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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Some of those were probably me -- I offered a few in what I considered to be an intermediate zone. I might even have offered a few at "cost".
  2. I will cap the prize money at 100bn. I truly don't think we'll get there, but I want to keep you in the running!
  3. Yes, this is still going on. And in order to keep up awareness, I’m announcing a contest to be awarded for the 1-year anniversary: Whoever guesses the closest to total amount given away through this giveaway wins the same amount from me, no strings attached. You must post your guess on this thread, and you can change your guess but only if you edit your post. I will total it up as of end of June 18, 2021 as measured by date on email requests. If there are less than 20 contestants, the contest is nullified. Boom!
  4. Also, I've totally reversed my stance and am keeping it in Headsplitter. It triggers a little more than half the time and then I can either chain Hack and Disembowel or Slice and Whirling Sword depending on how many targets I have left at the time.
  5. I think I've theory crafted something like this, but I'm not sure if it's the exact build I'm currently using. The recharge is nuts on this one:
  6. I use DNA Siphon as a PBAoE proc bomb, so I consider it part of my attack chain, and I often use Parasitic Aura as an opener in a fresh mob, so I only use Ablative Carapace as a spot heal when I need it. I haven't really noticed a problem with it, but that might be because I've gotten used to it (I've even gotten used to my Staff/Regen brute, which is FAR more clicky). I haven't soloed all "soloable" TFs with this guy (he got hung up on Lanaru the Mad, stupid auto hit Elementals), but yeah, you need to take out defense debuffers asap. I don't generally have a problem with Cims, but I also don't aggro more than one group at a time. Well, not on purpose. And since I don't do Master runs, a little floor eating isn't the worst thing in the world as far as I'm concerned.
  7. Staff/Bio is a great pairing -- that's who I use for soloing TFs. Staff/Fire would be similar. I would consider both to be extremely offensive and AoE in play. Good joss!
  8. War mace is high endurance usage and dark armor is very high endurance usage, so the blue bar will be your personal demon until epic pools. Slot lots of endurance reduction in your attack, two slot endurance with perf shifter end mod + proc, three slot health with panacea proc, miracle proc, numinas proc. You can always respec out later if you address endurance through other means.
  9. Apologies for the necro post, but this seemed like one of the better discussions I've found on the Scrapper boards on this topic. I've been remaking a number of my early 50s, some of which are scrappers, and I freely admit I didn't use ATOs on them at all since I was unfamiliar with them in early 2019. Now I'm trying to squeeze out some better performance and figuring out preferred placement for the Scrappers Strike proc. In this case, I'm focusing on a BS/Inv scrapper. Two things come to mind for *my* play style (which is usually a wide variety of solo missions at +3-4/x8, so lots of mobs, occasional AVs): 1. I like to "proc on command". As @Bopper states: which leads me to consider one of my three AoE attacks (Slice, Whirling Sword, Headsplitter). I've tried it in Headsplitter, and it procs well there, but I'd really like to *use* the critical on HS. An attack that hits 5 targets like Slice can have only a 25% chance to proc on any given target, but 5 targets (assuming they all hit) should get you about a 76% chance to proc). An attack like WS that hits up to 10 could be considered an insta-proc on an alpha strike against a x8 mob. Which leads me to lean towards @Latex's viewpoint: And @Sovera's counter. Also, to Sovera's point, WS would not have 5+ targets for very long since even bosses will get knocked out via collateral damage long before the AV goes down. 2. I'd have to think hard about the chain, but I don't think I could get anything more than Headsplitter and Disembowel off before the proc wears off. I'll have to spend more time thinking about the damage aura slotting (not on the bs/inv though) as well. Anyway, this is also a good way to bring back this thread for my own edification. Thanks all!
  10. I made two Loyalists in Praetoria, both very rah rah: Jingo Updog Esquire (a BS/regen brute) and his daughter Jingo Updog Esq. Jr (a DP/ninja blaster). I was not surprised to get either of these names, but I had a *wha?* moment when it told me that Jingo Updog Esq. Jr. was taken. I believe, as it turns out, that there are some rules against having multiple periods in a character name. Whew!
  11. Very small sample set, but recently in 20 Hero packs and 20 Vigilante Packs, I got 2 Offense, 1 Defense, 4 Survival. I didn't track the split between Hero packs and Vigilante packs.
  12. I'm coming up on my two year anniversary on HC, and I go through waves. Themed supergroups, unloved powerset pairings, blueside, redside, goldside. One thing I've been trying lately is to challenge my assumptions of what I like. I maybe have three blasters in my stable because I generally don't like playing them, but I came up with a good theme and I'm running her through Praetoria at normal XP (instead of double). And she's great, I'm really enjoying the play. I have historically avoided armor sets that have click protection because it gets micromanage-y (and I never got around to making the macros to have two "auto" powers, so I'm playing melee types with those sets *gasp* WITHOUT HASTEN! And it's great! I would have hated both of these builds in 2019. By all means, stick with what you like. But sometimes, question what you like and you may surprise yourself.
  13. That is better than anything the Azgoths of Kria ever wrote!
  14. My two least played classes are blasters and dominators, for various reasons. They are also the only two classes that have unique secondaries, so I am woefully unfamiliar with almost all of them. Excluding EATs, I can explore the power sets of any other AT through a different AT. How would you design an AT with blaster secondaries for primaries? What would be the secondary? What would you name it? How would you design an AT with dominator secondaries for primaries? What would be the secondary? What would you name it? Bonus question: would you play an AT with blaster secondaries for primaries and dominator secondaries for secondaries, or vice versa?
  15. I would take this more seriously if you had put it in sonnet form. Dark is good stuff!
  16. Ooh, ooh, how about one for converters used?
  17. I'm trying to identify the problem that we are trying to solve here. Is it that not enough people are leading teams, so that hurts the gaming population for reasons X, Y, Z? Is it that "I'm tired of always leading teams and I want someone else to do it?" Is it something else? I think there is a lot of psychological work on introversion v. extroversion. Whether or not you *can* turn an introvert into an extrovert, I'm asking myself why you would want to? Personally, I get annoyed at seeing lots of single players LFT in the channel, but that's only because I'm imprinting my belief system on these nameless faceless people who in real life may not be natural leaders. So I shrug my shoulders, because at the end of the day it's not hurting me a lick and I'm only hurting myself by getting annoyed. I can kind of come up with a rationale that getting more people comfortable with starting teams would help with the longevity of this game, but I don't see it as a viable, NPV positive venture. People don't want to play videogames to be told they are wrong, whether that is their degree of comfort in starting a team, or going the wrong way on a TF. And I'm not inclined to tell them they are doing it wrong. There may be a way that seems superior to me, and I'll be happy to share that path, but I'm not seeing a clear reason why more people need to be taking the star. I'm very open to listening to ideas that may change my mind.
  18. I didn't think it was possible to make the game even easier. I will always be amazed by this.
  19. Every once in a while, I dust off the +4/x8 challenge. Where you complete the tutorial, ding 2, and set all missions at +4/x8. (Doing it from level 1 without Rest is a little too masochistic even for me.) No street sweeping, no teaming. I haven't given this a shot since i27, but now that we can easily buy SOs right off the bat, it should be much, much easier. Still tedious, true.
  20. That's very kind of you @Aeroprism, thank you. Keep in mind I'm not posting about my epic failures. Much. Like early on when I was going to corner the Entropic Chaos market...
  21. I think there would have to be some scaling. I would guess that the number of players with even a “mere” 100bn in inf cash on Homecoming is very low.
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