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Everything posted by Arbegla

  1. I mean, you could do BBC Man, but that might get you Generic'ed too..
  2. What about the BU proc? Is it worth putting in Follow up? (say, with something like Mako's bite for the lethal proc as well)
  3. Arbegla

    Electric Armor

    I second this. Claws/Electric is amazing.
  4. But it is capped at 95%, so mobs will always have a 5% chance to miss you 🙂
  5. I do this too. Screenshots and /cleartray are amazing.
  6. Umm.. I routinely solo PACKS of AVs, and GMs. with my bot/traps MM. Pets aren't nearly as squishy as you make them out to be.
  7. Not to be super rude here, but there was a time before Mids existed, and people legit just used pen and paper to build characters. Aside from the Sorcery changes which really just focuses on adjustments to the powers, and doesn't affect that IOs could be slotted in them, there isn't a whole lot that was modified with this last patch. I totally get anxiety, but pestering the development team to make changes now, when there is an offline way to do them yourself just doesn't seem very nice.
  8. I really like the idea of Universal Protection, and this would open up slotting for a lot of nice things, throughout many different powersets. For example, Demons/ and Robots/ both have Resistance and heal in their T2 pets, but there isn't a good way to boost both of them (and have good Damage/Acc/End..) This solves that problem to a certain extent.
  9. I would second bot/traps, but only if you put the +hp/+end in triage beacon, and can get Acid Mortar down to sub 20 seconds recharge. If you're running tactics, you can probably go easy on the Acid Mortar double stacking, but if you don't, you're T1s need a boost somehow. the BU proc helps some as well. The big thing about bot/traps is abusing soaking the alpha with Seeker Drones, then using Poison trap to toe bomb, right into Acid Mortar. I'd also go /mu for the resistance shield (you can easily softcap with the bots shields, FFG, and other buffs) and then just tankermind your way through +4/x8.
  10. On thing I'd like to see is a badge for downing the already built Paladin, and another for stopping the construction. The idea behind this, is to encourage people to actually kill the Paladin if you fail to stop the construction, (and thus not leave a random Giant Monster in Kings Row with all of the lowbies there..) and to give a chance to get the Knight Errant temp power. Give the temp power to stopping the construction, and give another badge for it (maybe the current badge that is tied to saving the Shining Stars?) It seems like a best of both worlds compromise.
  11. What was the holdup? trying to down a tower while tanking Lord Recluse?
  12. You can do that already, via the pet menu. If you can't access that, I think you can right click on the pet itself, and a 'rename' option is there.
  13. I personally miss the referral missions, because now those zones (Hollows, Striga, Croatoa) are empty, because you have to actually go to the contact (or dig through the "Find Contact" list of a million First/Night Ward contacts..) If there was a simple thing were you can have the referral missions back, and then choose to not do them, it would make things a lot easier then "Here is twinshot, she is going to harass you for 20 levels, kthxbye"
  14. Back on live, I remember there being a 'Dev Tracker' on the forums, that let you basically have a single click to any and all Dev/GM posts for ease of use in seeing what the Devs were are up to, or responding to. Do we have that here? Is there an easy way to get it back?
  15. Softcapped prestige pets are actually really hard to kill. I've managed to keep mine alive for entire missions without having to refresh it. Though I did also name it 'Lucky Charm'...
  16. Though, that is from a single source, which basically never happens. And that is the pitfall of the guide, and the math used. Multiple sources makes things really scary for defense. Single sources, not so much.
  17. If you turn on 'Show Auto powers' on the pets, do they show the upgrade on their buff window?
  18. Mostly because I just noticed, is there a way to incorporate damage from multiple sources? While this is a pure "Incoming damage from 1 source is X" guide, that's not very accurate when you have multiple sources. Multiple sources also hurts defense MUCH more than resistance, as you get into N choose K situations which can result in really high incoming damage. Though I'm not sure the intent of this guide is to really mirror real world examples, or to just have a metric to start with.
  19. So, because we've over taxed @Bopper I'm just going to steal his guide. I'm at work, so I can't really tinker with it, but it might help answer your questions about things, and I trust the math underneath to show things correctly. edit: The DPS in this guide is from a single source, not multiple. I'm not sure if Bopper wants to address that or not, as it is very rare you will face 1 single source of damage..
  20. But you can't do that with Tankers either.. Granted, you can get closer then a brute can.
  21. "I brought friends!" As my robots drag half a map onto the team as I'm speed running by.
  22. I mean, even outside of 'the idea sucks' he's not using the right math to back up his claims.
  23. @Bopper wanna help me here with showing why this math is flawed, or has too many pages gone by?
  24. I put an edit on my post to hopefully deter using the wrong math. Your analysis using true statistics is more accurate. And hammers the point home.
  25. Except you're not measuring the average. You're assuming 1 in every 20 attacks hit. That's not how probability works. You can't average it out and say that its fine. Spikes happen. Multiple failures happen. You're not immune to everything at 45% defense. You're not even immune to 95% of the things. There is a reason the streakbreaker exists for players. We're dealing with a semi-random number generator, with caps and floors. Statistics are much harder then that. Things like N choose K (which is what @Bopper did, and I should've realized that sooner) are what you want to use, not simple 1 out of 20 attacks.
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