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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. Oh freddled gruntbuggly, Thy micturations are to me As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee. Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes, And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles, Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts With my blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!
  2. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=brute_defense.fiery_aura.consume&at=brute Consume gives 50% resistance to -Endurance, not -Recovery. Resistance to -Endurance isn't shown in stats, resistance to -Recovery is.
  3. No sheep anywhere, badgers in every household, technological differences, mad scientists running things, shapeshifters... we're playing in Walternate's universe.
  4. My brain went somewhere weird again. Just finished making Kaolin Monk, a porcelain statue suffused with Qi, on Everlasting.
  5. Looking over a couple of other scrapper Taunt auras, the discrepancy appears to be two-fold. The second set of Taunts (there are two in each, a PvP/non-Raid PvE, and a Raid PvE), behind the Redirect, should be the actual, and only, Taunts, based on a comparison to other Taunt auras (Invincibility and Against All Odds). But all four of the Taunts in Entropic Aura are using the wrong table, too. They're using Melee_Ones instead of the Melee_InherentTaunt table used by other Taunt auras. Deleting the redirect entirely and setting the 2.25s Taunts to Melee_InherentTaunt at scale 1 would resolve the issue. While I was poking around, I also noticed that Electric Armor's Power Sink has a +5% Rage effect, presumably another dangling left-over from the brute inherent.
  6. You appear to be confusing yourself with @arcanaville. @arcanaville spent hundreds of hours accumulating data samples in the tens of thousands, several times, in order to determine how things worked and verify, for her own edification, that they were, indeed, working. You had to be shouted at to agree to one test, grudgingly, and have provided not a single iota of data, from that test or from any other. @arcanaville isolated a temporal discrepancy which wasn't accounted for in animation times, root times, individual animation frames or anywhere else, and tracked it down to server ticks adding the unaccounted latency between expected use/recharge times and real use/recharge times (hence Arcanatime). You? You don't even know what your powers do in this game, much less how the engine works. @arcanaville accounted for variables, all of the variables, and when something didn't add up, she dug until she found what was missing. Then she shared what she did, how she did it and why. You ignore variables, to the point of adamantly arguing against accounting for variables, and dismiss anything that doesn't fit within your predetermined conclusion. @arcanaville recognized that the open communication line that Cryptic mandated between developers and players was there to be used, had the intelligence and foresight to determine which questions to ask, and the courtesy to share the answers with everyone. You call that "inside information" and try to spin it as secretive and used only for personal glory. @arcanaville was polite, reasonable and a little shy, and never acted like a pompous ass. If anything, she was embarrassed by the constant attention and adulation that she didn't believe she deserved or warranted, and she stated on more than one occasion that she wasn't special and that it was what everyone else was doing that was noteworthy. She exuded modesty even when she was riled up. You, on the other hand, have given the impression of being arrogantly convinced of your own grandiosity and so closed-minded that it's nauseating. @arcanaville was the first one to stand up and call herself out when she made mistakes. She didn't wait for someone to catch her with her pants down, she had the courage to say, "I was wrong", to correct what she'd screwed up, and to make sure everyone knew. You refuse to admit that you're fallible, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. @arcanaville was literate, and her posts displayed the same attention to detail that her testing and information dissemination showed. Reading what you write is like stabbing oneself in the eye with a rusty spork. Do you even proofread, bro? Don't even try to compare yourself to @arcanaville, and don't imagine that you can get away with talking shit about her simply because she hasn't posted in a while. Wrong fucking line to cross.
  7. He "knew" that Exhausted imposed -100% Recovery. And that Staff/Willpower is unplayable without dumping multiple slots in Stamina. So... probably not.
  8. Most of us have two power sets, a primary and a secondary. Unless you're playing your own private server, I'm confident that you have a second power set, which can benefit from Hasten. Have you considered using that second set, instead of bitching and whining because you can't pwn the game with SR alone? Also, there are a lot of damage mitigation sets which don't get much, or anything, from Hasten. SR isn't special or unique in this regard. There's no argument you can contrive to make SR a poster child for sad-faced players using Hasten. Ah, so you're allowed to select the pool powers you want, the pool powers which will benefit your build, but @Bill Z Bubba is restricted in his choices. And you refuse to test unless you can select an enemy group which you have some confidence of surviving against, whereas you insist that @Bill Z Bubba has to fight the enemy group that many players actively avoid because they're such a pain in the ass. Sounds like it's not about real information, it's about "winning", and you're refusing to participate unless you can use loaded dice.
  9. Same reason our characters are limited to one primary and one secondary, four power pools, one *PP, 67 slots to place in powers, et cetera. To create balance, while still permitting players to make decisions which feel important and meaningful to their characters within that balance.
  10. Just can't remember. It's been a long time and I'm starting to earn veteran XP IRL.
  11. Yeah, the original respec system was a hot mess, requiring players to add slots after each power selection. They changed it at some point, don't recall exactly when, to the way it works now, selecting all powers, then placing slots. I remember being excited about the new respec system because it allowed a power just taken to be six-slotted, instead of having to wait (example: take a power at level 26, immediately respec, place six slots in that power). Hilariously, Mids' still was never changed to reflect the updated respec system. You can't six-slot a level 49 power in Mids', it either removes the extra three slots, or it flags them as Invalid and pretends they don't exist. Probably messes with at least a few players' heads.
  12. Exemplaring reduces the value of enhancements. It ignores how many slots you have, it doesn't record the level at which you put slots into powers, it just applies a global enhancement value reduction. You're still "stronger" than a native level character, because you have more slots, you have more powers, but you're not so powerful that you make the lower level character look like a poser.
  13. If a Hogger raid is added to this game, I'm setting the servers on fire. With plutonium.
  14. Converters don't even break 100k. There's no way they were at 5 million, or even 1.3 million, unless there's a serious bug. Are you sure he was trying to purchase the correct item?
  15. Don't do Staff, you'll get that 83% Recovery buff when you use Sky Splitter while Form of the Soul is active, and... run out of endurance... somehow.
  16. Watch out for those Endurance Discounts that completely halt your Recovery. 🤣
  17. Bullet sponges aren't harder, they're more boring.
  18. Blood Frenzy grants a stacking endurance discount, and none of the powers apply -Recovery. /credibility /thread
  19. A question never asked is knowledge never acquired. Welcome to the forums.
  20. All of that is correct, according to City of Data. Auto-hit, 10' range (just a little further than melee range), targeted, 8' radius, 5 target cap. Comparing it to the original version of the power, Energy Absorption, I see two +Def buffs, one which functions like this one (replaces existing buff), and a second with a stacking buff per enemy hit. Looks like the second buff, the one which stacks, was removed when Energy Absorption was ported to sentinel, but the total +Def provided by the first buff was increased (from scale 0.1 to 0.4 (Melee_Buff_Def modifier)). That implies that it was intentionally left non-stacking. That the stacking buff wasn't used instead of this one is also indicative of intent. The Endurance parts is flagged to stack, so it's useful as a means of filling your blue bar or emptying those of enemies within the AoE. As for the Defense, it can be enhanced, and will ramp up as high as 4.41% at 50 (using 5/6 Red Fortune (all but End/Rchg)), 4.81% with an Alpha which affects Defense buffs (same slotting). With a duration of 100s, base recharge time of 60s and being auto-hit, it's perma out of the box and a guaranteed buff to all typed Defense except Psi and Toxic, so whether that justifies taking and using the power is up to you. If you're asking for an opinion, I'll say that the same slot expenditure using a Winter set will only give you 5% Defense to two damage types. This gives you almost as much as one Winter set, to all types (again, except Psi and Toxic). I'd hit it for that alone.
  21. Nothing in the game world indicates, suggests or implies that Stuns disable flight. Or any control, for that matter. Or any other form of movement. Stuns specifically allow movement, that's the balance for that control in comparison to controls. Powers such as AoE Stuns have 90s recharge times instead of the 240s recharge times which AoE Holds have because they don't impose movement penalties. You're asking for Stuns to become Holds, essentially, when used against flying foes. Not going to happen, not without a massive rebalance of all Stuns in the game, and since there's nothing mechanically wrong with Stuns, or even a general lack of regard which prompts players to avoid taking or using them (Sleeps, for comparison), the HC team isn't going to do it. Additionally, the -Fly mechanic is not contextually appropriate for Stuns. It's a mechanic which is applied per power and only for thematic reason. -Fly isn't generalized for any category of powers. Some Immobs have -Fly, others don't. Some Slows have -Fly, others don't. Some attacks have -Fly, some don't. There's neither precedent for applying -Fly to all powers within a categorization, nor justification. If you believe specific powers warrant -Fly, that might have some possibilities. But applying it to Stuns across the board isn't on the table.
  22. The Save button at the lower right of the screen.
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