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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Noticed while trying to use the Freebies Menu and P2W vendor, I picked Nemesis Staff as my Prestige Attack, decided to change to Blackwand (Natural origin toon, so oshould work for either) I can't revoke the lollypop OR take Origin/Not Origin Blackwand. It tells me I'm revoking Nem staff, over and over, but nothing takes. Probably Beta-only, but thought it was worth mentioning Problem persists over client restart. (NB: I had grabbed all the other Prestige Attack Powers, if that's relevant.)
  2. Oh, if I could type, I'd be so dangerous. So, seconding the typos. (I spell great, I just can't type.) In my case, I also have a thing where I post something, then remember my sources, then go back and add in links.* * And citations. And footnotes, which, BTW, rock!
  3. They'd have to be a Universalish set (a la Overwhelming Force) but I'd kill for an Erase Visual FX enhancement and a Mute Sound FX one. Maybe even a No Animation one, too. Null the Gull could offer to ignore both, for folks that want to see/hear everything. (So no unfairness to PVPers, or people with impaired senses.) Then I could finally port the Human Bystander from TT Champions to CoH. (Dressed as a civilian, he stands around on the periphery of battles and doesn't seem to do anything but root for his team.)
  4. Pssshaw! Triops are THE freeze-dried pets for the discerning superhero.
  5. Good on you for confronting your fears! It's as though Superman went Kryptonite-hunting. More power to you!
  6. Lol, literally! That's the side of cats I prefer to see, I'm hideously allergic to them. And I seem to remember the late, great Don Martin pulling that Rushmore gag back in MAD Magazine. Nicely done, though!
  7. Okay, this has made me really want to celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th). Any ideas?
  8. An excellent point! Frying the motherboard when you connected a proper power supply was an engineer's way to keep you from descending into Dell Hell. OTOH, their Enterprise support a decade ago was very good. All I had to say was the magic word "Linux" and I would be connected to someone who knew what they were doing. (Otherwise it was "Go to the Start Menu and..." And I would be all, "Do you want to wait while I install Windows?") True story: We used to buy HP machines for our cluster, because they had better hardware. But the customer service was really bad. (Our record was two months to fix a blade with expensive "Next Business Day" support.) So our new cluster will be Dell. Fingers crossed!
  9. It used to be the way to hide from your global friends, but it appears these days it brings up the same hide dialog that /hide does. Good to know. (Insert "get off my lawn" meme here.)
  10. Sorry, my best advice would be to install Brew and use it to add wine. My 2017 Mac Book Pro self-destructed in 2021, so I can't test it, but it worked for me at the time. Good luck!
  11. One of the reasons I hate Dell so much. Work bought me a workstation from them that I added one USB3 card to and it started to get flaky. Tech support refused to acknowledge that their power supply was a POS. IIRC, 250 watts on a workstation? In the 21st century? And of course, a stealth proprietary connector, so you'd fry everything if you tried to sub in a 3rd party power supply.
  12. I'm in the "Oh, does my auto-hit AOE disorient also rez you guys? How lucky!" camp. It doesn't need Accuracy, save a slot. Or devote it to recharge or disorient.
  13. In college, taking Psych classes means you get a lot of chances to participate in Psych studies. (Almost every paper should have "Survey of age 18-24-year-olds" replaced with "Psych college students 18-24," but I digress.) One was Introvert/Extrovert scales and I was at the 99th percentile Extrovert, 100% percentile Introvert. When I'm feeling social, I love me some teaming. (I have one character who is sworn to accept all invites. A blast when I play him!) I find the most fun in the 4-6 teams. There's a reason for the Fantastic Four, not the Incredible Eight. When I'm feeling shy? I may make use of /hide, sometimes even /ghide. That can be fun, too. (As far as Dr. Q, on live I played it out over two days, with the whole bunch of loonies staying to the finish. On HC, a certain RTM would form up in Pocket D and buy ATT and TT for anyone who didn't have it, then run the whole TF in two hours of merry mayhem.)
  14. It seems very unlikely that this is related to player actions. I'd guess a problem with hosting: shared server overwhelmed by another client's traffic, databse hitting hard limits, RAID resilvering after a drive failure, or (most likely) Windows Server eating its own head. That's where I'd put down my nickel, anyway.
  15. I'd definitely go with Asus over Acer, if all else is similar. Better QA, for one thing, and better construction. (If it wasn't for gaming, I'd pick a Framework. Amazing company, great ethics, but they don't offer a discrete GPU. I really enjoyed putting mine together, though. It's the last release of the older model, so it's an 11th-gen Intel CPU, but still good enough for CoH.)
  16. Yeah, I think most of the Worst Things in this game involve typing!
  17. Good points. I didn't mean it was wise or profitable to make salvage from Brainstorms, just that you can avoid the AH and generate your own salvage. But thanks for the update, I didn't realize the market was like that.
  18. Don't forget about Brainstorms. You get a surplus of those if you play the card packs lottery.
  19. Nifty concept! I have a character who is a former millionaire who spent all his money on training and temp powers, and I must say some of the temp powers are surprisingly effective. Everyone knows Envenomed Dagger is great vs. AVs, but Plasmatic Taser is under-rated for lesser threats. Don't forget to run all the Mayhems via Lord Schnauser (Schweitzer?) for those temp powers, too! Sounds fun, good luck!
  20. Mapserver... Mine ancient foe! I'm playing via SpaceX Starlink, so my network drops for 2-3 seconds every 20 minutes or so as my antenna switches satellites. So I have a guaranteed minimum of 3 mapseverances an hour. I am by necessity fault-tolerant. (In theory, once Elon's fricking laser network between satellites is operational, these transfers will proceed smoothly, with no interruptions. I will believe it when I see it.) But back here in Paragon City, RI, the vast majority of these don't kick me back to the login screen; my teammates wonder why my banter stopped, I often get killed, but my game isn't terminated, just interrupted. But last Tuesday on Torch, a very patient leader led a "Kill most and smell the flowers" ITF, and I felt like I was mapsevered every 5 minutes. It was very frustrating, and I applaud my teammates -- and especially Silver Snowflake, the leader -- for putting up with me. Even witty banter can only take you so far! Is there a way to diagnose whether mapseverances are happening client-side of server-side. I'm thinking along the lines of https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
  21. Wow! Thanks for the pointer, BillZ! Add some peppermint oil, and you've got Doc Bronner's soap! I, er, wonder if the Vatican knows this guy works for them?
  22. Except build-swaps have their own universal, rather lengthy cooldowns (all powers reset as if you'd just used them).
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