chance to spawn as the opposite gender to reflect the fact that playable Arachnos can also be either gender.
  24. It's possible they might be aggroing to the Teleport Supression effect most jails have. Were they still stuck in place if you put them on passive?
  25. I'm actually digging the Shock Rifle/Grounding Ray combo. Could we have that tuned into an official customization option?
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