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Everything posted by Lines

  1. This is a bit too in the region of "if train 1 leaves station A at 2:33pm..." for me to actually know how to answer (and your follow up posts). My problem is I don't know what Six meant by the XP boost being applied additively. To get to 3x xp, it would need to add the defeated mob xp twice. Right? But I can't fathom what sort of equation in code could accidentally make that happen. I'm gonna need some graphs. Maybe even some diagrams!
  2. Fire sword attacks now do -def. You'll want to create or find a new farm without mobs with fire sword.
  3. Hard to pinpoint a specific post, but another rationale is to make the early levels more enjoyable to play by adding choice. They've been dead set on reducing the imposed weaknesses of earlier levels, such as access to SOs. Late blooming powersets are now less late blooming.
  4. Now I'm hankering for a whole control powerset called Floaty Robot Bits.
  5. Also worth looking at this discussion, which had lots of input:
  6. He was caught hiding all the Qs during a scrabble tournament. The punishment is exile.
  7. It was an unrelated instruction. I think you should read more, man.
  8. I wrote a reply to this thread. What happened next will shock you! Read more
  9. It's strategic. When you're yelling "CRIPPLING AXE KICK!" at your opponent street fighter style, they'll never expect a punch.
  10. I've long been an advocate of increasing the max level ranges of all the existing Praetorian arcs to 30. In the meantime, if you have a base with a crystal of ice and fire, you can run flashbacks to do the arcs in sequence before leaving Prae. Since Prae zones all got base portals recently, this can be done quite easily.
  11. I think his name has an underscore in it. The one without the underscore is a decent fellow.
  12. Uninnocently crazy.
  13. If the buff says it will award double xp, then it should award double xp. If it isn't awarding double xp, something is wrong. If you want more, it may be worth putting in a suggestion so that a higher xp multiplier can be implemented properly.
  14. Not against it, per se, but I think it may be impractical. It makes the dev team beholden to a plan that may project over years. Creativity can wax and wane many times over in that time. When your only incentive to create is your passion for the work, you will need to channel creativity into whatever suits you in the moment. For that and many other reasons, such as technical obstacles, it's precarious to promise anything. Or even to write a post that could be interpreted as promising.
  15. My opinion would be that the devs should make the threads they want, and anyone else should make the threads they want. This is pretty much what happens anyway and I think that's fine. I feel that an official 'unfocused feedback' thread is the same as a thread titled 'devs, y'all can ignore this one'. Any points made there would be more likely to get their attention in the Suggestions and Feedback forum. I don't think devs need to be responsible for making forums, when this is already a forum that suits the need.
  16. I've made myself a rule of never going more than two posts deep into a dialogue. If I haven't clearly made my point after two posts, it isn't worth making.
  17. My memory of those tunnel farms is they've never provided that much xp. I think they were popular way back when, but just got made obsolete by asteroids and atta caves. The removal of the triple xp bug is probably a contributor here though.
  18. Did somebody say pineapple on pizza?
  19. Maybe CoH is too specific. A more general theme may attract a broader audience. How about just comics?
  20. We're talking secondary sets. You will now be able to select your T1 OR T2 secondary power at character creation instead of just the T1.
  21. I look for ATs and Powersets I've not tried before, and then build concepts around that. Meta be damned.
  22. Captain Spreadsheet saves the day again!
  23. I can't recommend this, because you never know if items will go from never have existing to existing. It's happened before.
  24. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, admit you're a fraud, start.
  25. Speaking as a redsider, I hope there's some of that too. 😈
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