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Chelsea Rorec

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Everything posted by Chelsea Rorec

  1. I'm sorry it looks like you didn't read the post correclty. I suggest you go back and re-read it again.
  2. Dreads argument for EA over SR is that EA is closer to the def cap than SR and SR uses more end than EA which you can obviously see is completely untrue on both counts. I'll gladly put any of my SR or Ninjitsu tooks up against and EA because i know none of them will run out of end.
  3. So i have just done a side by side comparison of EM/SR and EM/EA with just IO's on stalkers. Up to level 30 SR Def 33% melee/ranged End use 0.43/s EA Def 30% S/L/F/C, 35% NRG, 24% Neg End use 0.61/s Energy drain only raises the def by 1% Ninjistsu with both toggles up to level 30 is only 0.50 end/s Past lvl 30 EA gains nothing where as SR gains Evasion which is AOE def/Def Debuff pushing AOE def to 38% End drain on both is 0.61/s Conculsion EA is an end drain early on with lower defence SR has higher def and less end drain early game Both gain from the 2 Res/Def IO's but SR is closer to the cap than EA Even past lvl 30 with set IO's added end useage on SR drops to 0.50/s In no way is that an end hog. Now someone is going to say "omg Energize and energy drain pwnz" yeah.. no not really. Energy Drain in mids says 2% def no matter how many mobs are around you and is +Endurance only. And Energize is a heal with an endurance discount. Even with hasten it's a recharge of 40 seconds. At some stage you will be reaching for the blue insps or have to heavily slot health like Dread had to.
  4. I did the WST this week and then helped a friend do all the TF's right across the range to get TFC. In each TF i was constantly using blues and +recovery temps just to stay up. Posi was the worst and my insp tray was just all blues and my def with just the EA shields was in the 30% range. Yin was just a nightmare, shields kept dropping constantly. No fighting pool just EM/EA with CJ,hasten. 3 slot stamina and pancea/miracle in health. It's just trash.
  5. I made a EM/EA brute and i have to say EA is utter garbage. The claims made that EA is easier to soft cap are untrue and it is more of an end hog than Dark armour. Energy drain DOES NOT help in the slightest. Ninjitsu/SR is less of an end hog than this. Never have i had to eat some many blues just to stay in a fight in my life. This is the reason Dread has slotted a Panacea,Miracle,Numina in health and it still dosn't help. Don't trust the word of a person who slots boxing past the initial slot. Straight to the No1 slot of the worst armours i've played.
  6. I went a different route. I skipped Encase and took tremor. fly/hover,CJ,Hasten and tough/weave and charged armour. So pretty much capped ranged def and capped S/L resist
  7. I typically take munitions mastery on my weapon toons and use body armour as a Res/+Def mule for that sweet sweet range def. And also because i am one of the few lunatics that likes LRM, more large AOE's whats not to like 🤷‍♀️ And Cyrofreeze ray and Surveillance is super handy for Devices.
  8. This is a lot of fun
  9. This and with smoke grenade and FO (surpressed to 15ft stealth) you can stand near a mob and click a glowie. Don't stand to close tho 🙂
  10. I tanked an ITF on an elec/elec/mu. Do that then get back to me 😛
  11. I took fly on my fire/fire/fire but it looks more like this
  12. I'm not the OP and i have tried Beam and didn't like it but that is what the OP has taken.
  13. That's because i'm not completely enthused by Beam rifle and it's single targetness. And kind of cone/pet is needed badly.
  14. I don't think that is correct. FO is only about 30ft stealth with a Celerity it goes up to 70ft which is complete invis to most mobs. FO is nowhere near stalker hide. Superspeed makes placing trip mines REALLY hard and consumes a power pick where as a Celerity IO in sprint dosn't and offers almost complete invis.
  15. I'm sorry but not on it's own.It is only as good as Stealth from the pool powers. BUT You can put a Celerity Stealth proc in Sprint and you can. So go forth and toe bomb. Gun drones is a little extra DPS and a distraction. Nothing more. You can spawn 2 if your recharge is good enough.
  16. There are a few sets with just ranged def and a few with just recharge but there are very few with both ranged def AND recharge. I can only think of 2 examples. That all means you have to take junk powers like weave,stealth etc just to get your defence up when you could get a high def with just set bonuses. So it isn't false at all.
  17. Still not touching this one. Your requirements and expectations are to high. Good luck in your search.
  18. I've never had a problem with MA on a stalker. Helpfull hint. Slot cobra strike for damage. It is more damage than eagles claw and 1 shots from hide with a fast animation. Storm Kick 54.74 (touch of death) Crane Kick 50.97 (mako's set) Cobra Strike 48.88 (touch of death) Eagel Claw 48.76 (assassins mark) Any one of those will one shot from hide. MA isn't a bad set overall.
  19. Pick one. Trying for both will cripple a blaster.
  20. Most of the heals for blasters are +Regen or Absorb or something along those lines and not a direct heal.
  21. Echoing whats already been said. Take both. You'll need them.
  22. FYI the other fun one is AR/Martial combat. You can juggle npc's in ignite. I just wish i could have a few more slots in burst of speed.
  23. Opening with LRM and then full auto if needed will take out a whole mob. LRM will kill a mob on it's own some times. M30 makes the mobs chuckle then punch you quite a lot.
  24. Beam/Dev AR/Dev Those are the builds i used. You can try them and deside for yourself. I still prefer AR/Dev tho. builds are very similar.
  25. AR has good combos and with Dev good protection and survivability. Beam was a little to single target and i struggled with bigger mobs. I ended up being stuck to only being able to use the nuke and trip mine for big mobs. Also the animation for beam is ...time consuming..even worse than AR.
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