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Everything posted by FrauleinMental

  1. Under no circumstances should Incarnate salvage be tradeable. (My main has several T4s for each slot and has a bunch of extra salvage, and I still prefer that it's character-bound.) I'm not even thrilled with Empyrean/Transcendent Merits being mailable to alts, but I understand the concession the devs made to altoholics.
  2. The original plan for Live, later in the Incarnate storylines (from the Lore AMA) was to have greater interaction between the Midnighters (Dream Doctor) and Ouroboros because that was the only way against Battalion. At that point in the story it might have become appropriate to have an Ouro portal drop to Cimerora. At the current point in the story, though, the Midnighters specifically tell you when you join that they're trying to stay under Ouroboros' radar and their Aspect of the Pillar isn't sanctioned by Ouroboros. I could almost imagine the addition of a SG portal beacon, but the SG portals are (lorewise) linked through the City's and Isles' teleportation systems so that's not appropriate by itself. One could justify it by the character's own invention (or by other means) because you have access to both the teleportation systems and the Pillar of Ice and Flame.
  3. The Midnighter Club and Ouroboros aren't exactly friends, so there's no story reason to have a Cimerora link from Ouroboros. (Quite the contrary...)
  4. I saw Armsman in Atlas Park about 20-30 minutes ago. Says he's been looking for you.
  5. It's been a long road trip. They're just looking for a rest stop.
  6. The only way out of the shield seems to be through the geometry hole people have been talking about.
  7. Made it out. Thanks!
  8. It is visible--though not reachable--by going through the Ski Chalet, as if you were going to the Trucker badge. The revolving shield prevents passage from the Chalet to the exterior of Pocket D.
  9. Well done! This was exactly the mission I thought of when I said the arc is challenging to solo. I died a few times when I soloed it, then I chain-confused Holtz until he beat down everything else in that room.
  10. What does the Attuned IO's tooltip say about the min level? A lot (but not all; PS is not one of them) mid- to high-level sets start at 20 rather than 21, so I wonder if a global selection was made in the attunement process.
  11. Casinos make a lot of money on how people answer questions like this. Most of the people who would take this AT think they're going to be the one to "beat the house." That's an interesting point. When a particular AT joins the team, you generally know what to expect. This AT doubles down on the rando.
  12. You can have only one Halloween tip mission at a time, so once you have one you won't get another until you've completed that one. I do recall it having a lower-than-average-tip drop rate last year. According to the wiki, you have to be wearing a ToT costume.
  13. Mender Ramiel's arc in Ouroboros is essentially the "tutorial" for the Alpha slot. It'll unlock the Alpha slot and IIRC it gives you enough mats to slot it. The arc can be challenging to solo, though.
  14. You'd almost certainly need to disable respecs for the Random as well. Otherwise, it'd be way too easy to reroll powers because respecs are relatively plentiful. Why disable AE? Power-leveling? There are other ways to farm, though perhaps AE allows greater efficiency. You'd probably want to disable XP boosters as well. I personally prefer greater agency in my character design, but I do know a lot of people who loved the random power generation in the old TSR Marvel Super Heroes RPG.
  15. Different shard, they want it on Indomitable. In practice, the last login doesn't matter because the naming policy has to be checked manually, so even on Live it wasn't widely enforced because it was too much effort.
  16. You have empty power trays? 🙂 On my main, all 9 trays are full, generally organized by AT powers and incarnates (trays 1-3), transport, buff, and rez powers (trays 4-5), accolade and summon powers (trays 6-7), emote macros (tray 8 ), and costume change emote macros (tray 9, one per costume slot), with some temps/prestige powers sprinkled in. Seriously, though, I've only noticed this happening on characters who have slots open in trays 1-3 when I've moved the icon to another tray. It's like trays 1-3 are preferred (and they are, since those trays have keybinds out of the box).
  17. Ultimately, the CoC isn't up for discussion or negotiation. Take it or leave it. As far as I've seen, the CoC is there mostly to give GMs the space to keep the trolls under their respective bridges. And there's some legal room to maneuver because, well, you never know. I've seen plenty of political discussion on General chat (and, for that matter, on other channels), but I thankfully there's plenty of other stuff to do in-game. Don't be a troll and the GMs won't treat you like a troll; at least that's my sense of it. Always remember that you're never going to convert new followers through internet debate. I prefer to leave the "real" world out of this world; it's even part of my main's backstory.
  18. I like this idea much better than adding more temp powers.
  19. I might go along with temp powers that are watered-down versions of one or two of the lower-tier powers in the set (much less effective but use the same animation), although I think there are already too many temp powers on the P2W vendor. If you want more powers, or you want higher-tier powers, or you want them to do more damage, make a MA character. AT, primary, and secondary are fundamental selections for a character that shouldn't be cheapened by putting all of their powers up for P2W. And I worry about cobbling together temp powers to form tertiary power sets.
  20. I'm interested.
  21. That's kinda where I am. I won't mourn too much when /enterbasefrompasscode goes away, though I do love all the well-built travel hubs out there. (I do tend to use my own base, since I can control it and it was free anyway.) I wouldn't mind getting rid of /ah and having to go to the AH to trade. The TUNNEL system kinda has a story reason behind it, with the Praetorian evacuation, but I would've thought Portal Corp would look to control these more securely (or at least not have them out in the open). It certainly makes getting to/from the Shadow Shard way more convenient, but that by itself should have been a reason for Portal Corp to lock it down, especially having weathered the Rularuu Invasion. The P2W vendor has no reason to exist other than to sell the P2W items. I'd rather have that done by existing contacts, maybe the initial origin contacts (Azuria, etc.) or the "new tutorial" contacts (Twinshot and Dr. Graves). As far as power creep, I wouldn't mind having powers exemplar to your combat level instead of +5. That is, you should have to be fighting at 50 to access your Incarnate powers. (I do love my Incarnate powers, but I don't need to use them on mid-40s content.) It would balance a bit better on TF/SF teams where you have people who are still leveling. (It'd be kind of a big deal in Posi 1, for example.)
  22. Yeah, this character runs Mighty Leap (Force of Will), which I ended up having to turn off. I might respec and just take the Leaping pool, since I so rarely used the other Force of Will powers and Combat Jumping might be a better choice. My main just leaves Mystic Flight (Sorcery) on all the time.
  23. Here's the group photo I got at the end. It was a lot of fun, and that last map was crazy! I hadn't done the Ice Mistral SF before--now I just need it on my main! 🙂
  24. I am also set for tomorrow. Coffee Ring is now 38, Water/Dark/Soul corruptor.
  25. I don't find that more palatable but less, because it removes what little player agency exists in the content. Whether it's soul cookies, mind control, or holding a loved one in the boot of a car, it might work as a motivator when you're writing a novel or a movie, but it does not work long-term for anything even remotely collaborative like a (MMO)RPG where you have a player who has a right and a duty to make decisions for their character. I would certainly not play 50 levels of being so completely under someone's thumb; I might make it 5 levels, and then I'm changing the channel. That being said, your simple classic approach already appears in some form in CoH content; e.g., parts of Dr. Graves' arc and the Spring Fling arc.
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