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Everything posted by Arbegla

  1. But you still have to wait for the stack to clear before you can get your result, so you're stuck right? can't really short circuit a stack, unless you have 'Ignore everything under me' calls I guess. The PUSH and POP functions make it O(1) so that's pretty neat once all the evaluations are done. Just gotta get through all the evaluations.
  2. Huh, RPN seems very processor intensive, as it doesn't seem like you can short circuit it. But that's neat, and I appreciate you breaking down the calls that way for us.
  3. Ah, makes sense to me.
  4. This is the one I would play.
  5. so.. something like this? Evaluator: if (badge == true) { reward(badge); } and reward(Obj Badge) { Grant_Reward(Badge); } Repeat?
  6. I could see reducing the Granite Armor fx, but removing it completely seems odd. I definitely want to have other options to color it, like be lava, or coralax, or a quartz crystal.
  7. Psst... Spirit ward might do you better than provoke.. just saying 😉
  8. I think making the equips/upgrades untargetable PBAoEs will help a lot here, as while you can't directly affect the pets when they spawn, they can still be affected by things, including your own other buffs (Triage Beacon hits my robots right away, even if they aren't spawned yet) so the untargeted PBAoE will upgrade them even if they are in a spawning state.
  9. Something about indecent exposure comes to mind. And M rated games.
  10. Traps is very 'fire and forget' with very few powers that you want to hold onto. It can be a very busy set with high recharge, but it can also be a very slow set, as the base recharge numbers are pretty high. Having said that, Acid Mortar, and Poison trap don't have any interrupts, and are great toe bombing powers. Both provide massive debuffs, and the Poison trap even has pretty nice Control aspects to it. The vomit animation is worth it just in itself really.
  11. Masterminds can take a hit, there is no doubt about that. The other nice thing about Masterminds, is that the pets ignore the aggro caps. This was done so that the pets were still useful in itrials, but the result is that pets can aggro basically an unlimited number of mobs. They themselves can't take a hit, but a skilled Mastermind can control and herd mobs around to basically 'tank' much more then a Brute or Tanker can, by sheer fact that they, mostly their their pets, can direct aggro away from other ATs.
  12. Umm.. Which is kinda the same things right?
  13. Aside from a few low level missions where they specifically ask you to take out an instigator or something, are there any other 'hunt X Specific mobs of group Y' type quests?
  14. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Pocket_D_VIP_Gold_Club_Member_Badge https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Inherent_Powers#Pocket_D_VIP_Pass I think that covers it.
  15. 50 Malta in PI comes to mind...
  16. I like both the 'knock the rescue person out and throw them over your shoulder' and the 'Announce the $name that I am following' option. I think both would be MASSIVE improvements over what is currently used. Also, I really think all non-combat hostages should have a perception boost so they can see through stealth.
  17. I would love for the 'point' system that has been implemented for the badges to count for the hunt missions, so if you defeat a boss, it counts as 3 (or something) so you can clear the hunts faster by fighting the tougher mobs.
  18. Note: Standing around in Pocket D for an hour (I think) gives you the VIP Pass badge (and the teleport option on the Long Range Teleport thing)
  19. Isn't the in game logic behind 'bodies vanishing' is they are being teleported to the Zig? So it makes sense for behemoths (and really anyone..) to continue breathing once their hit points reach 0.
  20. This seems entirely possible, as from what I remember the AE missions are just fancy text files. So you just need an offline text file editor that can mirror the AE editor itself.
  21. Well, another solution to this problem, is to make the equip/upgrades PBAoE instead of the psuedo-Targeted AOE that they are now. This will prevent the need to have to target the pets, which isn't possible during the 'spawning' time, and allow you to quickly upgrade them all even if they are spawning. Granted, I'm not sure how it will affect the animation, unless there is a 'animate out of combat only' option, though I do notice that currently only the pet I am targeting gets hit with the 'animation' issue, even if the other pets are in range of the equip/upgrade powers. I would LOVE either a temp invuln or huge def/res boost when the pets are first summoned, but I can see that being exploited a bit...
  22. Huh, I almost always use Sprint at all times, and build my characters around it being active 24/7. Granted, its the first thing I detoggle when i don't need to move around, but I wanna go fast. Its interesting how different people play. The combat mobility of Sprint + Combat Jumping (and +5 swift/hurdle) is just nice to have for all of my characters.
  23. This is the worst part. I didn't realize that A/C isn't really a thing on the upper North West states, as its literally against the law to NOT have an A/C unit in New Mexico.
  24. Welcome to New Mexico Weather. We're not sorry that you're experiencing our weather, while we get yours (its a nice balmy 74 and overcast today in Northern New Mexico)
  25. I mean, a dev literally summoned, and then murdered 1000s of mobs and proved that the Random Number Generator, is indeed random (within the realm of however random computers can actually be..) What more do you want?
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