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Everything posted by VileTerror

  1. Endurance Drain is still strong, AWOL. It's just that now, the AoE DPS meta is stronger than ever, and you don't get to reap the rewards of any other style of play when everything is just getting nuked and melted in under 3 seconds.
  2. Damn right!
  3. I mean, really, even if they keep the character limit down but fix the ASCii character rendering for it, I'd be happy. As it stands, for example, a double space counts as -8- characters toward the limit. The idea of having it read from an external source means that it can better parse the data, and 1024 characters can -be- 1024 characters, instead of more like ~900.
  4. I like the typo of "mike character to be able to wear the Sybil outfits" there. I suspect it was meant to be "mine" or "my," but the way it is now implies gender equality for costume pieces, which is something I wholeheartedly support!
  5. um, aheh, er . . . https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/14412-jack-emmert-to-head-dimensional-ink-sudio-dc-universe-online/ EDIT: In the past, the above post was a separate thread in a different Board. A forum mod has merged these two posts in to this thread, and moved this thread to the Games board for focused organization.
  6. I really like the proposed change to Focus Chi granting increased Stun Chance instead of just +Dam/+To-Hit. Couple that with making Eagle's Claw a guaranteed Crit on a Stunned Target AND a short-range Teleport Attack, and I think we have a winner. Grants the player some options: Do you start with Focus Chi and use Eagle's Claw as your opener to close the gap? Or do you run in the old fashioned way, pop Focus Chi, double-whammy a Cobra Strike and a Thunder Kick with guaranteed Stun to guarantee your Eagle's Claw does Crit Damage?
  7. Ah, I've always wondered about that, Redlynne. Thanks for the additional context.
  8. Because I don't have much in the way of IOs at all. I still have immense difficulty with understanding how many people seem to think it's the standard mode of operation for all players.
  9. I know it would incredibly spiteful and bad form, and I am -not -advocating anyone does it . . . buuuuut . . . I think it would amusing if people made a campaign to constantly post about the City of Heroes revivals in forums dedicated to Jack's comic book MMO projects. Like "Hey! Ever heard of this great thing called Homecoming? Yeah. Just thought I'd let you all know." . . . seriously, though. Don't do that. No matter what certain feelings of pettiness that much salt and wounds might grant catharsis for.
  10. There is a refugee camp in one of the parks on the western wall of Kallisti Wharf.
  11. Sorry, MasT; could you elaborate with some examples of what you mean exactly?
  12. Word is that there are already people working on this over in OuroDev. No word on anyone being successful yet of course . . . but it -is- on several folks' radars.
  13. Cold / Toxic. I mean, come on! Forget about Dark; it's apparently "From the Nether" anyway. It's its own thing. But Cold and Toxic . . . that sounds like an appropriately atrophy'y combo!
  14. I mean, not to completely threadjack here, but . . . can we please have those alert channels not auto-removed when we switch sides? I like to keep abreast of all the giant monster spottings, and it bugs me to have to constantly edit my tabs every time I change sides.
  15. Back when they gutted Cobra Strike's Stun for more bland damage, I had written a proposal, and I figure I'll repeat it again now: Give Martial Arts its own form of Containment. I would happily have Cobra Strike reverted to its original guaranteed Stun, and add a feature which either increases the chance of Crits, or flat-out increases the Damage dealt to Targets who are Stunned for all the other attacks in the set. Hell, bump up the chance for Stun in the other attacks while you're at it! Basically a wombo-combo; Stun the target to get them to essentially drop their defenses, and then capitalize on that moment of weakness to really put some OOMPH in to the strikes. Thematic as hell, and returns Martial Arts to the moderate-damage-but-high-control beauty it was originally designed as.
  16. I had no idea this level of discussion was taking place anywhere. I am shocked to hear it was happening on some third-party discord rather than the official forums. Thank you for posting this all here. I look forward to the discussion sensibly moving to this venue, where the players have access to it in the same place that they make their game accounts.
  17. I only ever remember feeling like Stargate Universe was -just- about to start getting compelling when the plug got pulled. Up to that point, it felt a little like it was too much build up without any pay off.
  18. I approve of fully unlocked Titles. Save me the trouble of having to switch sides to grab the one(s) I'm gunning for.
  19. Lexxxxxxxxxxxx! Yes! Freaky Canadian-German softcore antihero borderline-offensive nearly-nonsense science fiction! The other two series I really like from that era are Farscape and Stargate SG-1.
  20. I recommend that you try First Ward instead. The base telepad beacon drop point is smackdab in the middle of the graveyard there, and both Heroes and Villains can access the zone.
  21. My original Main was Fire/Kinetics Controller. My redux is Demons/Kinetics/Fire Mastery Mastermind. Thanks for allowing Kinetics on Masterminds, SCoRE/Homecoming/whoeveritwas! My concept is now almost perfectly realized. I just need something that's a cross between Dark Miasma and Kinetics as a Secondary to really nail the concept, and a truly noble-undead animation set for movement on a more skeletal frame.
  22. I started in Issue 0, and I didn't even realize City of Heroes was a new game at the time. I have ZERO recollection on how I even found out about it (and that frankly bothers me). The only other MMOs I had tried up to this point were little things like Eternal Lands and Knight Online (the 2000s one, not the 2010s one). I had a budding interest in tabletop roleplaying games, and had just started my career in the games industry as many do; in QA. While waiting for the game to download on my dial-up connection, I read the City of Heroes website front-to-back. I knew going in that the Rikti were from another dimension, and that the Lost were being transformed in to Rikti thanks to the chemical/drug from Outbreak. (Still boggles my mind that people think of that connection as some kind of spoilable twist surprise.) I had already made up my mind on what I wanted to play: Fire / Kinetics Controller. Why? Because that combination fit the closest to my namesake concept which predates my exploration of structured roleplay. I had no idea just how powerful that combo would end up being at the time. I played in a time before sliders. I chose the female model since it was lankier and narrower, which best fit my concept. However, those hips, butt, and breasts just kind of spoiled it for me. Male and Huge, however, were much further from my intended look. One of my first posts in the official forums was a poorly-done Photoshop mock-up of my character with reduced breast size and hip width, and a plea for the Devs to implement some kind of feature to allow me to make my character's intended appearance a possibility. I was overjoyed when sliders were added, although I still feel that they could stand to go a bit lower than the current bottom limit. I rerolled my main twice back then; first time because Respecs weren't a thing yet, and I ended up not liking the Immobilize Powers. The second time . . . probably for the sliders, since I don't think Icon was added until later . . . maybe. In any event, by the time Badges were introduced, I was determined not to reroll ever again! By golly, I had made it to level 15 or something, and that was too high to start all over again. Oh, how young I was. Oh, how little I knew back then.
  23. Which graveyard are you parking in? Not all graveyards count toward progress.
  24. . . . It took me too long to realize the reason this thread is on this board.
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