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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. First computer game I ever bought was the Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. For my c-64. Good times.
  2. My 2060 Super handles 1440p Cyberpunk at max settings just fine. Now if only my reflexes were up to the task...
  3. I figure it's a quantum thing, like USB-A ports. You try to plug it in, fail, then turn it around, fail, because the USB device is in superposition until you actually observe it. So then you look at the plug, it's waveform collapses, and now you can plug it in. My practice is to announce, "Fear my Monkey-form!" before hitting secondary mutation. The only times I've turned into a monkey have been when I forgot.* * Also keeps tigers away
  4. Naw, your hero's just tapping into the Ice Force! Which lets us use an Ice pull to ignore inconvenient things like physics. Never underestimate the power to pull things out of your Ice at will!
  5. Hear, hear! Especially on widescreen monitors, horizontal real estate is precious!
  6. I haven't experimented with procs much in Arcane Bolt. I usually use it to fill in my Blind-Spectral Wounds 1-2 punch. It's pretty darn good if it's lit up with Arcane Empowerment, so a good finisher there. Head on over to the test server and play around. Especially since they sped up the animation, I'm quite fond of it. Enjoy!
  7. I do miss the art of witty banter! Most of my global friends became so because they could turn a team wipe into a comedy festival. (Post-Carnie wipe: "Does this carpet taste funny to you?") What bugs me are the terms which have changed meaning: In the ancient tongue, MOB stood for Mobile Object, i.e., a foe or monster. Nowadays it's used for a group of foes. Or a Family mish, I guess. I certainly don't miss the spam: $$$$****MIlliOns of gold for DOZZens of US$$dollers!!!! pm iupashghufdghipuhf for details!****$$$$$ (Never did find out the gold-to-inf exchange rate, hope it was worth it.)
  8. If you haven't already, look into the Sorcery pool instead of TP. Mystic Flight throws in a nice free TP, Arcane Bolt gives you a good ST attack that benefits from Containment (and has a power boost of its own), and some people really swear by Rune of Protection. Also, no bonus procs in Health and Stamina? Hate END do you? Or is Consume just that good? Finally, I personally find PA slumping to the ground and vanishing reminds me to launch them again, so I don't mind a few seconds downtime, but I find the Base Buff that increases attack speed for a few junk salvage to be an excellent way to fill in those little gaps an hour-and-a-half at a time. (P2W Offensive buff is another option, of course, but more pricey and only an hour per.) Looks a like a really enjoyable build to play, have fun with it!
  9. I think the HC devs are doing much better than the Live devs ever did. My guess would be the freedom from executive interference has let them concentrate on what's best for the game, which isn't necessarily the same as what's going to most please the players. Other servers seem to be more focused on what the player-base wants. I look forward to seeing the results in the middle term. But my money's on the HC approach. (Literally, if I can hit the donation window!)
  10. While we're wishing, a little metadata would be nice. If I could see the date and time I added someone to global friends, it might help me manage my list. Last Time On could be useful for pruning folks that aren't playing these days. And seeing the star rating I gave them would help in deciding whether to invite them to my next wedding. Maybe an ability to Archive deceased players? (I hate to take them off the list, but I'm not expecting to team any time soon. RIP, RTM!) While we're at it, why the hard limit?
  11. I use this macro: /macro boss quit$$dialogyes This way, your character may still be standing there looking pretty for half a minute, but at least you don't have to be watching.
  12. I always thought nerfing phase was a blunt instrument. I would have simply turned off XP and inf gain while phased. C'mon, give the ol' Astral Plane a break!
  13. I was not prepared to give this show any slack at all. I didn't like Peacemaker in The Suicide Squad, and I never liked the modern ski-masked Adrian Chase Vigilante. ( I like the Golden Age version, and the DCAU character voiced by Nathan Fillion was a treat!) I mean Alan freaking Moore wrote a comic featuring him, and I still wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. Plus, the trailer made it look like they were trying for a Deadpool expy with Vig. Then I saw the first 5 minutes of the first episode. Especially the opening credits music video. OK, James Gunn, you are officially my hero now. It was hysterically funny. to the point where my dogs all came to me to see what was wrong with Daddy. I won;t spoil anything more, but... If you were planning on skipping it? Don't.
  14. It is purely satisfying to surround a foe with Trip Mine while they are busy monologing. Just when they get to the "And now, you die!" part, they blow the hell up! I'm thinking particularly of some of the middle "Who Will Die??!!" missions.*
  15. LRM rocket I will need to see in action to judge. (Or rename it "Imaginary Rocket" and add some Psi damage!) Team Teleport, except for the hilarity of seeing Null-phobic teammates freak out, is eclipsed by other TP powers. "Stoppable," the T9 Tank Inv power, is basically a delayed "I lose" button. Personally, I'm no fan of any power that requires you to fondle the corpses of dead teammates or enemies, but they can be extremely useful in better hands.
  16. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaddssssawwwwwwwwwd\ Also, hitting backspace instead of enter and sending a special message to some rando who messaged me hours ago... TMI, sorry, guys!
  17. Ill+Storm is a hard combo to beat. Whatever the situation, you can always be doing something useful!
  18. First toon, first time. I'm dutifully destroying ALL the bad guys between the old mission and the new one, because... "Look, they're stealing that nice lady's purse!" My friend took me aside and explained the respawn mechanic. Cue Don Quixote moment. Finish new mish, return to town to see they still haven't gotten her purse away from her! "Windmills, indeed!"
  19. Sounds like you may be running in software rendering mode. Try to find a driver from your OEM or NVidia itself that specifically supports OpenGL. Many manufacturers don't bother to look out for OpenGL.
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