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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. I wanted to play a succubus, but not as a dominator or controller, so I threw together a costume and went back and selected Psi Melee. And then, when I was playing with the costume options after a few levels, I stumbled on the combination of no head and an eye aura, so I started running around with a headless character with flames coming out where the eyes are supposed to be. Then I added the thundercloud path aura so it looked even freakier, and by that point, I wasn't playing a succubus any more, so I redefined the character as a nightmare come to life and renamed her Phantasmagorie. And then I added sharks. Because it's not really weird unless there are sharks. And even though I despise the inane lockout balancer in Insight (same reason i don't play my level 38 Savage/whatever scrapper much), and throwing sharks is sloooooooooooooooooow... I have to say, I like playing this one. It's nothing like what I started with, what I intended, and I'm not the least bit displeased. Don't get stuck on making a concept work, just go with the flow. Step outside the concept zone and see what happens. As long as you're enjoying it, it doesn't really matter whether it's true to the original vision... and you can always make another character to chase that vision later. You have 5000 slots, Snarklebelle, you can afford to explore.
  2. That. Stop worrying about what "fits" and focus on fun. You can always change colors and animations, grab pool powers, use a crowbar to force it to "fit" later.
  3. Why would you need a second monitor?
  4. /screenshotui 1 PrtScrn Alt+Tab to an open file explorer window. Navigate to the game directory, Homecoming/Screenshots.
  5. And did them so powerfully, so evocatively, that they're still lauded by everyone who's played any of the games. His narration is iconic and integral to Fallout. It's what gives the games their emotive depth, what gives their stories weight. The wasteland wasn't just a place to stand, a backdrop for your fights, you heard his voice echoing in the back of your mind as you wandered, reminding you how this landscape became the barren, desolate place that it was, tinging the entire experience with a hint of regret and sorrow and giving you a more somber, meaningful experience. None of the Fallout games would've been anything noteworthy or memorable without that. Without his narration. He made us feel it. That's something special and unique to Fallout that shouldn't be sacrificed, or lost, in the transition to film. If anything, it's even more important to keep it, because story is everything in film. The most beautiful cinematography in the world doesn't save a piece with a bad story, or no story at all. Doing this without Ron Perlman... they might as well just hand it to Uwe Boll, or Tommy Wiseau.
  6. "Low" damage sets, like Kinetic Melee, Psi Melee, Staff, petless masterminds, punchy punchy RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH controller and dominator, melee sentinels. I have some of the harder-hitting stuff, and that's nice in a different way, but when I was going through my characters a couple of weeks ago, I realized I have a clear tendency to play things that a lot of people deride. The "weak" ones are what I play the most, what I keep going back to when I should be working on my next alt. Maybe I'm a sadist. Or a cat. Now that I think about it, cats are sadists, so... eh.
  7. Three: no Ron Perlman. 😞
  8. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Number_Six
  9. With the current state of the AI, Gauntlet is one of the very few things which prevents enemies from swimming to Tahiti in the middle of a fight. That's time not spent chasing an enemy who ignores your Taunts once it's started to run, or waiting for it to come back. It helps.
  10. Level 50 is when the toughest challenges are presented, so that's when the most powerful enhancement sets are offered. Minimum level requirements allow those sets to be made better than other sets in various ways. Those Superior ATOs are Superior because they require you to be level 50 to slot them. Same with the purples, they're stronger than orange sets specifically because they require you to be level 50 to slot them. That's how they're balanced against other sets. Again, balance. Some sets are more powerful than others in the same tier and category, but are restricted to a specified maximum level. Think of it like this: every set has a budget, and a variety of ways it can spend that budget. The set can go to max level, but have lesser set bonuses or attributes; or it can go to a lower level and have stronger set bonuses or attributes. Every set is designed this way. There are always balance points and trade-offs, and that's necessary to ensure that all sets are roughly comparable from a development perspective. The budget creates a standardized system and gives that system a measure of predictability and reliability so players always have a fair idea of what they should be getting out of a set. They may not look comparable from where the player sits, but the budget ensures that you don't have wildly overpowered uncommon sets or laughably underpowered very rare (purple) sets. Specify which sets you feel are in need of attention, what bonuses you believe warrant improvement, and why. "Change the bonuses" is no more helpful for development than "Add bananas". Be aware, though, that simply asking for all set bonuses to include, say, global +Recharge, or +Defense (All), will fall flat because that's basically requesting that all set budgets be ignored and the entire game rebuilt around unbalanced IO usage. You should note, though, that every set you consider to be underwhelming is a set someone else considers to be perfect, and campaigning for changes to sets is guaranteed to generate controversy. The bonuses you value aren't necessarily the bonuses others value. But that's why we have so many sets with so many variations in bonuses, so everyone can find something they do value without forcing others to accept their valuation as gospel.
  11. A civilian NPC. Or furniture.
  12. You're either supporting a fascist state or waging a terrorist war against it. Never seen much neutrality in those options.
  13. Working as intended. The Elite Boss category was added some time after launch so players without builds capable of soloing AVs weren't forced to seek out teams to progress. They're "story mode AVs", intended to provide a challenge slightly above boss (hence Elite Boss), not close to AV level. They're supposed to be a 3 or 4, not an 8.
  14. Does your wife know you're five years old?
  15. There's a box in the lower left of the UI which allows you to type words in it, and it even displays what you type for other players to see. "Thank you for your time", for example. "Thanks for putting this together." "We appreciate you doing this." I'm old-fashioned, I believe in expressing gratitude by expressing gratitude. Handing someone a gift card to convey appreciation seems hollow, insincere and materialistic.
  16. The game only shows the heal for Vengeance, so that wouldn't do you any good. Use City of Data. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.leadership.vengeance&at=tanker For most powers, though, you can get the in-game numbers for any archetype without logging in on that specific archetype. Type [Power Name] in the chat box and click it after you hit Enter, or right-click and select Info if you have the power in question, and just change the archetype in the info window (highlighted green in the game).
  17. They're displayed at the top of each archetype page, on the right, but they're collapsed by default. But if you want to put together a separate page, https://cod.uberguy.net/html/modifiers-table.html?mod=default .
  18. We have a streakbreaker that prevents us from missing twice in a row when we're at the hit chance cap, and I still miss three times in a row. Tactics doesn't help, it just mocks me for taking it with the expectation that it would ever do more than suck on my endurance bar like a ten dollar prostitute who hasn't eaten for two days.
  19. Check your firewall, verify that it's allowing your programs through. My only Internet access is via using my phone as a hotspot and I don't have problems connecting or staying connected. The one time I did encounter a problem, it was because my firewall decided to block the game.
  20. You want people to play together as long as they conform to specific team configurations. No-one's going to use that setting and not require every team member to have a self rez power, and at least one team member have an ally/group rez. That means no Trick Arrows, no Force Fields, no this and no that. That's discriminatory and exclusionary, and that's not what this game is about. It's never been what this game is about. It never will be what this game is about. We don't do that here. Period.
  21. I could see this ending well poorly. Denying spots on the team to anyone who doesn't have a rez in their primary or secondary, leaders refusing to run the *F without rezzing defenders/controllers/corruptors on the team, one dude trapping seven teammates in the *F (all of it, not just one mission, and despite not having an ally/group rez himself) while he tries to solo everything and bitching when they quit one by one... Hell, I say do it. The drama would be incredible.
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