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Everything posted by TheZag

  1. How did you survive with ONLY 10 ENHANCEMENT SLOTS?
  2. I wouldnt consider it a bug. But it certainly could 'bug' someone that is a completionist. This may be better served over in the request forum.
  3. Transparencies disappear when viewed through other transparencies.
  4. My best guess is if you are running a map mod. Delete it or update if there is one.
  5. We cant remove the player being forced to take the t1 of their secondary. But we can add it not being automatically selected so you can click on it and feel like you chose it.
  6. Im thinking as an alternate animation for gangwar. With burnout for double gangwar, it will win the attack with the most cuteness award.
  7. The devs back then did ignore alot of stuff when it wasnt considered exploitable. Programming a fix was likely considered too much effort for a fairly specific bug. Of course the current devs may feel differently.
  8. Most cutscenes wont even work with voice acting unless they are talking at super speed. Making the cutscenes longer to give time for voice would need additional animations. And then i would need to silence the voice since hearing them talk without their mouth moving would look wierd. And an extra few minutes waiting for the cutscene in a BAF, I guess i could make dinner or mow the yard or something.
  9. Screenshots or it didnt happen
  10. Feels like you are hoping for the player character MM to be as effective as any other AT and have the pets on top of that. Its just not gonna happen. The pets damage and endurance arent directly yours but you get to direct how they use it. 700 endurance is probably enough.
  11. Brickstown doesnt have a city backdrop outside the war walls like other zones. I cant unsee it now.
  12. Ya they work for free and we play for free. My recommendation is to delete that last bit before all the focus is on it and the useful portion of your report starts to get ignored.
  13. I think players would be more encouraged to take rez powers and use them if they have some sort of use when nobody is dead. I couldnt say what exactly it should be, but the rez in dark has a good debuff attached to it and is usable when nobody is dead. Im actually happy to have skippable powers to open up more possibilities with my builds but i can understand that many players dont like having a 'useless' power as part of their set.
  14. Also ignore when the next mission is in the same portal =D
  15. Its possible that toxic defense was added to be used with some future content instead of current content. It wouldnt be the first time a system was put in place in a game with future plans to utilize it. Also if those plans get scrapped and it isnt removed then that wouldnt be the first time for a game either.
  16. Im not sure about that mission specifically, but if its going to an interior room but still in the zone then the map may show where the room physically is while the nav pointer is leading you to the door that goes there. Usually interior rooms are directly below their doors but not always.
  17. I dont think of it as annoying but as strange. Why couldnt any portal take you anywhere does make the whole portal operation seem inefficient. But that said, with just 2 of us running these missions we made it to the next portal in almost no time so i dont think locking the missions to a single portal is necessary. If its ever needed, an elevator from the portal room to outside would probably streamline the process enough. But even all that to save just a few seconds seems like overkill.
  18. I dont enjoy having the extra flight control so i turn off combat jumping when i fly so i can understand his complaint. Having evasive maneuvers at a 0 second cooldown could solve some of his issues if used with binds to turn it off when a movement key is pressed and on when its released.
  19. I would log in a different character and save settings then go back to that character and load them. There is a file you could delete but i would have to look around to find out where it is again.
  20. Without 2 if them, it would just be 'Shot'
  21. Due to the ammo shortage, all heroes have been asked to fire in a more narrow cone and at shorter range.
  22. This could be from the pvp bug. Get a villian to confuse 2 heroes who would keep each other confused and zone back into a hero zone. Then they could target a blaster with confuse and he ran in and nuked a costume contest under atlas. That bug was fixed the same day.
  23. You can toggle off then back on one of the shield defense powers and get the 'neutral' stance without having to burn an inspiration.
  24. My super hero needs to toss villians across the room. This is the correct procedure when apprehending a suspect.
  25. it immediately disconnected me from the zone and teleported me to mercy island so i think the bug is already fixed. i never even got to move and the ingame screenshot was all black. i had to paste that into paint.
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