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The Pyn

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Everything posted by The Pyn

  1. tankster (plus a few other 50 golds) here. i recommend darmian's ae missions. challenging change of pace if you're sick of infinite fire farming.
  2. one thing to remember when saying that the mission names are self-describing regarding red-blue-gold affinity is that all characters can play ae missions. player alignment will need to mesh with the group leader and imo it's perfectly reasonable add an alignment qualifier to these non intrinsically aligned missions.
  3. so true. it also applies to the character icons on your account.
  4. i really like the water/energy combo for blaster. the energy knockback and utility powers seem to enhance survivability and complement the water attacks (which does include a heal-over-time.) don't forget to change the color of the water power set to yellow/white to truly get across the message as to what you're doing to the targets.
  5. qft. willpower is the new regen.
  6. hope it doesn't hit the truck
  7. I find that human pb's are evocative of dbz saiyans so i always have 1 costume slot with spiky hair and a glow effect. i've deleted multiple kheldians that didn't make it to 50 but i've called the current one 'hashtag quantum bait' for obvious reasons.
  8. "Exploit early and exploit often" is the usual mantra* in mmo's and hope that there isn't a rollback/ban after the devs fix it. I believe though that the spirit of this slogan is more applicable to open world, competitive pvp mmo's and not so much to coh. With particular respect to coh I haven't become aware of any glitch.
  9. one thing to think about is what are you going to do once you've outleveled the missions in the 3 gold side cities and finished the first ward / night ward arcs. That takes you to about 35 and you can grind knight/dust repeating missions until they stop giving them at around 40 but then you're stuck. if you have the meta objective to take a gold character all the way to 50 then outside of cop/sbb (if you can find someone to do it with) you'll have to use ae. and if you use ae why not do it all the way from 1? i've done all 4 basic paths on a variety of characters and created a 50 fire farmer (self-levelled past 18) on each account for easy pl'ing alts and done that a few times too but then the question really becomes what's the point? if you want to access all the content then you have to go blue/red so it's really a vanity thing i think. i enjoyed all 4 basic paths and if you're into story content then you should try them all. some good tips on navigating the 3 gold side starting cities in this thread. also, don't forget about the portal to pocket d in the nightclub in imperial city.
  10. i've burnt plenty of respecs across characters; it's one the drivers behind deleting them lol. the only time that i've actually been disappointed was back on live when i respec'ed to get teleport foe and found that i couldn't move pvp targets in front of the base drones any more.
  11. why not go gold? you can murder both protesters and cops every time the mission spawns in nova praetoria.
  12. don't know about that but i usually take a screenie of every character i make standing on top of cole's statue in nova praetoria doing the jackhammer emote. it fills a need i guess.
  13. any combination with mez resistance and ranged/dot. hitting the sorceror with a dot and watching it tick him to zero just as he teleports is truly satisfying. similarly ignoring ink man's mez and just shutting him down feels good.
  14. it's all hypothetical the following are what first occurred to me: variety of origins are available which support both rp and so/do enhancements deferring all slots until 38+ would increase power-levelling to that point deferring all slots until 38+ would unbalance the gameplay at lower levels since the mob difficulty is intended to be offset by slotted so's - increase in power-levelling sets being only available at 50 would increase power-levelling to 50 net-net it's probably unnecessary and if implemented would probably result in power-levelling to counter-measure the gap associated with every impact.
  15. ae #17656 takes a safely-parked-at-the-entrance level 1 to level 28 in about half an hour using a 50+1 fire tanker with generic io's at +1/8 in a single run-through. not as much xp as the patrol version but safer for an afk alt on another account (or a few.) the map is the one from talshak's atta mission that no one does anymore so there's a bit of nostalgia.
  16. hitting 50 on a gold character opens up all the incarnate trials. up until that point all you can do is either cathedral of pain or summer blockbuster so it's a nice content add.
  17. blue red or gold contact hologram works for me. works for 1-44 too.
  18. ran #26231 yesterday. wasn't sure what the eb's would be like so i did it at +0/8. the eb's took a while to burn but weren't too bad. the biggest challenge was getting the ranged power enemies to stupidly come into melee range so they could cook off in my pbaoe's. overall 3 nice quick missions with perfect maps (for the theme) and colorful enemies. thank you for sharing.
  19. I found that I was unable to bring my high-level praetorian characters to kallisti wharf without getting mapserver disconnects. Is it possible to consider holding future events in one of the praetorian zones or in pocket d where all character types (blue, red, gold) can assemble?
  20. and in that same vein if you roll a fire/fire tanker and just use the aura and pbaoe powers then you are never actually targeting a mob and it's not your fault if they wander into your burn patch, right? it doesn't get more pacifist than that imho.
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