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Chance Jackson

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Everything posted by Chance Jackson

  1. I probably wouldn't make any dmg aura scrappers, when i could make them as brutes instead. That said Staff, Kat & BS will add stack-able melee defense to your considerable Resistences, & staff has a low endurance mode that should help to alleviate any of the endurance issues associated with Dark.
  2. Original animation isn't possible anymore. They can give options for animations, but they all have to be the same duration. Original Storm Kick animation was *much* longer than the current one, so is not compatible anymore. Doesnt work "quite" like that, any animation can be lengthened or reduced according to needs by speeding up the animation file. I wasnt serious anway, was merely harking back to a much forgotten "oldie" Sure, but the difference in time between the new version and the old version would make the old animation look... well, very very silly. ;-) I for one would like to see a speed up version of the old Storm Kick.
  3. Interesting I thought Kat was faster back then, Did Katana get rebalance to account for the sped up animations? (I didn't roll up Kat or BS until after the changes)
  4. You sure about that? I read a while back when the game was live that Psionics tended to be non-positional in order to be a weakness for positional defense toons
  5. There is little to no particular synergy between those sets except: -That dark adds early AOE damage, an area where MA is highly lacking -Dark has stun toggle & MA has 2 or 3 "chance for stun" powers you can potentially stack Regardless this combo is better on a Brute because Brute dmg auras do better dmg because of fury & have a taunt component to help keep enemies in range of the dmg aura, additionally Brute MA's storm kick provides 7.5 def to all types & positions.
  6. Might as well roll all three into a single 'Weaponry' powerset in that case. If you let people take war mace/battle axe weapon models for Broadsword, then absolutely nobody will use War Mace or Battle Axe, even less than they're already never used. Broadsword/Axe/Mace were separate powersets in a time when there was no choice in weapon models, so it would be fair to merge them all into a single one. Don't worry about the secondary effects -- like I said, almost nobody uses Battle Axe or War Mace because Broadsword is literally identical to them except with a better secondary effect. I'm not exactly opposed to combining them but In a proliferated world, Mace has better damage than BS, but BS has the sweet stackable +Def to make it appealing so i'd prefer they kept their own power flavor even if they share weapon models. 2nded but for Mace (especially if weapon models never get shared)
  7. Assault set Primaries with Modified Henchmen Sets Secondaries could be interesting.
  8. I posted this in another thread but what if Serum transformed the MM into a super solder I'm thinking StJ Tank damage DPS with punch voke for a minute with a 4 minute recharge & a damage crash.
  9. There are plans to get those sets finished. We dont want to half-ass it, though. We wont just copy another power's fx and call it done. We will borrow particles, so some FX may look "at home" with similarly themed powers, not unlike how Rad Armor shares many particles with Rad blast, and Soul Noir dark theme borrows particles from Dark Control. We will just not just slap energy blast fx to Wrist Blaster, Blaster Drone, or whatever the final name for that power ends up being. Animation time matching is mostly an issue with powers that are already in use, these powers are new so changing the animation is not out of the question (although changing the animation time will always mean pvp attributes also need changing.) Biggest challenge is Bollas in the Utility Belt, as it already has a half-done cool animation with no fx that seems to expect a rather complicated fx script, plus is missing a flying animation (may force the power to only work on the ground.) Gadgetry is also underwhelming thematically, plus, anyone can buy a lame jetpack. Feels very redundant with Utility Belt and available temp powers, so the current plan is to re-conceptualize it as Cybernetic Enhancements (sounds a bit more techy, in contrast with Utility Belt's nature theme) with the flight power being based on Iron-Man like thrusters. The current plan is to develop them one by one, but it will take time. You have my support
  10. Holy SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Get out of my head! I was thinking about making a post just like this especially about having Broadsword, Axe & Mace all share weapon models (especially because the Celestial Mace is a silly looking take on the Ultimate Mjolnir/MCU Stormbreaker concept) Also I have been wanting the Rikti Axe & Rikti Sword for Dual Blades for years no I don't care how ridiculous certain players thinks it might look.
  11. I'll support this
  12. I don't have an StJ Stalker(yet) but I would support this and a lot of other "same animation time" style proliferations.
  13. Honestly I'd rather Serum temporarily turn the Mastermind into a Super Soldier granting the mastermind new attack powers ala keldian shapeshifts
  14. This use to be the case for trench coats(no idea if it still is), the way i would color the inside of the trench coat ws to first color the inside of a cape, see if that works for the pieces you mentioned.
  15. Asymmetrical Cat head shoulder pieces ala King Jaffe Joffer from Coming to America & Lio Convoy from Transformers: Beast Wars 2
  16. Thanks for bringing the game back & being attentive to the community.
  17. If so is there anyway we could have them made available some how? I'd love the opportunity to alternate between 1 hand & 2 hand animation in icon on a per power basis, I know the baked in redraw time in Katana was removed vastly buffing the set so I don't know if that would pose a challenge to adding those animations as alternates. I never disliked the old storm kick, I'm sure there is some way to use the animation if it still exists.
  18. Really? so a lvl 50 unique would be treated the same as it's lvl 10 version? The "Unique" tag doesn't describe how the proc will react to exemplaring. It only means you can't slot more than one across your build. That's why I was saying there's no rule of thumb for this; the enhancement descriptions can be vague, and the only way to know how an enhancement will react to exemplaring is for us to test each one and remember on an enhancement-by-enhancement basis. If you have specific IOs you're wondering about, you can ask and someone will probably know. Thx
  19. I can't promise you anything, but we're definitely interested in finishing them. You heard it here everyone GM Widower said "Soon™"
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