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Everything posted by ImpousVileTerror

  1. I'd suggest another Corruptor, or Defender, and take Electrical Affinity. She's going to want all of your sweet, sweet Endurance Recovery Buffs if she's running Storm. If you need to pull aggro, grab the Provoke from the Presence Pool. It leads to Intimidate, Invoke Panic, and Unrelenting, which can all be very helpful for progressive play. So, if you want to double-down on Theme, you could be Electrical Affinity / Water Blast, or Electric Blast. The two combos will actually pair really, really well with the Water/Storm.
  2. So . . . let's turn this around . . . What would you like from the community to make this as enjoyable for you as possible? If it's something the community can give you, then it sounds like there's room to proceed.
  3. The point is that Everlasting, as the roleplay Shard, has a lot of players who would be very happy to make use of that base. Perhaps some day we will have Global Access to Bases. That would be lovely.
  4. Ms. Liberty: More Blue Steel than even Blue Steel.
  5. . . . WHICH SHARD?! I MUST KNOW! Please, let it be Everlasting . . .
  6. Supersonic Melee! Make it do Smashing/Energy, and have a -Res component. BAM! (Well done, @Menelruin)
  7. "That, grasshopper, is your training."
  8. Shop the name a little, I think, and the premise is sound enough otherwise. Avoid the word "Speed," I think. Especially avoid "Speedster." Alacrity? Celeris Melee? Rapidity? Hmm . . . tough job . . . EDIT: WAIT! It just hit me (ouch)! Fleet Fists! eh? eeehhh? Although, I will say that Melee has the MOST Sets right now, so . . . I'd like to see three to seven more Control Sets, and a few more Mastermind Sets too while I'm dreaming.
  9. Or Tsoo and Outcasts getting along in Steel Canyon shops, also on Victory . . . circa 2004-12-09
  10. Everlasting is definitely the Shard you're looking for: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/40-everlasting/ And there's also the dedicated Roleplaying message board here in the forums: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/48-roleplaying/ This thread was an attempt to encourage the Homecoming Team to put a level of support in to roleplay that was on par with the monthly costume contests and the (at the time) PvP events. Some further discussions were had after this thread's initial run, and . . . well, some things haven't changed, but there's a slightly different "air" to the proceedings. We'll see if anything -does- change after the Spiderling Scouts Event, assuming that gets off the ground.
  11. So, 1 Merit per minute? Something like that? Given the three to five Newspaper missions to get there . . . Yeah, Yomo's estimate of 10 to 15 minutes sounds good for a speedy attempt. So, 10 to 15 Merits for regular Mayhems. 3 to 5 for the Instant Mayhems from Lord Schwingalingadingadongalongawhateverhisnameis?
  12. Oyllo! So, the City of Heroes: Homecoming Pride Global Channel is organizing and hosting a virtual Pride event this year, since we can't go outside and have a real Pride. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/18994-come-together-for-pride-2020-costume-and-biography-contests-june-7/ During our planning committees, one of our members offered to provide character art to the winner(s) of one of our contests. We felt this would be amazing! But we also thought, maybe . . . just maybe . . . there might be some other artists out there too who would be willing to volunteer their awesome abilities as well. So, here I am, asking all of you talented visual artists here if you would be willing to put forward your time and effort to help us really make the winners of our contests feel special and rewarded! We're looking for two artists. One willing to draw a coloured portrait of the first place character of the Singles Costume Contest, an uncoloured sketch of the second place, and an uncoloured bust of the third place. AND One willing to draw the first, second, and third winners of the Group Costume Contest. I realize this is a -big- ask, especially with the financial situation many of us find ourselves in during the lockdowns and quarantines around the world. We don't have any real money donors available to reimburse you for your hard work at this time (although we would also be happy if someone volunteered to pay the artists for these as commissions!). We can allocate some in-game Inf and/or Salvage/Enhancements for you, at the very least, though! What do you say? Will you be able to help us make this a Pride to remember? Please, and thank you for considering.
  13. Counter"argument" . . . make Ms. Liberty more interesting and engaging! Give her more depth so she IS undeniably a step up.
  14. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Mayhem_Mission#Mission_Parameters The https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Resuscitation and https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Summon_Teammates -would- be especially handy, but their limited duration make it a pain in the rear to get much use out of them.
  15. Horse? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L46iCN6MBFM (probably not terribly safe for work)
  16. Bravo, @AzureAngel! BRAVO!
  17. Oh, god. Yes, of course! Those are even MORE limited. So much so, that I forgot they even existed. Would be nice if they could be refilled. Or did SCoRE/Homecoming fix that, and I just haven't noticed yet?
  18. The Temp Powers are from the side missions, and are shared from the same pool between Mayhem and Safeguards. They're certainly nice to have, but their limited use and randomness make them unreliable as consistent motivators.
  19. I am disappointed. This thread SHOULD have been: Make Mayhem Missions Materialize More Money! But in all seriousness, yes. It would be great to have Merits or a Reward Table for Mayhems (and Safeguards). Unlocking Contacts is a bit of a chore, so some extra incentive would go a long way to help provide encouragement to go through the process, rather than just hit the "Find Contact" button and doing the same "free" Contacts over and over.
  20. @chase pretty much nailed it there. Some people do mission roleplay. Some people do hanging around Pocket D or the Atlas pedestal chit-chat. Some people do roleplay through the RP Global Channel. Some people do Architect Entertainment storylines. Some people do private things in private places (quite a lot, actually). And some people (like me!) do what is essentially tabletop gaming sessions, with additional dice rolls and character progression outside of the standard game combat system. Please, do join us in the OOC and RP Global Channels! /chanjoin RP /chanjoin OOC
  21. @Telephone . . . That . . . That is beautiful. That is the level and attention to detail that makes me just . . . *makes dramatic kissing gesture, including limb flourish* @Cipher, you too, of course. The financials have always been documented with excellent precision. Thank you both!
  22. However, they are personal to each of your accounts if you multibox. So, a Note I leave on @Player-X from my main account will always have that Note regardless of which character I play on that account, from that same computer. However, all my other accounts will NOT have the Note/Star Ratings for @Player-X. I would either need to copy them from the aforementioned "playernotes.txt" or manually rewrite the note while logged in to each account I have.
  23. As cool as an actual black hole Power would be, I don't think Dark Affiasma's Black Hole is the one for that. After all, it's about the Nether World Powers being used to support your team, generally by messing with your opponents. Your proposal for a black hole Power there, 'lynne, would strike me as a great Gravity-related Power. Maybe a Tier 10? There's a pipe dream for us all. For Dark Affisma's Black Hole, though . . . I think something more like Event Horizon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvGNbCA8zlM Similar premise to what you suggest, making the enemies disappear for a few seconds. When they come back, though, have them play a random animation from the following list: Grief, Despair, Tantrum, Tarzan, et cetera. Have a guaranteed application of one of the following Control Effects at random: Stun, Confuse, Hold, or (especially) Fear. At Mag 2-to-5, for 2-to-10 Seconds (Enhanceable). That'd be fun.
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