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Everything posted by ZekeStenzland

  1. But if you really loved me, I wouldn’t have to tell you what I want, you’d just know! 😉
  2. I can’t help but wonder what kind of reaction the OP gets when, on the street hunt section of the Numina TF, he tells the team “wait for everyone to get here before you pull those three L10 skulls!”
  3. And better yet, unless you were planning on boosting the IO.... Craft the recipe as soon as you get it, when it's lower level (and therefore cheaper). See what it sells for on the AH. Sell it on the AH. Then buy it back attuned for the same price. You're basically getting the enhancement attuned for free! That way you get the benefits of the enhancement scaling with your level while you level, and don't lose the set bonuses when you exemp down. Win/win!
  4. ... Except when it doesn't. I can assure you, the reason someone stealths to the end and does Assemble the Team is because it's much faster than everyone sticking together and fighting their way down the halls. And that requires the stealther to break away from the non-stealthy folks. And on the Synapse TF where you're rescuing warehouse workers, it's generally faster for the stalker to stealth down a dead end and take out just the 2 hostage guards, then it is for the whole team to fight their way there. Whether splitting up is more efficient or less efficient will depend on the team, team goals, the mission, and the specific mission objectives. Your dogmatic attachment to the idea that everything is more efficient when all teammates stay near each other at all times is unnuanced and unpersuasive. Additionally, all this drama could have been avoided in the first place, if you'd just tell your team what your expectations are up front rather than just assuming your preferred playstyle is the default one and then getting huffy when others don't conform to your expectations.
  5. Market prices for invention salvage are largely stable, IMO. So I just sell salvage on AH when I get close to full, and buy what I need from AH whenever I need it. IO Recipes I always craft when I get them, and convert them to something I need or something that sells well on AH. If it's super useful (pvp, purple, LOTG, etc), I stuff it in (one of 7) enhancement storage racks for later. Common IO Recipes I either craft or sell. They're not that important in the grand scheme of things. Disclaimer: I am not an ebil marketeer, have dozens of T4'd L50s fully kitted out, or have billions of inf socked away across my bemonocled characters.
  6. Someone constantly resummoning pets because they keep dying? But hey, at least they’re doing Brawl-equivalent damage with their personal primary attacks! How long should I put off getting my status protection power, just because it’s in my secondary power set? Or my blaster sustain ability? Don’t even want to imagine what a ‘dedicated’ kheldian or arachnos is supposed to be… Can’t help but think this is vague, poorly worded build advice rather than anything useful.
  7. Sigh. Okay, thanks for suggesting the obvious, folks. Just before going on vacation, I switched from Rogue to Villain, so I could get the "Countdown to Frenzy(?)" power. The "broken" beacons work just fine for folks of a less pure-red alignment. Thanks again, everyone!
  8. So, I came back from a week's vacation to find that half the beacons in my base stopped working. I have 6 teleporters. Three of them, when you click on them, just say there's no beacons attached. The other three teleporters go to their destinations just fine. If you go into editing mode, and click on the (now nonfunctioning?) beacons, they do say they're attached. I've tried moving them closer to the teleporter, but that doesn't change anything. As far as I know, no one has edited the base for months. If it makes a difference, the three that stopped working were the ones going to blue-exclusive zones. The ones still working are for zones a red or gold person can enter. Any ideas what to try next to fix this?
  9. A couple relatively recent guys… Violent Beauregard - db/sr stalker, a deconverted doomsday cultist Ice Cream Coney - claws/cold corruptor, bitten by a radioactive arctic hare SPQRK - staff/wp scrapper, with tridenty weapon and Roman armor Rococo Coconut Crab - flamboyant crab spider, not a pun, but fun to say his name
  10. Does Stamina count? Asking for a friend — Captain Pedantic…
  11. I discovered my Stalker had both Hide and Stealth. I can’t for the life of me imagine why. Stealth even has 2 slots assigned to it. Maybe I misclicked and got Stealth instead of Grant Invisibility? It is my L49 power pick…
  12. 59 here. Totally okay with still playing mmos every night. Heck, still playing d&d with the college group after all these years! Although I may need to get some large-print dice in a few years…
  13. Close. Kheldians can only start as heroes, and Arachnos folks can only start as villains. Neither get the option of running the tutorial. But you can change sides as soon as you enter the world.
  14. It’s like you know me 😉
  15. Thanks. Some friends were asking me what’s next. I think, maybe playing those 50s now for a bit. Warshades are more of a rollercoaster ride than most ATs. They have a bunch of self cuffs that scale with the number of enemies hit. So it really rewards jumping into a pile of enemies and hitting the self buffs. Of course, often you just die to the alpha strike. In a way, a lot like playing /Regen, in my opinion. Sometimes that’s what I’m in the mood for. Other times… not so much.
  16. For those who are having troubles, I’ll point out a few things to keep in mind. This all happened over 2yrs. I took quite a few breaks. For fun. To not burn out. It’s not a competition. So if you’re not diggin’ it at the moment, do something else for a bit. If an AT’s performance isn’t good enough, ask for build advice and respec. I think I’d done 4 respects on my sentinel before level 30 before I was happy with him. If that doesn’t work, try different sets. I got 2 different mind/savage doms, 1 dark/savage dom, and a fire/earth dom into the 20-35 range before I clicked with mind/earth. Anyway, cheers to all you working on it, and to those who already beat me to it. Have fun out there!
  17. Life came up and wasn’t able to follow up earlier. I’ll just mention that PBs, while superficially similar to warshades, don’t play anything like them. So don’t skip over them forever. You may find they’re more to your taste.
  18. Yes, I know there are probably quite a few others out there who have at least one of every AT up to level 50. But this is something I never managed to achieve on live, and decided I wanted to do when HC became available. So I just wanted to give thanks to the devs (of course). Thanks to those on Indomitable who teamed with me and helped me with all that leveling. And also thanks to the AT forums who helped out with build advice -- even when I didn't take it 🙂 Anyway, for the curious, in approximate order of hitting 50... Rhetorical, Tri-Form Peacebringer Grav Cannon, Beam/Traps Corruptor Fate Skewer, Fortunata Solutionater, Fire/Mental Blaster Snicket, Broad Sword/Shield Stalker Plutonic, Gravity/Cold Controller Runic Avenger, Beast/Nature Mastermind Leviathan Jr, Water/Bio Sentinel Rococo Coconut Crab, Crab Spider Urban Tiger, Savage/Invulnerability Brute Heka Meka Deka, Bio/Rad Tanker Shoebox, MA/Invulnerability Scrapper Combat Ontologist, Time/DP Defender Tenebrous Deep, Mind/Earth Dominator Stygian Green, Human-Only Warshade Top ATs I had the most fun on? PB, Corruptor, Blaster, Sentinel, and Scrapper. Feel free to chime in if you have one of each AT up to 50, have some other fun self-challenge you've set yourself (whether you've achieved it or not), or have grouped with me in the past and just want to complain about my terrible sense of humor 🙂
  19. When I think about it, I use Notepad to write my bio, and then paste it in. But if the editor gets in a weird state, the only fix is often to save the changes, exit back to game world, then go back to editing. But if you’re in character create when the bio editor gets hosed, the only fix is to finish up character create and then enter AP/MI/NP/tutorial and then go back to editing. And when I enter game world for the first time, I’d actually rather play than edit my bio.
  20. Doesn’t always scroll the text so that the cursor (and what you’re typing) is visible. Sometimes pressing down arrow makes the cursor disappear, rather than move to the next line. Makes it hard to edit something in the last paragraphs. Sometimes the text you type in is just thrown away. Or entered somewhere else. Or is entered in invisible HTML tags instead of as actual text. Sometimes backspace doesn’t do anything when you press it. Honestly, the bio editor has been extremely buggy since game launch. In my experience, the number of times I can get a bio written without encountering any issues at all is less than 10%, and is typically limited to one line bios at that.
  21. On Indomitable, my character Stygian Green. Human only warshade, L41. Mission is Siren's Call, Rescue longbow officer. The screen shot shows where I am on the map, standing outside the room at the end of the winding hall, looking up. The circled area in the image is a gap in the geometry. It's too small to fly through (for me, a Huge character). But it's a gap and I can put the Shadow Step teleporting reticle in the gap and then teleport outside the room/hall. Edit: Ah, I notice you *can* see the circular targeting reticle in the gap, if you look closely enough!
  22. I generally have a bio in mind when I create a character, but… First, sometimes it can be tricky to trim it down to the character limit. If it doesn’t fit the first time, I prefer to let the bio percolate for a bit. Second, the rich text editor is still fairly buggy. Often I find that the only way to get out of weird states is to exit the editor back to the logged in character and try again. Which you can’t do when you’re creating the character. So while almost all of my characters have a bio, you can’t always see it in game.
  23. I’ll be gaming during the day, but, like others, trying to find a place to hang out with the doggos that isn’t nonstop explosions from sunset to midnight.
  24. I’m heading straight to pocket d to change to Huge. Only way I’ll ever be swole…
  25. Not much of a drinker. But if I’m drinking at home, it’s either a vodka tonic or a really good sipping tequila. Don’t think I’ve ever played CoH while drunk. Don’t generally reach the point of being drink.
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