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Everything posted by ZorkNemesis

  1. Been a while since i've shared any outfits. I admit I hit a bit of a creative block and also the recent major Minecraft update pulled me away from CoX but with the new page on the horizon I think i'm back for a bit more spandex and villainy. Here's a few outfits I had before my more recent break. I don't have any background concepts at the moment, just ideas. Mistress Ebonflame - Dark/Fire Dominator. Side note: is there any way to change the color of the inside of the Black Knight belt's cloth? I couldn't find any way to manipulate it like you can with the inside of the Cybertech jacket. Ye Olde King Coal - Fire/Stone Brute. Hail to the king of fossil fuels I guess. Siberian Sentinel - Ice/Savage Dominator. Going for an arctic wolf theme. Side note, this is a fun Dom combo and I've certainly been struggling to find Doms I enjoy playing. Spear Mint - Spines/Ice Scrapper. Certainly went for the idea of combining Spines with Icicles for the excess of needles and sharp pointy objects. Probably best not to give her a hug.
  2. Hey, i'm back. I popped open my Spines/Ice and here's my breakdown of what I did, though I don't think it's all that optimal. I did take every power, though it's a mostly even split between full slots or low slots. Frozen Armor: Standard defensive power. I generally build for recharge Recharge in everything, so I did five slots of Red Fortune, with the sixth slot being the Luck of the Gambler Global Recharge. Chilling Embrace: Slows are easy enough to stack, but this power also reduces the damage of surrounding enemies so it is useful for mitigating damge. Two slots with IO End Redux and call it a day. Wet Ice; One slot End Redux IO. Can't really do anything else with it. Hoarfrost: My usual tradition for slotting heal powers is to fully six-slot Preventative Medicine for the late Recharge and End Discount bonuses, so I did that. Glacial Armor: Same as Frozen Armor; five slots Red Fortune, Luck of the Gambler Energy Absorption: Looks like I did some frankenslotting here. I emphasized on the power's own recharge to have it up as often as possible, but also get a fair amount of defense and endurance out of it too. Three slots of Reactive Defenses, two slots Performance Shifter, and Luck of the Gambler Recharge. No uniques from Reactive or Shifter. Permafrost: Useful to have for the extra slow protection. Combined with Wet Ice and the Winter's Gift Slow Resistance unique, you'll have 100% Slow Resistance, essentially making you immune to any slow effects. Two slots, Steadfast Protection Res/Def and Gladiator's Armor +Def. Icicles: this power might be skippable, but I took it to stack it with Quills for more damage auras and more spikes. Unlike Quills, Icicles doesn't crit. It looks like I gave it three slots of Multi-Strike and i'm guessing that's more a choice of saving slots than anything. If I didn't already put it into Quills, I would highly suggest Fury of the Gladiator -Res proc here, or Critical Strikes proc if you don't want to worry about putting that into your attack chain. Icy Bastion: Whenever I can, I try to four-slot Unbreakable Guard for the Melee Defense bonus, which is what I did here. I put the +7.5% HP proc in it as well. A fifth slot is added for a Doctored Wounds Heal/Recharge to improve it's recharge and regen bonuses. If you're wondering, Shield Wall +Res and Reactive Defenses Scaling Res were put into Combat Jumping.
  3. I have a Spines/Ice at 50, when I get home later tonight I can pop in and see how I built her. Off the top of my head I think I took every ice power, i'll make sure on that later.
  4. If you use Hover you'll lose your KB protection and will have to make up for it with slotting. The rest of Grounded's effects remain though, you'll still have the passive E/N and Immobilize resistances even when airborne. For slotting, consider a BotZ KB protection in your travel power, for finding someplace for Steadfast Protection's KB protect (or the Karma KB protect if you dip into any +Def pools). Also consider three-slotting Fury of the Gladiator into something (Lightning Field is a nice choice for that, with the -Res proc alongside it) as the three-slot set bonus is KB protection.
  5. It's at the very bottom of the full notes.
  6. I saw this in the notes and am a little confused about what it is: Accolades/Vanguard MDC: IgnoreCombatMods added to the training dummy summoned to make them exact parallels to the Rikti Pylons What's the Vanguard MDC accolade? From the wording here, is there actually a power that lets us drop a practice dummy?
  7. I noticed that when you use the two laser swords (PX-17N Supernova and VK-99 Event Horizon) as Titan Weapon skins, the blades don't turn off when glued to the back like they do when used as other types of swords. I assume that's just an oversight at the moment?
  8. I'm not surprised. Hopefully it won't look that bad on my winged types.
  9. I'm still at work and haven't gotten a chance to check this out yet, but has anyone seen how back-mounted weapons look with wings? As it turns out my high end weapon users are also part bird and part fairy and I have concerns that the holstered weapons are just going to clip right through them. Same thought with capes though I don't have any caped weaponlords, yet.
  10. There'a an easter egg event that can be triggered in Nova Praetoria with extremely specific timing. I forget the exact numbers but it's something like kill 20 Seers and 100 PPD in 4 minutes, a Hamidon tentacle pops out of the forest on the horizon for a few seconds. Supposedly there was supposed to be an actual Devouring Earth invasion of Nova Praetoria event that never got implemented and this is just a relic of that.
  11. My Ice defender uses Polar Lights. Mainly so I can set them on fire with my Thermal shields so they look like green fireballs.
  12. I tried Sonic/Mental on live. It's not powerful at all, but Siren's Song sets up for pretty much a risk-free Drain Psyche (both the Sleep and the Regen/Recovery buff are autohits). Psychic Scream is nice to pair with Sonic's subpar AoE blasts. Also the -Res from Sonic helps overcome mobs with heavy Psi resist if you're using Mental's attacks.
  13. I'm no expert on Doms and I often have difficulty with them because they typically don't perform to my desires (being a damage dealer with lackluster AoE being one of my biggest issues), but one I found recently that's really fun is Ice/Savage. Ice Control is a strange set full of soft control but your two core powers, Arctic Fog and Ice Slick, really help to mitigate a ton of damage. Savage Assault favors melee so it synergizes well with Arctic Fog, especially after 38 where you get a teleport attack to put you right into the crowd. It also has a self-heal which is unique, though a little weak. The crows proc really well, accepting two of the three -Res procs if you want to shred the armor off your foes. I do wish Flash Freeze had a faster animation though. Other builds might be easier, Ice/Savage is squishy for sure and Arctic Fog is an end whore (over 1 end/sec when unslotted), having Domination up as much as possible is almost a requirement to prevent Fog from being detoggled too. Pretty active playstyle though and can be fun and devastating when done well.
  14. Inv/SS Tank with flight is the classic "Flying Brick" setup, SS/Inv Brute as well. Fire/Kin Controller. Everyone has one but me it seems. Fire/Fire and Energy/Energy Blasters are very common. Energy/Energy was a staple "flavor of the month" combo back on live and was also my first ever level 50 character back in I4. AR/Dev is also a classic Blaster combo, but less common these days since AR isn't so good. Emp/Psi Defender is a pretty standard defender, Empathy typically extends itself to psionics in theming. Arch/Trick is also somewhat commonplace since for the longest time this was viewed as the only way to make Trick Arrow viable in any capacity (people really hate weapon redraw). Claws/Regen Scrapper. NCSoft and Cryptic got sued by Marvel over this one due to the sheer number of Wolverine clones. Energy/Energy Stalker was a popular setup on live days. Energy on a Stalker lacks AoE but still put out some serious hurt. Robots/Forcefield Mastermind. The classic super tanky MM. I'm drawing blanks on cliche Dominators and Corrupters. I don't recall them ever having a truly cliche build of sorts, but I also always played on lower population servers and don't know what the rest of the game was doing.
  15. The four given by the menders were classed as Task Forces when they were first introduced but had the unique (at the time) freedom of being able to run them without a team. At some point between sunset and score they were changed and added to the Pillar's arc selection. I'm not sure if they're still classed as TFs, they may have a similar logic to the signature story arcs where flashbacks are concerned now.
  16. Actually, I think it was more meant to keep them level restricted since hazard zones originally required a minimum level to enter and many accolades needed exploration and history badges found in those zones. I FPRM's case, it called for history badges in Dark Astoria and Terra Volta, both whixh required level 21+ to enter.
  17. It's been reported before, it seems like it's usually triggered by a global power proc. In this case, it's possibly Shinobi's critical hit effect. Why that would be classified as "Tanker Melee" is a whole 'nother can of spaghetti code I'd think,
  18. To get credit for a GM's badge your team needs to do a decent chunk of the total damage, at least 10% I think though I could be wrong. Generally if you're assisting a GM and you're alone you won't get the badge unless you're an absolute DPS monster. Also if the GM gets droned for some reason nobody gets credit, so avoid drones at all costs. And location doesn't matter. The Boomtown Babbage and Synapse's Babbage (usually spawned in Skyway City but can be spawned elsewhere) award the same badge, Clockstopper.
  19. I see a lot of Illusion here, which is a great set for all of the above, but have you also considered a Defender? A well built Defender is an absolute monster in any setting. I have a Thermal/Ice that's capable of full strength solo jobs, AVs and GMs, and when she's in a team she's a major force multiplier. The +4x8 is the most difficult, she's still squishy and doesn't have much for damage mitigation against herself (Thermal doesn't really have anything to reduce incoming damage on the caster, just their teammates) but most things die very quickly when Melt Armor and Blizzard are dropped together. From my understanding, Time, Dark, and Traps are extremely good sets on Defenders and are capable of covering every aspect you're looking for with ease, though it may still take some work getting the numbers you really want. And in the damage department, you have Fire, Water, Ice and Dual Pistols to cover your desires for damage and support debuffs (minus Fire). Though anything really could work with some effort.
  20. A lot of the Carnival's unique pieces aren't available to players, mainly their gloves, shoes, collars, and whatever they have on their backs. But I took a stab and came up with something pretty good when compared to a Carnival Ring Mistress. It's not a perfect 1 to 1, but could pass as a discount Carnie in a heartbeat. Using the image from the CoS wiki page for the Ring MIstress as a template, I came up with this in about 5 minutes. Ring Mistress.costume Pieces of note: Head: Carnival of Light mask with matching colors. The eyes underneath are from Supernatural Face 11 colored red. Body: Barbarian top was the closest I could find. Magic robe shoulders, Santa Gloves give the best "frilled" gloves from what I could tell. Carnival of Light sash. Legs: Carnival of Light leggings, and Victorian Steampunk boots. Back: Celestial Armor 1 was the best look I could find for the back detail, though Hooded Lamps was a nice alternative if you don't want perfect. Warp gives the crossed sticks look in a sense, but doesn't mesh with the rest of the outfit. Also keep in mind, there are a lot of pieces ripped from the Carnival of Light/War/Vengance in Praetoria. You can mix and match those in as you see fit but they do have much different designs from the Carnival of Shadows on Primal Earth.
  21. Energy Melee and War Mace dish out a lot of stuns. Stack them with Dark Armor's Oppressive Gloom and you should have your own troupe of Thriller zombies walking around you. While not a guarentee, the Pounding Slugfest set lets you add a mag 2 stun proc to any ST melee attack. You can also add a stun proc to any immobiloze with Debilitative Action as well, but that typically stacks with the immobilize for a pseudo-hold that won't cause them to walk around like goofs.
  22. Zone: Atlas Park Position: [3997.3 -34.8 -1490.5] - The sewers during Officer Fields' mission to Take the fight to the Vahzilok When the Water Effects graphical slider is set to High or Ultra, the water incorrectly reflects the War Walls and the exterior city scape in the eastern portion where the walls are submerged under the water, roughly the size of the space between the surface of the water and the ground. The War Walls shouldn't be visible from this location at all as you're underground in a sewer. Additionally, moving the camera below the water shows that there is a solid wall between the surface and ground, so it's entirely the reflection in the wrong.
  23. I always make sure to hit up Field Agent Keith Nance in Talos at 20. One of the more fun arcs in the game where you chase your evil self across the city in a non-stop train of action. The whole thing is one single long mission and you keep getting directed to check with other NPCs to keep tabs on where the other you is going instead of simply giving Keith a phone call. Plus good writing; all the Freakshow calling you crazier than they are since "you" paid them to beat you up, along with the early joke about how difficult it is for Freakshow to arm bombs. Jenni Adair is a decent followup but her missions aren't nearly as good. Outside of the fights with Protean and Burkholder they're pretty bland.
  24. I'm certainly part of the murderhobo crowd here. I'll take Stealth on characters if power picks and themeing allows for it, but i'm usually using it for the extra defense more than anything and not actuallt sneaking around. It's great for setting up initial strikes though.
  25. There's a handful of Vigilante tips in the 30s that pit you against Longbow. However storywise I think most of them are also Nemesis robots. Damn shame...
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