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Everything posted by ArchVileTerror

  1. I mean, it's been brought up a few times already in other threads, but Nemesis is more precisely demonstrated as a racist scumbag within the in-game lore than the 5th are, what with a racial genocide in an alternate dimension. But at the end of the day, I think we can all safely agree that both Nemesis and the 5th are poopy-heads for who we have a moral and ethical obligation to punch in the nose. Repeatably.
  2. I was expecting that link to lead to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn1VxaMEjRU
  3. meh to herodom. Never really been my bag. I know the moment I felt like a TRUE villain, though! I . . . uh . . . just can't share it here . . . at least not in detail. Suffice to say, it was roleplay and I earnt the Role Model Badge at the, um, "conclusion" of the scene.
  4. Also of note that they're on the plus-sized of things. Maybe when you stop taking the Super Serum, your body undergoes some rather serious changes?
  5. Thanks, Yimminy! (is it okay to call you "Yimminy?")
  6. I would also like the Echo Arena to be functional, and have some Echo Contacts for Echo Missions, pleases and thanks be unto you if possible!
  7. Entirely depends on what I'm playing. My Masterminds tend to fall to Scrapyard Demolitionists due to those damned fire bombs that create a Burn Patch under each of my Henchpets, but are otherwise nearly immortal. I think Malta Titans also do something similar, as I've fallen to them a couple of times too. My Scrappers tend to get floored by Circle Spectres, Tsoo Sorcerers, and other jerks with AoE To-Hit Debuff fields. My Dark Melee/Energy Aura Brute and Ice Melee/Ice Armour Tanker never seem to fall down, but my Energy Melee/Fiery Aura Brute is a friggin' joke.
  8. Now with poster! (mayhaps edit the original post to include this, @Bastille Boy?)
  9. I won't pretend to speak for "most" of any group, other than to suggest that roleplayers -are- a group who exist, and generally (to my knowledge) play the game for reasons which aren't exclusively related to challenge, reward, or "meta." There are some who certainly exist, but I don't think there's enough hard data to suggest what any majority truly wants (but maybe there could be, with some pointed feedback collection? https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/9265-new-feature-in-game-polling-system/ ). I've dabbled a little on a different Shard recently, and I have to say, the culture there is surprisingly different from what I've grown used to over the past year. Really, I shouldn't have been so surprised, but I was. It was certainly an eye-opener in regard to player motivation. I personally want the Advanced Enemies content for two reasons: To provide an option for those players who DO want increased difficulty without the underwhelming Ouro Buff/Debuff settings*, and to have New Content! For story/roleplay reasons! That's what makes it such a win-win for me. But, as I said in that other thread, there is a definite developmental overhead related to that project. I genuinely believe that this community would program and craft that work admirably with a little leadership and oversight, but the current development model being employed by the Homecoming Team doesn't appear to permit that possibility. I hope things change in the future, and as a community we can prove the nay-sayers wrong . . . but only time will tell if that will work here. * It's come up a lot over the past year, and I do think that players looking for a challenge would do well to -try- the Ouroboros Buff/Debuff settings, but I also acknowledge that they're . . . unsatisfying. They're less of a difficulty setting, and more of a handicap setting. NOTE: I know that term carries a certain socially negative connotation to exploit or repress, and I don't use it in that context here. I mean it in the strict terms of "a circumstance that impedes progress or success." I see a well-developed game difficulty setting as something which instead adds depth to play in a more meaningful way than simply ++Enemy_Stat. If, as a community, we would rather define these terms differently, then I'm up for that. Get ourselves the language to really discuss the fundamentals of what players want, what other players observe, and where we can meet in the middle.
  10. Agreed. If not in-game ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/18774-city-of-heroes-in-game-calendar/ ), then making fuller use of the existing features that are presently locked for this forum software would be wonderful.
  11. Ash Versus The Army of Darkness, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, and Cabin in the Woods! . . . am I doing this right?
  12. Thing is, I don't think a "mode" (particularly one named "Elite") is the way to approach this. A difficulty setting, on the other hand, is. And while it might not appear to be too fundamentally different, it comes down to presentation and player expectation. Elitism is implicitly against the spirit of Homecoming, as mentioned in the mission statement. It might seem like splitting hairs, but a decade and a half in the industry has taught me that these things really do matter. So brand it or package it as "optional difficult settings" rather than "Elite Mode," and I think you're pretty well on target.
  13. As proposed, not particularly. However, I am in favour of https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/11876-new-difficulty-mechanic-advanced-enemies/
  14. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/18547-if-you-just-paid-600mm-instead-of-6mm/?tab=comments#comment-208949 It wasn't 1,000,000 . . . and it wasn't an accident. But, yeah. Make someone feel like they just won the lotto every now and again. They may not need the Inf, but hopefully they too will pay it forward.
  15. Considering Respecs were a tacked-on feature, I think it's already cobbled together with duct tape and exotic materials. I believe to address the problems with Respec'ing, the Team would need to redevelop the entire level-up code from scratch. On the other hand, we've seen some miracles getting worked by random folks now that the code is out in the wild. Have any of the other servers out there managed to address these issues yet? If not, then chances are good the underlying problems are pretty significant.
  16. Maybe it's the fact that I live in a real-life Mafia city, but I just don't get this massive appeal of The Family that so many of you have. Syndicate, on the other hand? Yeah, ok. They at least have some -style- and respectability, comparatively speaking. Seeing the Wharf as a once-Family-run territory getting brutally absorbed by Syndicate interests would make for a pretty compelling story. Desperate Family goons appealing to Arachnos-backed villains (a.k.a.: Players) in a bid to repel the Syndicate. Has potential. Just be sure to have the Family thoroughly trounced by the end of it. 'cause, you know; player-villains ought to betray the hell outta those mooks!
  17. AoE Holds used to all be on 120 Second Recharges, and their Durations were all twice as long as they are now. There was some debate a few months ago whether or not that change should be reversed. Some people felt that AoE Holds should stay in their current "nuke" Recharge category, BUT should also be suitably POWERFUL to make up for it. Up the Accuracy, the Duration, and the Magnitude. I would be okay with either.
  18. The idea, as I understand it, was still to have the summon three invulnerable phantoms/duplicates. It's just that they'd be different in that they wouldn't be the primary source of damage for the Dominator, and instead provide pure Control.
  19. Speaking of . . . how much more raw data do the Homecoming Team need from us? Does the feature require additional stress testing? Where and how would you like us to focus our testing efforts?
  20. Assuming the other servers use the same file and directory structure, check whatever launcher you use to run those servers for the installation path. Presumably, in there is where you'd put the costumes directory for the other server. I don't imagine the other servers have changed such a fundamental aspect of the game code.
  21. I don't know about the official answer to your first question. Some members of the community will probably think it's in poor taste, while others won't have any issue at all. But that's true of a -lot- of things. As for your second question: The default file path when you save a costume is the "costumes" directory within your City of Heroes install directory. Find the Homecoming City of Heroes directory, then copy the Costumes directory from there over to your other server-group's install directory. I don't know the defaults for either, so I can't be more specific than that, sorry.
  22. I seem to recall one of the Homecoming Team Devs stating that they would likely add a version of Illusion to Dominators after tweaking a few things, and changing out Phantom Army for a different kind of Pet Summon Power. Instead of being Damage-dealers, the Dominator Pets would be Stunner. Something like that, anyway.
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