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Everything posted by Nafsmar

  1. To kill the first born Pharaoh's son. I'm Creeping death.
  2. And this, for you folks at home that are keeping score, is what we call point/counterpoint. It’s when you think the grass is greener on the other side. However you usually find out, often times too late, that this is not the case at all. Touché pussycat.
  3. I see Knockback getting knocked about (pun intended) a lot here in this thread. Yeah sure holding a foe is cool and watching a foe beat up his own buddy is a neat parlor trick. Sleeping people? seriously? My wife does that everytime she starts telling a story. Prob why we don't get many re-invites. But seriously what looks cooler: watching a bad guy walk in a circle dazed or getting shot across the room. When Spider-man web swings into a baddie and smashes him to the wall or when Superman punches the Bejeesus outta someone and sends him flying THRU that wall ya just gotta admit it looks damn cool. Now I know this thread is about what is the better way to keep the baddies under control but if they are all asleep/stunned/feared none of them can go back to their gang leader( after getting released from jail) and talk about the awesomeness that is you. Criminal Attorney to client that was not Knockbacked and defeated: "How did you end up in jail this time?" Bad guy (who was slept,stunned,confused etc) "I don't know I was chillin minding my own business with a few buddies just ya know out for a lark and suddenly I'm in jail." Criminal Attorney to client: "What the hell happen to you? What did you go thru a wall?" Bad guy who did indeed go thru a wall and got defeated: "So what if I did you gonna rep me or not?" Knockback the lesser control I think not. Seriously its way cool.
  4. It’s a steroid and I understand your situation but trust me I have suffered multiple multiple times. It is the best option available as it starts to work as soon as you take it and by the next morning you feel a lot better.
  5. From my recollection hot water does take the itch away for a while. I suffered many summers with it and would take very hot showers for a bit of relief. But that was me. I learned how to identify it and as an HVAC tech it is the first thing I look for when walking to a condenser.
  6. Get the prednisone it magic for the ivy
  7. Happened to me a few times when I was younger. I couldn’t even make a fist. To make it worse when it dried and started going away all the skin on my hands peeled. That was a fun school experience. Today though there’s prednisone. Back then it was calamine lotion😝. Remember that useless crap?
  8. Finally someone who appreciates Hawkeye the way I do. Here’s to you my good man.
  9. Didn’t read all 9 pages but since there are 25 posts per page that means there are a lot of old foagies playing this game.
  10. This is me as well. I personally have never had an issue with anyone nor have I ever seen anybody being treated rudely In a chat channel.
  11. It is fun whacking villains with a big mace. Currently lvl 10 and doing the Hollows arcs. Plan to go to Faultline after that as I can not remember if I ever did them on live.
  12. After reading this thread I myself was inclined to make a character named Alabama Slamma. A warmace /willpower brute. I’ve constantly wanted to try warmace but kept stalling now that I have a cool name I hopefully will take this one all the way.
  13. I had some time to play so I logged in with my level 29 energy blaster. A level 25 team was looking for more and normally I don’t join random teams unless it’s a TF or an SBB but I said what the hell I’m trying to turn over a new leaf. I did tell the team when I joined that I would be doing knockback but nobody seem to mind. I did about five missions total and while people came and went there was no drama just a bunch of heroes doing hero things. The main point is that it was fun . So I guess you get out what you put in. I will be more open to Radio/tip team invites In the future. Hopefully they all go this way. I do have my doubts but we will see.
  14. This is what happened to me when I attempted to try Gold side. I kept getting lost in the tunnels so like any good quitter I quit Gold and went back Blue side. Now I play so rarely that it doesn't even matter.
  15. Glad to see you found your way back to Paragon City. Enjoy the ride.
  16. I always thought it went Six to one half dozen to another. Anyway back to topic. Since I love the blaster I vote for blaster. Oh crap you want an unbiased opinion. Well then blaster it is.
  17. Honestly since I run mostly blasters I have no problem with someone announcing they are about to cast a buff that would help me. That being said on my only support character(at this time) I have stopped announcing "gather for AM" and just try to cast it when the team is closest together.
  18. Isn't it obvious that they want you to sing this song in anticipation.
  19. He is getting added. Why the hate?
  20. I meant like people here that actually tried the beta. I played it and found it rather fun.
  21. Hey all I just found out about this beta for the PS4. I am downloading it right now and am wondering if any of you have tried it and have thoughts on it.
  22. Thank you I finally figured out how to get it (Roys) working. I kept opening the built in one and kept not seeing it. Finally I realized I needed to do the macro thing. I missed this sentence the first dozen or so times I read your reply trying to figure out what the heck I was doing wrong. 🤬
  23. I cannot locate this enhancement on the pop menu. This is on Brainstorm. I have not tried the other beta servers.
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