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Everything posted by UltraAlt

  1. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Excelsior_Base_List
  2. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Everlasting_Base_List
  3. UltraAlt

    Open Base

  4. I think you mean "travel power", so I'm going to answer based on that. Flight seems the all around best travel power in every superhero video game that I've played. For the ability to get where you need to go and the easy of stay out of range of enemies when outdoors and while traveling, flight simply can't be surpassed. Most of my characters probably have some form of flight either through a power pool or P2W or the Traveler's Jet Pack from the Dimensional Explorer Day Job from parking (going off-line) in the Shadow Shard https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Dimensional_Explorer_Badge (NOTE: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Sorcery has flight - https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Sorcery#Mystic_Flight that comes with a teleportation component as well. I guess I am about a 50/50 split between Flight and Sorcery for flight travel powers.) That being said, I'm a character conception player, and, though some kind of flight pack, hoverboard, or flying carpet can be an excused for most character conceptions, I do take other travel powers. After flight, I have the most characters with some form of jumping. It has become more or less flight with less control at this point. (NOTE: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Force_of_Will has jumping - https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Force_of_Will#Mighty_Leap that comes with a foot stomp that caused damage and increases jump speed and height for a short time. I guess I am about a 50/50 split between Jumping and Force of Will for superleap travel powers.) I only have a couple of characters with superspeed as a travel power. I'm more likely to take superspeed for hasten only. (NOTE: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Experimentation has a super speed travel power - https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Experimentation#Speed_of_Sound that comes with a teleport component to add some vertical travel I guess I am probably less than 20/greater than 80 split between Superspeed and Experimentation for flight travel powers.) I always back up super speed with a P2W flight power or the Traveler's Jet Pack from the Dimensional Explorer Day Job from parking (going off-line) in the Shadow Shard https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Dimensional_Explorer_Badge to add vertial travel ability. You did leave out Teleportation. I only have a couple of characters that that travel with teleport. I haven't tried it that much recently, but I hear it is much better than it has been - mostly due to the built-in aerial hang-time between teleports. I often get Teleportation for https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Teleportation#Teleport_Target only regardless of travel power for a quick way to get teammates to my location - so maybe that counts as a travel power "for others". (NOTE: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Sorcery#Mystic_Flight and https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Experimentation#Speed_of_Sound have a teleportation ability as well. Honestly, I think https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Sorcery#Mystic_Flight is a safer way to go if you want to go with teleportation as travel power.) You may not know that there is a travel power in https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Concealment. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Concealment#Infiltration isn't a "true" travel power, but I don't think it should be left out of a discussion about travel powers. "You blend into your environment and swiftly make your way while attempting to stay undetected. Infiltration grants you a considerable boost to both your jump height and run speed. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and have a bonus to Defense from all attacks. If, however, you attack while using this power, you will be discovered and will lose your Stealth and Defense bonus provided by this power. Infiltration will not work with any other form of Concealment power such as Shadow Fall or Steamy Mist." - https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Concealment#Infiltration I have a small handful of character with this travel power, but I probably more that have https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Concealment#Infiltration than https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Teleportation#Teleport I always back up this travel power with a P2W flight power or the Traveler's Jet Pack from the Dimensional Explorer Day Job from parking (going off-line) in the Shadow Shard https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Dimensional_Explorer_Badge . It is easy enough to have a valid excuse for a flight pack, rocket board, or flying carpet for a character that would take infiltration as a travel power.
  5. Fix what? People play the way that they like to play. Most people are going to play heroes. Some vigilantes may be willing to join up with villains. With a lot of new players joining, there are going to be a good number of them that don't know that they can go to Null the Gull in the Pocket D and change their character's alignment whenever they want. Personally, I pick my character's alignment based on characters conception ... that being said, I don't have any "villains". All my "villainous" characters are "rogue" alignment. I have characters on all the servers, but the only "rogue" alignment characters I have are on Torchbearer and Everlasting. Honestly, I simply don't see many "villains" recruiting for teams on either of those two servers. Just be happy that the "red" side gets more traffic than the "gold" side. They don't even bother listing "gold" side - non-hero/villain-aligned characters on the server status listing. Players Online - (Heroes + Villains) - (characters in character creation? or in the tutorial that allows you to pick alignment at the end?) = Gold-side population? It is in the middle of the night for players in the Americas. There are 25 villains or more still playing on every server. The way the game has been, it is a good guess that 1/2 of them are 50s. I don't know the % of 50's that are farmers only. So it is always down to if you are looking for leveling content or end-game content. That being said, you don't always have a better chance of getting on a team if you are level 50 than you do when you are leveling. Are more villains likely to solo in general? That's part of the equation as well.
  6. When is the last time you ran a Mayhem mission? Just wondering since you are promoting it.
  7. kinetics and time manipulation They are fun when I play them, but I don't play 50's. The secondaries fit for me character conception-wise. I jump characters a lot. I usually team when I play them. I have to say that I really think electric is the most powerful mastermind secondary - in leveling content at least. I haven't gone out of my way to try to rationalize a ninja/electric concept. I have necromancy/electric and robot/electric characters. If you run in defensive mode, target through a minion, and jump into the middle of the fray, the electric heals and buff bounce off your target to hit nearby allies. If you heal or buff one of your nearby minions, there is a good chance that you will be healed and buff as well. The set also has a shield that you can drop at a location that will shield you and those around your.
  8. Try reversing them /macro nova "powexec_toggleon Bright Nova$$goto_tray 9" /macro human "powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$goto_tray 1" I know on my Kheldians, I use a macro toggle to try two, use the power button to form change, and then use another macro to go to the tray with my form change powers. To switch back, I have a macro in the tray with my form change powers to toggle back to tray 2, turn off the form power, and then use a macro toggle back to tray 1. I can't remember if I did that as a workaround or not. I have seen this happen with other macro combinations. I make IB (innocent bystander) outfits and use macros to switch back and forth. /macro IB "cce # ccemote$$goto_tray 9" /macro Super "cce # ccemote$$goto_tray 1" (with the # being the costom slot and the ccemote being one of the costume emotes) If I try to add in a $$local saytomethingthatissupposedtobewittyorwhatnot, then part of the macro will disappear after random number of uses. I might have seen it happen in other situations as well, but I can't remember specifics.
  9. I can't say that I've ever found filling the SBB to be an issue. (maybe one really slow night, but I think it ended up getting filled...) When I'm on one, it's pretty much always recruiting the Pocket D. When recruiting is slow, we throw out that you get a random Overwhelming Force Universal Damage enhancement at the end of the SBB. I'm not following this part.
  10. Yeah, I wish the snow would stay around in Atlas for a while even if the Winter Event is turned off. There is always the https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Ski_Chalet and https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Winter_Forest Both of them are open year-round at this point.
  11. It looks like you took time to think out your suggestion so I can appreciate that, but I just don't support your goal. Honestly, there are probably far more people interested in Base Building than there are in PVP. I don't think the DEVs need to go any more out of their way to encourage PVP. You can make a Temporal Warrior and have a PVP character at level 50 coming out of the character creator. If that is enough of an incentive to check out PVP then I don't think it is worth putting any more time into it. You can gain Shivans by doing missions in Bloody Bay. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Shivan_Shard You can get nukes from Warbug. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Biological_Mutagens https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Nuclear_Blast https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Chemical_Burn If players are worried about getting gang jumped in a PVP zone, there is always Arena combat. People could even /lfg for zone or arena PVP. I guess it might happen somewhere, but I have never seen anyone looking for PVP in-game on Homecoming. I don't even see any other characters when I bother to go to a PVP zone.
  12. Sounds like a good work around then. Do you know if there is a max membership for global channels? I don't recall there being one, but that doesn't mean there isn't one.
  13. I'm not a DEV, but I think this would fall under the same reasoning for the cap on /ignore not being raised. Bumping up the limit for /gfriends would probably caused the same issues that larger-size /ignore lists did. The size of the /ignore list had to be limited due to issues that it caused not only to your character but to other player's characters as well. Is there a limit to the number of players that can join a global channel? That may be one way around the issue via one or multiple player-created global channels. You wouldn't be able to see if they were online or not, but it would give you a more "private" place to interact. Personally, I don't need a larger gfriend list. I invite people I think are cool or good gamers, but then don't tend to team-up with them again as they change servers and/or start only running level 50's. That being said, good luck with what you wish for.
  14. I think it would help in the forums if General discussion was divided into at least two forum subsections: General Discussion - Leveling and General Discussion - 50's Obviously, there are a lot of players that just play level 50's that don't worry about the leveling content. Having a forum area marked as "General Discussion - 50's" would let players know immediately the discussion is about level to 50s. The same goes for "General Discussion - Leveling". In most cases, the one group of players isn't looking for the advice of the other group, nor can someone give good advice if they don't know if they are interacting with someone that intends to be discussing leveling or just level 50-relevant information. I, for one, would hope I can be helpful to some players but I know full well that I don't know much about level 50's because I don't play them. It would save me time to engage with those that are looking for advice in playing the leveling content by being able to automatically know that a post is focused leveling content versus a post that is only about level 50 related content.
  15. When I play a mastermind, I keep them in defense mode (turtling up) and I usually target through one of them. I find that a mastermind with electricity is a lot of fun and survivable. The buffs and the heals jump from the target to nearby characters, so if you use them on a minion that is near you, there is a good chance you will get the heal/buff as well. All power sets have weakness. Weaknesses can often be covered by teammates. There are questions that need to be asked. We can assume, but stating them helps clarify. Are you power leveling to 50 from the get-go? Are you soloing? I would say go with a scrapper, tank, or brute if you want to avoid mez. I would say go with regen on that melee character if you don't want to worry about end. Devices on blasters helps keep up with the end use. Electricity sets can often slot end mods so you can slot multiple Performance Shifters - Chance for +END By soloing bosses are you talking about bosses, EBs, or AVs? Any archetype and powerset can defeat bosses and most EBs if you play to the strengths of the sets and know when to run if you have to. The way to avoid boring/repetitive playstyles is to alway PuG. You never know what the other players are going to do, and, if you work to try to help fill in gaps where the team is weak, you have to think about it and can switch up how you are playing with each PuG you join.
  16. Honestly, I don't take time dwell on spelling errors while running AE missions. I'm looking for fun and intent.
  17. weak. Which is obviously a HUGE exaggeration, but I understand it was used as an idiom to mean more spelling errors then they liked to see - which is highly dependent upon the person making that call. @Clave Dark 5 You show one example that someone else posted. Have you even bothered with playing the arc? Where are the that you are defending as fact? @StorytellingMonkey posted here in the forums. Many that create story arcs do not. Players should not be shaming them for creating stories in the AE that was designed for players to create stories (and not farms) and posting that they had created something and wanted to share it with others in the forum for the Mission Architect. Should there be any doubt that this negative behavior will dissuade others from posting that they have created something for other players enjoyment? Did @StorytellingMonkey post their arcs in the forums so that they could be pounced upon by critics? It seems to me that they were posting to advertise an arc that they thought other players would enjoy because it was a story and not a farm. I think some of us know how hard it is to sift through the AE looking for arcs that are actually stories worth playing. Maybe the judgement is that the critics that actually bothered to play the arc don't feel that it is worth playing. They can rate and send feedback through the AE when they leave the mission. The feedback space is limited for a reason. I'm not going to come here to the forums and attacking someone else's work so that it is downgraded before the eyes of other players before they even play it. If the critique is supposed helpful, do it through the feedback system that is already built in the the AE. Myself. I'm generous in my ratings. Most AE story arcs get a 4 or a 5. It has to be horribly bad to get a 3. I can't even remember the last time I gave a 3. I figure if another player is taking time in attempting to make something for other people to enjoy then they deserve positive credit for effort. Farms? No. I don't farm. I don't play any of the farms and I don't go out of my way to down-rate them because I don't think that any farm is worth a even a 2 rating. I think a good number of us know that there are farms that get high ratings and are played many, many, many times simply because they are farms - that has no merit to me next to someone that is actually trying to create a story in the AE to entertain other players with stories. Thank you @StorytellingMonkey for posting your arcs here. I have rated the ones that I have played through the rating system in the AE and given my feedback there.
  18. Do you believe the spelling in the player's arc is that bad? That is what you are implying, isn't it? I think you mean "normally", but I see that you just had time comment without playing the arc at all. It throws onto the comment: Which is obviously a HUGE exaggeration, but I understand it was used as an idiom to mean more spelling errors then they liked to see - which is highly dependent upon the person making that call.
  19. Well, the most stealthy would be stalkers ( https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Stalker ), but any character can get the https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Concealment powerpool. A bunch of archetypes let you get https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Ninja_Training or https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Ninjitsu which have a stealth power as part of the set. I'm an alt-jumper, so my advice isn't good for everyone. I suggest making several characters and then playing them as you feel like checking them out. (If one gets boring, go to another one. Get a feeling to play a certain kind of character, then play the character you made to fit that) So make one of a couple of different archetypes and see how they play. you can make 1000 characters per server ... per account .... so it isn't like making a bunch of character is really an issue.
  20. Not really. You have powers - what? - 5 levels higher than your exemplar-ed level ... and you get all the benefits of your slotted sets as long as you are above the level to be able to slot the enhancement. An exemplar-ed 50 is far more powerful than a level 25. And the problem with that is when 50's decide to show-off by joining lower level teams ... and not teaming, but simply rampaging through missions without care for the other team members. And, unfortunately, I've seen that all too often and if someone on the team calls them on it, they get an attitude like it is their right to do what they want to do even if it is ruining the fun of the leveling characters. You don't see Superman ignoring the rest of the JLA and just speedrunning every issue and not bothering to interact with the other JLA a members. He tones it down and behaves like part of a team and not like his teammates are slowing him down.
  21. Let the monster eat it's own tail. It shouldn't be any shock. Excelsior has been Homecoming's "Freedom" pretty much since I started playing on Homecoming. By making it easier to outlevel content? I'll just have to turn my xp off more often. I'm just foreseeing some people leveling up characters on the less populated servers before moving them back to the Excelsior.
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